
SteelSeries Support

Jan 4th, 2015
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  1. SteelSeries Transactions:
  3. Eric Lovejoy
  4. December 30, 2014 01:37 AM
  6. This is a plea for Emotional Support, I realize that Linux support isn't something I am likely to get which I find deeply upsetting in of itself,
  7. but coupled with the fact that my brand new awesome looking keyboard works the best within an unsupported OS, while failing miserably in both listed and "supported" OSes is down right troubling. This sux! I can see awesomeness right in front of me, but cannot access it! :'( Wai Lord?!? Why? Give me a sign!
  9. *****************************
  10. Alex B.
  11. January 03, 2015 02:32 PM
  13. Hi Eric,
  15. Man, I feel you. Sometimes us Linux nerds get the raw end of the deal when it comes to gaming. I can't tell you how bummed I was when Quake Live actually dropped Linux support. Sometimes though that's just how it goes, people run the numbers and we're still on that edge where we're seen as a big risk market. At least we got GabeN himself looking out for us. And more devs are putting serious weight into Linux, I mean shoot, we got the new Borderlands day-and-date, that's progress right there.
  17. Officially I gotta tell you we don't support Linux and don't have plans to in the near future.
  19. Now, I hear there are some open-source projects on GitHub where people are reverse engineering the functionality of SteelSeries Engine for some of the products, I can't remember the repo names off the top of my head, and telling you about them has to come with the disclaimer that SteelSeries does not officially support them and will not give product support if you incite armageddon or get bad breath by installing third-party open-source drivers.
  21. Wish I could help you out more man.
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