

Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. look excelsor
  2. Excelsor looks like a robotics experiment from the 1920s. A huge (20 metres to the shoulder) steel lion, walking on all fours, with only a large chrome mane to interrupt it's otherwise jet black lacquer coat.
  3. Looking at it you can see that some concessions have had to made to mechanical design, such as the enlarged shoulders and hips to carry clutches, its enlarged abdomen which bulges to accommodate the steam boiler in the chest, a turbine in the stomach and an alternator buried somewhere between the hips. On each shoulder it carries a heavy oil cooled transformer that steps down the alternator potential to give enough current to drive the electric motors that ultimately allow it to move.
  4. The ankles appear to have defeated the engineers completely so they've cheated and used a straight pin to allow each paw to pitch, and given the paw pads suspension, partly to absorb the force with which those huge paws will come crashing down but mainly to soak up any gradient.
  6. When it walks it makes the most amazing spectacle, clutches engage and disengage the constantly running motors to drive legs whilst through cut away sections that allow its joints to flex you can see moving connecting rods, transferring the mechanical energy to where it is needed.
  7. Looking up at its face, you would swear that it smiled at you and winked, but when you check again, it's as grey and expressionless as it has always been.
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