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- """ Test Mqtt with open server """
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- import time
- THE_TOPIC = "$SYS/#" #Topic to suscribe ...on moquitto
- address ="" #The public broker address
- port =1883 # port
- def on_message(client, userdata, message):
- """ Called when a message has been received on a topic
- that the client subscribes to and the message does not match
- an existing topic filter callback.
- Use message_callback_add() to define a callback that will be called
- for specific topic filters. on_message will serve as fallback when none matched."""
- #print(message.topic+" "+str(message.payload))
- print("message received " ,str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")))
- print("message topic=",message.topic)
- print("message qos=",message.qos)
- print("message retain flag=",message.retain,end="\n \n")
- def on_connect(client,userdata,flags,rc):
- """ When the client receives a CONNACK message from the broker
- in response to the connect it generates an on_connect() callback. """
- print ("Connected to ",client._host,"port :",client._port)
- print ("Flags ",flags , "Returned code ", str (rc))
- # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and
- # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed.
- client.subscribe(THE_TOPIC,qos=0)
- def on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):
- """ Called when the broker responds to a subscribe request. """
- print ("on_subscribe userdata ",userdata)
- print ("on_subscribe mid ",mid)
- print ("on_subscribe granted_qos ",userdata)
- def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc):
- """ Called when the client disconnects from the broker. """
- print ( "on_disconnect userdata",userdata)
- print ( "on_disconnect rc",rc)
- """ Client """
- def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):
- """
- Called when a message that was to be sent using the publish()
- call has completed transmission to the broker.
- For messages with QoS levels 1 and 2,
- this means that the appropriate handshakes have completed.
- For QoS 0, this simply means that the message has left the client.
- The mid variable matches the mid variable returned
- from the corresponding publish() call, to allow outgoing messages
- to be tracked.
- This callback is important because even if the publish()
- call returns success,
- it does not always mean that the message has been sent.
- """
- print ("on_publish ",userdata," , mid ",mid)
- client =mqtt.Client ("Icarvs",
- clean_session=True,
- userdata=None,
- protocol=mqtt.MQTTv311,
- transport="tcp")
- """ calls backs"""
- client.on_message=on_message #Attach function to callback
- client.on_connect=on_connect #Attach function to callback
- client.on_subscribe=on_subscribe #Attach function to callback
- client.on_publish=on_publish #Attach function to callback
- client.on_disconnect=on_disconnect #Attach function to callback
- """ login & pwd """
- client.username_pw_set(None, password=None) #Login & Pwd
- """ Connect """
- client.connect (address,port,keepalive=60) #Connet to broker (host, port,keepalive, bind_address="")
- #time.sleep (5)
- #client.loop_start() #start the loop
- client.loop_forever()
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