
XD obtainable Pokemon

Apr 24th, 2023
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  1. Altaria
  2. Arbok
  3. Aron
  4. Articuno
  5. Baltoy
  6. Banette
  7. Beedrill
  8. Butterfree
  9. Carvanha
  10. Chansey
  11. Chikorita
  12. Cyndaquil
  13. Delcatty
  14. Dodrio
  15. Dragonite
  16. Dugtrio
  17. Duskull
  18. Electabuzz
  19. Exeggutor
  20. Farfetch'd
  21. Gligar
  22. Golduck
  23. Grimer
  24. Growlithe
  25. Gulpin
  26. Hitmonchan
  27. Hitmonlee
  28. Hoppip
  29. Houndour
  30. Hypno
  31. Kangaskhan
  32. Lapras
  33. Ledyba
  34. Lickitung
  35. Lugia
  36. Lunatone
  37. Magcargo
  38. Magmar
  39. Magneton
  40. Makuhita
  41. Manectric
  42. Mareep
  43. Marowak
  44. Mawile
  45. Meowth
  46. Moltres
  47. Mr. Mime
  48. Natu
  49. Nosepass
  50. Numel
  51. Paras
  52. Phanpy
  53. Pidgeotto
  54. Pineco
  55. Pinsir
  56. Poliwrath
  57. Poochyena
  58. Primeape
  59. Ralts
  60. Rapidash
  61. Raticate
  62. Rhydon
  63. Roselia
  64. Sableye
  65. Salamence
  66. Sandshrew
  67. Scyther
  68. Seedot
  69. Seel
  70. Shellder
  71. Shroomish
  72. Snorlax
  73. Snorunt
  74. Solrock
  75. Spearow
  76. Spheal
  77. Spinarak
  78. Starmie
  79. Surskit
  80. Swellow
  81. Swinub
  82. Tangela
  83. Tauros
  84. Teddiursa
  85. Togepi
  86. Totodile
  87. Trapinch
  88. Venomoth
  89. Voltorb
  90. Vulpix
  91. Weepinbell
  92. Wooper
  93. Zangoose
  94. Zapdos
  95. Zubat
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