
A5 - Commands

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. return {
  2.     {Name = "Ping", Desc = "Put a message out on a tablet (only to yourself)", Command = "P", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  3.         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", msg, "exit", nil)
  4.     end};
  5.     {Name = "Font", Desc = "Change your font (only ranked)", Command = "Font", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  6.         local Fonts = {"Arial", "ArialBold", "Legacy", "SourceSans", "SourceSansBold", "SourceSansItalic", "SourceSansLight"}
  7.         for _,fonttable in next,Fonts do
  8.             Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", fonttable, function()
  9.                 local DataFont = Functions.ChangeData(plr.Name, "Font", fonttable)
  10.                 if DataFont then
  11.                     Functions.Dismiss(plr, Functions.GetData(plr.Name, "Tablets"))
  12.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "Lime green", "Font set to "..Functions.GetData(plr.Name, "Font")
  13. .."!", "exit", nil)
  14.                 end
  15.             end, nil)
  16.         end
  17.     end};
  18.     {Name = "Dismiss", Desc = "Remove your tablets", Command = "Dt", Rank = 0, Function = function(plr,msg)
  19.         Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  20.     end};
  21.     {Name = "Dismiss all", Desc = "Remove everyone\'s tablets", Command = "/Dt", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  22.         for _,Player in next,Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  23.             Functions.Dismiss(Player, "All")
  24.         end
  25.     end};
  26.     {Name = "Commands", Desc = "Shows the commands on this admin", Command = "Cmds", Rank = 0, Function = function(plr,msg)
  27.         local UserRank = Functions.GetData(plr.Name, "Rank") or 0
  28.         OpenCommands = function()
  29.             Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  30.             for _,v in next,Alunite.Commands do
  31.                 if UserRank >= v.Rank then
  32.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", v.Name, function()
  33.                         Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  34.                         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Name: "..v.Name, "exit", nil)
  35.                         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Command: "..v.Command, "exit", nil)
  36.                         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Rank: "..v.Rank, "exit", nil)
  37.                         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Desc: "..v.Desc, "exit", nil)
  38.                         Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Back to menu", OpenCommands, nil)
  39.                     end, nil)
  40.                 end
  41.             end
  42.         end;OpenCommands()
  43.     end};
  44.     {Name = "Update", Desc = "Updates the admin without removing it", Command = "Update", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  45.         pcall(function()
  46.             Functions.LoadDatabase()
  47.         end)
  48.         local Result = Functions.DatabaseResult()
  49.         if string.lower(tostring(Result)) ~= "true" then
  50.             Functions.Tablet(plr, "Really red","Database update failed!", "exit", nil)
  51.         else
  52.             Functions.Tablet(plr, "Lime green","Database updated!", "exit", nil)           
  53.         end
  54.         Functions.ServiceBans()
  55.     end};
  56.     {Name = "Execute", Desc = "Execute shit using NLS (Sandbox broke execute)", Command = "/b", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  57.         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  58.             Functions.Breakout(plr, msg)
  59.         end))
  60.     end};
  61.     {Name = "Kick", Desc = "Remove a player from the server", Command = "/k", Rank = 2, Function = function(plr,msg)
  62.         local Player = Functions.GetPlayer(msg,string.len(msg))
  63.         if Player then
  64.             Player:Kick("You have been kicked by : "..plr.Name.." by Alunite")
  65.         end
  66.     end};
  67.     {Name = "Go nil - player", Desc = "Remove a player into nil", Command = "/nil", Rank = 1, Function = function(plr,msg)
  68.         local Player = Functions.GetPlayer(msg,string.len(msg))
  69.         if Player then
  70.             NLS([[
  71.                 local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  72.                 Player.Parent = nil
  73.             ]],Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"))
  74.         end
  75.     end};
  76.     {Name = "Go nil - character", Desc = "Remove a player\'s character", Command = "nil", Rank = 0, Function = function(plr,msg)
  77.         if Player and Player.Character then
  78.             Player.Character = nil
  79.         end
  80.     end};
  81.     {Name = "Respawn", Desc = "Reload a character", Command = "/r", Rank = 0, Function = function(plr,msg)
  82.         local Player = Functions.GetPlayer(msg,string.len(msg))
  83.         if Player then
  84.             Player:LoadCharacter()
  85.         end
  86.     end};
  87.     {Name = "Ban", Desc = "Ban a player from the server", Command = "/sban", Rank = 3, Function = function(plr,msg)
  88.         local Player = Functions.GetPlayer(msg,string.len(msg))
  89.         if Player then
  90.             table.insert(Alunite.Banned, Player.Name)
  91.             Functions.ServiceBans()
  92.         end
  93.     end};
  94.     {Name = "Search-Music", Desc = "Search music from HTTP", Command = "/s", Rank = 2, Function = function(plr,msg)
  95.         local Http = Services.HttpService
  96.         local KeyWords = Http:UrlEncode(msg)
  97.         local Url = ""..tostring(KeyWords).."&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=30"
  98.         local Assets = Http:JSONDecode(Http:GetAsync(Url))
  100.         local ShowMusic = function()
  101.             Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  102.             for _,a in next,Assets do
  103.                 Functions.Tablet(plr, "White", a.Name, function()
  104.                     Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  105.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Play - Local", function() Functions.PlayMusic(a.AssetId, true) end, nil)
  106.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Play - Server", function() Functions.PlayMusic(a.AssetId, false) end, nil)
  107.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Name : "..a.Name, "exit", nil)
  108.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Sales : "..a.Sales, "exit", nil)
  109.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "AssetID : "..a.AssetId, "exit", nil)
  110.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Back to menu", ShowMusic, nil)
  111.                     Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Dismiss", function() Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All") end, nil)
  112.                 end, nil)
  113.             end
  114.         end;ShowMusic()
  115.     end};
  116. }
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