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- Attemped to precache unknown particle system "plate_green"!
- Attemped to precache unknown particle system "generic_smoke"!
- Requesting 8 lua files from the server
- ConVarRef skypaint_override doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_clispawneditor doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_autodeployhandbrake doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_admincarspawn doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_aircontrol doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_continuousturbo doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carautoleave doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carautoenter doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_cardamage doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_tiredamage doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_allowHydraulics doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_fuelconsumptionuse doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_thirdpersonview doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_usert doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_raceendime doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_damagescale doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_removedelay doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxscars doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxhydheight doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxautostraighten doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxantislide doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxhealth doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_fuelconsumption doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_nrofgears doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_stabilisation doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_steerresponse doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_steerforce doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_breakefficiency doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_reversemaxspeed doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_reverseforce doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_turbodelay doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_turboduration doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_turborffect doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_maxspeed doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_acceleration doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carsound doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_wheelchanger doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_paintjobswitcher doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_cartuning doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carsuspension doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carspawner doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carnodespawner doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carneonlights doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carhydraulic doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carhealth doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carfuel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_carcheckpointspawner doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef scar_caraispawner doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- ConVarRef gmod_physiterations doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- InitClientRenderTargets 1c58a878
- CGMODRenderTargets::InitClientRenderTargets
- InitClientRenderTargets.. Done!
- Done!
- KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth.vmt
- VertexLitGeneric, >=DX90,
- KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth.vmt
- VertexLitGeneric, (*>=DX90*),
- Error! Variable " 1
- " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- Error! Variable "
- " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- Error! Variable " " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
- Warning: WorldTwoTextureBlend found on a non-displacement surface (material: gm_construct/flatgrass). This wastes perf for no benefit.
- clientside lua startup!
- ==============================================
- == Environments Life Support Ents Installed ==
- ==============================================
- Loading: ls_core_entities.lua...
- Storage Registered: env_steam_storage
- Storage Registered: env_water_storage
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage
- Storage Registered: env_oxygen_storage
- Storage Registered: env_hydrogen_storage
- Storage Registered: env_nitrogen_storage
- Storage Registered: env_co2_storage
- Storage Registered: env_cache_storage
- Entity Registered: env_water_heater
- Loaded: Successfully
- Loading: ls_core_entities_gassystems.lua...
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_gas
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_ngas
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_methane
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_tritium
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_propane
- Storage Registered: env_energy_storage_deuterium
- Loaded: Successfully
- Loading: ls_core_entities_ludtech.lua...
- Storage Registered: lde_ore_storage
- Storage Registered: lde_brounds_storage
- Storage Registered: lde_shells_storage
- Storage Registered: lde_casings_storage
- Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_bullets.lua...
- Bullet Registered: basic_shell
- Bullet Registered: thud_shell
- Bullet Registered: mac_shell
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_cannons.lua...
- Weapon Registered: basic_cannon_weapon
- Weapon Registered: thud_cannon_weapon
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_chargeguns.lua...
- Weapon Registered: basic_railgun_weapon
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_factorys.lua...
- Weapon Registered: generator_shell_small
- Weapon Registered: generator_bullets_small
- Weapon Registered: generator_casing_small
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_laserweps.lua...
- Weapon Registered: pulse_laser_weapon
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- LDE Weapons Loading: lde_machineguns.lua...
- Weapon Registered: basic_machine_weapon
- Weapon Registered: heavy_machine_weapon
- Weapon Registered: light_machine_weapon
- Weapon Registered: ultra_light_machine_weapon
- LDE Weapons Loaded: Successfully
- ==============================================
- == Environments Revision 164 Installed ==
- ==============================================
- Environments Load Time: 0.002305468879257
- Client Loaded G-Tube Player!
- Attemped to precache unknown particle system "plate_green"!
- Attemped to precache unknown particle system "plate_green"!
- Requesting texture value from var "$dummyvar" which is not a texture value (material: NULL material)
- hey
- Particles: Missing 'particles/item_fx.pcf'
- Please Install Resource Distribution 2 Addon.'Please Install Resource Distribution 2 Addon.'Please Install Resource Distribution 2 Addon.'--- Missing Vgui material models/pg_props/pg_weapons/pg_nature_staff_selecticon
- --- Missing Vgui material killicons/pg_nature_staff_killicon
- hey
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity water_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity water_air_extractor from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity air_compressor from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity coolant_compressor from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity energy_hydro from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity heat_exchanger from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity coolant_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity dispenser from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity water_pump from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity air_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity terra_juice_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity res_cache from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity terra_juice_gen from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity terra_former from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity air_scrubber from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_climate_control from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity steam_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity hvywater_tank from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity hvywater_electrolyzer from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_temperature_exchanger from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity air_hydro from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity energy_solar from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity energy_cell from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity energy_wind from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity water_heater from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity climate_control from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity air_exchanger from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_gravity_control from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity warp_core from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_terraformer from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
- ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_air_exchanger from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
- KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got NULL key in file materials/models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth.vmt
- VertexLitGeneric, >=DX90,
- KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth.vmt
- VertexLitGeneric, (*>=DX90*),
- Error! Variable " 1
- " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- Error! Variable "
- " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- Error! Variable " " is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/kran4es_freeman/mouth"!
- Compact freed 856064 bytes
- Redownloading all lightmaps
- Disconnect: "Too many Lua Errors! Sorry!".
- Disconnect: "Too many Lua Errors! Sorry!".
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