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- class pngIDAT:
- def __init__(self,width,height,IDATs):
- if type(IDATs) in (list,tuple):IDAT=''.join(IDATs)
- else:IDAT=IDATs
- del IDATs
- try:self.IDAT=IDAT.decode('zlib')
- except:self.IDAT=IDAT
- self.width,self.height=width,height
- self.size=lambda:(self.width,self.height)
- l=len(self.IDAT)
- if l%self.height!=0 or (l/self.height-1)%self.width!=0 or (l/self.height-1)/self.width not in (1,2,3,4):raise TypeError('It not a valid 8 bit IDAT')
- self.IDAT=[x[1:] for x in yields.yieldSliceLength(self.IDAT,len(self.IDAT)/self.height)]
- #self.IDAT=string2D(self.width,self.height,list(''.join([x[1:] for x in yieldSliceLength(self.IDAT,len(self.IDAT)/self.height)])))
- self.planes=(l/self.height-1)/self.width
- self.modes=('L','LA','RGB','RGBA')
- self.mode=self.modes[self.planes-1]
- self.R=lambda:self.getChannel(0)
- self.G=lambda:self.getChannel(1)
- self.B=lambda:self.getChannel(2)
- self.A=lambda:self.getChannel(3)
- def getChannel(self,n):
- if n==0:N=0
- elif n==4:
- if self.mode in ('L','RGB'):N=None
- elif self.mode=='LA':N=2
- elif self.mode=='RGBA':N=4
- elif n==3:
- if self.mode in ('L','RGB'):N=0
- elif self.mode=='RGBA':N=3
- elif self.mode=='LA':N=2
- elif n==2:
- if self.mode in ('L','LA'):N=0
- elif self.mode in ('RGB','RGBA'):N=2
- elif n==1:
- if self.mode in ('L','LA'):N=0
- elif self.mode in ('RGB','RGBA'):N=1
- if N==None:return ('\0'*self.width for x in xrange(self.height))
- elif self.planes==1:return (x for x in self.IDAT)
- else:
- return (x[N::self.planes] for x in self.IDAT)
- def toFile(self,path=None):
- if path==None:path=tempfile.mktemp('.png')
- pngWriteAll(path,genIHDR(self.width,self.height,self.planes),('\0'+'\0'.join(self.IDAT)).encode('zlib'))
- return path
- def toImage(self,path=None):
- path=self.toFile(path)
- return
- def show(self,temp=None):
- i=self.toImage(temp)
- showImage(i)
- del i
- def IHDR(self):return genIHDR(self.width,self.height,self.planes)
- def dictIHDR(self):return IHDR_decode(self.IHDR())
- #
- #
- #
- def pngAddAlpha(source,alpha_path,target=None):
- if type(source) is not Image:
- img=pngChunks(source,1,'IHDR').next()
- iBitdepth=img[1]['bitdepth']
- if iBitdepth!
- del img
- if type(alpha_path) is not Image:
- mask=pngChunks(alpha_path,1,'IHDR').next()
- mBitdepth=mask[1]['bitdepth']
- if mBitdepth!
- del mask
- if type(source) is Image:
- _source=tempfile.mktemp('.png')
- del source
- source=_source
- if type(alpha_path) is Image:
- _alpha_path=tempfile.mktemp('.png')
- del alpha_path
- alpha_path=_alpha_path
- img=pngChunksDict(source,1)
- mask=pngChunksDict(alpha_path,1)
- IHDR=img['IHDR'][0]
- iBitdepth=IHDR['bitdepth']
- mBitdepth=mask['IHDR'][0]['bitdepth']
- IHDR['color_type']=6
- IHDR['bitdepth']=8
- width,height=IHDR['width'],IHDR['height']
- IHDR['compression']=0
- IHDR['interlace']=0
- IHDR=IHDR_encode(IHDR)
- RGB=yieldSliceLength(''.join(img['IDAT']).decode('zlib'),width*3+1)
- A=iter(yieldSliceLength(''.join(mask['IDAT']).decode('zlib'),width+1))
- RGBA=list()
- for row in RGB:
- RGBs=row[1:]
- if len(RGBs)!=width*3:RGBs=rowToRGB(RGBs,width)
- if len(As)==width*3:As=As[::3]
- elif len(As)==width*2:As=As[1::2]
- elif len(As)==width*4:As=As[3::4]
- temp=[' ']*(len(RGBs)*4/3)
- temp[::4]=RGBs[::3]
- temp[1::4]=RGBs[1::3]
- temp[2::4]=RGBs[2::3]
- temp[3::4]=As
- RGBA.extend(['\0']+temp)
- RGBA=''.join(RGBA)
- RGBA=RGBA.encode('zlib')
- if target==None:target='%smasked%s'%os.path.split(source)
- pngWriteAll(target,IHDR,RGBA)
- def rowToRGB(row,width):
- l=len(row)
- if l==width:case='L'
- elif l==width*3:return row
- elif l==width*2:case='LA'
- temp=[' ']*width*3
- if case=='LA':row=row[::2]
- temp[::3]=temp[1::3]=temp[2::3]=row
- rt=''.join(temp)
- del temp
- return rt
- def genIHDR(width,height,planes):
- if planes==3:ty=2
- elif planes==4:ty=6
- else:ty=2
- return IHDR_encode({'width':width, 'height':height, 'bitdepth':8, 'color_type':ty,'compression':0, 'filter':0,'interlace':0})
- def IHDR_decode(data):
- try:return dict(zip(
- ('width', 'height', 'bitdepth', 'color_type','compression', 'filter','interlace') ,struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)) )
- except:raise TypeError('It is not a valid IHDR data')
- def IHDR_encode(data):
- d=[data[x] for x in ('width', 'height', 'bitdepth', 'color_type','compression', 'filter','interlace')]
- return struct.pack('!2I5B',*d)
- def is_png(f):
- signature='\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'
- if type(f) in (str,unicode):
- try:return open('f','wb').read(8)==signature
- except:raise TypeError
- else:
- try:
- return
- except:raise TypeError
- def pngChunk(f,result=0,req=None):
- try:
- length,ty=struct.unpack('!I4s', head)
- if ty=='IHDR':
- data=IHDR_decode([:-4])
- elif result==0:
- pos=f.tell()
- data=(pos,length)
- elif result in (1,2,3):
- if ty=='IDAT' and result==2:
- pass
- elif ty=='IDAT' and result==3:data=len(data)
- if req==None or req==ty:return (ty,data)
- else:return pngChunk(f,result,req)
- except:raise ValueError('It is not a valid checksum')
- def pngChunks(path,result=0,req=None):
- f=open(path,'rb')
- if not is_png(f):raise TypeError('It is not a png file')
- while True:
- try:yield pngChunk(f,result,req)
- except ValueError:
- f.close()
- del f
- break
- def pngChunksDict(path,result=0):
- rt=dict()
- for x in iter(pngChunks(path,result)):
- ty,data=x
- if ty not in rt:rt[ty]=[]
- rt[ty].append(data)
- return rt
- def pngWriteChunk(f, ty, data=''):
- f.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data)))
- f.write(ty)
- f.write(data)
- checksum=zlib.crc32(ty)
- checksum=zlib.crc32(data, checksum)
- checksum&=2**32-1
- f.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum))
- def pngWriteAll(path,IHDR,IDAT):
- signature='\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'
- f=file(path,'wb')
- f.write(signature)
- pngWriteChunk(f,'IHDR',IHDR)
- pngWriteChunk(f,'IDAT',IDAT)
- pngWriteChunk(f,'IEND')
- f.close()
- def pngCeil(path,target,n):
- img=pngChunksDict(path,1)
- IHDR=IHDR_encode(img['IHDR'][0])
- IDAT=''.join(img['IDAT']).decode('zlib').translate(ceilMask(n)).encode('zlib')
- pngWriteAll(target,IHDR,IDAT)
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