

Oct 17th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. inuyashiki.
  2. MAN today is 17-10-24 man I have lost of speech because of how emotional it is man, like maji de... so starting off with the story :- the story is like it tells that there are two sides of a coin , head and tail and in human nature we consider two things in group 1) Good ,2) Bad . Everyone has good or bad thinking As a bad thinker myself, but its in between how much you can genereate it i hold greater mix of badness than goodness but still the level of badness here exceeds the level of goodness. Even if i get a power of death note i will only kill people who does shit not innocent ones.(and with the permission from their parents(like the Kolkata hostpical case 2024)) so even if i got the power to kill earth why would i right ? everyone is different. i am suffering that doesn't mean i have to give the suffering to others also. lol. so Continuing about the plot The Dad is totally god bro (i mean from personality){if i also would have gotten this power i would also do stuffs like this like why if i have the power to do good why would i do bad right >??)) he is a caring and peaceful and damn person dude like i hardly relate with age > 50 but in this case its optional i liked the dad greater than Hiro <20 year old guy. i mean killing innocent person for fun and make them suffer ? weird fetish which i dont have and cant bare to watch so when that grape shit happened with that girl who was forced by that yakuza i wanted that yakuza shit to be killed by my own little fingers, i wanted suffering , the audacity to grape a gal and drugs her , i will through their pp to acid and let it break off piece by piece. doing Grape is bad DOnt ever do this sit warning from past.THERE IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WATCHING AND DOING IT. As long as your not doing it and seeing it happen in IRL(and helping her and mending into the business to prevent it)it sound wrong so let me be clear [you should help her and prevent that shit to happen]. your good to go .
  3. Animation:- btw the animation with CGI was shit lol not that bad but still shit
  4. Story#2: so the story is about a guy and a dad(entirely different person I should be calling him old person but my respect for him makes me want to call him dad[uttermost respect from my side]).they one day gone for a walk and got suddenly crashed by an ufo that killed them and then they were remodelled by the aliens with hitech technology robots. they has the capability of destroying earth. so our guy Hiro loves killing innocent person weird dude. and our DAD loves to save and heal people (MY guy),Hiro killed many of them which made him killer and one people posted about him in the internet which (the guy) sold to news channel and then the military and shit came to arrest Hiro, he was with his mom and he loves his family(like me (from past)).HE cant use his power infront of his mother, which made his mother got arrested and turned agaist him , later due to humiliation she committed sucided, he then boken up, Goes to his gf house (his gf found him cool and dint belevie he was the killer,but later he showed and proved her that he is but still she loved him).Then she made him do good work(as he can cure any disease she made him do good work).Next day the military found about their living and raided their home killing both his gf and his gf's grandma. which he didn't liked so he jumped out of the mess and gone to a safe place and healed them after healing he left them and carried on with his killing our DAD was practising with Hiros friend which (hiros friend) didn't like his turned mentality as he got changed and isn't same hiro anymore.because of his killings , as he turned in aeroplanes to recreate 911 wtih 35 planes wtf. dude is insade he killed 100 people with bang bang bang through phone and laptop still he lol. so after dad saved the areoplanes beacuese of one hitting the building which his daughter was . she got suppocation fro the building smoge. and she died but dad fighting with and damaging Hiros body then he also saved the daughter from death and also saving neumerious people from death like a god. then after everyong from his family found out everyone told that they didn tcare and he is stil theri dad and family so thehy went for a walk and enjoyed their time then NASA (wale bohot khatarnak hai lol) said that (do land trump) that fck Japan he is already old and does matter if he dies. so after hearing that dad went to the asteroid whci was hitting the earth then did many things but it dint worked out but when he was thriesty Hiro standing their with no hands acem and told his to push hiro's eye and it will selfdistruct the astriod (he was good at this pint and came to realizazation that he has people to take care of like his gf and his gf's grandma ) heaing this world dad came and said its too good to hear your good thoughts (he didn't said that lol) then he self destructed BUT only a peice of asteroid got dmaged but in the earth all of his loved like his gf and his frined was crying seeing the flash. then his frind called dad and told that as the asteroid is damaged he will come back but then as dad knew it was not enough he also self destroyed, leaving his faminy and his friend (young one ) to cry . (WONT THEY THINK LIKE AS THE ASTERIOD WAS DAMAGED SO WHY DID HE SELG DESTRUCTED ?[I MEAN I WOULD QUESTION THAT]) after many days the people got adjusted and are now doing daily life (because no one is waiting for anuome) his daughters dream like mangaka has now fulfilled and she won.the anime ended.
  5. Teachings: it taught me many things lol. i was crying half of the episode shit man less with hiro but more with dad guy."It taught me that whatever your powers be, You should try to help others","not everyone is same,but dont differ from the moral ethics that made you in this world to diminish","There is good in bad and bad in good, just be sure to ratio it perfectly that might acctualy help others than doing them pain.","what makes you human isn't just by your skin and how you look , if there is a little bit of caring for anything then that makes you human (for me)"
  6. (took 1 hr to write lol(health is fcked up as because my body is suffering from feaver and sordi lol.))
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