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- # Noriben Malware Analysis Sandbox
- #
- # Directions:
- # Just copy to a Windows-based VM alongside the Sysinternals Procmon.exe
- #
- # Run, then run your executable.
- # When the executable has completed its processing, stop Noriben and you'll have a clean text report and timeline
- #
- # Version 1.0 - 10 Apr 13 - @bbaskin -
- # Gracious edits, revisions, and corrections by Daniel Raygoza
- # Version 1.1 - 21 Apr 13 -
- # Much improved filters and filter parsing
- # Version 1.1a - 1 May 13 -
- # Revamped regular expression support. Added Python 3.x forward
- # compatibility
- # Version 1.2 - 28 May 13 -
- # Now reads CSV files line-by-line to handle large files, keep
- # unsuccessful registry deletes, compartmentalize sections, creates CSV
- # timeline, can reparse PMLs, can specify alternative PMC filters,
- # changed command line arguments, added global blacklist
- # Version 1.3 - 13 Sep 13 -
- # Option to generalize file paths in output, option to use a timeout
- # instead of Ctrl-C to end monitoring, only writes RegSetValue entries
- # if Length > 0
- # Version 1.4 - 16 Sep 13 -
- # Fixed string generalization on file rename and now supports ()'s in
- # environment name (for 64-bit systems), added ability to Ctrl-C from
- # a timeout, added specifying malware file from command line, added an
- # output directory
- # Version 1.5 - 28 Sep 13 -
- # Standardized to single quotes, added YARA scanning of resident files,
- # reformatted function comments to match appropriate docstring format,
- # fixed bug with generalize paths - now generalizes after getting MD5
- # Version 1.5b - 1 Oct 13 -
- # Ninja edits to fix a few small bug fixes and change path generalization
- # to an ordered list instead of an unordered dictionary. This lets you
- # prioritize resolutions.
- #
- # TODO:
- # * extract data directly from registry? (may require python-registry -
- # * scan for mutexes, preferably in a way that doesn't require wmi/pywin32
- from __future__ import print_function
- import codecs
- import fileinput
- import hashlib
- import os
- import re
- import subprocess
- import sys
- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- from datetime import datetime
- from string import whitespace
- from time import sleep
- from traceback import format_exc
- try:
- import yara
- has_yara = True
- except ImportError:
- has_yara = False
- # The below are customizable variables. Change these as you see fit.
- procmon = 'procmon.exe' # Change this if you have a renamed procmon.exe
- generalize_paths = False # generalize paths to their base environment variable
- enable_timeline = True
- use_pmc = False
- debug = False
- timeout_seconds = 0 # Set to 0 to manually end monitoring with Ctrl-C
- # The below is for global internal variables. Don't touch them.
- __VERSION__ = '1.5'
- path_general_list = []
- yara_folder = ''
- # Rules for creating rules:
- # 1. Every rule string must begin with the `r` for regular expressions to work.
- # 1.a. This signifies a 'raw' string.
- # 2. No backslashes at the end of a filter. Either:
- # 2.a. truncate the backslash, or
- # 2.b. use '\*' to signify 'zero or more slashes'.
- # 3. To find a list of available '%%' variables, type `set` from a command prompt
- # These entries are applied to all blacklists
- global_blacklist = [r'VMwareUser.exe',
- r'CaptureBAT.exe',
- r'SearchIndexer.exe',
- r'Fakenet.exe',
- r'idaq.exe']
- cmd_blacklist = [r'%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe',
- r'%SystemRoot%\system32\wscntfy.exe',
- r'procmon.exe',
- r'wuauclt.exe',
- r'jqs.exe',
- r'TCPView.exe'] + global_blacklist
- file_blacklist = [r'procmon.exe',
- r'Desired Access: Execute/Traverse',
- r'Desired Access: Synchronize',
- r'Desired Access: Generic Read/Execute',
- r'Desired Access: Read EA',
- r'Desired Access: Read Data/List',
- r'Desired Access: Generic Read, ',
- r'Desired Access: Read Attributes',
- r'Google\Chrome\User Data\.*.tmp',
- r'wuauclt.exe',
- r'wmiprvse.exe',
- r'Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_.*.db',
- r'Thumbs.db$',
- r'%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA',
- r'%AppData%\Microsoft\Proof\*',
- r'%AppData%\Microsoft\Templates\*',
- r'%LocalAppData%\Google\Drive\sync_config.db*',
- r'%ProgramFiles%\Capture\*',
- r'%SystemDrive%\Python',
- r'%SystemRoot%\assembly',
- r'%SystemRoot%\Prefetch\*',
- r'%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem\Logs\*',
- r'%UserProfile%$',
- r'%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow$',
- r'%UserProfile%\Recent\*',
- r'%UserProfile%\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\*'] + global_blacklist
- reg_blacklist = [r'CaptureProcessMonitor',
- r'consent.exe',
- r'procmon.exe',
- r'verclsid.exe',
- r'wmiprvse.exe',
- r'wscntfy.exe',
- r'wuauclt.exe',
- r'HKCR$',
- r'HKCR\AllFilesystemObjects\shell',
- r'HKCU$',
- r'HKCU\Printers\DevModePerUser',
- r'HKCU\SessionInformation\ProgramCount',
- r'HKCU\Software$',
- r'HKCU\Software\Classes\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Deployment\SideBySide',
- r'HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\*',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Calc$',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\.*\Window_Placement',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Notepad',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root$',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CIDOpen',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SessionInfo',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage2',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Explorer\StreamMRU',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Explorer\Streams',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU',
- r'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags',
- r'HKCU\Software\Policies$',
- r'HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft$',
- r'HKLM$',
- r'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft$',
- r'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies$',
- r'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft$',
- r'HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\SystemCertificates$',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\*',
- r'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Render',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\*',
- r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\*',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CLASS\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\*',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CaptureRegistryMonitor',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\*',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters',
- r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Audio$',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Audio Compression Manager',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.doc',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders',
- r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders',
- r'UserAssist\{5E6AB780-7743-11CF-A12B-00AA004AE837}',
- r'UserAssist\{75048700-EF1F-11D0-9888-006097DEACF9}',
- r'UserAssist\{CEBFF5CD-ACE2-4F4F-9178-9926F41749EA}'] + global_blacklist
- net_blacklist = [r'hasplms.exe'] + global_blacklist # Hasp dongle beacons
- #r'192.168.2.', # Particular to my network
- #r'Verizon_router.home'] # Particular to my network
- def generalize_vars_init():
- """
- Initialize a dictionary with the local system's environment variables.
- Returns via a global variable, path_general_list
- Arguments:
- none
- Results:
- none
- """
- envvar_list = [r'%AllUsersProfile%',
- r'%LocalAppData%',
- r'%AppData%',
- r'%CommonProgramFiles%',
- r'%ProgramData%',
- r'%ProgramFiles%',
- r'%ProgramFiles(x86)%',
- r'%Public%',
- r'%Temp%',
- r'%UserProfile%',
- r'%WinDir%']
- global path_general_list
- print('[*] Enabling Windows string generalization.')
- for env in envvar_list:
- resolved = os.path.expandvars(env).encode('unicode_escape')
- resolved = resolved.replace('(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)')
- if not resolved == env and not resolved == env.replace('(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)'):
- path_general_list.append([env, resolved])
- def generalize_var(path_string):
- """
- Generalize a given string to include its environment variable
- Arguments:
- path_string: string value to generalize
- Results:
- string value of a generalized string
- """
- if not len(path_general_list):
- generalize_vars_init() # Maybe you imported Noriben and forgot to call generalize_vars_init? No biggie.
- for item in path_general_list:
- path_string = re.sub(item[1], item[0], path_string)
- return path_string
- def yara_rule_check(yara_folder):
- """
- Scan a folder of YARA rule files to determine which provide syntax errors
- Arguments:
- yara_folder: path to folder containing rules
- """
- for name in os.listdir(yara_folder):
- fname = yara_folder + name
- try:
- rules = yara.compile(filepath=fname)
- except yara.SyntaxError:
- print('[!] YARA Syntax Error in file: %s' % fname)
- print(format_exc())
- def yara_import_rules(yara_folder):
- """
- Import a folder of YARA rule files
- Arguments:
- yara_folder: path to folder containing rules
- Results:
- rules: a yara.Rules structure of available YARA rules
- """
- yara_files = {}
- if not yara_folder[-1] == '\\':
- yara_folder += '\\'
- print('[*] Loading YARA rules from folder: %s' % yara_folder)
- files = os.listdir(yara_folder)
- for file_name in files:
- if '.yara' in file_name:
- yara_files[file_name.split('.yara')[0]] = yara_folder + file_name
- try:
- rules = yara.compile(filepaths=yara_files)
- print('[*] YARA rules loaded. Total files imported: %d' % len(yara_files))
- except yara.SyntaxError:
- print('[!] Syntax error found in one of the imported YARA files. Error shown below.')
- rules = ''
- yara_rule_check(yara_folder)
- print('[!] YARA rules disabled until all Syntax Errors are fixed.')
- return rules
- def yara_filescan(file_path, rules):
- """
- Scan a given file to see if it matches a given set of YARA rules
- Arguments:
- file_path: full path to a file to scan
- rules: a yara.Rules structure of available YARA rules
- Results:
- results: a string value that's either null (no hits)
- or formatted with hit results
- """
- if not rules:
- return ''
- try:
- matches = rules.match(file_path)
- except yara.Error: # If can't open file
- return ''
- if matches:
- results = '\t[YARA: %s]' % \
- reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + ', ' + str(y), matches)
- else:
- results = ''
- return results
- def open_file_with_assoc(fname):
- """
- Opens the specified file with its associated application
- Arguments:
- fname: full path to a file to open
- Results:
- None
- """
- if == 'mac':
-'open', fname))
- elif == 'nt':
- os.startfile(fname)
- elif == 'posix':
-'open', fname))
- def file_exists(fname):
- """
- Determine if a file exists
- Arguments:
- fname: path to a file
- Results:
- boolean value if file exists
- """
- return os.path.exists(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK)
- def check_procmon():
- """
- Finds the local path to Procmon
- Arguments:
- None
- Results:
- folder path to procmon executable
- """
- global procmon
- if file_exists(procmon):
- return procmon
- else:
- for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
- if file_exists(os.path.join(path.strip('"'), procmon)):
- return os.path.join(path, procmon)
- def md5_file(fname):
- """
- Given a filename, returns the hex MD5 value
- Arguments:
- fname: path to a file
- Results:
- hex MD5 value of file's contents as a string
- """
- return hashlib.md5(, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
- def get_session_name():
- """
- Returns current date and time stamp for file name
- Arguments:
- None
- Results:
- string value of a current timestamp to apply to log file names
- """
- return'%d_%b_%y__%H_%M_%S_%f')
- def protocol_replace(text):
- """
- Replaces text name resolutions from domain names
- Arguments:
- text: string of domain with resolved port name
- Results:
- string value with resolved port name in decimal format
- """
- replacements = [(':https', ':443'),
- (':http', ':80'),
- (':domain', ':53')]
- for find, replace in replacements:
- text = text.replace(find, replace)
- return text
- def blacklist_scan(blacklist, data):
- """
- Given a blacklist and data string, see if data is in blacklist
- Arguments:
- blacklist: list of black-listed items
- data: string value to compare against blacklist
- Results:
- boolean value of if item exists in blacklist
- """
- for event in data:
- for bad in blacklist:
- bad = os.path.expandvars(bad).replace('\\', '\\\\')
- try:
- if, event, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
- return True
- except re.error:
- print('Error found while processing filters.\r\nFilter:\t%s\r\nEvent:\t%s' % (bad, event))
- sys.stderr.write(format_exc())
- return False
- return False
- def process_PML_to_CSV(procmonexe, pml_file, pmc_file, csv_file):
- """
- Uses Procmon to convert the PML to a CSV file
- Arguments:
- procmonexe: path to Procmon executable
- pml_file: path to Procmon PML output file
- pmc_file: path to PMC filter file
- csv_file: path to output CSV file
- Results:
- None
- """
- print('[*] Converting session to CSV: %s' % csv_file)
- cmdline = '%s /OpenLog %s /saveas %s' % (procmonexe, pml_file, csv_file)
- if use_pmc:
- cmdline += ' /LoadConfig %s' % pmc_file
- stdnull = subprocess.Popen(cmdline)
- stdnull.wait()
- def launch_procmon_capture(procmonexe, pml_file, pmc_file):
- """
- Launch Procmon to begin capturing data
- Arguments:
- procmonexe: path to Procmon executable
- pml_file: path to Procmon PML output file
- pmc_file: path to PMC filter file
- Results:
- None
- """
- cmdline = '%s /BackingFile %s /Quiet /Minimized' % (procmonexe, pml_file)
- if use_pmc:
- cmdline += ' /LoadConfig %s' % pmc_file
- subprocess.Popen(cmdline)
- sleep(3)
- def terminate_procmon(procmonexe):
- """
- Terminate Procmon cleanly
- Arguments:
- procmonexe: path to Procmon executable
- Results:
- None
- """
- cmdline = '%s /Terminate' % procmonexe
- stdnull = subprocess.Popen(cmdline)
- stdnull.wait()
- def parse_csv(csv_file, report, timeline):
- """
- Given the location of CSV and TXT files, parse the CSV for notable items
- Arguments:
- csv_file: path to csv output to parse
- Results:
- report: string text containing the entirety of the text report
- timeline: string text containing the entirety of the CSV report
- """
- process_output = list()
- file_output = list()
- reg_output = list()
- net_output = list()
- error_output = list()
- remote_servers = list()
- if yara_folder and has_yara:
- yara_rules = yara_import_rules(yara_folder)
- else:
- yara_rules = ''
- # Use fileinput.input() now to read data line-by-line
- for original_line in fileinput.input(csv_file, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded('iso-8859-1')):
- server = ''
- if original_line[0] != '"': # Ignore lines that begin with Tab. Sysinternals breaks CSV with new processes
- continue
- line = original_line.strip(whitespace + '"')
- field = line.strip().split('","')
- try:
- if field[3] in ['Process Create'] and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- cmdline = field[6].split('Command line: ')[1]
- if not blacklist_scan(cmd_blacklist, field):
- if generalize_paths:
- cmdline = generalize_var(cmdline)
- child_pid = field[6].split('PID: ')[1].split(',')[0]
- outputtext = '[CreateProcess] %s:%s > "%s"\t[Child PID: %s]' % (
- field[1], field[2], cmdline.replace('"', ''), child_pid)
- timelinetext = '%s,Process,CreateProcess,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0],
- field[1], field[2],
- cmdline.replace('"', ''), child_pid)
- process_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'CreateFile' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(file_blacklist, field):
- path = field[4]
- yara_hits = ''
- if yara_folder and yara_rules:
- yara_hits = yara_filescan(path, yara_rules)
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- if generalize_paths:
- path = generalize_var(path)
- outputtext = '[CreateFolder] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], path)
- timelinetext = '%s,File,CreateFolder,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], path)
- file_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- else:
- try:
- md5 = md5_file(path)
- if generalize_paths:
- path = generalize_var(path)
- outputtext = '[CreateFile] %s:%s > %s\t[MD5: %s]%s' % (field[1], field[2], path, md5,
- yara_hits)
- timelinetext = '%s,File,CreateFile,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0],
- field[1], field[2], path, md5)
- file_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- except (IndexError, IOError):
- if generalize_paths:
- path = generalize_var(path)
- outputtext = '[CreateFile] %s:%s > %s\t[File no longer exists]' % (field[1], field[2], path)
- timelinetext = '%s,File,CreateFile,%s,%s,%s,N/A' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0],
- field[1], field[2], path)
- file_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'SetDispositionInformationFile' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(file_blacklist, field):
- path = field[4]
- if generalize_paths:
- path = generalize_var(path)
- outputtext = '[DeleteFile] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], path)
- timelinetext = '%s,File,DeleteFile,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], path)
- file_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'SetRenameInformationFile':
- if not blacklist_scan(file_blacklist, field):
- from_file = field[4]
- to_file = field[6].split('FileName: ')[1].strip('"')
- if generalize_paths:
- from_file = generalize_var(from_file)
- to_file = generalize_var(to_file)
- outputtext = '[RenameFile] %s:%s > %s => %s' % (field[1], field[2], from_file, to_file)
- timelinetext = '%s,File,RenameFile,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], from_file, to_file)
- file_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'RegCreateKey' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(reg_blacklist, field):
- outputtext = '[RegCreateKey] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], field[4])
- if not outputtext in reg_output: # Ignore multiple CreateKeys. Only log the first.
- timelinetext = '%s,Registry,RegCreateKey,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0],
- field[1], field[2], field[4])
- reg_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'RegSetValue' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(reg_blacklist, field):
- reg_length = field[6].split('Length:')[1].split(',')[0].strip(whitespace + '"')
- if int(reg_length):
- data_field = field[6].split('Data:')[1].strip(whitespace + '"')
- if len(data_field.split(' ')) == 16:
- data_field += ' ...'
- outputtext = '[RegSetValue] %s:%s > %s = %s' % (field[1], field[2], field[4], data_field)
- timelinetext = '%s,Registry,RegSetValue,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0],
- field[1], field[2], field[4],
- data_field)
- reg_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'RegDeleteValue': # and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- # SUCCESS is commented out to allows all attempted deletions, whether or not the value exists
- if not blacklist_scan(reg_blacklist, field):
- outputtext = '[RegDeleteValue] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], field[4])
- timelinetext = '%s,Registry,RegDeleteValue,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], field[4])
- reg_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'RegDeleteKey': # and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- # SUCCESS is commented out to allows all attempted deletions, whether or not the value exists
- if not blacklist_scan(reg_blacklist, field):
- outputtext = '[RegDeleteKey] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], field[4])
- timelinetext = '%s,Registry,RegDeleteKey,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], field[4])
- reg_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'UDP Send' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(net_blacklist, field):
- server = field[4].split('-> ')[1]
- # TODO: work on this later, once I can verify it better.
- #if field[6] == 'Length: 20':
- # output_line = '[DNS Query] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], protocol_replace(server))
- #else:
- outputtext = '[UDP] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], protocol_replace(server))
- if not outputtext in net_output:
- timelinetext = '%s,Network,UDP Send,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], protocol_replace(server))
- net_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'UDP Receive' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(net_blacklist, field):
- server = field[4].split('-> ')[1]
- outputtext = '[UDP] %s > %s:%s' % (protocol_replace(server), field[1], field[2])
- if not outputtext in net_output:
- timelinetext = '%s,Network,UDP Receive,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2])
- net_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'TCP Send' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(net_blacklist, field):
- server = field[4].split('-> ')[1]
- outputtext = '[TCP] %s:%s > %s' % (field[1], field[2], protocol_replace(server))
- if not outputtext in net_output:
- timelinetext = '%s,Network,TCP Send,%s,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2], protocol_replace(server))
- net_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- elif field[3] == 'TCP Receive' and field[5] == 'SUCCESS':
- if not blacklist_scan(net_blacklist, field):
- server = field[4].split('-> ')[1]
- outputtext = '[TCP] %s > %s:%s' % (protocol_replace(server), field[1], field[2])
- if not outputtext in net_output:
- timelinetext = '%s,Network,TCP Receive,%s,%s' % (field[0].split()[0].split('.')[0], field[1],
- field[2])
- net_output.append(outputtext)
- timeline.append(timelinetext)
- except IndexError:
- if debug:
- sys.stderr.write(line)
- sys.stderr.write(format_exc())
- error_output.append(original_line.strip())
- # Enumerate unique remote hosts into their own section
- if server:
- server = server.split(':')[0]
- if not server in remote_servers and server != 'localhost':
- remote_servers.append(server)
- #} End of file input processing
- report.append('Processes Created:')
- report.append('==================')
- for event in process_output:
- report.append(event)
- report.append('')
- report.append('File Activity:')
- report.append('==================')
- for event in file_output:
- report.append(event)
- report.append('')
- report.append('Registry Activity:')
- report.append('==================')
- for event in reg_output:
- report.append(event)
- report.append('')
- report.append('Network Traffic:')
- report.append('==================')
- for event in net_output:
- report.append(event)
- report.append('')
- report.append('Unique Hosts:')
- report.append('==================')
- for server in sorted(remote_servers):
- report.append(protocol_replace(server).strip())
- if error_output:
- report.append('\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nERRORS DETECTED')
- report.append('The following items could not be parsed correctly:')
- for error in error_output:
- report.append(error)
- # End of parse_csv()
- def main():
- """
- Main routine, parses arguments and calls other routines
- Arguments:
- None
- Results:
- None
- """
- global generalize_paths
- global timeout_seconds
- global yara_folder
- global use_pmc
- global debug
- print('--===[ Noriben v%s ]===--' % __VERSION__)
- print('--===[ @bbaskin ]===--\r\n')
- parser = ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', help='Re-analyze an existing Noriben CSV file [input file]', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--pml', help='Re-analyze an existing Noriben PML file [input file]', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', help='Specify alternate Procmon Filter PMC [input file]', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help='Number of seconds to collect activity', required=False, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('--output', help='Folder to store output files', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('--yara', help='Folder containing YARA rules', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('--generalize', dest='generalize_paths', default=False, action='store_true',
- help='Generalize file paths to their environment variables. Default: %s' % generalize_paths,
- required=False)
- parser.add_argument('--cmd', help='Command line to execute (in quotes)', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-d', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Enable debug tracebacks', required=False)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- report = list()
- timeline = list()
- if args.debug:
- debug = True
- # Check to see if string generalization is wanted
- if args.generalize_paths:
- generalize_paths = True
- if generalize_paths:
- generalize_vars_init()
- # Check for a valid filter file
- if args.filter:
- if file_exists(args.filter):
- pmc_file = args.filter
- else:
- pmc_file = 'ProcmonConfiguration.PMC'
- else:
- pmc_file = 'ProcmonConfiguration.PMC'
- if not file_exists(pmc_file):
- use_pmc = False
- print('[!] Filter file %s not found. Continuing without filters.' % pmc_file)
- else:
- use_pmc = True
- print('[*] Using filter file: %s' % pmc_file)
- # Find a valid procmon executable.
- procmonexe = check_procmon()
- if not procmonexe:
- print('[!] Unable to find Procmon (%s) in path.' % procmon)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Check to see if specified output folder exists. If not, make it.
- # This only works one path deep. In future, may make it recursive.
- if args.output:
- output_dir = args.output
- if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
- try:
- os.mkdir(output_dir)
- except WindowsError:
- print('[!] Unable to create directory: %s' % output_dir)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- output_dir = ''
- # Check to see if specified YARA folder exists
- if args.yara:
- yara_folder = args.yara
- if not yara_folder[-1] == '\\':
- yara_folder += '\\'
- if not os.path.exists(yara_folder):
- print('[!] YARA rule path not found: %s' % yara_folder)
- yara_folder = ''
- # Check if user-specified to rescan a PML
- if args.pml:
- if file_exists(args.pml):
- # Reparse an existing PML
- csv_file = output_dir + os.path.splitext(args.pml)[0] + '.csv'
- txt_file = output_dir + os.path.splitext(args.pml)[0] + '.txt'
- timeline_file = output_dir + os.path.splitext(args.pml)[0] + '_timeline.csv'
- process_PML_to_CSV(procmonexe, args.pml, pmc_file, csv_file)
- if not file_exists(csv_file):
- print('[!] Error detected. Could not create CSV file: %s' % csv_file)
- sys.exit(1)
- parse_csv(csv_file, report, timeline)
- print('[*] Saving report to: %s' % txt_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(report))
- print('[*] Saving timeline to: %s' % timeline_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(timeline))
- open_file_with_assoc(txt_file)
- sys.exit()
- else:
- print('[!] PML file does not exist: %s\n' % args.pml)
- parser.print_usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- # Check if user-specified to rescan a CSV
- if args.csv:
- if file_exists(args.csv):
- # Reparse an existing CSV
- txt_file = os.path.splitext(args.csv)[0] + '.txt'
- timeline_file = os.path.splitext(args.csv)[0] + '_timeline.csv'
- parse_csv(args.csv, report, timeline)
- print('[*] Saving report to: %s' % txt_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(report))
- print('[*] Saving timeline to: %s' % timeline_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(timeline))
- open_file_with_assoc(txt_file)
- sys.exit()
- else:
- parser.print_usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- if args.timeout:
- timeout_seconds = args.timeout
- if args.cmd:
- exe_cmdline = args.cmd
- else:
- exe_cmdline = ''
- # Start main data collection and processing
- print('[*] Using procmon EXE: %s' % procmonexe)
- session_id = get_session_name()
- pml_file = output_dir + 'Noriben_%s.pml' % session_id
- csv_file = output_dir + 'Noriben_%s.csv' % session_id
- txt_file = output_dir + 'Noriben_%s.txt' % session_id
- timeline_file = output_dir + 'Noriben_%s_timeline.csv' % session_id
- print('[*] Procmon session saved to: %s' % pml_file)
- print('[*] Launching Procmon ...')
- launch_procmon_capture(procmonexe, pml_file, pmc_file)
- if exe_cmdline:
- print('[*] Launching command line: %s' % exe_cmdline)
- subprocess.Popen(exe_cmdline)
- else:
- print('[*] Procmon is running. Run your executable now.')
- if timeout_seconds:
- print('[*] Running for %d seconds. Press Ctrl-C to stop logging early.' % timeout_seconds)
- # Print a small progress indicator, for those REALLY long sleeps.
- try:
- for i in range(timeout_seconds):
- progress = (100 / timeout_seconds) * i
- sys.stdout.write('\r%d%% complete' % progress)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- else:
- print('[*] When runtime is complete, press CTRL+C to stop logging.')
- try:
- while True:
- sleep(10)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- print('\n[*] Termination of Procmon commencing... please wait')
- terminate_procmon(procmonexe)
- print('[*] Procmon terminated')
- if not file_exists(pml_file):
- print('[!] Error creating PML file!')
- sys.exit(1)
- # PML created, now convert it to a CSV for parsing
- process_PML_to_CSV(procmonexe, pml_file, pmc_file, csv_file)
- if not file_exists(csv_file):
- print('[!] Error detected. Could not create CSV file: %s' % csv_file)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Process CSV file, results in 'report' and 'timeline' output lists
- parse_csv(csv_file, report, timeline)
- print('[*] Saving report to: %s' % txt_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(report))
- print('[*] Saving timeline to: %s' % timeline_file)
-, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(timeline))
- open_file_with_assoc(txt_file)
- # End of main()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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