
burns sand

Sep 25th, 2022
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  1. The mountainside was completely silent.
  2. Once I reached them, another blast opened up a six-foot crater in the sandy earth. I kicked the mostly human ghoul into it, and with several more such blasts collapsed the crater in on him, burying him to the neck.
  3. Then I called fire and melted the sand around the ghoul's exposed head into a sheet of glass.
  4. It screamed and screamed, which did not matter to me in the least. The sheer heat of the molten sand burned away its features, its eyes, its lips and tongue, even as the trauma forced the ghoul into its true form. I upended the jug of juice. Some of it splashed on the ghoul's head. Some of it sizzled on the narrow band of glass around it. I walked calmly, pouring orange juice on the ground in a steady line until, ten feet later, I reached the enormous nest of fire ants one of the trainees had stumbled into on our first day at Camp Kaboom.
  5. Presently, the first scouts started following the trail back to the ghoul.
  6. I turned on the second ghoul.
  7. It cringed away from me, holding completely still. The only sound was the raw whisper-screams of the other ghoul.
  8. "I'm not going to kill you," I told the ghoul in a very quiet voice. "You get to carry word to your kind." I thrust the end of my staff against its chest and stared down. Wisps of sulfurous smoke trickled down the length of the wooden shaft and over the maimed ghoul. "Tell them this." I leaned closer. "Never again. Tell them that. Never again. Or Hell itself will not hide you from me."
  11. White Night Chapter 23, Page 234-235
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