

Nov 14th, 2019
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  1. ~$ quasselcore
  2. Unable to create Quassel config directory: /home/ericjmorey/.config/
  3. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Warning: SslServer: Certificate file quasselCert.pem does not exist
  4. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Warning: SslServer: Unable to set certificate file
  5. Quassel Core will still work, but cannot provide SSL for client connections.
  6. Please see to learn how to enable SSL support.
  7. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Warning: SslServer: Certificate file /home/ericjmorey/.config/ does not exist
  8. ("QSQLITE")
  9. Core is currently not configured! Please connect with a Quassel Client for basic setup.
  10. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Warning: Could not open IPv6 interface :::4242: The bound address is already in use
  11. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Warning: Could not open IPv4 interface The bound address is already in use
  12. 2019-11-14 20:59:49 Error: Could not open any network interfaces to listen on!
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