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- # Demo Website
- This repository contains the custom implementations for []( site rebuild.
- ---
- ## Setup
- After cloning this project, run npm install. Add your credentials in .env.json. Make sure you have the correct credentials for the environment you want to deploy to. Run `gulp init` to create `dist` folder. Run `gulp deploy` to deploy your changes. Alternatively, run `gulp watch` to monitor and deploy your changes automatically. Note, `gulp watch` includes an init call at the start, so it can safely be started without deploying all contents.
- ---
- ## Precompilation
- We do not precompile any of our custom work currently.
- ---
- ## **Theme**
- demo custom theme base on [underscores](
- ---
- ## **Plugin**
- - Advanced Custom Fields PRO
- - Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome
- - Akismet Anti-Spam
- - Disqus for WordPress
- - Duplicate Page
- - Gravity Forms
- - Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On
- - Imagify
- - Demosite - Gutenberg Blocks (Custom plugin that is used in single post)
- - SVG Support
- - WP Import Export Lite
- - WP Rocket
- - Yoast SEO
- ---
- ### CSS
- CSS is handled in the theme scss folder and can be compiled using gulp.
- ---
- ## TODO:
- ---
- ## Usage:
- ---
- ## List of Custom Post Types:
- ### Case Studies (case_study)
- Displays clients case study or testimonials
- #### Permalinks
- **Overview page:**
- ``
- **Single page:**
- ``
- #### Editor
- Use Gutenberg, ACF and ACF blocks.
- ### Members (members)
- For Demosite team
- #### Permalinks
- No overview and single pages
- #### Editor
- Use default Gutenberg and ACF.
- ### B2B FAQs (b2b-faqs)
- For Service pages to appear in the last section (using B2B FAQs block).
- #### Permalinks
- No overview and single pages
- #### Editor
- Uses default Gutenberg and ACF blocks.
- ---
- ## ACF:
- demosite uses (ACF) Advance Custom Fields to create blocks and other dynamic custom fields.
- You can view the list of acf field groups here ``
- - Active Elements: Basic elements fields for cloning purposes when creating a new block.
- #### Blocks
- - Accordion
- - B2B FAQs
- - Brands
- - Call To Action
- - Call To Action Single
- - Carousel Slider
- - Case Studies
- - Case Studies Library
- - Case Studies Testimonials
- - Case Study Background
- - Case Study More
- - Contact Form
- - Content B2B
- - Content Center
- - Content Tab
- - Content with Image
- - Content with Side
- - Culture
- - Featured In
- - Featured Post
- - Hero Banner
- - Leadership
- - Manifesto
- - Manifesto B2B
- - Needle Movers
- - Newsletter
- - On Purpose
- - Our Locations
- - Pancakes and Serp
- - Post Type Slider
- - Proposal
- - Reasons
- - Recent Posts
- - Secondary Heading
- - Share It
- - Slider B2B
- - Slider Showcase
- - Tabs
- - Testimonial Slider
- - VS Others
- - Why demosite
- #### Options
- - Brands
- - Custom Menu
- - Header and Footer
- - Social Media
- #### Posts and Custom Post Types
- - Post Category: Social Media Short Form Fields
- - Post Type Case Study: Case Study Fields
- - Post Type Members: Members Details
- #### Users
- - User: Additional User Profile Fields
- ---
- ## Potential FAQ:
- ---
- ## References
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