
$275.00USD for Izzy (Nov16)

Nov 16th, 2012
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  1. Donation amount: $275.00 USD
  2. Total: $275.00 USD
  3. Purpose: ApocalypticKitten
  4. Contributor: Timothy Keal
  5. Message: This is mediaplague. I already gave you 50.00 Here is the full 275.00 for new rims, rail, and indoor tires. last time I gave you 50.00 consider this extra 50.00 part of this Halloween/B-Day present from the only Doctor, no, not Doctor Who. I am what I am, not who. I am Doctor WTF.. as in WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??!!?! be well any merry, and Unignore/Unban me. I don't know why I was blocked endlessly everywhere you go. I'm just helping out your golden haired Guardian Angel and Sammi's bronze haired guardian angel to keep you happy and safe. please write back to me on so we can finally talk to each other without ruining the whole shebang I previously used Dark Arts to guide everyone into assisting you. ---The Man at the End of Time
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