

Jul 12th, 2021
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  6. <meta name="Description" content="Free Online Whiteboard and Collaboration - A Free web whiteboard loaded with great functionalities like online presentation, setup customize background, different pen sizes, millions of colors, adding text with beautiful fonts, simple Do and Undo functions, eraser, add various shapes, add customize images and finally save your work as an image or whiteboard itself which can be uploaded later iwhen and as needed. This is ideal for teaching online or presentation online." />
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  201. <div id="ancTutorContent" class="easyui-window" title="Whiteboard" data-options="iconCls:'icon-login',modal:true, maximizable:false, closed:true, minimizable:false" style="width:530px;height:200px;padding:10px;">
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  209. <img src="/green/images/diamond.png" height="50px" style="padding:5px; float:left;"/>
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  211. <h1 class="whtboard">Whiteboard</h1>
  213. <!-- header top right menu first -->
  214. <div style="margin:18px 0px 0px 0px;">
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  216. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancUndo" title="Undo">
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  219. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancRedo" title="Redo">
  220. <div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-repeat wbitem"></i></div>
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  222. <a href='javascript:void(0)' title="Clear all" class="clrDynamicCanvas">
  223. <div class="sub-default-lft wbitem" style="border-right:none;"><img src="whiteboard/images/clear.png" style="vertical-align:bottom; height:17px;"/></div>
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  229. <div class="sub-default-lft" ><i class="fa-refresh"></i></div>
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  231. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancHelpMain" title="Help Whiteboard">
  232. <div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><img src="theme/css/icons/help.png" /></div>
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  236. <!-- end of header top right menu first -->
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  240. <!--HEADER ENDS -->
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  247. <h2>Waiting for participants to join</h2>
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  298. <div class="sub-default-lft"><i class="fa-circle wbitem"></i></div>
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  300. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancPattern" title="Pattern">
  301. <div class="sub-default-lft" ><img src="whiteboard/images/pattern-icon.png" style="border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:60px;"/></div>
  302. </a>
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  307. <div class="sub-default-lft"><i class="fa-eraser"></i></div>
  308. </a>
  309. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancShape" title="Shapes">
  310. <div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><img src="whiteboard/images/shape-sm.png" /></div>
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  324. </a>
  325. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="ancDownload" title="Download/Upload">
  326. <div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><img src="whiteboard/images/up-down.png" /></div>
  327. </a>
  329. </div>
  330. </div>
  331. </div>
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  342. <div id="stage">
  343. <canvas id="canvasBoard"></canvas>
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  351. <!-- header top right menu second -->
  352. <div class="wr-rgt">
  353. <div class="wr-rgt-cont">
  355. <!-- code of background color picker -->
  356. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="bgColorpick" style="min-height:306px; max-height:100%;">
  357. <div class="icon-curve icon-bgcolor" style="background:transparent !important"></div>
  358. <div class="sub-tools items">
  359. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle'><div class="blck-bgpicker"></div>
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  361. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle'><div class="red-bgpicker"></div></a>
  362. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle'><div class="green-bgpicker"></div></a>
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  365. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle'><div class="white-bgpicker"></div></a>
  366. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='bgcrcle'>
  367. <input type="color" id="txtBgColorVal" class="form-control picker" value="#000000">
  368. </a>
  369. </div>
  370. </div>
  371. <!-- end of code for background color picker -->
  373. <!-- code of patterns -->
  374. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="bgPattern" style="min-height:312px; max-height:100%;">
  375. <div class="icon-curve icon-bgpattern"></div>
  376. <div class="sub-tools items">
  377. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Guidelines">
  378. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent-guidelines.png" /></div>
  379. </a>
  380. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Book Guidelines">
  381. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent-booklines.png" /></div>
  382. </a>
  383. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Transparent Background">
  384. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent.png" /></div>
  385. </a>
  386. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Guidelines">
  387. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent-diamond.png" /></div>
  388. </a>
  389. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Book Guidelines">
  390. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent-lgap.png" /></div>
  391. </a>
  392. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsBgColor bgcrcle h30' title="Transparent Background">
  393. <div class="bgclpkr bgpatterns"><img src="whiteboard/images/transparent-checkered.png" /></div>
  394. </a>
  395. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='bgcrcle' title="Transparent Background" style="padding:3px 5px 4px 7px!important;">
  396. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  397. <input type="file" id="filePattern" name="filePattern" title="Upload Pattern from Computer"/>
  398. </form>
  399. <div class="fileuploadph" id="btnUploadPattern" title="Upload Pattern from Computer"><i class="fa-upload"></i></div>
  400. </a>
  401. </div>
  402. </div>
  403. <!-- end of code patterns -->
  405. <!-- code of pencil -->
  406. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="penEdit" style="min-height:345px; max-height:100%;">
  407. <div class="icon-curve icon-pendit"></div>
  408. <div class="sub-tools">
  409. <div class="items" style="margin:0px 51px 0px 0px;">
  410. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'>
  411. <input type="color" id="txtPencilClrVal" class="form-control picker" value="#000000">
  412. </a>
  413. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="blck-bgpicker"></div></a>
  414. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="red-bgpicker"></div></a>
  415. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="green-bgpicker"></div></a>
  416. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="yellow-bgpicker"></div></a>
  417. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="white-bgpicker"></div></a>
  418. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='clsPencilColor bgcrcle'><div class="blue-bgpicker"></div></a>
  419. </div>
  420. <input id="lineSlide" name="lineSlide" value="2" />
  421. </div>
  422. </div>
  423. <!-- end of code for pencil-->
  425. <!-- code for eraser-->
  426. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="eraseOptions" style="min-height:43px; max-height:100%;">
  427. <div class="icon-curve icon-eraseoption"></div>
  428. <div class="sub-tools">
  429. <input id="eraserSlide" name="eraserSlide" value="2" />
  430. </div>
  431. </div>
  432. <!-- end of code for eraser-->
  434. <!-- code of shapes -->
  435. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="shapeOptions" style="min-height:351px; max-height:100%;">
  436. <div class="icon-curve icon-shpeoption"></div>
  437. <div class="sub-tools items">
  438. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class='shapeFillColor bgcrcle'>
  439. <input type="color" id="txtFillClrVal" class="form-control picker" value="">
  440. </a>
  441. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeRect" title="Rectangle" data-style='rectangle'>
  442. <img src="whiteboard/images/rectangle-sm.png" title="Rectangle"/></a>
  443. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeSquare" title="Square" data-style='square'>
  444. <img src="whiteboard/images/square-sm.png" title="Square"/></a>
  445. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeCircle" title="Circle" data-style='circle'>
  446. <img src="whiteboard/images/circle-sm.png" title="Circle"/></a>
  447. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeTriangle" title="Triangle" data-style='triangle'>
  448. <img src="whiteboard/images/triangle-sm.png" title="Triangle"/></a>
  449. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeLine" title="Line" data-style='line'>
  450. <img src="whiteboard/images/line-sm.png" title="Line"/></a>
  451. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="" id="shapeEllipse" title="Ellipse" data-style='ellipse'>
  452. <img src="whiteboard/images/ellipse-sm.png" title="Ellipse"/></a>
  453. <a href='javascript:void(0)' class="eraser" id="btnRemoveShape" title="delete"><div class="trash-bgpicker" style="border:none!important;">
  454. <i class="fa-trash"></i></div></a>
  455. </div>
  456. <!-- <input type="text" id="txtShapeOutline" value="2" class="input-align" style="width:18%; float:left;"/>
  457. <input type="color" id="txtShapeOutlineClrVal" class="form-control" value="#000000" style="width:23px; float:left;">
  458. <input type="text" id="txtShapeOutlineHexavalue" value="#000000" style="width:58%;float:left;margin:0px 5px 0px 4px;"/>-->
  459. </div>
  460. <!-- end of code for shapes -->
  462. <!-- HTML of Text -->
  463. <div id="textOptions" class='subProperties left-meni-slide' style="min-height:135px; max-height:100%;">
  464. <div class="icon-curve icon-txtoptions"></div>
  465. <div id="dd">
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  468. <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="btnRemoveText" title="Delete Text"><i class="fa-trash trashh"></i></a>
  469. <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="btnShowMenu" title="Show Text Menu"><i class="fa-bars trashh"></i></a>
  470. </div>
  471. </div>
  472. </div>
  473. <!-- End of HTML Text -->
  475. <!-- HTML of Image -->
  476. <div id="imageOptions" class='subProperties left-meni-slide' style="min-height:91px; max-height:100%;">
  477. <div class="icon-curve icon-imgoptions"></div>
  478. <div class="sub-tools items">
  479. <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="btnNewImage" title="Add New Image"><i class="fa-upload trashh" style="font-size:130%!important;"></i></a>
  480. <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="btnRemoveImage" class='clsCance' title="Remove Image"><i class="fa-trash trashh"></i></a>
  481. <div class="text-tool sub-tools-cat" id="catOne">
  482. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="imageForm" >
  483. <input type="file" id="fileImage" name="fileImage" title="Upload Image from Computer">
  484. </form>
  485. <div style="clear:both;"></div>
  486. </div>
  487. </div>
  488. </div>
  489. <!-- End of HTML Image -->
  491. <!-- code of download -->
  492. <div class="subProperties left-meni-slide" id="downloadOptions" style="min-height:145px; max-height:100%;">
  493. <div class="icon-curve icon-dwnldoptions"></div>
  494. <div class="sub-tools items">
  495. <a href='javascript:void(0)' id="ancDwnJson" title="Download as Board" >
  496. <img src="whiteboard/images/download_board.png" class="fa-dwnload" style="width:21px; height:22px;border-radius:0px;"/></a>
  497. <a href='javascript:void(0)' id="ancDwnJpeg" title="Download as JPEG">
  498. <img src="whiteboard/images/download_jpeg.png" class="fa-dwnload" style="width:21px; height:22px;border-radius:0px;"/></a>
  499. <a href='javascript:void(0)'>
  500. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="uploadForm">
  501. <input type="file" id="fileJson" name="fileJson" title="Upload Board from Computer">
  502. </form>
  503. <div class="fileupload" id="btnUpload" title="Upload Board from Computer"><i class="fa-upload fa-fupload"></i></div>
  504. </a>
  505. <div class="clear"></div>
  506. </div>
  507. </div>
  508. <!-- end of code for download -->
  510. </div>
  511. </div>
  512. <div class="wr-rgt">
  513. <div class="wr-rgt-cont">
  514. <div id="btnDisplayMenu" class="textdisplay">
  515. <div class="c-two">
  516. <select id="txtStyle">
  517. <option value='Times New Roman'>Times New Roman</option>
  518. <option value='Arial'>Arial</option>
  519. <option value='Helvetica'>Helvetica</option>
  520. <option value='sans-serif'>Sans-serif</option>
  521. <option value='Impact'>Impact</option>
  522. <option value='Open Sans Condensed'>Open Sans Condensed</option>
  523. <option value='Poiret One'>Poiret One</option>
  524. <option value='Lobster'>Lobster</option>
  525. <option value='Shadows Into Light'>Shadows Into Light</option>
  526. <option value='Pacifico'>Pacifico</option>
  527. <option value='Sigmar One'>Sigmar One</option>
  528. <option value='Courgette'>Courgette</option>
  529. <option value='Lobster Two'>Lobster Two</option>
  530. <option value='Pinyon Script'>Pinyon Script</option>
  531. <option value='Playball'>Playball</option>
  532. <option value='Satisfy'>Satisfy</option>
  533. <option value='Great Vibes'>Great Vibes</option>
  534. <option value='Tangerine'>Tangerine</option>
  535. <option value='Luckiest Guy'>Luckiest Guy</option>
  536. </select>
  537. </div>
  538. <div class="clear"></div>
  539. <div class="c-two">
  540. <div id="alignleft" class="c-two-three divAlign" data-opt="left"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ><i class="fa-align-left c-border" ></i></a></div>
  541. <div id="aligncenter" class="c-two-three divAlign" data-opt="center"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ><i class="fa-align-center c-border"></i></a></div>
  542. <div id="alignright" class="c-two-three divAlign" data-opt="right"><a href="javascript:void(0);" >
  543. <i class="fa-align-right c-border"></i></a></div>
  544. <div id="stylebold" class="c-two-three divStyleBold" data-opt="bold"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ><i class="fa-bold c-border"></i></a></div>
  545. <div id="styleitalic" class="c-two-three divStyleItalic" data-opt="italic"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ><i class="fa-italic c-border"></i></a></div>
  546. </div>
  547. <div class="clear"></div>
  548. <div class="divider"></div>
  549. <textarea placeholder="Enter Text Here" cols="4" rows="3" id="txtText">Sample Text</textarea>
  550. <div class="divider"></div>
  551. <div class="c-two">
  552. <div class="c-two-three"> <a>Size:</a> <input type="text" id="txtTextSize" value="20" /> </div>
  553. <div class="c-two-three" style="width:36%; padding-left:5px!important;"> <a>Color:</a><div class="clear"></div><input type="color" id="txtClrVal" class="form-control" value="#000000"> <input type="text" id="txtHexavalue" value="#000000" />
  554. </div>
  555. <div class="c-two-three" style="width:36%;"> <a>Background:</a><div class="clear"></div> <input type="color" id="txtBGClrVal" class="form-control" value="#000000"> <input type="text" id="txtBGHexavalue" value="#000000" /> </div><div class="clear"></div>
  556. </div>
  557. <div class="divider"></div>
  558. <div class="c-two">
  559. <div class="c-two-two" style="width:99%!important; text-align:left;">
  560. <a>Border:</a><div class="clear"></div>
  561. <input type="text" id="txtOutline" value="0" style="width:35%; float:left;"/>
  562. <input type="color" id="txtOutlineClrVal" class="form-control" value="#000000" style="width:23px; float:left; margin:-2px 0px 0px 6px; height:22px;">
  563. <input type="text" id="txtOutlineHexavalue" value="#000000" style="width:36%;float:left;padding:0px 5px; margin:-3px 0px 0px 4px;"/>
  564. </div>
  565. </div><div class="clear"></div>
  566. </div>
  567. </div>
  568. </div>
  570. <!-- code of Help -->
  571. <div class="subProperties helpclas" id="helpOptions">
  572. <div class="sub-tools" style="right:0px!important; background:#fff!important; margin:0px!important;">
  573. <div class="easyui-accordion" style="width:242px;" >
  574. <div title="Background" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  575. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-background-color'>How to use Background Tool</a></div>
  576. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-background-patterns'>How to use Background Patterns</a></div>
  577. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-background-upload-image'>How to use Upload Image</a></div>
  578. </div>
  579. <div title="Pencil" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  580. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-pencil-width'>How to use Pencil Tool</a></div>
  581. </div>
  582. <div title="Erase" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  583. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-erase'>How to use Erase Tool</a></div>
  584. </div>
  585. <div title="Shape" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  586. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-shape-icons'>How to use Shapes</a></div>
  587. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-shape-colour'>How to use Shape Background Fill</a></div>
  588. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-shape-border'>How to use Shape Border</a></div>
  589. </div>
  590. <div title="Text" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  591. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-addtext'>How to Add Text</a></div>
  592. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-fontfamily'>How to Add Font Family to Text</a></div>
  593. <div class="help-acc"><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-bold'>How to Add Bold to Text</a></div>
  594. <div class="help-acc"><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-changetext'>How to Edit Text</a></div>
  595. <div class="help-acc"><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-textbgcolor'>How to Add Bakground Color, Font-size, Color</a></div>
  596. <div class="help-acc"><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-text-textbordercolor'>How to Add Border to Text</a></div>
  597. </div>
  598. <div title="Image" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  599. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-image-addremove'>How to use Image Tool</a></div>
  600. </div>
  601. <div title="Upload/Download" data-options="iconCls:''" style="overflow:auto;padding:0px;">
  602. <div class="help-acc" ><a class="ancHelp" href="javascript:void(0)" alt='how-to-use-download-upload'>How to use Upload/Download Tool</a></div>
  603. </div>
  604. </div>
  605. </div>
  606. </div>
  607. <!-- end of code Help -->
  609. <!--STAGE ENDS -->
  610. <div id="helpWindow" class="easyui-window" title="Help Guide for Whiteboard" data-options="iconCls:'icon-help'" style="width:955px;height:500px;">
  611. <img src=""/>
  612. </div>
  615. <script src="theme/js/lightslider.js"></script>
  616. <script>
  617. $(document).ready(function(event) {
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  624. preload: true,
  625. multiplay: true,
  626. volume: 0.9
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  634. onClickButton: function() {
  635. if ($('#eids').validatebox('isValid')) {
  636. var url = "board-invite.php";
  637. var inputs = {
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  639. 'user': user_name,
  640. 'emails': $('#eids').val()
  641. };
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  644. url: url,
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  671. return "Leaving this page may cause loss of your work!";
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  859. $('.bgclpkr').click(function() {
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  871. {
  872. gcanvas.forEachObject(function(obj){
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  874. obj.stroke = '#ffffff';
  875. } else {
  876. if(eraserArray.indexOf(obj.stroke) != -1){
  877. obj.stroke = '#ffffff';
  878. }
  879. }
  880. });
  881. } */
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  883. $('#btnUploadPattern').click(function() {
  884. $('#filePattern').trigger('click');
  885. });
  886. $('#filePattern').change(function(e) {
  887. var file = $('#filePattern').val();
  888. var exts = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'];
  889. if (file.length <= 0) {
  890. alert("Please select a file from local drive.");
  891. $('#filePattern').focus();
  892. return false;
  893. }
  894. var ext = file.split('.');
  895. ext = ext.reverse();
  896. if ($.inArray(ext[0].toLowerCase(), exts) < 0) {
  897. alert("Please select jpg/jpeg/png format files only.");
  898. $('#filePattern').focus();
  899. return false;
  900. }
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  902. reader.onload = function(event) {
  903. var imgObj = new Image;
  904. imgObj.src =;
  905. imgObj.onload = function() {
  906. var image = new fabric.Image(imgObj);
  907. gcanvas.setBackgroundColor('#ffffff');
  908. gcanvas.setBackgroundImage(image, gcanvas.renderAll.bind(gcanvas), {
  909. scaleY: gcanvas.height / image.height,
  910. scaleX: gcanvas.width / image.width
  911. });
  912. slideSrc = "";
  913. }
  914. }
  915. reader.readAsDataURL([0]);
  916. });
  918. /* Pencil */
  920. $('#ancPencil').click(function() {
  921. readdFlag = 0;
  922. $("#cc").layout('panel', 'east').panel({
  923. //title:'Pencil',
  924. //iconCls:'icon-pencil'
  925. });
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  927. gcanvas.isDrawingMode = true;
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  931. obj.set({
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  937. gcanvas.renderAll();
  938. $('.subProperties').hide();
  939. /*
  940. if( $("#cc").layout('panel','east').panel('options').collapsed ){
  941. $('#cc').layout('expand','east');
  942. }
  943. */
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  946. $('.clsPencilColor').click(function() {
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  950. $('#txtPencilClrHexa').val(pclr);
  951. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = pclr;
  952. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  955. function rgb2hex(rgb) {
  956. rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i);
  957. return (rgb && rgb.length === 4) ? "#" +
  958. ("0" + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
  959. ("0" + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
  960. ("0" + parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : '';
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  967. value: 2,
  968. onChange: function(nv) {
  969. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = $('#txtPencilClrVal').val();
  970. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.width = parseInt(nv);
  971. gcanvas.renderAll();
  972. }
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  974. $('#txtPencilClrVal').change(function() {
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  976. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = $(this).val();
  977. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  979. $('#txtPencilClrHexa').keyup(function() {
  980. $('#txtPencilClrVal').val($(this).val());
  981. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = $(this).val();
  982. gcanvas.renderAll();
  983. });
  985. /* Eraser */
  986. $('#ancEraser').click(function() {
  987. eraserFlag = true;
  988. if (typeof gcanvas.backgroundColor == 'object') {
  989. eraserColor = '#ffffff';
  990. } else {
  991. eraserColor = gcanvas.backgroundColor;
  992. }
  993. $("#cc").layout('panel', 'east').panel({
  994. // title:'Eraser',
  995. //iconCls:'icon-eraser'
  996. });
  997. eraserArray.push(eraserColor);
  998. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = eraserColor;
  999. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.width = $('#eraserSlide').val();
  1000. gcanvas.isDrawingMode = true;
  1001. gcanvas.forEachObject(function(obj) {
  1002. obj.set({
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  1004. hasBorders: false,
  1005. selectable: false
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  1008. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1009. $('.subProperties').hide();
  1010. /*
  1011. if( $("#cc").layout('panel','east').panel('options').collapsed ){
  1012. $('#cc').layout('expand','east');
  1013. }
  1014. */
  1015. $('#eraseOptions').show();
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  1020. max: 50,
  1021. increment: 1,
  1022. editable: true,
  1023. value: 2,
  1024. onChange: function(nv) {
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  1026. eraserColor = gcanvas.backgroundColor;
  1027. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = eraserColor;
  1028. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.width = parseInt(nv);
  1029. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1030. }
  1031. });
  1033. /* Shapes */
  1035. var shapeArry = new Array();
  1036. var shapenum = 1;
  1037. $('#ancShape').click(function() {
  1038. $("#cc").layout('panel', 'east').panel({
  1039. //title:'Shapes',
  1040. //iconCls:'icon-shapes'
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  1042. eraserFlag = false;
  1043. gcanvas.isDrawingMode = false;
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  1045. obj.set({
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  1047. hasBorders: false,
  1048. selectable: false
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  1051. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1053. /*
  1054. if( $("#cc").layout('panel','east').panel('options').collapsed ){
  1055. $('#cc').layout('expand','east');
  1056. }
  1057. */
  1058. $('#shapeOptions').show();
  1059. if (shapenum > 1) {
  1060. for (var i = 1; i <= shapenum - 1; i++) {
  1061. shapeArry[i].set({
  1062. hasControls: true,
  1063. hasBorders: true,
  1064. selectable: true
  1065. });
  1066. }
  1067. }
  1068. });
  1069. $('.shapeFillColor').click(function() {
  1070. var fclr = $(this).children().css('background-color');
  1071. fclr = rgb2hex(fclr);
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  1073. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(fclr);
  1074. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1075. cobj.setFill(fclr);
  1076. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1077. });
  1078. $('#shapeRect').click(function() {
  1079. addRect(shapenum);
  1080. shapenum++;
  1081. });
  1082. $('#shapeSquare').click(function() {
  1083. addSquare(shapenum);
  1084. shapenum++;
  1085. });
  1086. $('#shapeCircle').click(function() {
  1087. addCircle(shapenum);
  1088. shapenum++;
  1089. });
  1090. $('#shapeTriangle').click(function() {
  1091. addTriangle(shapenum);
  1092. shapenum++;
  1093. });
  1094. $('#shapeLine').click(function() {
  1095. addLine(shapenum);
  1096. shapenum++;
  1097. });
  1098. $('#shapeEllipse').click(function() {
  1099. addEllipse(shapenum);
  1100. shapenum++;
  1101. });
  1103. function addRect(shapenum) {
  1104. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Rect({
  1105. width: 200,
  1106. height: 100,
  1107. left: 50,
  1108. top: 50,
  1109. fill: '',
  1110. stroke: '#000000',
  1111. strokeWidth: 2
  1112. });
  1113. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1114. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1115. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
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  1118. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1119. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
  1120. });
  1121. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1122. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1123. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1124. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1125. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1126. };
  1128. function addSquare(shapenum) {
  1129. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Rect({
  1130. width: 100,
  1131. height: 100,
  1132. left: 150,
  1133. top: 50,
  1134. fill: '',
  1135. stroke: '#000000',
  1136. strokeWidth: 2
  1137. });
  1138. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1139. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1140. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
  1141. $('#txtShapeOutline').val(this.getStrokeWidth());
  1142. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val(this.getStroke());
  1143. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1144. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
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  1146. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1147. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1148. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1149. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1150. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1151. };
  1153. function addCircle(shapenum) {
  1154. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Circle({
  1155. radius: 50,
  1156. fill: '',
  1157. stroke: '#000000',
  1158. strokeWidth: 2
  1159. });
  1160. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1161. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1162. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
  1163. $('#txtShapeOutline').val(this.getStrokeWidth());
  1164. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val(this.getStroke());
  1165. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1166. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
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  1168. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1169. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1170. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1171. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1172. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1173. };
  1175. function addTriangle(shapenum) {
  1176. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Triangle({
  1177. width: 100,
  1178. height: 100,
  1179. fill: '',
  1180. stroke: '#000000',
  1181. strokeWidth: 2
  1182. });
  1183. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1184. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1185. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
  1186. $('#txtShapeOutline').val(this.getStrokeWidth());
  1187. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val(this.getStroke());
  1188. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1189. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
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  1191. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1192. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1193. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1194. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1195. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1196. };
  1198. function addLine(shapenum) {
  1199. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Line([0, 0, 200, 0], {
  1200. fill: '#000000',
  1201. stroke: '#000000',
  1202. strokeWidth: 2
  1203. });
  1204. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1205. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1206. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
  1207. $('#txtShapeOutline').val(this.getStrokeWidth());
  1208. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val(this.getStroke());
  1209. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1210. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
  1211. });
  1212. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1213. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1214. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1215. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1216. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1217. };
  1219. function addEllipse(shapenum) {
  1220. shapeArry[shapenum] = new fabric.Ellipse({
  1221. fill: '',
  1222. stroke: '#000000',
  1223. strokeWidth: 2,
  1224. rx: 100,
  1225. ry: 50
  1226. });
  1227. shapeArry[shapenum].on('selected', function(e) {
  1228. $('#txtFillClrVal').val(this.getFill());
  1229. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val(this.getFill());
  1230. $('#txtShapeOutline').val(this.getStrokeWidth());
  1231. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val(this.getStroke());
  1232. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val(this.getStroke());
  1233. gcanvas.bringForward(this);
  1234. });
  1235. gcanvas.add(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1236. gcanvas.centerObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1237. shapeArry[shapenum].setCoords();
  1238. gcanvas.setActiveObject(shapeArry[shapenum]);
  1239. gcanvas.renderAll();
  1240. };
  1242. $('#txtFillClrHexa').keyup(function() {
  1243. $('#txtFillClrVal').val($(this).val());
  1244. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1245. cobj.setFill($(this).val());
  1246. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1248. $('#txtFillClrVal').change(function() {
  1249. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val($(this).val());
  1250. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1251. cobj.setFill($(this).val());
  1252. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1254. $('#txtShapeOutline').keyup(function() {
  1255. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1256. cobj.set({
  1257. strokeWidth: parseInt($(this).val())
  1258. });
  1259. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1261. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').keyup(function() {
  1262. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val($(this).val());
  1263. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1264. cobj.setStroke($(this).val());
  1265. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1267. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').change(function() {
  1268. $('#txtShapeOutlineHexavalue').val($(this).val());
  1269. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1270. cobj.setStroke($(this).val());
  1271. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1274. $('.clrDynamicCanvas').click(function() {
  1275. if (gcanvas.getObjects().length > 0) {
  1276. var confirmFlag = confirm("Do you really want to clear the board?");
  1277. if (confirmFlag == true) {
  1278. gcanvas.clear();
  1279. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.width = 2;
  1280. gcanvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = '#000000';
  1281. eraserFlag = false;
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  1283. $('#lineSlide').numberspinner({
  1284. value: 2
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  1286. $('#eraserSlide').numberspinner({
  1287. value: 2
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  1293. $('#txtShapeOutlineClrVal').val('#000000');
  1294. $('#txtFillClrVal').val('#000000');
  1295. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val('#000000');
  1296. txtNum = 1;
  1297. shapenum = 1;
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. });
  1302. $('#btnRemoveShape').click(function() {
  1303. var cobj = gcanvas.getActiveObject();
  1304. gcanvas.remove(cobj);
  1305. gcanvas.renderAll();
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  1310. $('#txtFillClrHexa').val('#000000');
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  1313. /* Text */
  1315. var txtNum = 1;
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  1324. $('#ancText').click(function() {
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  1326. // title:'Text',
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  1340. /*
  1341. if( $("#cc").layout('panel','east').panel('options').collapsed ){
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  1343. }
  1344. */
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  1350. hasBorders: true,
  1351. selectable: true
  1352. });
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  1354. }
  1355. addText(txtNum);
  1356. txtNum++;
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  1359. function addText(num) {
  1360. textArr[num] = 'Sample Text';
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  1363. sizeArr[num] = '20';
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  1372. 'color': '#000000'
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  1374. $('#alignleft i').css({
  1375. 'background-color': "#424242",
  1376. 'color': '#ffffff'
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  1381. hasBorders: true,
  1382. hasRotatingPoint: true
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  1427. 'color': '#ffffff'
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  1440. $('#btnNewText').click(function() {
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  1459. $('#txtStyle').val('Times New Roman');
  1460. $('#txtText').val('Sample Text');
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  1661. */
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  1700. */
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  1710. alert("Please select a file from local drive.");
  1711. $('#fileJson').focus();
  1712. return false;
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  1714. var ext = file.split('.');
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  1717. alert("Please select board format files only.");
  1718. $('#fileJson').focus();
  1719. return false;
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  1722. inputs.append('jsonfile', $("#fileJson").prop("files")[0]);
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  1779. */
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  1791. return false;
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  1900. $('#cc').layout('expand','east');
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  1902. */
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  1964. $('#maximize').click(function() {
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  1984. */
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  2002. $('#ancPattern').click(function() {
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  2005. // title:'Pattern',
  2006. // iconCls:'icon-bgcolor'
  2007. });
  2008. $('#bgPattern').show();
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  2012. $('#helpOptions').show();
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  2017. event.stopPropagation();
  2018. $('#btnDisplayMenu').toggle();
  2019. });
  2020. $(document).click(function() {
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  2022. // $('#helpOptions').hide();
  2023. // $('#helpWindow').window('close');
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  2025. if ($":visible")) {
  2026. $el.toggle();
  2027. }
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  2029. $('#btnDisplayMenu').click(function(event) {
  2030. event.stopPropagation();
  2031. //$('#btnDisplayMenu').show();
  2032. });
  2035. $("#cc").layout('collapse', 'south');
  2036. $("#cc").layout('collapse', 'east');
  2037. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  2038. function validateEmail(value) {
  2039. var regex = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;
  2040. return (regex.test(value)) ? true : false;
  2041. }
  2043. function validateEmails(string) {
  2044. var result = string.replace(/\s/g, "").split(/,|;/);
  2046. for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
  2047. if (!validateEmail(result[i])) {
  2048. return false;
  2049. }
  2050. }
  2051. return true;
  2052. }
  2053. $('#btnSendInvite').bind('click', function() {
  2054. $('#invite').dialog('open');
  2055. });
  2056. $.extend($.fn.validatebox.defaults.rules, {
  2057. emails: {
  2058. validator: function(value) {
  2059. return validateEmails(value);
  2060. },
  2061. message: 'Enter correct Email IDs'
  2062. }
  2063. });
  2064. //global RTCMultiConnection object
  2065. var connection = new RTCMultiConnection();
  2066. //whether we init slickjs for the 1st time(need for correct unslick() function)
  2067. var isFirstSlickInit = true;
  2068. //container for user faces in the top part of the chat
  2069. var containerUserFaces = $("#containerUserFaces");
  2070. //container for bigger user video and the fullscreen button
  2071. var containerBigVideoAndFullscreen = $("#containerBigVideoAndFullscreen");
  2072. //container for bigger video
  2073. var containerBigVideo = $("#containerBigVideo");
  2074. var currentBigVideo = {
  2075. src: "",
  2076. streamid: "",
  2077. enabled: false
  2078. };
  2079. var remoteUserId;
  2081. function setupWebRTC() {
  2082. // custom signaling server
  2083. connection.socketURL = '';
  2084. connection.socketMessageEvent = 'webrtcTPsocketMsgEvent';
  2086. connection.enableFileSharing = true;
  2087. connection.filesContainer = chatContainer;
  2088. connection.session = {
  2089. audio: true,
  2090. video: true,
  2091. data: true
  2092. };
  2093. connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory = {
  2094. OfferToReceiveAudio: true,
  2095. OfferToReceiveVideo: true
  2096. };
  2097. // Adding display name to the conenction
  2098. connection.extra.user_name = user_name;
  2099. // Local audio and video are disabled by default
  2100. connection.extra.enabledVideo = false;
  2101. connection.extra.isAudioMuted = true;
  2102. console.log(connection);
  2103. }
  2105. //when clicking on the video in the top menu move it to the middle and make bigger
  2106. containerUserFaces.on('click', 'video', function() {
  2107. //save old video stream
  2108. currentBigVideo.src = $(this).attr('src');
  2109. currentBigVideo.streamid = $(this).attr('id');
  2110. currentBigVideo.enabled = true;
  2111. // updateContainerUserFaces();
  2112. // adjustBigVideo();
  2113. });
  2115. $("#create_meeting_room").bind("click", function(e) {
  2116. room_id = $("#room_id").val();
  2117. if (room_id.length < 4) {
  2118. $("#room_id").textbox({
  2119. value: "",
  2120. prompt: "Enter a unique room ID (At least 4 characters)"
  2121. });
  2122. $("#room_id").focus();
  2123. return;
  2124. }
  2125. user_name = $("#user_name").val();
  2126. if (user_name.length < 4) {
  2127. $("#user_name").textbox({
  2128. value: "",
  2129. prompt: "Enter your name (At least 4 characters)"
  2130. });
  2131. $("#user_name").focus();
  2132. return;
  2133. }
  2134. $('#dlg').dialog('close');
  2135. $('.wrapLoader').show();
  2136. /* First check if room exist or not */
  2137. $("#wait").html("Going to create a meeting room with given ID...");
  2138. setupWebRTC();
  2139. connection.checkPresence(room_id, function(isRoomExists, rid) {
  2140. if (isRoomExists) {
  2141. $.messager.alert('Alert', 'Sorry this meeting room is not available!');
  2142. $('.wrapLoader').hide();
  2143. return;
  2144. } else {
  2145. /* Open a new room */
  2146. connection.connectionDescription =;
  2147. if ($("#cc").layout('panel', 'east').panel('options').collapsed) {
  2148. $("#cc").layout('expand', 'east');
  2149. }
  2150. $('.wrapLoader').hide();
  2151. $('#btnRaiseHand').hide();
  2152. // Sharing part of screen
  2153. $("#webrtcPanel").show();
  2154. $('#cc').layout('panel', 'east').panel('setTitle', "Meeting Room ID - " + room_id);
  2155. /*
  2156. $("#stage, .subProperties a, .db-nav a").on("touchstart touchend touchmove keyup keypress click mousemove mousedown keydown", function(e){
  2157. var screenshot = gcanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.5);
  2158. var dataToSend = {
  2159. screenshot: screenshot,
  2160. screenImage: true
  2161. };
  2162. connection.send(dataToSend);
  2163. });
  2164. */
  2165. console.log( "Height " + gcanvas.height );
  2166. console.log( "Width " + gcanvas.width );
  2167. setInterval(function(){
  2168. var screenshot = gcanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.3);
  2169. var dataToSend = {
  2170. screenshot: screenshot,
  2171. screenImage: true
  2172. };
  2173. connection.send(dataToSend);
  2174. }, 1000);
  2175. connection.extra.user_name = user_name;
  2176. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2177. var msg = '<b>' + user_name + '</b> > Created the room';
  2178. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2179. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2180. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2181. }
  2182. });
  2183. });
  2184. $("#join_meeting_room").bind("click", function(e) {
  2185. room_id = $("#room_id").val();
  2186. if (room_id.length < 4) {
  2187. $("#room_id").textbox({
  2188. value: "",
  2189. prompt: "Enter a unique room ID (At least 4 characters)"
  2190. });
  2191. $("#room_id").focus();
  2192. return;
  2193. }
  2194. user_name = $("#user_name").val();
  2195. if (user_name.length < 4) {
  2196. $("#user_name").textbox({
  2197. value: "",
  2198. prompt: "Enter your name (At least 4 characters)"
  2199. });
  2200. $("#user_name").focus();
  2201. return;
  2202. }
  2203. console.log("Room ID " + room_id);
  2204. console.log("User Name " + user_name);
  2205. $('#dlg').dialog('close');
  2206. $('.wrapLoader').show();
  2207. /* First check if room exist or not */
  2208. $("#wait").html("Trying to join meeting room at the given ID...");
  2209. setupWebRTC();
  2210. connection.checkPresence(room_id, function(isRoomExists, rid) {
  2211. console.log("Room ID is " + rid);
  2212. if (isRoomExists) {
  2213. /* join a new room */
  2214. connection.extra.fullName = user_name;
  2215. connection.setUserPreferences({extra : connection.extra});
  2216. connection.connectionDescription = connection.join(room_id);
  2217. $("#refresh").show();
  2218. if ($("#cc").layout('panel', 'east').panel('options').collapsed) {
  2219. $("#cc").layout('expand', 'east');
  2220. }
  2221. // Hide tools and their properties
  2222. // $("#cc").layout('collapse', 'west');
  2223. $("#cc").layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', {
  2224. width: 5
  2225. });
  2226. $("#west .wr-left").css("display", "none");
  2227. $(".subProperties").hide();
  2228. $("#center #ancUndo").remove();
  2229. $("#center #ancRedo").remove();
  2230. $("#center .clrDynamicCanvas").remove();
  2231. $(".canvas-container").remove();
  2232. $('#btnMuteAll').hide();
  2233. $("#containerSharedPartOfScreenPreview").show();
  2234. $('.wrapLoader').hide();
  2235. $("#webrtcPanel").show();
  2236. $('#cc').layout('panel', 'east').panel('setTitle', "Meeting Room ID - " + room_id);
  2237. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2238. var msg = '<b>' + user_name + '</b> > Joined the room';
  2239. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2240. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2241. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2242. } else {
  2243. $.messager.alert('Alert', 'Sorry but could not connect with given meeting room ID');
  2244. $('.wrapLoader').hide();
  2245. return;
  2246. }
  2247. });
  2248. });
  2249. connection.onNewParticipant = function(participantId, userPreferences) {
  2250. console.log( "connection.onNewParticipant");
  2251. console.log( participantId );
  2252. console.log( userPreferences );
  2253. userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio = true;
  2254. userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveVideo = true;
  2255. connection.acceptParticipationRequest(participantId, userPreferences);
  2256. }
  2257. connection.onopen = function(event) {
  2258. if( event.extra.user_name !== user_name ){
  2259. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2260. var msg = '<b>' + event.extra.user_name + '</b> > Joined the room';
  2261. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2262. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2263. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2264. }
  2265. };
  2267. var localStream;
  2268. var localMediaElement;
  2269. connection.onstream = function(event) {
  2270. console.log("Inside connection.onstream");
  2271. console.log(event);
  2272. event.mediaElement.controls = false;
  2273. if (!isFirstSlickInit) containerUserFaces.slick('unslick');
  2275. if (event.type == "local") {
  2276. localStream =;
  2277. localMediaElement = event.mediaElement;
  2278. }
  2279. setTimeout(function() {
  2281. }, 10000);
  2283. if (!$("#containerBigVideo").children().filter("video").length) {
  2284. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2285. if ( && connection.extra.enabledVideo) {
  2286. // if we have our local video enabled
  2287. containerBigVideo.html(event.mediaElement);
  2288. containerBigVideo.css({
  2289. "width": "204px",
  2290. "height": "auto",
  2291. "left": "-8px"
  2292. });
  2293. } else {
  2294. containerBigVideo.html('<i class="fa-user-large chatitem"></i>');
  2295. containerBigVideo.css({
  2296. "width": "204px",
  2297. "height": "auto",
  2298. "left": "-8px"
  2299. });
  2300. }
  2301. } else {
  2302. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2303. console.log(event.mediaElement);
  2304. event.mediaElement.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  2305. e.preventDefault();
  2306. console.log(e);
  2307. console.log("Stream ID is " + event.streamid);
  2308. $('#videocontext').menu('show', {
  2309. id: event.userid,
  2310. left: e.pageX,
  2311. top: e.pageY,
  2312. onShow: function() {
  2313. remoteUserId = event.userid;
  2314. streamid = event.streamid;
  2315. console.log("Remote User ID : " + remoteUserId);
  2316. }
  2317. });
  2318. };
  2319. }
  2320. if (!$("#containerUserFaces").children().filter("video").length) {
  2321. containerUserFaces.html('');
  2322. }
  2323. console.log("Adding remote video");
  2324. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2325. if ( {
  2326. div.innerHTML = event.mediaElement;
  2327. } else {
  2328. div.innerHTML = '<div class="user-face fa-user-small"></div>';
  2329. }
  2330. connection.send(msg);
  2331. containerUserFaces.append(div);
  2332. }
  2333. if ($("#containerUserFaces").children().filter("video").length) {
  2334. // activate slick slider
  2335. containerUserFaces.slick({
  2336. infinite: true,
  2337. slidesToShow: 3,
  2338. slidesToScroll: 1
  2339. });
  2340. isFirstSlickInit = false;
  2341. }
  2342. updateContainerUserFaces( );
  2343. };
  2344. function adjustBigVideo() {
  2345. console.log( "inside adjustBigVideo");
  2346. //clear all
  2347. if (!isFirstSlickInit) containerUserFaces.slick('unslick');
  2348. // if we have our local video enabled
  2349. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2350. if (connection.getAllParticipants().length) {
  2351. // Lets clean the place.
  2352. containerUserFaces.html('');
  2353. }
  2354. if (connection.extra.enabledVideo) {
  2355. //adding the video tag
  2356. var videoTagHTML = '<div class="user-face" data-user-id="' + connection.userid + '"><video src="' + localStream.blobURL + '" id="' + localStream.streamid + '" muted></video></div>';
  2357. videoTagHTML = localMediaElement;
  2358. if (!$("#containerBigVideo .user-face").children().filter("video").length) {
  2359. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2360. containerBigVideo.html(videoTagHTML);
  2361. currentBigVideo.streamid = localStream.streamid;
  2362. currentBigVideo.enabled = true;
  2363. } else {
  2364. containerUserFaces.append(videoTagHTML);
  2365. }
  2366. containerBigVideo.css({
  2367. "width": "204px",
  2368. "height": "auto",
  2369. "left": "-8px"
  2370. });
  2371. //playing the video
  2372. setTimeout(function() {
  2373. document.getElementById(localStream.streamid).play();
  2374. }, 5000);
  2375. } else {
  2376. containerBigVideo.html('<i class="fa-user-large chatitem"></i>');
  2377. containerBigVideo.attr("data-user-id", connection.userid);
  2378. }
  2379. //for each connected users
  2380. connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(userid) {
  2381. var remotePeer = connection.peers[userid];
  2382. //if a remote user has video enabled and has a stream
  2383. if (remotePeer.extra.enabledVideo && remotePeer.streams.length != 0) {
  2384. var remoteVideoStream = remotePeer.streams[0].streamid;
  2385. var remoteStream = connection.streamEvents[remoteVideoStream];
  2386. //adding the video tag
  2387. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2388. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2389. div.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  2390. e.preventDefault();
  2391. console.log(e);
  2392. $('#videocontext').menu('show', {
  2393. id: userid,
  2394. left: e.pageX,
  2395. top: e.pageY,
  2396. onShow: function() {
  2397. remoteUserId = userid;
  2398. console.log("Remote User ID : " + remoteUserId);
  2399. }
  2400. });
  2401. };
  2402. }
  2403. var videoTagHTML = '<div class="user-face" data-user-id="' + userid + '"><video src="' + remoteStream.blobURL + '" id="' + remoteStream.streamid + '" muted></video></div>';
  2404. div.innerHTML = videoTagHTML;
  2405. //display video in the top menu
  2406. if (!$("#containerBigVideo .user-face").children().filter("video").length) {
  2407. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2408. containerBigVideo.html(videoTagHTML);
  2409. } else {
  2410. containerUserFaces.append(div);
  2411. }
  2412. //playing the video
  2413. setTimeout(function() {
  2414. document.getElementById(remoteStream.streamid).play();
  2415. }, 10000);
  2416. } else {
  2417. var audioTagHTML = '<div class="user-face fa-user-small data-user-id="' + userid + '"></div>';
  2418. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2419. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2420. div.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  2421. e.preventDefault();
  2422. console.log(e);
  2423. $('#videocontext').menu('show', {
  2424. id: userid,
  2425. left: e.pageX,
  2426. top: e.pageY,
  2427. onShow: function() {
  2428. remoteUserId = userid;
  2429. console.log("Remote User ID : " + remoteUserId);
  2430. }
  2431. });
  2432. };
  2433. }
  2434. div.innerHTML = audioTagHTML;
  2435. containerUserFaces.append(div);
  2436. }
  2438. });
  2439. if (connection.getAllParticipants().length) {
  2440. //activate slick slider
  2441. containerUserFaces.slick({
  2442. infinite: true,
  2443. slidesToShow: 3,
  2444. slidesToScroll: 1
  2445. });
  2446. isFirstSlickInit = false;
  2447. }
  2448. }
  2449. //updates user images/video at the top of the webrtc panel
  2450. function updateContainerUserFaces( ) {
  2451. console.log( "inside updateContainerUserFaces");
  2452. //clear all
  2453. if (!isFirstSlickInit) containerUserFaces.slick('unslick');
  2454. // if we have our local video enabled
  2455. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2456. if(connection.getAllParticipants().length) {
  2457. // Lets clean the place.
  2458. containerUserFaces.html('');
  2459. }
  2460. if (connection.extra.enabledVideo) {
  2461. //adding the video tag
  2462. console.log( "Local Media Elememt" );
  2463. console.log( localMediaElement );
  2464. if (!$("#containerBigVideo").children().filter("video").length) {
  2465. console.log( "Going to add video in big one" );
  2466. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2467. containerBigVideo.html(localMediaElement);
  2468. currentBigVideo.streamid = localStream.streamid;
  2469. currentBigVideo.enabled = true;
  2470. } else {
  2471. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2472. div.html(localMediaElement);
  2473. console.log( "Going to add video in small one" );
  2474. containerUserFaces.append(div);
  2475. }
  2476. containerBigVideo.css({
  2477. "width": "204px",
  2478. "height": "auto",
  2479. "left": "-8px"
  2480. });
  2481. //playing the video
  2482. console.log( "Problamatic play..." );
  2483. console.log( localStream.streamid );
  2484. if( document.getElementById(localStream.streamid) ){
  2485. setTimeout(function() {
  2486. console.log( "Going to play..." );
  2487. document.getElementById(localStream.streamid).play();
  2488. }, 10000);
  2489. }
  2490. } else {
  2491. containerBigVideo.html('<i class="fa-user-large chatitem"></i>');
  2492. containerBigVideo.attr("data-user-id", connection.userid);
  2493. }
  2494. console.log( "trying to play..." );
  2495. //for each connected users
  2496. connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(userid) {
  2497. var remotePeer = connection.peers[userid];
  2498. console.log( "remote Peer");
  2499. console.log( remotePeer );
  2501. //if a remote user has video enabled and has a stream
  2502. if (remotePeer.extra.enabledVideo && remotePeer.streams.length != 0) {
  2503. var remoteVideoStream = remotePeer.streams[0].id;
  2504. var remoteStream = connection.streamEvents[remoteVideoStream];
  2505. console.log( "Remote Stream" );
  2507. var remoteMediaStream = remotePeer.streams[0].MediaStream;
  2508. var remoteMediaElement = remoteStream.mediaElement;
  2509. //adding the video tag
  2510. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2511. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2512. div.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  2513. e.preventDefault();
  2514. console.log(e);
  2515. $('#videocontext').menu('show', {
  2516. id: userid,
  2517. left: e.pageX,
  2518. top: e.pageY,
  2519. onShow: function() {
  2520. remoteUserId = userid;
  2521. console.log("Remote User ID : " + remoteUserId);
  2522. }
  2523. });
  2524. };
  2525. }
  2526. var videoTagHTML = '<div class="user-face" data-user-id="' + userid + '"><video src="' + remoteStream.blobURL + '" id="' + remoteStream.streamid + '" muted></video></div>';
  2527. videoTagHTML = remoteMediaElement;
  2528. div.innerHTML = videoTagHTML;
  2529. //display video in the top menu
  2530. if (!$("#containerBigVideo").children().filter("video").length) {
  2531. containerBigVideo.html('');
  2532. containerBigVideo.html(remoteMediaElement);
  2533. currentBigVideo.streamid = remoteStream.streamid;
  2534. currentBigVideo.enabled = true;
  2535. } else {
  2536. containerUserFaces.append(remoteMediaElement);
  2537. }
  2538. //playing the video
  2539. setTimeout(function() {
  2540. document.getElementById(remoteStream.streamid).play();
  2541. }, 10000);
  2542. } else {
  2543. var audioTagHTML = '<div class="user-face fa-user-small data-user-id="' + userid + '"></div>';
  2544. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2545. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2546. div.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
  2547. e.preventDefault();
  2548. console.log(e);
  2549. $('#videocontext').menu('show', {
  2550. id: userid,
  2551. left: e.pageX,
  2552. top: e.pageY,
  2553. onShow: function() {
  2554. remoteUserId = userid;
  2555. console.log("Remote User ID : " + remoteUserId);
  2556. }
  2557. });
  2558. };
  2559. }
  2560. div.innerHTML = audioTagHTML;
  2561. containerUserFaces.append(div);
  2562. }
  2564. });
  2565. if (connection.getAllParticipants().length) {
  2566. //activate slick slider
  2567. containerUserFaces.slick({
  2568. infinite: true,
  2569. slidesToShow: 3,
  2570. slidesToScroll: 1
  2571. });
  2572. isFirstSlickInit = false;
  2573. }
  2575. return;
  2576. }
  2577. // Send text message button handler
  2578. $('#input-box').textbox({
  2579. onClickButton: function() {
  2580. if ($('#input-box').val().length === 0) return;
  2581. var msg = "<b" + user_name + " </b>> " + $('#input-box').val();
  2582. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2583. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2584. connection.send(msg);
  2585. $("#input-box").textbox('setValue', "");
  2586. },
  2587. icons: [{
  2588. iconCls: 'icon-attach-file',
  2589. handler: function(e) {
  2590. e.preventDefault();
  2591. var fileSelector = new FileSelector();
  2592. fileSelector.selectSingleFile(function(file) {
  2593. connection.send(file);
  2594. });
  2595. }
  2596. }]
  2597. });
  2598. $('#input-box').textbox('textbox').bind('keydown', function(e) {
  2599. if (e.keyCode == 13) {
  2600. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2601. var msg = "<b>" + user_name + "</b> > " + $(this).val();
  2602. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2603. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2604. connection.send(msg);
  2605. //scroll chat to the bottom
  2606. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2607. $("#input-box").textbox('setValue', "");
  2608. }
  2609. });
  2610. //share video button
  2611. $("#btnShareVideo").bind("click", function(event) {
  2612. connection.extra.enabledVideo = !connection.extra.enabledVideo;
  2613. if (connection.extra.enabledVideo) {
  2614. $(this).html('<div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-pause-circle-o chatitem"></i></div>');
  2615. $(this).attr("title", "Stop Sharing");
  2616. $('#btnShareAudio').html('<div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-microphone-slash-small chatitem"></i></div>');
  2617. $('#btnShareAudio').attr("title", "Mute");
  2618. connection.extra.isAudioMuted = false;
  2619. } else {
  2620. $(this).html('<div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-video-camera-small chatitem"></i></div>');
  2621. $(this).attr("title", "Share Video");
  2622. }
  2623. connection.send({
  2624. changedMedia: true,
  2625. userid: connection.userid
  2626. });
  2627. connection.updateExtraData();
  2628. updateContainerUserFaces();
  2629. });
  2630. $("#btnShareAudio").bind("click", function(event) {
  2631. if (connection.extra.isAudioMuted) {
  2632. localStream.unmute('audio');
  2633. $(this).html('<div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-microphone-slash-small chatitem"></i></div>');
  2634. $(this).attr("title", "Mute");
  2635. } else {
  2636. localStream.mute('audio');
  2637. $(this).html('<div class="sub-default-lft" style="border-right:none;"><i class="fa-microphone-small chatitem"></i></div>');
  2638. $(this).attr("title", "Unmute");
  2639. }
  2640. connection.extra.isAudioMuted = !connection.extra.isAudioMuted;
  2641. connection.send({
  2642. changedMedia: true,
  2643. userid: connection.userid
  2644. });
  2645. connection.updateExtraData();
  2646. updateContainerUserFaces();
  2647. });
  2648. // Adds text message to the chat
  2649. connection.onmessage = function onMessageHandler(event) {
  2650. //if user receives the image from admin screen that he is sharing
  2651. if ( &&'screenImage')) {
  2652. sharedPartOfScreenPreview.src =;
  2653. return;
  2654. } else if ( && {
  2655. console.log("Got a shared video message...");
  2656. setTimeout(function() {
  2657. updateContainerUserFaces();
  2658. }, 10000);
  2659. return;
  2660. } else if ( && && == connection.userid) {
  2661. console.log("Got a mute message from admin...");
  2662. connection.extra.isAudioMuted = false;
  2663. $("#btnShareAudio").trigger("click");
  2664. return;
  2665. } else if ( &&'raiseHand') && connection.isInitiator) {
  2666. console.log("Got a raise hand message from ..." +;
  2667. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2668. div.innerHTML =;
  2670. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2671. //scroll chat to the bottom
  2672. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2673. return;
  2674. } else if ( &&'raiseHand') && !connection.isInitiator) {
  2675. console.log("Got a raise hand message from ..." +;
  2676. return;
  2677. } else if ( &&'unmuteUserStream') && == connection.userid) {
  2678. console.log("Got an unmute message from admin...");
  2679. connection.extra.isAudioMuted = true;
  2680. $("#btnShareAudio").trigger("click");
  2681. return;
  2682. }
  2683. console.log(event);
  2684. console.log(connection);
  2685. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2686. div.innerHTML = || event;
  2687. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2688. //scroll chat to the bottom
  2689. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2690. }
  2691. connection.streamended = connection.onclose = function(event) {
  2692. setTimeout(function() {
  2693. updateContainerUserFaces();
  2694. }, 10000);
  2695. };
  2696. connection.onleave = function(event) {
  2697. if( typeof event.extra.user_name !== 'undefined' ){
  2698. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2699. var msg = '<b>' + event.extra.user_name + '</b> > left the room';
  2700. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2701. console.log( "connection.onleave" );
  2702. console.log( event );
  2703. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2704. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2705. }
  2706. };
  2707. $('#btnMuteAll').bind('click', function() {
  2708. jQuery.each(connection.streamEvents, function(index, value) {
  2709. if (connection.isInitiator && value.type == "remote") {
  2710. connection.send({
  2711. muteUserStream: true,
  2712. userid: value.userid
  2713. });
  2714. console.log("Sending mute command to the server");
  2715. }
  2716. });
  2717. });
  2718. $('#btnRaiseHand').bind('click', function() {
  2719. //onMessageHandler(msg);
  2720. var div = document.createElement('div');
  2721. var msg = '<b>' + user_name + '</b> > <i class="fa-raise-hand-small big"></i>';
  2722. div.innerHTML = msg;
  2723. chatContainer.appendChild(div);
  2725. //scroll chat to the bottom
  2726. chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.lastChild.offsetTop;
  2727. connection.send({
  2728. msg: msg,
  2729. raiseHand: true,
  2730. userid: connection.userid
  2731. });
  2732. console.log("Sending raise hand command to the server.");
  2733. });
  2737. $("#webrtcPanel").hide();
  2738. $("#cc").css("visibility", "visible");
  2739. $("#muteUser").bind("click", function() {
  2740. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2741. connection.send({
  2742. muteUserStream: true,
  2743. userid: remoteUserId
  2744. });
  2745. console.log("Sending mute command to the server");
  2746. }
  2747. });
  2748. $("#unmuteUser").bind("click", function() {
  2749. if (connection.isInitiator) {
  2750. connection.send({
  2751. unmuteUserStream: true,
  2752. userid: remoteUserId
  2753. });
  2754. console.log("Sending unmute command to the server");
  2755. }
  2756. });
  2757. $("#containerBigVideoAndFullscreen").dblclick(function() {
  2758. if (currentBigVideo.enabled) {
  2759. if (screenfull.enabled) {
  2760. screenfull.toggle(document.getElementById(currentBigVideo.streamid));
  2761. }
  2762. }
  2763. });
  2764. $("#btnEnlargeVideo").bind("click", function(e) {
  2765. if (currentBigVideo.enabled) {
  2766. if (screenfull.enabled) {
  2767. screenfull.toggle(document.getElementById(currentBigVideo.streamid));
  2768. }
  2769. }
  2770. });
  2771. $("#refresh").bind("click", function(e) {
  2772. console.log( "Going to refresh connection");
  2773. var msg = "";
  2774. console.log( connection );
  2775. if( typeof connection.connectionDescription !== 'undefined' ){
  2776. msg = "Connection has been refreshed successfully";
  2777. connection.rejoin( connection.connectionDescription );
  2778. }else{
  2779. msg = "There is no connection to refresh";
  2780. }
  2781. ${
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  2783. msg: msg,
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  2785. width:298
  2786. });
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  2792. connection.rejoin( connection.connectionDescription );
  2793. }
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