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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # was created by Glenn P. Edwards Jr.
- #
- # @hiddenillusion
- # Version 0.1.2
- # Date: 12-18-2012
- """
- Usage:
- ------
- 1) Supply it an IP/site
- Requirements:
- -------------
- - simplejson
- - BeautifulSoup
- - API keys from Virus Total, Google Safe Browsing, Project Honeypot & URLvoid
- To-do:
- --------
- - cleanup netdemon and urlvoid code
- - McAfee SiteAdvisor / TrustedSoruce
- -
- - robtex
- - fast flux
- - cleanMX
- - sucuri
- - Phishtank, urlquery & wepawet are already in VirusTotal ...
- - malc0de
- - senderbase
- - spamhause / spamcop
- - if site given, use GeoIP/nslookup to get IP and use for Honeypot?
- """
- import re
- import os
- import sys
- import base64
- import urllib
- import urllib2
- import socket
- import simplejson
- from datetime import datetime
- from time import localtime, strftime
- try:
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
- except ImportError:
- try:
- # Things changed a bit in the newer version
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
- except ImportError:
- print "[!] BeautifulSoup not installed"
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- print "[!] I need something to analyze"
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- s = sys.argv[1]
- # sanity check for WOT
- if re.match('^http(s)?://.*', s):
- s = re.sub('^http(s)?://','',s)
- def header(msg):
- return "\n" + msg + "\n" + ("=" * 40)
- def subTitle(msg):
- return msg + "\n" + ("-" * 40)
- def GeoIP(s):
- """
- GeoIP info:
- Restrictions: < 1,0000 queries an hour
- """
- print (header("GeoIP Information"))
- url = ""
- try:
- req = urllib2.urlopen(url + s)
- result =
- rpt = simplejson.loads(result)
- for key,value in rpt.iteritems():
- if value:
- print "%12s : %-s" % (key,value)
- except Exception, msg:
- print msg
- def Honeypot(s):
- """
- Project Honeypot's Http:BL API info:
- """
- print (header("Project Honeypot"))
- api_key = ""
- if not api_key:
- print "[!] You must configure your Project Honeypot API key"
- return
- def threat_rating(num):
- """
- third octet
- ranges from 0 (low) - 255 (severe)
- """
- if num <= 25: tr = "Low"
- elif num <= 50: tr = "Medium"
- elif num <= 75: tr = "High"
- elif num <= 100: tr = "Severe"
- else: tr = "N/A"
- return tr
- def visitor_type(num):
- """
- fourth octet
- """
- if num == 0: vt = "Search Engine"
- elif num == 1: vt = "Suspicious"
- elif num == 2: vt = "Harvester"
- elif num == 3: vt = "Suspicious & Harvester"
- elif num == 4: vt = "Comment Spammer"
- elif num == 5: vt = "Suspicious & Comment Spammer"
- elif num == 6: vt = "Harvester & Comment Spammer"
- elif num == 7: vt = "Suspicious & Comment Spammer"
- else: vt = "N/A"
- return vt
- # if fourth octet is 0 (search engine), 3rd octet is identifier for search engine
- def search_engines(num):
- if num == 0: se = "Undocumented"
- elif num == 1: se = "AltaVista"
- elif num == 2: se = "Ask"
- elif num == 3: se = "Baidu"
- elif num == 4: se = "Excite"
- elif num == 5: se = "Google"
- elif num == 6: se = "Looksmart"
- elif num == 7: se = "Lycos"
- elif num == 8: se = "MSN"
- elif num == 9: se = "Yahoo"
- elif num == 10: se = "Cuil"
- elif num == 11: se = "InfoSeek"
- elif num == 11: se = "Misc"
- else: se = "N/A"
- return se
- fields = s.split('.')
- fields.reverse()
- flipped = '.'.join(fields)
- query = api_key + "." + flipped + "." + ""
- try:
- result = socket.gethostbyname(query)
- vt, tr, days_since_last_activity, response_code = [int(octet) for octet in result.split('.')[::-1]]
- if response_code != 127:
- print "Invalid Response Code"
- else:
- print "Visitor type............:",visitor_type(vt)
- if visitor_type == 0:
- tr = search_engines(tr)
- print "\t\t(%s)",threat_rating(tr)
- else:
- print "Threat rating...........: %s (%d)" % (threat_rating(tr),tr)
- print "Days since last activity:",days_since_last_activity
- except socket.gaierror:
- print "Not Listed"
- def hpHosts(s):
- """
- hpHosts docs :
- """
- url = ""
- arg = "&class=true&date=true&ip=true&ipptr=true&nb=1"
- print (header("hpHosts"))
- try:
- page = urllib2.urlopen(url + s + arg)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
- # strip HTML page breaks etc.
- txt = soup.findAll(text=lambda txt:isinstance(txt, NavigableString))
- for l in txt:
- val = l.split(',')
- """
- Classification explanations:
- """
- classes = {'ATS': 'Ad/tracking server',
- 'EMD': 'Malware distribution',
- 'EXP': 'Exploit site',
- 'FSA': 'Rogue software distribution',
- 'GRM': 'Astroturfing site',
- 'HFS': 'Spamming',
- 'HJK': 'Hijacking',
- 'MMT': 'Misleading marketing tactics',
- 'PSH': 'Phishing', 'WRZ': 'Warez'};
- # get rid of comments and other junk
- if not re.match('^(#|%|remarks:)', l):
- if'Listed', val[0]):
- print "[-] Listed?.......:",val[0].split('[')[0]
- if classes.has_key(val[1]):
- print "[-] Classification:",classes[val[1]]
- if re.match('\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}',val[2]):
- print "[-] Date..........:",val[2]
- if'NETBLOCK', l):
- m ='\[NETBLOCK\](.*)\[\/NETBLOCK\]', str(txt))
- g =',')
- print "[-] Netblock info :"
- for i in g:
- # yes ... I'm OCD
- s = re.sub("(^\su|'|\")","",i)
- if not re.match('(^%\s|^%$|^$)',s):
- print s
- except Exception: pass
- def SafeBrowsing(s):
- """
- Google SafeBrowsing API info:
- """
- print (header("Google Safe Browsing"))
- api_key = ""
- if not api_key:
- print "[!] You must configure your Google SafeBrowsing API key"
- else:
- url = ""
- parameters = {"client": "api",
- "apikey": api_key,
- "appver": "1.0",
- "pver": "3.0",
- "url": s}
- data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
- req = url + data
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- result =
- if len(result):
- print "[-] Classification: ",result
- else: print "No Match"
- except Exception: pass
- def WOT(s):
- """
- WOT API info:
- Restrictions: < 50000 API requests during any 24 hour period & <= 10 requests per second
- """
- print (header("MyWOT"))
- # WOT scoring
- def category(num):
- if num == "0": rating = "Trustworthy"
- elif num == "1": rating = "Vendor reliable"
- elif num == "2": rating = "Privacy"
- elif num == "4": rating = "Child safety"
- else: rating = "N/A"
- return rating
- # WOT Reputation/Confidence scoring
- def score(num):
- if num > "80": con = "Excellent"
- elif num > "60": con = "Good"
- elif num > "40": con = "Unsatisfactory"
- elif num > "20": con = "Poor"
- elif num > "0": con = "Very Poor"
- else: con = "N/A"
- return con
- url = ""
- try:
- page = urllib2.urlopen(url + s).read()
- soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
- hits = soup.findAll('application')
- if len(hits):
- try:
- print (subTitle(" Category | Reputation | Confidence"))
- for h in hits:
- print "%15s: %-s, %s" % (category(h['name']),score(h['r']),score(h['c']))
- except Exception, msg:
- print msg
- else: print "No Match"
- except Exception: pass
- def VirusTotal(s):
- """
- VirusTotal API info:
- """
- print (header("Virus Total"))
- api_key = ""
- if not api_key:
- print "[!] You must configure your VirusTotal API key"
- else:
- url = ""
- parameters = {"resource": s,
- "apikey": api_key}
- data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
- try:
- req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- result =
- rpt = simplejson.loads(result)
- date = rpt["scan_date"].split(' ')[0]
- print "Scan Date..:",datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%b %d %Y")
- print "Total Scans:",rpt["total"]
- print "Detected...:",rpt["positives"]
- print (subTitle("\t\tScanner | Classification"))
- for scanner in rpt["scans"]:
- if not re.match('clean site',rpt["scans"][scanner]["result"]):
- print "%23s : %-s" % (scanner,rpt["scans"][scanner]["result"])
- except Exception, msg:
- print msg
- def netdemon(s):
- """
- *fix this up*
- Site that helps deobfuscate some of those tricky obfuscations/encodings
- """
- print (header("netdemon"))
- url = ""
- try:
- page = urllib2.urlopen(url + s)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
- # strip HTML page breaks etc.
- txt = soup.findAll(text=lambda txt:isinstance(txt, NavigableString))
- for l in txt:
- if'(Protocol|Host|Path):\s*', l):
- print l
- except Exception: pass
- def urlVoid(s):
- """
- API info:
- Restrictions: < 1,0000 per day
- * if "-1" is returned it means the domain has not been yet scanned
- """
- print (header("URLvoid"))
- api_key = ""
- if not api_key:
- print "[!] You must configure your URLvoid API key"
- else:
- url = ""
- parameters = {"domains": s,
- "api": api_key,
- "go": 'Check'}
- data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
- try:
- page = urllib2.urlopen(url, data)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
- new_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(soup.find("details")['last_scan'])).strftime("%b %d %Y")
- print "Last Scan :",new_date
- detect_cnt = soup.find("details")['detected']
- if detect_cnt == "-1":
- print "Not scanned yet"
- else:
- print "Detected :",detect_cnt
- if detect_cnt > "0":
- print "Detections :",soup.find("details")['lists_detected']
- except Exception, msg:
- print msg
- def main():
- GeoIP(s)
- hpHosts(s)
- WOT(s)
- SafeBrowsing(s)
- VirusTotal(s)
- if re.match('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', s):
- Honeypot(s)
- netdemon(s)
- urlVoid(s)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
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