
BL9 - Kirop Shot

Jan 22nd, 2023
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  1. Vamprah vaulted into the sky, Gavla barely hanging on. Quickly, he gathered the other Makuta and they bolted back for their cavern base. They were halfway there when massive stone missiles began to drop from the ceiling, one almost impaling Mutran.
  3. “Hey, down there,” Pohatu Nuva called from above, even as he wrenched another huge stalactite loose from the cave roof. “This place has really gone to Karzahni since we were here in the old days. Thought it could use a good cleaning up — starting with you.”
  5. Antroz fired a blast of heat vision at the sound of Pohatu’s voice. Kirop’s warning of what was about to happen came too late. Kopaka Nuva rocketed in front of Pohatu, catching the vision blast on an ice shield and reflecting it back. The beams punched through the armor on Antroz’s shoulder, allowing his precious energy to start leaking out.
  7. Snarling, Chirox and Kirop flew toward Pohatu. They had almost reached him when Lewa Nuva suddenly swooped down from his perch on the ceiling, firing his Skyblaster. The sphere of light struck Kirop, knocking him off Chirox’s back. Startled, Chirox slowed for just a second. But it was long enough for Pohatu to bring the stalactite down on him like a club, sending Chirox spiraling down toward the swamp.
  9. Lewa Nuva’s smile of triumph was short-lived. He spotted two Av-Matoran flying from the cave, eager to join in the fight. He shouted for them to go back, but it was too late. Icarax trapped them inside a powerful cyclone and then directed it toward the cavern wall.
  12. - BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky, Chapter 8
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