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- #!/bin/bash
- #created by Kris Occhipinti
- #Copyright Jan 20th 2018
- #License GPLv3
- goback="1day"
- ytdir="$HOME/.ytsubs"
- subs="$ytdir/ytsubs.lst"
- current="$ytdir/current.lst"
- viewed="$ytdir/viewed.lst"
- tmp="/tmp/ytsubs.lst"
- tmp2="/tmp/ytsubs.tmp"
- format="22"
- func=$1
- length=0
- videos=()
- #text Editor
- editor="vim"
- #max wait time while pulling video list
- wait=30
- function main(){
- checkFiles
- if [ "$func" == "get" ]
- then
- getCurrent
- elif [ "$func" == "all" ]
- then
- all=true
- showList
- elif [ "$func" == "list" ]
- then
- $editor $subs
- elif [ "$func" == "help" ]
- then
- help
- else
- showList
- fi
- }
- function help(){
- echo -e "\e[7m Options: \e[0m"
- echo -e "\e[32m$0 get \e[37m#updates video list"
- echo -e "\e[32m$0 list \e[37m#edit list of subscriptions"
- echo -e ""
- echo -e "\e[7m Usefull: \e[0m"
- echo -e "Add $0 to your conjobs"
- echo ""
- controls
- }
- function checkFiles(){
- if [ ! -d $ytdir ]
- then
- mkdir -p $ytdir
- fi
- if [ ! -f $subs ]
- then
- echo "metalx1000" > $subs
- echo "BryanLunduke" >> $subs
- fi
- }
- function getCurrent(){
- #remove old list
- rm "$tmp"
- echo "Saving to $current"
- cat $subs|sort -u|while read sub;do
- echo -n "Getting ${sub}'s Video List..."
- timeout $wait youtube-dl -ciwgef $format --dateafter=now-$goback ytuser:$sub 2>/dev/null|\
- while read line
- do
- if [[ $line != *"http"* ]];
- then
- echo "$sub - $line"|sed 's/&/and/g;s/\[//g;s/\]//g;' >> "$tmp"
- else
- echo "$line" >> "$tmp"
- fi
- done
- echo ""
- done
- mv "$tmp" "$current"
- echo "$current updated."
- }
- function playVideo(){
- echo "Playing $1..."
- echo "$1" >> $viewed
- url="$(grep "$1" -A 1 $current|tail -n 1)"
- echo "$url"
- mpv "$url"
- }
- function controls(){
- echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mKeys: w=up;s=down;e=select;q=quit\e[0m"
- }
- function removeViewed(){
- cp $current $tmp2
- cat $viewed|sort -u|grep -v '^http'|while read l;
- do
- sed -i "/$l/d" $tmp2
- done
- grep -v '^http' $tmp2|sort -u
- }
- function showList(){
- if [ $all ]
- then
- IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' command eval 'videos=($(grep -v "^http" $current))'
- else
- removeViewed
- IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' command eval 'videos=($(removeViewed))'
- fi
- length="${#videos[@]}"
- let x=0;
- while [ 1 ]
- do
- clear
- controls
- for (( i=0; i<$length;i++ ));
- do
- if [ "$i" = "$x" ]
- then
- echo -e "\e[7m${videos[$i]}\e[0m"
- else
- echo "${videos[$i]}"
- fi
- done
- read -rsn1 k
- case $k in
- "s") let x++;;
- "w") let x--;;
- "q") echo "Goodbye...";exit 0;;
- "e") playVideo "${videos[$x]}";;
- esac
- if [ $x -lt 0 ]
- then
- let x=0;
- elif [ $x -ge $length ]
- then
- let x=$length-1;
- fi
- done
- }
- main
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