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- local cmt = {
- Angles = function(x,y,z,useRad)
- if not useRad then
- return CFrame.Angles(x,y,z)
- else
- return CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x),math.rad(y),math.rad(z))
- end
- end
- }
- local imt = {
- CreateWeld = function(p1,p2,c0,c1)
- c0,c1 = c0 or,0,0),c1 or,0,0)
- local weld ="Weld",p1)
- weld.Part0,weld.Part1 = p1,p2
- weld.C0,weld.C1 = c0,c1
- return weld
- end,
- New = function(type,args)
- local instance =
- for i,v in pairs(args) do
- pcall(function()
- instance[i] = v
- end)
- end
- return instance
- end,
- Remove = function(instance,time)
- time = time or 0
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(instance,time)
- end
- }
- local math = setmetatable({random = function(minNum,maxNum,div) div = div or 1 return math.random(minNum * div,maxNum * div)/div end},{__index = math})
- local CFrame = setmetatable(cmt,{__index = CFrame})
- local Instance = setmetatable(imt,{__index = Instance})
- local stepped = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped
- --BasicFunctions
- local ins =
- local v3 =
- local cf =
- local angles = CFrame.Angles
- local rad = math.rad
- local huge = math.huge
- local cos = math.cos
- local sin = math.sin
- local tan = math.tan
- local ray =
- local random = math.random
- local ud =
- local ud2 =
- local c3 =
- local rgb = Color3.fromRGB
- local bc =
- --Variables
- local plr = owner
- local plrg = plr.PlayerGui
- local char = plr.Character
- local h = char.Head
- local t = char.Torso
- local ra = char["Right Arm"]
- local la = char["Left Arm"]
- local rl = char["Right Leg"]
- local ll = char["Left Leg"]
- local rut = char.HumanoidRootPart
- local hum = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- local necno = t.Neck
- local rutjno = rut.RootJoint
- local rsno = t["Right Shoulder"]
- local lsno = t["Left Shoulder"]
- local rhno = t["Right Hip"]
- local lhno = t["Left Hip"]
- --
- local change = 1
- local sine = 0
- local ws = 8
- local jp = 35
- local songPos = 1
- local jok = false
- local sprint = false
- local sitting = false
- local laying = false
- local crying = false
- local wsGrow = false
- local danc = false
- local muted=false
- local anim = "Idle"
- local asset = "rbxassetid://"
- local songs = {
- 2734040079,
- 1179830130,
- 152675132,
- 1467405749,
- 411386717,
- 3517565766,
- 509308446
- }
- --
- local necc0 = cf(0, t.Size.Y/2, 0)
- local necc1 = cf(0,-h.Size.Y/2,0)
- local rsc0 = cf(t.Size.X/2, t.Size.Y/4, 0)
- local rsc1 = cf(-ra.Size.X/2, ra.Size.Y/4, 0)
- local lsc0 = cf(-t.Size.X/2, t.Size.Y/4, 0)
- local lsc1 = cf(la.Size.X/2, la.Size.Y/4, 0)
- local rhc0 = cf(t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0)
- local rhc1 = cf(0,rl.Size.Y/2,0)
- local lhc0 = cf(-t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0)
- local lhc1 = cf(0,ll.Size.Y/2,0)
- local rutjc0 = cf(0,0,0)
- local rutjc1 = cf(0,0,0)
- if char:FindFirstChild("Animate") then
- char.Animate:Destroy()
- end
- if hum:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator") then
- hum.Animator:Destroy()
- end
- --Creating new joints
- local nec = ins("Motor6D",t) nec.Name = "Neck" nec.Part0 = t nec.Part1 = h
- local rutj = ins("Motor6D",rut) rutj.Name = "RootJoint" rutj.Part0 = t rutj.Part1 = rut
- local rs = ins("Motor6D",t) rs.Name = "Right Shoulder" rs.Part0 = t rs.Part1 = ra
- local ls = ins("Motor6D",t) ls.Name = "Left Shoulder" ls.Part0 = t ls.Part1 = la
- local rh = ins("Motor6D",t) rh.Name = "Right Hip" rh.Part0 = t rh.Part1 = rl
- local lh = ins("Motor6D",t) lh.Name = "Left Hip" lh.Part0 = t lh.Part1 = ll
- --Removing old joints
- necno.Parent = nil
- rutjno.Parent = nil
- rsno.Parent = nil
- lsno.Parent = nil
- rhno.Parent = nil
- lhno.Parent = nil
- --Setting CFrames
- nec.C1 = necc1
- nec.C0 = necc0
- rs.C1 = rsc1
- rs.C0 = rsc0
- ls.C1 = lsc1
- ls.C0 = lsc0
- rh.C1 = rhc1
- rh.C0 = rhc0
- lh.C1 = lhc1
- lh.C0 = lhc0
- rutj.C1 = rutjc1
- rutj.C0 = rutjc0
- local rem = Instance.New("RemoteEvent",{Name = "ARemote",Parent = char})
- local mus = Instance.New("Sound",{Looped = true,Volume = .5,SoundId = asset..songs[songPos],Parent = t})
- local vroOm = Instance.New("Sound",{Looped = true,Volume = 7.5,SoundId = asset..2658538628,Parent = t})
- if jok then
- mus:Play()
- end
- function swait()
- stepped:Wait()
- end
- function rayc(spos,direc,ignore,dist)
- return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(spos,direc.Unit * dist),ignore,false,false)
- end
- function tween(instance,args,info,playOnCreate)
- if instance and args then
- playOnCreate = playOnCreate or true
- info = info or
- 1,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- Enum.EasingDirection.In,
- 0,
- false,
- 0
- )
- if typeof(info) == "table" then
- info =
- end
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(instance,info,args)
- if playOnCreate then
- tween:Play()
- end
- return tween
- end
- end
- rem.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plyr,type,input)
- if string.lower(typeof(input)) == "string" then input = string.lower(input) end
- if plr ~= plyr then return end
- if type == "keyDown" then
- if input == "leftcontrol" then
- sprint = not sprint
- elseif input == "n" then
- jok = not jok
- elseif input == "z" then
- sitting = not sitting
- laying = false
- crying = false
- elseif input == "x" then
- sitting = false
- laying = not laying
- crying = false
- elseif input == "c" and plr.Name == "v_Sado" then
- sitting = false
- laying = false
- crying = not crying
- elseif input == "l" then
- songPos = songPos + 1
- if songPos > #songs then
- songPos = 1
- end
- mus.SoundId = asset..songs[songPos]
- mus:Play()
- mus.TimePosition = 0
- elseif input == "b" then
- danc = not danc
- elseif input=="m" then
- muted=not muted
- end
- elseif type == "keyUp" then
- end
- end)
- local client = NLS([[
- local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local cf =
- local v3 =
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local char = plr.Character
- local rem = char:WaitForChild("ARemote")
- local h = char.Head
- local rut = char.HumanoidRootPart
- local hum = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(io,ip)
- if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and not ip then
- rem:FireServer("keyDown",io.KeyCode.Name)
- end
- end)
- uis.InputChanged:Connect(function(io,ip)
- if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and not ip then
- rem:FireServer("keyDown",io.KeyCode.Name)
- end
- end)
- uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(io,ip)
- if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and not ip then
- rem:FireServer("keyUp",io.KeyCode.Name)
- end
- end)
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- local off = h.CFrame:toObjectSpace(rut.CFrame * cf(0,1.5,0))
- hum.CameraOffset = hum.CameraOffset:Lerp(v3(off.x,-off.y,-off.z),.1)
- end)
- ]],char)
- stepped:Connect(function()
- sine = sine + change
- local dir = hum.MoveDirection
- if dir.Magnitude == 0 then dir = rut.Velocity/10 end
- local Ccf = rut.CFrame
- local Walktest1 = dir*Ccf.LookVector
- local Walktest2 = dir*Ccf.RightVector
- local rotfb = Walktest1.X+Walktest1.Z
- local rotrl = Walktest2.X+Walktest2.Z
- local hit,pos,rot = rayc(rut.Position,-rut.CFrame.UpVector,{char},4.5)
- local verVel = rut.Velocity.y
- local horVel = (rut.Velocity * v3(1,0,1)).Magnitude
- if mus.Parent ~= t then
- Instance.Remove(mus)
- mus = Instance.New("Sound",{Looped = true,Volume = .5,SoundId = asset..songs[songPos],Parent = t})
- mus:Play()
- end
- if vroOm.Parent ~= t then
- Instance.Remove(vroOm)
- vroOm = Instance.New("Sound",{Looped = true,Volume = 7.5,SoundId = asset..2658538628,Parent = t})
- end
- if rotfb > 1 then
- rotfb = 1
- elseif rotfb < -1 then
- rotfb = -1
- end
- if rotrl > 1 then
- rotrl = 1
- elseif rotrl < -1 then
- rotrl = -1
- end
- if jok then
- if not sprint then
- ws = 16
- else
- if not wsGrow then
- ws = 6
- end
- end
- jp = 65
- if not muted then
- mus:Resume()
- else
- mus:Pause()
- end
- else
- if not sprint then
- ws = 8
- else
- ws = 38
- end
- jp = 35
- mus:Stop()
- end
- hum.WalkSpeed = ws
- hum.JumpPower = jp
- local sn = 0 if plr.Name == "vlad20020" and random(0,1,50) == .6 then sn = random(5,10) end
- if anim == "walk" and hit then
- if not jok then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(cos(sine/3) * 5,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/15,rotrl/2,0),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,.2 * cos(sine/3),0) * angles(sin(sine/3) * 2.5,sin(sine/6) * 2.5,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/12.5,0,-rotrl/8.5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(.05 - .05 * cos(sine/3),0,.1 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-10 - sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,0,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(-.05 + .05 * cos(sine/3),0,-.1 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-10 + sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,0,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,.2 * cos(sine/6),.3 * -cos(sine/6)) * angles((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) + sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,sin(sine/6) * 5,sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotrl,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,-.2 * cos(sine/6),.3 * cos(sine/6)) * angles((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) - sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,sin(sine/6) * 5,-sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotrl,true),.2)
- wsGrow = false
- vroOm:Stop()
- else
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(sin(sine/5) * 15,sin(sine/10) * 20,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/10,rotrl/2,0),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,cos(sine/5) * 2.5,0) * angles(0,sin(sine/10) * 20,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,sin(sine/10) * 2.5 * rotfb) * angles(-15 + (sin(-sine/10) * 60 * rotfb),(-sin(sine/10) * 20) * rotfb,0,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,-sin(sine/10) * 2.5 * rotfb) * angles(-15 + (sin(sine/10) * 60 * rotfb),(-sin(sine/10) * 20) * rotfb,0,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf((sin(sine/10) * 2.5) * rotrl,cos(sine/10) * 2.5,(-sin(sine/10) * 2.5) * rotfb) * angles(6.5 - (-sin(sine/10) * 35) * rotfb,sin(sine/10) * 10,(sin(sine/10) * 35) * rotrl,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf((-sin(sine/10) * 2.5) * rotrl,-cos(sine/10) * 2.5,(sin(sine/10) * 2.5) * rotfb) * angles(6.5 - (sin(sine/10) * 35) * rotfb,sin(sine/10) * 10,(-sin(sine/10) * 35) * rotrl,true),.2)
- wsGrow = false
- vroOm:Stop()
- end
- elseif anim == "run" and hit then
- if not jok then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(cos(sine/3) * 7.5,sin(sine/6) * 5,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/10,rotrl/2,0),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,.4 * cos(sine/3),0) * angles(sin(sine/3) * 4,sin(sine/6) * 7.5,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(.1 - .1 * cos(sine/3),0,-.15 - .2 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-15 - sin(sine/6) * 110 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,-10,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(-.1 + .1 * cos(sine/3),0,-.15 +.2 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-15 + sin(sine/6) * 110 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,10,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,.5 * cos(sine/6),.75 * -cos(sine/6)) * angles((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) + (sin(sine/6) * 80 * rotfb),sin(sine/6) * 15,sin(sine/6) * 60 * rotrl,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,.5 * -cos(sine/6),.75 * cos(sine/6)) * angles((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) + (-sin(sine/6) * 80 * rotfb),sin(sine/6) * 15,-sin(sine/6) * 60 * rotrl,true),.2)
- wsGrow = false
- vroOm:Stop()
- else
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb * 1.5,0,0),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,-math.abs(rotfb * 1.5) + 1 * sin(sine),0) * angles(sin(sine) * 25,0,cos(sine) * 15,true) * angles(-rotfb * 1.5,0,-rotrl * 1.5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotfb,sin(sine) * 200,sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotrl,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotfb,sin(sine) * 200,sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotrl,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,0,1 * sin(sine/5) * 5 * (ws/750)) * angles(sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotfb,0,sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotrl,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,0,-1 * sin(sine/5) * 5 * (ws/750)) * angles(sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotfb,0,sine * 50 * (ws/750) * rotrl,true),.2)
- vroOm:Resume()
- if vroOm.TimePosition > vroOm.TimeLength -.1 then
- vroOm.TimePosition = 8.5
- end
- if vroOm.TimePosition < .1 then
- ws = 6
- end
- if vroOm.TimePosition < 8.5 then
- ws = ws + .01
- else
- ws = 750
- wsGrow = true
- end
- end
- elseif anim == "jump" and not hit then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- elseif anim == "fall" and not hit then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(sin(sine/10) * 5,cos(sine/10) * 5,0,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-sin(sine/10) * 5,-cos(sine/10) * 5,0,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- elseif anim == "idle" and hit then
- if (not jok or sitting or laying or crying) and not danc then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(cos(sine/20) * 4,sin(sine/80) * 10,0,true) * angles(random(-sn,sn),random(-sn,sn),random(-sn,sn),true),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(sin(sine/80)/20,sin(sine/20)/15,sin(sine/30)/17.5) * angles(sin(sine/20) * .9,sin(sine/60) * 2.25,sin(sine/80) * 2.25,true),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,sin(sine/20)/15,0) * angles((cos(sine/20) * 4),sin(sine/20) * 1.8,(sin(sine/80) * 2.25) + (cos(sine/20) * 2.25),true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,sin(sine/20)/15,0) * angles((cos(sine/20) * 4),-sin(sine/20) * 1.8,(sin(sine/80) * 2.25) + (-cos(sine/20) * 2.25),true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,(sin(sine/20)/15) + (sin(sine/80)/25),0) * angles((sin(sine/20) * 1.8) - (sin(sine/30) * 2.25) + (sin(sine/60) * 1.35),sin(sine/60) * 2.25,(sin(sine/80) * 3.25),true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,(sin(sine/20)/15) - (sin(sine/80)/25),0) * angles((sin(sine/20) * 1.8) - (sin(sine/30) * 2.25) - (sin(sine/60) * 1.35),sin(sine/60) * 2.25,(sin(sine/80) * 3.25),true),.2)
- wsGrow = false
- vroOm:Stop()
- elseif jok and not sitting and not laying and not crying and not danc then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/20) * 45,sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/40) * 30,sin(sine/30) * cos(sine/60) * 20,true),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(.25 * sin(sine/30) * cos(sine/60),-.65 + 1 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20),0) * angles(sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20) * 35,0,sin(sine/30) * cos(sine/60) * 10,true),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,.25 - .25 * sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/10),.25 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20)) * angles(-105 + sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/10) * 65,sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/60) * 5,sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20) * 70,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,.25 - .25 * sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/10),.25 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20)) * angles(-105 + sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/10) * 65,sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/60) * 5,sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20) * -70,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,-.625 + 1 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20),.25 - .5 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20)) * angles(10 + sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20) * 40,0,sin(sine/30) * cos(sine/60) * 17.5,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,-.625 + 1 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20),.25 - .5 * sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20)) * angles(10 + sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/20) * 40,0,sin(sine/30) * cos(sine/60) * 17.5,true),.2)
- wsGrow = false
- vroOm:Stop()
- elseif danc and not sitting and not laying and not crying then
- nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles((cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/25)) * 35,(cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * 30,(sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/50)) * 40,true),.2)
- rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf((1 * cos(sine/20)) * sin(sine/50),-.3 - (.3 * sin(sine/10)) * cos(sine/25),(.5 * sin(sine/20)) * cos(sine/50)) * angles((-20 - (sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/25)) * 25) + ((sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/50)) * 15),0,-(cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * 30,true),.2)
- rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,.125 + (.125 * -sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/25)),.25 - (.25 * cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/25))) * angles(-50 - (cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/25)) * 75,((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * sin(sine/50)) * 70,((sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/50)) * cos(sine/25)) * 40,true),.2)
- ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,.125 + (.125 * -sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/25)),.25 - (.25 * cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/25))) * angles(-50 - (cos(sine/10) * sin(sine/25)) * 75,-((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * sin(sine/50)) * 70,-((sin(sine/20) * cos(sine/50)) * cos(sine/25)) * 40,true),.2)
- rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,-.1 - (.3 * sin(sine/10)) * cos(sine/25),.275 + ((.275 * sin(sine/10)) * cos(sine/25))) * angles(-12.5 - (sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/25)) * 40,((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * sin(sine/50)) * 30,((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * sin(sine/25)) * 40,true),.2)
- lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,-.1 - (.3 * sin(sine/10)) * cos(sine/25),.275 + ((.275 * sin(sine/10)) * cos(sine/25))) * angles(-15 - (sin(sine/10) * cos(sine/25)) * 40,((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * -sin(sine/50)) * 30,((cos(sine/20) * sin(sine/50)) * -sin(sine/25)) * 40,true),.2)
- end
- end
- if verVel > 20 then
- anim = "jump"
- change = 1
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(5,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-5,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,-.15,-.25) * angles(150,10,12.5,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,-.15,-.25) * angles(155,-10,-12.5,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,.5,-.35) * angles(-12.5,0,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,.2,-.15) * angles(-2.5,0,-5,true),.2)
- elseif verVel < -20 then
- anim = "fall"
- change = 1
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-7.5,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(5,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(.25,-.25,0) * angles(0,10,110,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(-.25,-.25,0) * angles(0,-10,-110,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,.2,-.15) * angles(-2.5,0,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,.5,-.35) * angles(-12.5,0,-5,true),.2)
- elseif horVel > 5 and verVel > -20 and verVel < 20 then
- if not sprint then
- anim = "walk"
- if not jok then
- change = .6
- else
- change = 1
- end
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- else
- anim = "run"
- if not jok then
- change = .9
- else
- change = 1
- end
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- end
- elseif horVel < 5 and verVel > -20 and verVel < 20 then
- anim = "idle"
- change = 1
- if not sitting and not laying and not crying and not danc then
- if (not jok and hum.Sit) then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-7.5,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,.25,0) * angles(5,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(-.15,-.15,-.25) * angles(40,30,-35,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(.15,-.15,-.2) * angles(45,-30,32.5,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,.5,-.55) * angles(30,5,-5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,.65,-.5) * angles(32.5,-5,5,true),.2)
- elseif not jok then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(.5,0,-.5,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(.5,0,.5,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,-2.5,2,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,2.5,-2,true),.2)
- elseif jok then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,-5,true),.2)
- end
- elseif sitting and not laying and not crying and not danc then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-20,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,1.75,0) * angles(-15,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(-.1,-.5,.15) * angles(-20,-60,10,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,-.25,-.2) * angles(70,-60,60,true) * angles(40,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(70,7.5,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,1.25,-.5) * angles(10,-10,-5,true),.2)
- elseif not sitting and laying and not crying and not danc then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-35,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,-2.4) * angles(-87.5,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(-.1,.75,-.25) * angles(195,0,-65,true) * angles(0,90,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(.125,-.3,-.05) * angles(90,20,85,true) * angles(-30,20,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,.25,-1) * angles(-55,20,7.5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(2,-7.5,5,true),.2)
- elseif not sitting and not laying and crying and not danc then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-80,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,1.9,0) * angles(10,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(-.25,-.475,-.8) * angles(85,0,-80,true) * angles(0,100,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(.25,-.4,-.75) * angles(80,0,85,true) * angles(0,-87.5,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,1.85,-.75) * angles(5,-5,-5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,1.85,-.7) * angles(3.5,5,5,true),.2)
- elseif not sitting and not laying and not crying and danc then
- nec.C0 = nec.C0:Lerp(necc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0 = rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(rsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(lsc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
- rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(rhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,-5,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(lhc0 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,5,-5,true),.2)
- end
- end
- end)
- script.Parent = owner.Character
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