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- #################################################################################################
- # This Powershell script includes three options for EPS data collection:
- #
- # Option 1) Scan the event log(s) of the local Windows host to determine the Events Per Second
- # (EPS) rate.
- # Option 2) Scan a list of IP addresses provided by the user. The remote systems Event Log(s) are
- # scanned to determine the Events Per Second (EPS) rate of each host in the list.
- # Option 3) Scan the local domain where the script is run to determine the Events Per Second (EPS)
- # rate of all Windows hosts within the domain.
- #
- # Note: PowerShell must be run as local admin & users must run Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- # To use Option 3 for domain scans, Powershell domain cmdlets need to be installed.
- #
- # Pre-requisites: This script requires Powershell 3.0 or 4.0. Powershell is the property of
- # Microsoft. For more information on Powershell or downloads, see the following
- # website:
- #
- #
- # Authors: Jamie Wheaton // William Delong
- #
- #
- #################################################################################################
- #
- #
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will scan the Event Log(s) & determine the Events Per Second (EPS).
- #
- #@param $Agent -> The Computer / IP
- #@param $LogName -> The Event Log that will be evaluated (Security, Application, System)
- #@param $RemoteComputer -> The value to tell if the computer is remote or local
- #
- #################################################################################################
- function Get-EventLogInfo { param($Agent, $LogName, $RemoteComputer, $OS)
- $LogInfo = @{}
- try {
- # Just localhost
- If (!$RemoteComputer) {
- $TotalLogEvents = (Get-WinEvent -ListLog $LogName).RecordCount
- $LogSize = (Get-WinEvent -ListLog $LogName).FileSize / 1000000 # Set to MB
- $LogSize = [math]::Round(($LogSize), 1)
- $OldestEventTime = (Get-WinEvent $LogName -Oldest -maxevents 1).TimeCreated
- $NewestEventTime = (Get-WinEvent $LogName -maxevents 1).TimeCreated
- $TotalTime = (Get-Date).Subtract($OldestEventTime).TotalSeconds
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = $TotalLogEvents / $TotalTime
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = [math]::Round($AvgEventsPerSecond, 5)
- }
- # Remote box
- Else {
- if ($OS -like "*Server 2003*" -or $OS -like "*Windows XP*"){
- Write-Host "$OS is an old Operating System, Collecting $LogName Event Log Information via WMI, this may take some time"
- $wmi_eventlogsummary = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NTEventLogFile -computername $Agent -Credential $Global:Cred -filter "LogFileName = '$LogName'"
- $TotalLogEvents = $wmi_eventlogsummary.NumberOfRecords
- $LogSize = ($wmi_eventlogsummary.FileSize / 1MB)
- $wmi_eventlogdata = Get-WMIobject -ComputerName $computer -Credential $cred -query "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'application'"
- $getwmioldevent = $wmi_eventlogdata| select -last 1
- $getwminewest = $wmi_eventlogdata | select -first 1
- $OldestEventTime = [management.managementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($getwmioldevent.TimeGenerated)
- $NewestEventTime = [management.managementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($getwminewest.TimeGenerated)
- }
- else {
- $TotalLogEvents = (Get-WinEvent -ListLog $LogName -ComputerName $Agent -Credential $Global:Cred).RecordCount
- $LogSize = ((Get-WinEvent -ListLog $LogName -ComputerName $Agent -Credential $Global:Cred).FileSize / 1MB) # Set to MB
- #$LogSize = [math]::Round(($LogSize), 1)
- if ($TotalLogEvents -eq 0) {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "There are 0 $LogName Events"
- $OldestEventTime = 0
- $NewestEventTime = 0
- $TotalTime = 0
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = 0
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = 0
- }
- else {
- $OldestEventTime = (Get-WinEvent $LogName -ComputerName $Agent -Credential $Global:Cred -Oldest -Maxevents 1).TimeCreated
- $NewestEventTime = (Get-WinEvent $LogName -ComputerName $Agent -Credential $Global:Cred -Maxevents 1).TimeCreated
- $TotalTime = (Get-Date).Subtract($OldestEventTime).TotalSeconds
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = $TotalLogEvents / $TotalTime
- $AvgEventsPerSecond = [math]::Round($AvgEventsPerSecond, 5)
- }
- }
- }
- $LogInfo.Add("StartTime", $OldestEventTime)
- $LogInfo.Add("EndTime", $NewestEventTime)
- $LogInfo.Add("LogSize", $LogSize)
- #$LogInfo.Add("OSVersion", $OSVersion)
- $LogInfo.Add("TotalEvents", $TotalLogEvents)
- $LogInfo.Add("AverageEvents", $AvgEventsPerSecond)
- Return $LogInfo
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to scan $Agent event logs"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- continue
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will generate output info for the given log events per second
- #@param $TotalLogEvents -> The total # of events for the given log
- #################################################################################################
- function Get-ProfileSuggestion { param($AvgEventsPerSecond)
- try {
- #Profile sugestion
- $LogStatsAndInfo = ""
- If ($AvgEventsPerSecond -GE 0 -and $AvgEventsPerSecond -LE 100) {
- $LogStatsAndInfo += "MSRPC (0-100) EPS or WinCollect Default (Endpoint) (0-50) EPS`n"
- }
- # Above High Hate
- If ($AvgEventsPerSecond -GT 625) {
- $LogStatsAndInfo += "Suggested Profile: High Event Rate Server (251-625) EPS"
- #$LogStatsAndInfo += "NOTE: Log Event Rate Higher Then Profile Range`n"
- }
- #- High Event Rate Server 1250-1875 (416-625)
- ElseIf ($AvgEventsPerSecond -GE 250) {
- $LogStatsAndInfo += "High Event Rate Server (251-625) EPS"
- }
- #- Typical Server 500-750 (166-250)
- ElseIf ($AvgEventsPerSecond -GE 50) {
- $LogStatsAndInfo += "Typical Server (51-250) EPS"
- }
- #- Default (Endpoint) 100-150 (33-50)
- ElseIf ($AvgEventsPerSecond -GE 0) {
- $LogStatsAndInfo += "WinCollect Default (Endpoint) (0-50) EPS"
- }
- # Negitive or unreadble and cant be determined
- Else {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to Suggest Profile"
- exit
- }
- $LogStatsAndInfo
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to get profile suggestion"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will test connection
- #@param $Cred -> The Event Log
- #@param $Computer -> The avg events per second for the given log
- #################################################################################################
- function Test-HostConnection { param($Computer)
- try {
- if ((Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -count 1 -quiet)) {
- return $true
- }
- else {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to contact $Computer. Please verify its network connectivity and try again"
- $Global:ConnectionIssues = $Global:ConnectionIssues + 1
- return $false
- }
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable conect to Host"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function Create a log report for the each computer in the computer list
- #@param $LogName -> The Event Log
- #@param $AvgEventsPerSecond -> The avg events per second for the given log
- #@param $TotalLogEvents -> The total # of events for the given log
- #################################################################################################
- function Create-LogReport { param($Computerlist, $ComputerCount, $ComputerListType, $OS)
- try {
- $Report = @{}
- $ProgressCount = 0;
- if ($ComputerListType -NE $LOCALHOST_OPT) {
- $Global:Cred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter an account which has access to the Windows Event Logs"
- }
- ForEach ($Computer in $Computerlist) {
- $ProgressCount = $ProgressCount + 1
- $RemoteComputer = $false
- if($ProgressCount -EQ 1) {
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Calculating & Processing Log EPS For Computer List"
- }
- if ($ComputerListType -NE $LOCALHOST_OPT) {
- $RemoteComputer = $true
- $Login = Test-HostConnection $Computer
- if (!$Login) {
- continue
- }
- }
- # Get Server OS if not already gathered
- if ($ComputerListType -eq $FILE_OPT) {
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Getting OS Information for $Computer"
- $OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $Computer -Credential $Global:Cred).Caption
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "$OS"
- }
- if ($ComputerListType -eq $LOCALHOST_OPT) {
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Getting OS Information for $Computer"
- $OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "$OS"
- }
- if ($ComputerListType -eq $DOMAIN_OPT) {
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Getting OS Information for $Computer"
- #$OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $Computer -Credential $Global:Cred).Caption
- $GetADComputerList = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Global:Cred -Filter {enabled -eq "true"} -Properties OperatingSystem | Select DNSHostname, OperatingSystem
- #$GetADOS = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Global:Cred -Filter {enabled -eq "true"} -Properties OperatingSystem | Select
- #$ComputerList = $GetADComputerList.DNSHostName
- $OS = ($GetADComputerList -match $Computer).OperatingSystem
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "$OS"
- }
- # Retrieve the Application Event log info
- $ApplicationInfo = Get-EventLogInfo $Computer Application $RemoteComputer $OS
- $ApplicationEPS = $ApplicationInfo.AverageEvents
- $ApplicationFirstEventTime = $ApplicationInfo.StartTime
- $ApplicationLastEventTime = $ApplicationInfo.EndTime
- $ApplicationTotalEvents = $ApplicationInfo.TotalEvents
- $ApplicationEventLogSize = $ApplicationInfo.LogSize
- # Retrieve the Security Event log info
- $SecurityInfo = Get-EventLogInfo $Computer Security $RemoteComputer $OS
- $SecurityEPS = $SecurityInfo.AverageEvents
- $SecurityFirstEventTime = $SecurityInfo.StartTime
- $SecurityLastEventTime = $SecurityInfo.EndTime
- $SecurityTotalEvents = $SecurityInfo.TotalEvents
- $SecurityEventLogSize = $SecurityInfo.LogSize
- # Retrieve the System Event log info
- $SystemInfo = Get-EventLogInfo $Computer System $RemoteComputer $OS
- $SystemEPS = $SystemInfo.AverageEvents
- $SystemFirstEventTime = $SystemInfo.StartTime
- $SystemLastEventTime = $SystemInfo.EndTime
- $SystemTotalEvents = $SystemInfo.TotalEvents
- $SystemEventLogSize = $SystemInfo.LogSize
- $TotalEPS = [math]::Round(($ApplicationEPS + $SecurityEPS + $SystemEPS), 5)
- $ProfileSuggestion = Get-ProfileSuggestion $TotalEPS
- #$ComputerOS = (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).OperatingSystem
- $ComputerOS = "$OS"
- $Box = @{"ProfileSuggestion" = $ProfileSuggestion; "TotalEPS" = $TotalEPS; "OSVersion" = $ComputerOS;
- "ApplicationEPS" = $ApplicationEPS; "ApplicationFirstEventTime" = $ApplicationFirstEventTime; "ApplicationLastEventTime" = $ApplicationLastEventTime; "ApplicationTotalEvents" = $ApplicationTotalEvents; "ApplicationEventLogSize" = $ApplicationEventLogSize;
- "SecurityEPS" = $SecurityEPS; "SecurityFirstEventTime" = $SecurityFirstEventTime; "SecurityLastEventTime" = $SecurityLastEventTime; "SecurityTotalEvents" = $SecurityTotalEvents; "SecurityEventLogSize" = $SecurityEventLogSize;
- "SystemEPS" = $SystemEPS; "SystemFirstEventTime" = $SystemFirstEventTime; "SystemLastEventTime" = $SystemLastEventTime; "SystemTotalEvents" = $SystemTotalEvents; "SystemEventLogSize" = $SystemEventLogSize;}
- $Report.Add($Computer, $Box)
- $PercentComplete = $ProgressCount / $ComputerCount * 100
- $PercentComplete = [math]::Round($PercentComplete, 0)
- Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Computer List - $PercentComplete% Complete" -status "Calculating EPS for Computer: $Computer" -percentComplete $PercentComplete
- }
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Event Log ESP Report Calculations Complete"
- Return $Report
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to Create Log Report"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will generate output info for the given log. Avg, Suggested Profile, etc...
- #@param $LogName -> The Event Log
- #@param $AvgEventsPerSecond -> The avg events per second for the given log
- #@param $TotalLogEvents -> The total # of events for the given log
- #################################################################################################
- function Export-LogReport { param($Computerlist, $ComputerCount, $ComputerListType)
- try {
- $Report = Create-LogReport $Computerlist $ComputerCount $ComputerListType
- $OutputTable = foreach ($box in $Report.GetEnumerator()) {
- New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
- "Server" = $box.Name; "OS Version" = $box.Value.OSVersion;
- "Application (EPS)" = $box.Value.ApplicationEPS; "Application 1st Event" = $box.Value.ApplicationFirstEventTime; "Application last Event" = $box.Value.ApplicationLastEventTime; "Application total events" = $box.Value.ApplicationTotalEvents; "Application Log Size (MB)" = $box.Value.ApplicationEventLogSize;
- "Security (EPS)" = $box.Value.SecurityEPS; "Security 1st Event" = $box.Value.SecurityFirstEventTime; "Security last Event" = $box.Value.SecurityLastEventTime; "Security total events" = $box.Value.SecurityTotalEvents; "Security Log Size (MB)" = $box.Value.SecurityEventLogSize;
- "System (EPS)" = $box.Value.SystemEPS; "System 1st Event" = $box.Value.SystemFirstEventTime; "System last Event" = $box.Value.SystemLastEventTime; "System total events" = $box.Value.SystemTotalEvents; "System Log Size (MB)" = $box.Value.SystemEventLogSize;
- "Total (EPS)" = $box.Value.TotalEPS; "Profile Suggestion (3 Sec Polling Interval)" = $box.Value.ProfileSuggestion;})
- }
- Write-Log $INPUT_LOG "Select Event Log Export Location..."
- $ExportFolder = Select-ExportLocation "Event Log Summary Report Export Location" "Desktop"
- $ExportLocation = $ExportFolder + "\Event-Log-Summary-Report-" + $(get-date -f yyyyMMddhhmmss) + ".csv"
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Exporting Log Events to: $ExportLocation"
- $OutputTable | Export-CSV $ExportLocation -NoTypeInformation -Force
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to Export Log Report"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will generate a Folder Select Dialog
- #@param $Description -> The Description of the Dialog
- #@param $RootFolder -> The location that the folder selection begins
- #################################################################################################
- function Get-FileName { param($RootFolder)
- try {
- $OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
- $OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $RootFolder
- $OpenFileDialog.Title = "Select Computer List"
- $OpenFileDialog.filter = "All files (*.*)| *.*"
- $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
- $OpenFileDialog.filename
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to Select File"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will generate a Folder Select Dialog
- #@param $Description -> The Description of the Dialog
- #@param $RootFolder -> The location that the folder selection begins
- #################################################################################################
- function Select-ExportLocation { param($Description, $RootFolder)
- try {
- $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
- $objForm.Rootfolder = $RootFolder
- $objForm.Description = $Description
- $Show = $objForm.ShowDialog()
- if ($Show -EQ "OK") {
- return $objForm.SelectedPath
- }
- else {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Operation cancelled by user"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to Select Folder"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #################################################################################################
- #Function will generate a Drop Down Menu based on the given Drop Down Options
- #@param $DropDownOptions -> The Event Log that will be evaluated (Security, Application, System)
- #@param $Title -> The Title of the Drop Down Menu
- #################################################################################################
- function Get-InputFromDropDown { param($DropDownOptions, $Title)
- try {
- function Return-DropDown {
- $script:Choice = $DropDown.SelectedItem.ToString()
- $Form.Close()
- }
- $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
- $Form.width = 300
- $Form.height = 150
- $Form.Text = ”Select $Title”
- $DropDown = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
- $DropDown.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,10)
- $DropDown.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(130,30)
- ForEach ($Item in $DropDownOptions) {
- [void] $DropDown.Items.Add($Item)
- }
- $Form.Controls.Add($DropDown)
- $DropDownLabel = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
- $DropDownLabel.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
- $DropDownLabel.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
- $DropDownLabel.Text = "Options:"
- $Form.Controls.Add($DropDownLabel)
- $Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
- $Button.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
- $Button.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
- $Button.Text = "Submit"
- $Button.Add_Click({Return-DropDown})
- $form.Controls.Add($Button)
- $DropDown.SelectedIndex = 0
- $Form.Add_Shown({$Form.Activate()})
- [void] $Form.ShowDialog()
- $Choice
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to generate input drop down"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #########################################################################################
- #Function will get the list of computers based on the users selected list type
- #@param $ComputerListType -> The type of computer list
- #########################################################################################
- function Get-ComputerList { param($ComputerListType)
- try {
- $ComputerList = @{};
- switch($ComputerListType) {
- $GetADComputerList = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Global:Cred -Filter {enabled -eq "true"} -Properties OperatingSystem | Select DNSHostname, OperatingSystem
- $ComputerList = $GetADComputerList.DNSHostName
- break
- }
- $ComputerList = Get-FileName "Desktop"
- $ComputerList = Get-Content $ComputerList
- break
- }
- $ComputerList = "localhost"
- break
- }
- }
- Return $ComputerList
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Unable to determine computer list"
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG $Error[0]
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Log $ERROR_LOG "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber"
- exit
- }
- }
- #########################################################################################
- #Function will log messages throughout the script execution
- #@param $severity -> How severe of the input message to log
- #@param $logMessage -> The message that will be logged cast to a string
- #########################################################################################
- function Write-Log { param($severity, [string]$logMessage)
- try {
- if ($logMessage.length -GT 200) {
- $logMessage = $logMessage.Substring(0,200) + "..."
- }
- $output = $logMessage + "`n"
- switch($Severity) {
- $INFO_LOG {Write-Host $output -Fore Green; break}
- $INPUT_LOG {Write-Host $output -Fore Cyan; break}
- $WARN_LOG {Write-Host $output -Fore Cyan; break}
- $ERROR_LOG {Write-Host $output -Fore Red; break}
- Default {Write-Host "Unable to log based on sererity: $Severity" -Fore Cyan; break}
- }
- }
- catch {
- Write-Host "Unable to log`n" -Fore Red
- Write-Host $Error[0] -Fore Red
- $ErrorLineNumber = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.scriptlinenumber
- Write-Host "Caught on line number: $ErrorLineNumber" -Fore Red
- exit
- }
- }
- # Imports the forms
- [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") | Out-Null
- #Set severities
- $INFO_LOG = "Info"
- $INPUT_LOG = "Input"
- $WARN_LOG = "Warn"
- $ERROR_LOG = "Error"
- #Set Computer List Options
- #$hostdomain = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
- $FILE_OPT = "IP List"
- $DOMAIN_OPT = "Domain"
- $LOCALHOST_OPT = "Local Host"
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Starting Script"
- # Drop Down Options
- [array]$ComputerListTypeOptions = $FILE_OPT, $LOCALHOST_OPT, $DOMAIN_OPT
- #Set the function variables
- $ComputerListType = Get-InputFromDropDown $ComputerListTypeOptions "IP List Type"
- #Set the function variables
- Write-Log $INPUT_LOG "Select Computer List..."
- $ComputerList = Get-ComputerList $ComputerListType
- $ComputerCount = $ComputerList.Count
- $Global:Cred = $Null
- $Global:ConnectionIssues = 0
- #Set all errors to terminating
- $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Selected: $ComputerListType ($ComputerCount Computer(s) Found)"
- #Call function
- $Time = Measure-Command -Expression {
- $LogReport = Export-LogReport $Computerlist $ComputerCount $ComputerListType
- }
- $Time = [math]::Round($Time.TotalMinutes, 1)
- Write-Log $INFO_LOG "Event Log Report Successfully Calculated & Exported - $ComputerCount Computers - $Time Minutes - $Global:ConnectionIssues Connection Issue(s)"
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