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it unlocks many cool features!
- {
- "hero": {
- "title1": "The cup",
- "title2": "can eat",
- "description": "with your coffee!"
- },
- "greenRevolution": {
- "heading": "Check how much emission you’ll save",
- "value": "kg CO2 saved",
- "step1Text": "1 box of\n10 cups 110 ml",
- "step2Text": "1 box of\n12 cups 220 ml",
- "step3Text": "1 carton of\n200 cups 110 ml",
- "step4Text": "1 carton of\n240 cups 220 ml",
- "step5Text": "1 pallet of\n9 600 cups 110 ml",
- "step6Text": "1 pallet of\n8 640 cups 220 ml",
- "option1Text": "1 box of 10 cups 110 ml",
- "option2Text": "1 box of 12 cups 220 ml",
- "option3Text": "1 carton of 200 cups 110 ml",
- "option4Text": "1 carton of 240 cups 220 ml",
- "option5Text": "1 pallet of 9 600 cups 110 ml",
- "option6Text": "1 pallet of 8 640 cups 220 ml",
- "selectInputPlaceholder": "Select type"
- },
- "openPositions": {
- "title1": "Job position details",
- "title2": "Applying for a job position"
- },
- "caseStudyCardHeader": {
- "buttonText": "View more"
- },
- "contactFormSection": {
- "fName": "First name",
- "fName_p": "Your first name",
- "lName": "Last name",
- "lName_p": "Your last name",
- "company": "Your company",
- "company_p": "Company name",
- "email": "Your email",
- "phone": "Your phone number",
- "type": "Business type",
- "type_p": "Select your business type",
- "message": "Your message",
- "message_p": "Add your message here",
- "submit": "Submit",
- "successMessage": "Successfully sent message!",
- "errorMessage": "An error occurred! Please try again!",
- "checkboxLabel1": "I agree ",
- "checkboxLabel2": "Privacy policy",
- "checkboxLabel3": "rules and ",
- "checkboxLabel4": "Terms & Conditions",
- "businessType_p": "Select your business type"
- },
- "blogAllArticles": {
- "all": "all"
- },
- "cart": {
- "items": "Items",
- "yourCart": "Your cart",
- "orderSummary": "Order summary",
- "subtotal": "Subtotal",
- "discount": "Discount",
- "shipping": "Shipping",
- "total": "Total",
- "checkboxLabel1": "I agree ",
- "checkboxLabel2": "Privacy policy",
- "checkboxLabel3": "rules and ",
- "checkboxLabel4": "Terms & Conditions",
- "noChargeText": "You won’t be charged yet",
- "checkoutBtn": "checkout",
- "previewConfirmBtn": "Preview and confirm",
- "confirmBtn": "Confirm and pay",
- "totalOfText": "Total of ",
- "cups": " cups",
- "loginText": "Log in",
- "loginText2": "for faster checkout",
- "shippingHeading": "Shipping details",
- "shippingText": "We’ll ship to this address",
- "delivery": "Delivery",
- "fName": "First name",
- "fName_p": "Your first name",
- "lName": "Last name",
- "lName_p": "Your last name",
- "email": "Your email",
- "country": "Your country",
- "city": "Your city",
- "city_p": "City",
- "state": "State / Province",
- "state_p": "State / Province",
- "zip": "Postcode / zip",
- "address": "Address /street,flr,ap/",
- "address_p": "Address",
- "phone": "Your phone number",
- "invoiceHeading": "Invoice",
- "invoice": "I want an invoice",
- "company":"Your company",
- "company_p":"Your company name",
- "vat_checkbox": "VAT registration",
- "vat_input": "VAT",
- "vat": "VAT number",
- "vat_p": "VAT registration number",
- "uin": "Company registration number",
- "uin_p": "Company registration number",
- "manager": "Financially responsible person",
- "manager_p": "Financially responsible person",
- "manager2": "Manager",
- "manager2_p": "Manager",
- "orderNotes": "Order notes",
- "note": "Add your notes here...",
- "from": "from",
- "to": "to",
- "shippingError1": "The shipping can’t be calculated automatically. The above shipping price is approximate. We will contact you in few days to inform you about the delivery options.",
- "shippingError2": "The shipping can’t be calculated automatically. We will contact you in few days to inform you about the delivery options."
- },
- "payment": {
- "successHeading": "your order has been received",
- "successHeading2": "Thank you for your order!",
- "successDescription": "Your choice makes a world of difference, and we're thrilled to have you on board the sustainable journey with Cupffee!",
- "orderNumber": "Order №:",
- "homeBtn": "Go to home page",
- "profileBtn": "Go to my profile",
- "declinedHeading": "unsuccessful payment",
- "declinedHeading2": "Payment failed",
- "declinedDescription": "The payment is unsuccessful. Please check your cart details or contact with your bank.",
- "backBtn": "go back"
- },
- "useCaseCard": {
- "buttonText": "learn more"
- },
- "moreCaseStudies": {
- "buttonText": "View more",
- "all": "all"
- },
- "caseStudies": {
- "buttonText": "View more"
- },
- "brandYourCup": {
- "step1": {
- "uploadTitle": "Upload your symbol or logo",
- "uploadText": "Ensure your uploaded logo has a transparent background. Supported file formats include JPG, PNG, and SVG for optimal results.",
- "uploadInfo": "Please note that branding is not available for distributors and retailers.",
- "suportedFiles": "Supported files - .svg, .png, jpeg, .jpeg"
- }
- },
- "typographySection": {
- "no": "no"
- },
- "productCardsRow": {
- "buttonText": "more details"
- },
- "auth": {
- "successSentReset": "Successfully sent request to reset password!",
- "errorSentReset": "An error occurred! Please try again!",
- "forgotPassTitle": "Recover your password",
- "email":"Your email",
- "email_p": "Type your email",
- "sendVerifyBtn": "Send verify link",
- "resetPassTitle": "Set your password",
- "password": "Your password",
- "confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
- "setPassBtn": "Set password",
- "authModalTopText": "Register or log in to Cupffee",
- "loginSuccess": "You have logged in successfully.",
- "loginHeading": "Unlock exclusive bulk orders pricing",
- "loginDescription": "You need an account to get exclusive wholesale pricing and manage bulk orders.",
- "loginBullet1": "Competitive Wholesale Pricing",
- "loginBullet2": "High-Quality, Eco-Friendly Cups",
- "loginBullet3": "Dedicated Support for Bulk Buyers",
- "loginBullet4": "Flexible Shipping Options",
- "loginBtn": "Log in to your cupffee account",
- "forgotPassBtn": "Forgot your password?",
- "noAccountText": "Don’t have an account?",
- "createAccountText": "Create a new account",
- "registerSuccess": "You have registered successfully.",
- "registerHeading": "Unlock exclusive bulk orders pricing",
- "registerDescription": "You need an account to get exclusive wholesale pricing and manage bulk orders.",
- "fName": "First name",
- "fName_p":"Your first name",
- "lName": "Last name",
- "lName_p": "Your last name",
- "country":"Your country",
- "company":"Your company",
- "company_p":"Your company name",
- "company_size": "Company Size",
- "company_size_p": "Your company size",
- "businessType": "Business type",
- "businessType_p":"Select your business type",
- "checkboxLabel1": "I agree ",
- "checkboxLabel2": "Privacy policy",
- "checkboxLabel3": "rules and ",
- "checkboxLabel4": "Terms & Conditions",
- "registerBtn": "Create account & get discounts",
- "registerBtnLabel": "You will receive link to verify your account on your email.",
- "registerLoginInfo": "Already have an account?",
- "registerLoginBtn": "Log in"
- },
- "profile": {
- "successEditShipping": "Successfully edited Shipping information!",
- "error": "An error occurred! Please try again!",
- "successEditInvoice": "Successfully edited Invoice information!",
- "successSentVerification": "Successfully sent verification message to your email!",
- "profileSettingsBtn": "Profile & Settings",
- "helpDeskBtn": "cupffee helpdesk",
- "logoutBtn": "Log out",
- "verifyAccountText": "Your account is not verified yet. To unlock your profile please go to your email and verify your account.",
- "resendEmailBtn": "Resend email",
- "profileSettingsTitle": "Profile & Settings",
- "profileSettingsSubtitle": "Personal information",
- "editBtn": "Edit",
- "cancelBtn": "cancel",
- "saveBtn": "save",
- "name": "Name",
- "email": "Email address",
- "phone": "Phone number",
- "country": "Country",
- "city": "City",
- "state": "State / Province",
- "zip": "Postcode / Zip",
- "address": "Address",
- "vat": "Vat registration number",
- "uin": "Company registration number",
- "shippingDetails": "Shipping details",
- "invoiceDetails": "Invoice details"
- },
- "nutritionFacts": {
- "title": "Nutrition facts",
- "btn1": "Per cup (14 g)",
- "btn2": "Per 100 g"
- },
- "shopTypesSection": {
- "title": "Looking for something else?",
- "description": "I'm not just any cup – I'm your crunchy, biodegradable companion. Sink your teeth into sustainability as you sip, and join me on a flavorful journey that's kind to both you and the planet."
- },
- "header": {
- "item1": "The cup",
- "item2": "Green mission",
- "item3": "Use cases",
- "item31": "Distributors",
- "item32": "Events & catering",
- "item33": "Coffee producers",
- "item34": "Hotels, restaurants & Cafes",
- "item35": "Corporation & Big companies",
- "item36": "Retailers",
- "item4": "Case studies",
- "item5": "About us",
- "item6": "Blog",
- "item7": "Contact us",
- "item8": "Shop",
- "item91": "Profile & Settings",
- "item92": "Cupffee Helpdesk",
- "item93": "Log out"
- },
- "modals": {
- "requestSampleHeading": "Request a sample",
- "requestSampleTitle": "Start your Cupffee journey with our sample pack!",
- "requestSampleDescription": "Perfect for first-time buyers, gift-givers, or those curious about the future of sustainable sipping.",
- "checkoutBtn": "Checkout",
- "requestSampleBulletTitle": "Each pack includes",
- "requestSampleBullet1": "10 small Cupffee cups (110 ml)",
- "requestSampleBullet2": "12 large Cupffee cups (220 ml)",
- "requestSampleBullet3": "Cup holders for each cup in the pack",
- "total": "Total",
- "jobDetailsTitle": "Applying for a job position",
- "details": "Details",
- "applyBtn": "apply now",
- "jobApplySuccess": "Successfully sent application!",
- "jobApplyTitle": "Applying for a job position",
- "jobApplyError": "An error occurred! Please try again!",
- "jobApplyHeading": "Applying for a job position",
- "jobApplyDescription": "Join our team and play an essential role in preparing the final product to ensure the high quality expected by our customers.",
- "name": "Name",
- "name_p": "Your name",
- "email": "Email",
- "summary": "Summary",
- "summary_p": "Summary",
- "resume": "Resume (pdf, doc, docx, txt)",
- "resume_p": "Upload a file",
- "checkboxLabel1": "I agree ",
- "checkboxLabel2": "Privacy policy",
- "checkboxLabel3": "rules and ",
- "checkboxLabel4": "Terms & Conditions",
- "jobApplySuccessTitle": "Thank you!",
- "jobApplySuccessDescription": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Aliquam arcu quis risus quis mi.",
- "backBtn":"go back"
- },
- "footer": {
- "category1Title": "Products",
- "category1Item1": "Small packs",
- "category1Item2": "Big packs",
- "category1Item3": "Sample pack",
- "category2Title": "Information",
- "category2Item1": "Shop",
- "category2Item2": "Blog",
- "category2Item3": "About us",
- "category2Item4": "Contacts",
- "category3Title": "Use cases",
- "category3Item1": "Retailers",
- "category3Item2": "Distributors",
- "category3Item3": "Events & Catering",
- "category3Item4": "Coffee Producers",
- "category3Item5": "HoReCa",
- "category3Item6": "Corporation & Big Companies",
- "category4Title": "Legal",
- "category4Item1": "Privacy Policy",
- "category4Item2": "Terms & Conditions",
- "category4Item3": "Cookie policy",
- "category4Item4": "Delivery & Return",
- "address": "Asenovgradsko Shose 1 Bld, 4023, Trakia industrial zone, Plovdiv, Bulgaria",
- "description": "The edible cookie cup – tasty, crunchy, and a fully organic alternative to all disposable cups.",
- "orderBtn": "Order now"
- }
- }
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