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- -- Global Variables
- --allowedPlayerArray={["Topher"]=true,["nunley21"]=true,["Demethan"]=true,["waerloga"]=true}
- allowedPlayerArray={}
- snapShot={}
- snapShot2={}
- itemString={}
- flag={}
- heart = 0
- time = 0
- token = '0'
- scanner = ''
- username = ''
- -- write text to the terminal screen
- function draw_text_term(x, y, text, text_color, bg_color)
- term.setTextColor(text_color)
- term.setBackgroundColor(bg_color)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- write(text)
- end
- -- draw a line on the terminal screen
- function draw_line_term(x, y, length, color)
- term.setBackgroundColor(color)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write(string.rep(" ", length))
- end
- function bars()
- draw_line_term(1, 1, 51, colors.lime)
- draw_line_term(1, 19, 51, colors.lime)
- draw_text_term(20, 1, 'Base Scanner', colors.gray, colors.lime)
- draw_text_term(13, 19, '', colors.gray, colors.lime)
- end
- function scanner_screen()
- term.clear()
- -- scanner info
- bars()
- draw_text_term(1, 2, 'Scanner: ', colors.lime,
- draw_text_term(10, 2, scanner, colors.white,
- draw_text_term(1, 3, 'Owner: ', colors.lime,
- draw_text_term(8, 3, username, colors.white,
- draw_text_term(1, 4 , string.rep("-", 51), colors.lime,
- -- scanning graphuc
- heart = heart + 1
- draw_text_term(3, 10, 'Scanning ',,
- draw_text_term(12, 10 , string.rep(".", heart),,
- if heart == 15 then
- heart = 1
- end
- end
- -- saves current token variable to local text file
- function save_config()
- sw ="config.txt", "w")
- sw.writeLine(token)
- sw.writeLine(scanner)
- sw.writeLine(username)
- sw.close()
- end
- -- retrieves token from local text file
- -- called at startup if config.txt exists
- -- token is used to authorize the scanner to post to users log
- function load_config()
- sr ="config.txt", "r")
- token = sr.readLine()
- scanner = sr.readLine()
- username = sr.readLine()
- sr.close()
- end
- -- called every 30 seconds when scanner is running
- -- tells the server that the scanner is online
- function ping()
- "token="..token.."&id="..os.getComputerID())
- end
- function round(what, precision)
- if what==nil then return 0 end
- return math.floor(what*math.pow(10,precision)+0.5) / math.pow(10,precision)
- end
- function record()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- players=s.getPlayers()
- for num,player in pairs(players) do
- for p,ign in pairs(player) do
- if p=="name" then
- playerData=s.getPlayerByName(ign)
- data = playerData.all()
- inventory=data.player.inventory
- if not allowedPlayerArray[ign] then -- check the allow array
- --print(ign.." is not on the allowed list")
- invArray={} -- fresh copy
- for a,b in pairs(inventory) do --getting player inventory
- slot=b.all()
- --print(,slot.qty) -- debug
- invArray[a],slot.qty
- end
- if flag[ign]==nil or not flag[ign] then --recording first inventory scan
- itemString[ign]=""
- snapShot[ign]= invArray
- --print("Initial snapshot")
- post(ign,1," has entered sensor range")
- flag[ign]=true -- set player flag for later processing
- else
- snapShot2[ign]= invArray
- --print("updated snapshot")
- --print("comparing Inventory")
- guilty,Items=compare(snapShot[ign],snapShot2[ign])
- --redempt,Items=compare(snapShot2[ign],snapShot[ign]) --not sure how to work the dropped items
- if guilty then
- for i,v in pairs(Items) do --building string
- if v~="" or v~=nil then
- itemString[ign]=","..v..itemString[ign]
- end
- end
- post(ign, 3, itemString[ign])
- snapShot[ign]=snapShot2[ign]--inventory has been logged, can now reset the initial snapshot
- itemString[ign]=""
- else
- --print(ign," - No item found")
- end
- sleep(1)
- leaveCheck()
- if snapShot2[ign]~= nil then --recoding newer inventory until player leaves.
- snapShot2[ign]= nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --Cleanup
- playerData={}
- data={}
- inventory={}
- guilty=nil
- end
- -- iterate through all players with an active flag
- -- see if they're still in range of the scanner
- function leaveCheck()
- for ign,v in pairs(flag) do
- -- print("Did ",ign," leave?")
- local ok,msg=pcall(function ()s.getPlayerByName(ign) end)
- --print(msg) --debug
- if not ok and flag[ign] then
- --print(ign," has left.")
- flag[ign]=false
- snapShot[ign]=nil
- snapShot2[ign]=nil
- post(ign,2," has left sensor range")
- end
- end
- end
- -- records a log entry on the server
- -- passes to server:
- -- token and computer ID (used to verify source)
- -- event type: 1 = player entering, 2 = player leaving, 3 = inventory change
- -- ign, players name
- -- discription of event
- function post(ign, event, discription)
- "token="..token.."&ign="..ign.."&id="..os.getComputerID().."&event="..event.."&discription="..discription)
- end
- function tablelength(T) --get real count of table
- local count = 0
- for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
- return count
- end
- function compare(t1,t2)
- local ai = {}
- local r = {}
- table.sort(t1) --sorting by name
- table.sort(t2) --sorting by name
- for k,v in pairs(t2) do
- r[k] = v; ai[v]=true
- end
- for k,v in pairs(t1) do
- if ai[v]~=nil then --if item match, remove it from temp table r
- r[k]=nil
- end
- end
- if tablelength(r) > 0 then --if there are items left in r
- return true,r
- else
- return false,nil
- end
- end
- -- Setup a new scanner
- function newInstall()
- -- collect information. Scanner name, account user/pass
- term.clear()
- bars()
- draw_text_term(1, 2, 'Setup Your Scanner', colors.lime,
- draw_text_term(1, 3, 'Before you can register this scanner, please create an account at', colors.lightGray,
- draw_text_term(1, 6, 'Enter a unique name for this scanner:', colors.lime,
- term.setCursorPos(1,7)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- name = read()
- term.clear()
- bars()
- draw_text_term(1, 2, 'Register ', colors.lime,
- draw_text_term(1, 4, 'Username: ', colors.lime,
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- user = read()
- draw_text_term(1, 5, 'Password: ', colors.lime,
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- pass = read("*")
- -- attempt to verify login
- response =
- "",
- "user="..user.."&pass="..pass.."&id="..os.getComputerID().."&name="
- token = response.readAll()
- if token == 'error' then
- draw_text_term(1, 6, 'login failed',,
- sleep(2)
- newInstall()
- else
- username = user
- scanner = name
- save_config()
- start_recording()
- end
- end
- function start_recording()
- -- main loop
- while true do
- -- run scan
- ok,msg=pcall(record)
- -- animate screen and delay
- scanner_screen()
- sleep(0.5)
- scanner_screen()
- sleep(0.5)
- -- main active status with server
- time = time + 1
- if time > 30 then
- time=0
- ping()
- end
- end
- end
- function start()
- s=peripheral.wrap("top")
- heart=0
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if fs.exists("config.txt") then
- load_config()
- start_recording()
- else
- newInstall()
- end
- end
- start()
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