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- use solana_program::{
- account_info::{AccountInfo, next_account_info},
- declare_id, entrypoint, pubkey::Pubkey,
- program_error::ProgramError,
- msg, entrypoint::ProgramResult,
- };
- use spl_token::{ instruction::TokenInstruction, state::Account as TokenAccount};
- declare_id!("YourUniqueProgramIdHere");
- /// Advanced custom error definitions for detailed feedback.
- #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
- pub enum TokenRestrictionError {
- UnauthorizedTransfer,
- TransferCurrentlyRestricted,
- OperationNotSupported,
- }
- impl From<TokenRestrictionError> for ProgramError {
- fn from(e: TokenRestrictionError) -> Self {
- ProgramError::Custom(e as u32)
- }
- }
- /// Documents the purpose of the program and how it interfaces with SPL Token instructions.
- /// Main entry point for the token sale restriction program.
- entrypoint!(process_instruction);
- /// Processes instructions sent to this program.
- /// Instructions can be filtered to apply logic, such as blocking or allowing transfers.
- fn process_instruction(
- program_id: &Pubkey,
- accounts: &[AccountInfo],
- instruction_data: &[u8]
- ) -> ProgramResult {
- msg!("Token Restriction Program Processing Instruction");
- let instruction = TokenInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
- match instruction {
- TokenInstruction::Transfer { .. } => {
- msg!("Transfer attempted, checking for restrictions.");
- // Example restriction: Disallow all transfers
- // In practice, insert logic to determine if a transfer should be allowed or not.
- // This could include checking the current time against a preset time, ensuring the
- // sender or receiver is in a whitelist, etc.
- Err(TokenRestrictionError::UnauthorizedTransfer.into())
- },
- // This program is specifically for managing transfer restrictions.
- // Other token operations are not processed here to maintain focused functionality.
- _ => Err(TokenRestrictionError::OperationNotSupported.into()),
- }
- }
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