
[DP] Teleport Item Id

Feb 19th, 2013
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  1. ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
  2. #P L2jFrozen_DataPack
  3. Index: sql/teleport.sql
  4. ===================================================================
  5. --- sql/teleport.sql    (revision 986)
  6. +++ sql/teleport.sql    (working copy)
  7. @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
  8.    loc_x decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  9.    loc_y decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  10.    loc_z decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  11. -  price decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  12. +  `price_id` decimal(6,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  13. +  `price_count` decimal(6,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  14.    fornoble int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  15.    PRIMARY KEY  (id)
  17. @@ -18,875 +19,876 @@
  18.  --
  20.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  21. -('Dark Elven Town -> Town of Gludio',1,-12672,122776,-3116,10000,0),
  22. -('Elven Town  -> Town of Gludio',2,-12672,122776,-3116,9200,0),
  23. -('Elven Village -> Elven Forest',468,21362,51122,-3688,710,0),
  24. -('Elven Village -> Neutral Zone',469,-10674,75550,-3597,740,0),
  25. -('Elven Village -> Elven Fortress',470,29294,74968,-3776,820,0),
  26. -('Town of Gludio -> Elven village',3,46934,51467,-2977,9200,0),
  27. -('Town of Gludio -> Dark Elven village',4,9745,15606,-4574,10000,0),
  28. -('Town of Gludio -> Village of Gludin',5,-80826,149775,-3043,7300,0),
  29. -('Town of Gludio -> Dion',6,15670,142983,-2705,3400,0),
  30. -('Village of Gludin -> Orc village',7,-44836,-112524,-235,26000,0),
  31. -('Village of Gludin -> Dwarven village',8,115113,-178212,-901,38000,0),
  32. -('Village of Gludin -> TI',9,-84318,244579,-3730,9400,0),
  33. -('Village of Gludin -> Elven Village',10,46934,51467,-2977,16000,0),
  34. -('Village of Gludin -> Dark Elven Village',11,9745,15606,-4574,16000,0),
  35. -('Village of Gludin -> Town of Gludio',12,-12672,122776,-3116,7300,0),
  36. -('Village of Gludin -> Southern entrance of wastelands',13,-16730,209417,-3664,3400,0),
  37. -('Dark Elven Town -> Southern part of dark elven forest',14,-61095,75104,-3356,1100,0),
  38. -('DE Village -> Dark Forest',464,-22224,14168,-3232,890,0),
  39. -('DE Village -> Spider Nest',465,-56532,78321,-2960,3600,0),
  40. -('DE Village -> Swampland',466,-30777,49750,-3552,1100,0),
  41. -('DE Village -> Neutral Zone',467,-23520,68688,-3640,1700,0),
  42. -('TI -> Village of Gludin',15,-80826,149775,-3043,18000,0),
  43. -('TI -> Obelisk of Victory',1001,-99678,237562,-3567,470,0),
  44. -('TI -> Western Territory',1002,-101294,212553,-3093,1000,0),
  45. -('TI -> Elven Ruins',1003,-113329,235327,-3653,830,0),
  46. -('TI -> Singing Waterfall',1004,-107456,242669,-3493,770,0),
  47. -('Dwarf Town  -> Town of Gludio',16,-12672,122776,-3116,32000,0),
  48. -('Dwarf Town -> The Northeast Coast',17,169008,-208272,-3504,2400,0),
  49. -('Dwarven Town -> Abandoned Coal Mines',418,139714,-177456,-1536,690,0),
  50. -('Dwarven Town -> Mithril Mines',419,171946,-173352,3448,2200,0),
  51. -('Dion Town -> Town of Gludio',18,-12672,122776,-3116,3400,0),
  52. -('Dion Town -> Town of Giran',19,83400,147943,-3404,6800,0),
  53. -('Dion Town -> Giran Harbor',20,47942,186764,-3485,6500,0),
  54. -('Cruma Tower Entrance -> Cruma Tower 1st floor',21,17724,114004,-11672,0,0),
  55. -('Cruma Tower 1st floor -> Cruma Tower Entrance',22,17192,114178,-3439,0,0),
  56. -('Cruma Tower 1st floor -> Cruma Tower 2nd floor',23,17730,108301,-9057,0,0),
  57. -('Cruma Tower 2nd floor -> Cruma Tower 1st floor',24,17714,107923,-11850,0,0),
  58. -('Town of Giran -> Dion Town',25,15670,142983,-2705,6800,0),
  59. -('Town of Giran -> Oren Town',26,82956,53162,-1495,9400,0),
  60. -('Town of Giran -> Hunter Village',27,116819,76994,-2714,4100,0),
  61. -('Town of Giran -> Hardin\'s Private Academy',28,105918,109759,-3207,4400,0),
  62. -('Talking Island -> Obelisk of Victory',460,-99843,237583,-3568,200,0),
  63. -('Talking Island -> Western Territory of Talking Island (Northern Area)',461,-102850,215932,-3424,3000,0),
  64. -('Talking Island -> Elven Ruins',462,49315,248452,-5960,2500,0),
  65. -('Talking Island -> Singing Waterfall',463,-113686,235723,-3640,2300,0),
  66. -('TI Dungeon inside -> outside',29,-113329,235327,-3653,0,0),
  67. -('TI Dungeon outside -> inside',30,48736,248463,-6162,0,0),
  68. -('Ivory Tower Basement',31,84915,15969,-4294,0,0),
  69. -('Ivory Tower Ground Floor',32,85399,16197,-3679,0,0),
  70. -('Ivory Tower 1st Floor',33,85399,16197,-2809,0,0),
  71. -('Ivory Tower 2nd Floor',34,85399,16197,-2293,0,0),
  72. -('Ivory Tower 3th Floor',35,85399,16197,-1776,0,0),
  73. -('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Oren Castle Town',36,82956,53162,-1495,3700,0),
  74. -('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Hunter\'s Village',37,116819,76994,-2714,6800,0),
  75. -('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Aden Castle Town',38,146331,25762,-2018,6200,0),
  76. -('Aden Town -> Ivory Tower',39,85348,16142,-3699,12000,0),
  77. -('Aden Town -> Oren Town',40,82956,53162,-1495,6900,0),
  78. -('Aden Town -> Hunter\'s Village',41,116819,76994,-2714,5900,0),
  79. -('Hunter\'s Village -> Giran Town',42,83400,147943,-3404,9400,0),
  80. -('Hunter\'s Village -> Oren Town',43,82956,53162,-1495,4100,0),
  81. -('Hunter\'s Village -> Ivory Tower',44,85348,16142,-3699,8200,0),
  82. -('Hunter\'s Village -> Hardin\'s Private Academy',45,105918,109759,-3207,3400,0),
  83. -('Hunter\'s Village -> Aden Town',46,146331,25762,-2018,5900,0),
  84. -('Oren Town -> Giran Town',47,83400,147943,-3404,9400,0),
  85. -('Oren Town -> Ivory Tower',48,85348,16142,-3699,3700,0),
  86. -('Oren Town -> Hunter\'s Village',49,116819,76994,-2714,4100,0),
  87. -('Oren Town -> Hardin\'s Private Academy',50,105918,109759,-3207,6100,0),
  88. -('Oren Town -> Aden Town',51,146331,25762,-2018,6900,0),
  89. -('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Giran Town',52,83400,147943,-3404,4400,0),
  90. -('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Oren Town',53,82956,53162,-1495,6100,0),
  91. -('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Hunter\'s Village',54,116819,76994,-2714,3400,0),
  92. -('Cruma level 2 -> Cruma level 3',55,17719,115590,-6584,0,0),
  93. -('Cruma level 3 -> Cruma Core',56,17691,111726,-6583,0,0),
  94. -('Cruma core -> Cruma level 3',57,17719,115590,-6584,0,0),
  95. -('Cruma Tower 3rd floor -> Cruma Tower 2nd Floor',58,17731,119465,-9067,0,0),
  96. -('Heine -> The Town of Giran',59,83400,147943,-3404,7600,0),
  97. -('Heine -> Giran Harbor',60,47942,186764,-3485,7100,0),
  98. -('Antharas Nest - > Giran castle town',62,83400,147943,-3404,0,0),
  99. -('Giran Harbor -> Giran Town',63,83400,147943,-3404,6300,0),
  100. -('Giran Harbor -> Dion Town',64,15670,142983,-2705,6500,0),
  101. -('Giran Harbor -> Heine',107,111409,219364,-3545,8500,0),
  102. -('Heine -> The Town of Dion',65,15670,142983,-2705,12000,0),
  103. -('Heine -> Field of Silence',66,82684,183551,-3597,2500,0),
  104. -('Heine -> Field of Whispers',67,91186,217104,-3649,2300,0),
  105. -('Heine -> Entrance to Alligator Islands',68,126450,174774,-3079,2100,0),
  106. -('Giran -> Dragon Valley',69,73024,118485,-3688,1800,0),
  107. -('Giran -> Heine',70,111409,219364,-3545,7600,0),
  108. -('Monster Derby Track',75,12661,181687,-3560,0,0),
  109. -('Aden -> Coliseum',76,146440,46723,-3432,2000,0),
  110. -('Aden -> Blazing Swamp',81,155316,-16341,-3312,6800,0),
  111. -('Aden -> The Forbidden Gateway',82,185319,20218,-3264,1400,0),
  112. -('Aden -> The Front of Anghell Waterfall',83,163341,91374,-3320,2400,0),
  113. -('Aden -> Forsaken Plains',84,167285,37109,-4008,1900,0),
  114. -('Dion -> Heine',85,111409,219364,-3545,12000,0),
  115. -('Dion -> Partisan Hideaway',86,46467,126885,-3720,1700,0),
  116. -('Dion -> Bee Hive',87,20505,189036,-3344,2900,0),
  117. -('Gludio -> Windawood Manor',88,-23789,169683,-3424,1400,0),
  118. -('Gludio -> Southern Pathway to the Wasteland',89,-16730,209417,-3664,2400,0),
  119. -('Gludin -> Abandoned Camp',90,-46932,140883,-2936,1200,0),
  120. -('Gludin -> Fellmere Harvest Grounds',91,-70387,115501,-3472,1400,0),
  121. -('Gludin -> Langk Lizardman Dwelling',92,-45210,202654,-3592,1800,0),
  122. -('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Northern Region',93,-8804,-114748,-3088,960,0),
  123. -('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Southern Region',94,-17870,-90980,-2528,2000,0),
  124. -('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Southeast Region',95,8209,-93524,-2312,750,0),
  125. -('Orc Village -> Frozen Waterfall',96,7603,-138871,-920,1600,0),
  126. -('Orc Village -> Entrance to the Cave of Trials',471,9340,-112509,-2536,1500,0),
  127. -('Oren -> Plains of Lizardmen',97,87252,85514,-3056,1900,0),
  128. -('Oren -> Sea of Spores',98,64328,26803,-3768,2500,0),
  129. -('Hunters -> Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley',99,104426,33746,-3800,3600,0),
  130. -('Hunters -> Southern Pathway of Enchanted Valley',100,124904,61992,-3920,1300,0),
  131. -('Hunters -> Entrance to the Forest of Mirrors',101,142065,81300,-3000,2000,0),
  132. -('Hunters -> The Front of Anghel Waterfall',102,163341,91374,-3320,4000,0),
  133. -('Goddard -> Aden Castle Town',132,146331,25762,-2018,8100,0),
  134. -('Goddard -> Rune Castle Village',108,43799,-47727,-798,10000,0),
  135. -('Goddard -> Varka Silenos Stronghold',109,125543,-40953,-3724,4200,0),
  136. -('Goddard -> Ketra Orc Outpost',110,146954,-67390,-3660,1800,0),
  137. -('Goddard -> Entrance to the Forge of the Gods',111,169178,-116244,-2421,2300,0),
  138. -('Rune -> Goddard Castle Village',119,147928,-55273,-2734,10000,0),
  139. -('Rune -> The Town of Giran',120,83400,147943,-3404,59000,0),
  140. -('Rune -> Aden Castle Town',121,146331,25762,-2018,37000,0),
  141. -('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Guild',122,38320,-48092,-1153,150,0),
  142. -('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Temple',123,38275,-48065,896,150,0),
  143. -('Rune -> Entrance to the Forest of the Dead',124,52112,-53939,-3159,1200,0),
  144. -('Rune -> Western Entrance to the Swamp of Screams',125,70006,-49902,-3251,3000,0),
  145. -('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Store',131,43799,-47727,-798,150,0),
  146. -('Aden -> Rune',134,43799,-47727,-798,37000,0),
  147. -('Aden -> Goddard',135,147928,-55273,-2734,8100,0),
  148. -('Giran Town -> Giran Harbor',136,47942,186764,-3485,5200,0),
  149. -('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Store',126,43849,-47877,-792,150,0),
  150. +('Dark Elven Town -> Town of Gludio', '1', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '10000', '0'),
  151. +('Elven Town  -> Town of Gludio', '2', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '9200', '0'),
  152. +('Elven Village -> Elven Forest', '468', '21362', '51122', '-3688', '57', '710', '0'),
  153. +('Elven Village -> Neutral Zone', '469', '-10674', '75550', '-3597', '57', '740', '0'),
  154. +('Elven Village -> Elven Fortress', '470', '29294', '74968', '-3776', '57', '820', '0'),
  155. +('Town of Gludio -> Elven village', '3', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '57', '9200', '0'),
  156. +('Town of Gludio -> Dark Elven village', '4', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '57', '10000', '0'),
  157. +('Town of Gludio -> Village of Gludin', '5', '-80826', '149775', '-3043', '57', '7300', '0'),
  158. +('Town of Gludio -> Dion', '6', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '3400', '0'),
  159. +('Village of Gludin -> Orc village', '7', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '26000', '0'),
  160. +('Village of Gludin -> Dwarven village', '8', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '38000', '0'),
  161. +('Village of Gludin -> TI', '9', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '57', '9400', '0'),
  162. +('Village of Gludin -> Elven Village', '10', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '57', '16000', '0'),
  163. +('Village of Gludin -> Dark Elven Village', '11', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '57', '16000', '0'),
  164. +('Village of Gludin -> Town of Gludio', '12', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '7300', '0'),
  165. +('Village of Gludin -> Southern entrance of wastelands', '13', '-16730', '209417', '-3664', '57', '3400', '0'),
  166. +('Dark Elven Town -> Southern part of dark elven forest', '14', '-61095', '75104', '-3356', '57', '1100', '0'),
  167. +('DE Village -> Dark Forest', '464', '-22224', '14168', '-3232', '57', '890', '0'),
  168. +('DE Village -> Spider Nest', '465', '-56532', '78321', '-2960', '57', '3600', '0'),
  169. +('DE Village -> Swampland', '466', '-30777', '49750', '-3552', '57', '1100', '0'),
  170. +('DE Village -> Neutral Zone', '467', '-23520', '68688', '-3640', '57', '1700', '0'),
  171. +('TI -> Village of Gludin', '15', '-80826', '149775', '-3043', '57', '18000', '0'),
  172. +('TI -> Obelisk of Victory', '1001', '-99678', '237562', '-3567', '57', '470', '0'),
  173. +('TI -> Western Territory', '1002', '-101294', '212553', '-3093', '57', '1000', '0'),
  174. +('TI -> Elven Ruins', '1003', '-113329', '235327', '-3653', '57', '830', '0'),
  175. +('TI -> Singing Waterfall', '1004', '-107456', '242669', '-3493', '57', '770', '0'),
  176. +('Dwarf Town  -> Town of Gludio', '16', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '32000', '0'),
  177. +('Dwarf Town -> The Northeast Coast', '17', '169008', '-208272', '-3504', '57', '2400', '0'),
  178. +('Dwarven Town -> Abandoned Coal Mines', '418', '139714', '-177456', '-1536', '57', '690', '0'),
  179. +('Dwarven Town -> Mithril Mines', '419', '171946', '-173352', '3448', '57', '2200', '0'),
  180. +('Dion Town -> Town of Gludio', '18', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '3400', '0'),
  181. +('Dion Town -> Town of Giran', '19', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '6800', '0'),
  182. +('Dion Town -> Giran Harbor', '20', '47942', '186764', '-3485', '57', '6500', '0'),
  183. +('Cruma Tower Entrance -> Cruma Tower 1st floor', '21', '17724', '114004', '-11672', '57', '0', '0'),
  184. +('Cruma Tower 1st floor -> Cruma Tower Entrance', '22', '17192', '114178', '-3439', '57', '0', '0'),
  185. +('Cruma Tower 1st floor -> Cruma Tower 2nd floor', '23', '17730', '108301', '-9057', '57', '0', '0'),
  186. +('Cruma Tower 2nd floor -> Cruma Tower 1st floor', '24', '17714', '107923', '-11850', '57', '0', '0'),
  187. +('Town of Giran -> Dion Town', '25', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '6800', '0'),
  188. +('Town of Giran -> Oren Town', '26', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '9400', '0'),
  189. +('Town of Giran -> Hunter Village', '27', '116819', '76994', '-2714', '57', '4100', '0'),
  190. +('Town of Giran -> Hardin\'s Private Academy', '28', '105918', '109759', '-3207', '57', '4400', '0'),
  191. +('Talking Island -> Obelisk of Victory', '460', '-99843', '237583', '-3568', '57', '200', '0'),
  192. +('Talking Island -> Western Territory of Talking Island (Northern Area)', '461', '-102850', '215932', '-3424', '57', '3000', '0'),
  193. +('Talking Island -> Elven Ruins', '462', '49315', '248452', '-5960', '57', '2500', '0'),
  194. +('Talking Island -> Singing Waterfall', '463', '-113686', '235723', '-3640', '57', '2300', '0'),
  195. +('TI Dungeon inside -> outside', '29', '-113329', '235327', '-3653', '57', '0', '0'),
  196. +('TI Dungeon outside -> inside', '30', '48736', '248463', '-6162', '57', '0', '0'),
  197. +('Ivory Tower Basement', '31', '84915', '15969', '-4294', '57', '0', '0'),
  198. +('Ivory Tower Ground Floor', '32', '85399', '16197', '-3679', '57', '0', '0'),
  199. +('Ivory Tower 1st Floor', '33', '85399', '16197', '-2809', '57', '0', '0'),
  200. +('Ivory Tower 2nd Floor', '34', '85399', '16197', '-2293', '57', '0', '0'),
  201. +('Ivory Tower 3th Floor', '35', '85399', '16197', '-1776', '57', '0', '0'),
  202. +('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Oren Castle Town', '36', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '3700', '0'),
  203. +('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Hunter\'s Village', '37', '116819', '76994', '-2714', '57', '6800', '0'),
  204. +('Ivory Tower Ground Floor -> Aden Castle Town', '38', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '6200', '0'),
  205. +('Aden Town -> Ivory Tower', '39', '85348', '16142', '-3699', '57', '12000', '0'),
  206. +('Aden Town -> Oren Town', '40', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '6900', '0'),
  207. +('Aden Town -> Hunter\'s Village', '41', '116819', '76994', '-2714', '57', '5900', '0'),
  208. +('Hunter\'s Village -> Giran Town', '42', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '9400', '0'),
  209. +('Hunter\'s Village -> Oren Town', '43', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '4100', '0'),
  210. +('Hunter\'s Village -> Ivory Tower', '44', '85348', '16142', '-3699', '57', '8200', '0'),
  211. +('Hunter\'s Village -> Hardin\'s Private Academy', '45', '105918', '109759', '-3207', '57', '3400', '0'),
  212. +('Hunter\'s Village -> Aden Town', '46', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '5900', '0'),
  213. +('Oren Town -> Giran Town', '47', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '9400', '0'),
  214. +('Oren Town -> Ivory Tower', '48', '85348', '16142', '-3699', '57', '3700', '0'),
  215. +('Oren Town -> Hunter\'s Village', '49', '116819', '76994', '-2714', '57', '4100', '0'),
  216. +('Oren Town -> Hardin\'s Private Academy', '50', '105918', '109759', '-3207', '57', '6100', '0'),
  217. +('Oren Town -> Aden Town', '51', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '6900', '0'),
  218. +('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Giran Town', '52', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '4400', '0'),
  219. +('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Oren Town', '53', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '6100', '0'),
  220. +('Hardin\'s Private Academy -> Hunter\'s Village', '54', '116819', '76994', '-2714', '57', '3400', '0'),
  221. +('Cruma level 2 -> Cruma level 3', '55', '17719', '115590', '-6584', '57', '0', '0'),
  222. +('Cruma level 3 -> Cruma Core', '56', '17691', '111726', '-6583', '57', '0', '0'),
  223. +('Cruma core -> Cruma level 3', '57', '17719', '115590', '-6584', '57', '0', '0'),
  224. +('Cruma Tower 3rd floor -> Cruma Tower 2nd Floor', '58', '17731', '119465', '-9067', '57', '0', '0'),
  225. +('Heine -> The Town of Giran', '59', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '7600', '0'),
  226. +('Heine -> Giran Harbor', '60', '47942', '186764', '-3485', '57', '7100', '0'),
  227. +('Antharas Nest - > Giran castle town', '62', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '0', '0'),
  228. +('Giran Harbor -> Giran Town', '63', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '6300', '0'),
  229. +('Giran Harbor -> Dion Town', '64', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '6500', '0'),
  230. +('Giran Harbor -> Heine', '107', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '8500', '0'),
  231. +('Heine -> The Town of Dion', '65', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '12000', '0'),
  232. +('Heine -> Field of Silence', '66', '82684', '183551', '-3597', '57', '2500', '0'),
  233. +('Heine -> Field of Whispers', '67', '91186', '217104', '-3649', '57', '2300', '0'),
  234. +('Heine -> Entrance to Alligator Islands', '68', '126450', '174774', '-3079', '57', '2100', '0'),
  235. +('Giran -> Dragon Valley', '69', '73024', '118485', '-3688', '57', '1800', '0'),
  236. +('Giran -> Heine', '70', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '7600', '0'),
  237. +('Monster Derby Track', '75', '12661', '181687', '-3560', '57', '0', '0'),
  238. +('Aden -> Coliseum', '76', '146440', '46723', '-3432', '57', '2000', '0'),
  239. +('Aden -> Blazing Swamp', '81', '155316', '-16341', '-3312', '57', '6800', '0'),
  240. +('Aden -> The Forbidden Gateway', '82', '185319', '20218', '-3264', '57', '1400', '0'),
  241. +('Aden -> The Front of Anghell Waterfall', '83', '163341', '91374', '-3320', '57', '2400', '0'),
  242. +('Aden -> Forsaken Plains', '84', '167285', '37109', '-4008', '57', '1900', '0'),
  243. +('Dion -> Heine', '85', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '12000', '0'),
  244. +('Dion -> Partisan Hideaway', '86', '46467', '126885', '-3720', '57', '1700', '0'),
  245. +('Dion -> Bee Hive', '87', '20505', '189036', '-3344', '57', '2900', '0'),
  246. +('Gludio -> Windawood Manor', '88', '-23789', '169683', '-3424', '57', '1400', '0'),
  247. +('Gludio -> Southern Pathway to the Wasteland', '89', '-16730', '209417', '-3664', '57', '2400', '0'),
  248. +('Gludin -> Abandoned Camp', '90', '-46932', '140883', '-2936', '57', '1200', '0'),
  249. +('Gludin -> Fellmere Harvest Grounds', '91', '-70387', '115501', '-3472', '57', '1400', '0'),
  250. +('Gludin -> Langk Lizardman Dwelling', '92', '-45210', '202654', '-3592', '57', '1800', '0'),
  251. +('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Northern Region', '93', '-8804', '-114748', '-3088', '57', '960', '0'),
  252. +('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Southern Region', '94', '-17870', '-90980', '-2528', '57', '2000', '0'),
  253. +('Orc Village -> Immortal Plateau,Southeast Region', '95', '8209', '-93524', '-2312', '57', '750', '0'),
  254. +('Orc Village -> Frozen Waterfall', '96', '7603', '-138871', '-920', '57', '1600', '0'),
  255. +('Orc Village -> Entrance to the Cave of Trials', '471', '9340', '-112509', '-2536', '57', '1500', '0'),
  256. +('Oren -> Plains of Lizardmen', '97', '87252', '85514', '-3056', '57', '1900', '0'),
  257. +('Oren -> Sea of Spores', '98', '64328', '26803', '-3768', '57', '2500', '0'),
  258. +('Hunters -> Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley', '99', '104426', '33746', '-3800', '57', '3600', '0'),
  259. +('Hunters -> Southern Pathway of Enchanted Valley', '100', '124904', '61992', '-3920', '57', '1300', '0'),
  260. +('Hunters -> Entrance to the Forest of Mirrors', '101', '142065', '81300', '-3000', '57', '2000', '0'),
  261. +('Hunters -> The Front of Anghel Waterfall', '102', '163341', '91374', '-3320', '57', '4000', '0'),
  262. +('Goddard -> Aden Castle Town', '132', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '8100', '0'),
  263. +('Goddard -> Rune Castle Village', '108', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '10000', '0'),
  264. +('Goddard -> Varka Silenos Stronghold', '109', '125543', '-40953', '-3724', '57', '4200', '0'),
  265. +('Goddard -> Ketra Orc Outpost', '110', '146954', '-67390', '-3660', '57', '1800', '0'),
  266. +('Goddard -> Entrance to the Forge of the Gods', '111', '169178', '-116244', '-2421', '57', '2300', '0'),
  267. +('Rune -> Goddard Castle Village', '119', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '10000', '0'),
  268. +('Rune -> The Town of Giran', '120', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '59000', '0'),
  269. +('Rune -> Aden Castle Town', '121', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '37000', '0'),
  270. +('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Guild', '122', '38320', '-48092', '-1153', '57', '150', '0'),
  271. +('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Temple', '123', '38275', '-48065', '896', '57', '150', '0'),
  272. +('Rune -> Entrance to the Forest of the Dead', '124', '52112', '-53939', '-3159', '57', '1200', '0'),
  273. +('Rune -> Western Entrance to the Swamp of Screams', '125', '70006', '-49902', '-3251', '57', '3000', '0'),
  274. +('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Store', '131', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '150', '0'),
  275. +('Aden -> Rune', '134', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '37000', '0'),
  276. +('Aden -> Goddard', '135', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '8100', '0'),
  277. +('Giran Town -> Giran Harbor', '136', '47942', '186764', '-3485', '57', '5200', '0'),
  278. +('Rune -> Rune Castle Town Store', '126', '43849', '-47877', '-792', '57', '150', '0'),
  280. -('TOI - 1st Floor',201,115168,16022,-5100,100000,0),
  281. -('TOI - 2nd Floor',202,114649,18587,-3609,150000,0),
  282. -('TOI - 3rd Floor',203,117918,16039,-2127,200000,0),
  283. -('TOI - 4th Floor',204,114622,12946,-645,250000,0),
  284. -('TOI - 5th Floor',205,112209,16078,928,300000,0),
  285. -('TOI - 6th Floor',206,112376,16099,1947,350000,0),
  286. -('TOI - 7th Floor',207,114448,16175,2994,400000,0),
  287. -('TOI - 8th Floor',208,111063,16118,3967,450000,0),
  288. -('TOI - 9th Floor',209,117147,18415,4977,500000,0),
  289. -('TOI - 10th Floor',210,118374,15973,5987,550000,0),
  290. -('TOI - 11th Floor',211,112209,16078,7028,600000,0),
  291. -('TOI - 12th Floor',212,114809,18711,7996,650000,0),
  292. -('TOI - 13th Floor',213,115178,16989,9007,700000,0),
  293. -('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door',214,112714,14111,10077,800000,0),
  294. -('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On Roof',215,113098,14532,10077,900000,0),
  295. +('TOI - 1st Floor', '201', '115168', '16022', '-5100', '57', '100000', '0'),
  296. +('TOI - 2nd Floor', '202', '114649', '18587', '-3609', '57', '150000', '0'),
  297. +('TOI - 3rd Floor', '203', '117918', '16039', '-2127', '57', '200000', '0'),
  298. +('TOI - 4th Floor', '204', '114622', '12946', '-645', '57', '250000', '0'),
  299. +('TOI - 5th Floor', '205', '112209', '16078', '928', '57', '300000', '0'),
  300. +('TOI - 6th Floor', '206', '112376', '16099', '1947', '57', '350000', '0'),
  301. +('TOI - 7th Floor', '207', '114448', '16175', '2994', '57', '400000', '0'),
  302. +('TOI - 8th Floor', '208', '111063', '16118', '3967', '57', '450000', '0'),
  303. +('TOI - 9th Floor', '209', '117147', '18415', '4977', '57', '500000', '0'),
  304. +('TOI - 10th Floor', '210', '118374', '15973', '5987', '57', '550000', '0'),
  305. +('TOI - 11th Floor', '211', '112209', '16078', '7028', '57', '600000', '0'),
  306. +('TOI - 12th Floor', '212', '114809', '18711', '7996', '57', '650000', '0'),
  307. +('TOI - 13th Floor', '213', '115178', '16989', '9007', '57', '700000', '0'),
  308. +('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door', '214', '112714', '14111', '10077', '57', '800000', '0'),
  309. +('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On Roof', '215', '113098', '14532', '10077', '57', '900000', '0'),
  311. -('Cat Heretics Entrance',250,-53174,-250275,-7911,0,0), -- Interlude (undersea)
  312. -('Cat Heretics Exit',251,42514,143917,-5385,0,0),
  313. -('Cat Branded Entrance',252,46217,170290,-4983,0,0),
  314. -('Cat Branded Exit',253,45770,170299,-4985,0,0),
  315. -('Cat Apostate Entrance',254,-20230,-250780,-8168,0,0), -- Interlude (undersea)
  316. -('Cat Apostate Exit',255,77225,78362,-5119,0,0),
  317. -('Cat Witch Entrance',256,140404,79678,-5431,0,0),
  318. -('Cat Witch Exit',257,139965,79678,-5433,0,0),
  319. -('Cat DarkOmen Entrance',258,-19500,13508,-4905,0,0),
  320. -('Cat DarkOmen Exit',259,-19931,13502,-4905,0,0),
  321. -('Cat ForbiddenPath Entrance',260,12521,-248481,-9585,0,0), -- Interlude (undersea)
  322. -('Cat ForbiddenPath Exit',261,113429,84540,-6545,0,0),
  323. -('Necro Sacrifice Entrance',262,-41570,209785,-5089,0,0),
  324. -('Necro Sacrifice Exit',263,-41567,209292,-5091,0,0),
  325. -('Necro Pilgrims Entrance',264,45251,123890,-5415,0,0),
  326. -('Necro Pilgrims Exit',265,45250,124366,-5417,0,0),
  327. -('Necro Worshippers Entrance',266,111273,174015,-5417,0,0),
  328. -('Necro Worshippers Exit',267,110818,174010,-5443,0,0),
  329. -('Necro Patriots Entrance',268,-21726,77385,-5177,0,0),
  330. -('Necro Patriots Exit',269,-22197,77369,-5177,0,0),
  331. -('Necro Ascetics Entrance',270,-52254,79103,-4743,0,0),
  332. -('Necro Ascetics Exit',271,-52716,79106,-4745,0,0),
  333. -('Necro Martyrs Entrance',272,118308,132800,-4833,0,0),
  334. -('Necro Martyrs Exit',273,117793,132810,-4835,0,0),
  335. -('Necro Saints Entrance',274,83000,209213,-5443,0,0),
  336. -('Necro Saints Exit',275,82608,209225,-5443,0,0),
  337. -('Necro Disciples Entrance',276,172251,-17605,-4903,0,0),
  338. -('Necro Disciples Exit',277,171902,-17595,-4905,0,0),
  339. +('Cat Heretics Entrance', '250', '-53174', '-250275', '-7911', '57', '0', '0'),
  340. +('Cat Heretics Exit', '251', '42514', '143917', '-5385', '57', '0', '0'),
  341. +('Cat Branded Entrance', '252', '46217', '170290', '-4983', '57', '0', '0'),
  342. +('Cat Branded Exit', '253', '45770', '170299', '-4985', '57', '0', '0'),
  343. +('Cat Apostate Entrance', '254', '-20230', '-250780', '-8168', '57', '0', '0'),
  344. +('Cat Apostate Exit', '255', '77225', '78362', '-5119', '57', '0', '0'),
  345. +('Cat Witch Entrance', '256', '140404', '79678', '-5431', '57', '0', '0'),
  346. +('Cat Witch Exit', '257', '139965', '79678', '-5433', '57', '0', '0'),
  347. +('Cat DarkOmen Entrance', '258', '-19500', '13508', '-4905', '57', '0', '0'),
  348. +('Cat DarkOmen Exit', '259', '-19931', '13502', '-4905', '57', '0', '0'),
  349. +('Cat ForbiddenPath Entrance', '260', '12521', '-248481', '-9585', '57', '0', '0'),
  350. +('Cat ForbiddenPath Exit', '261', '113429', '84540', '-6545', '57', '0', '0'),
  351. +('Necro Sacrifice Entrance', '262', '-41570', '209785', '-5089', '57', '0', '0'),
  352. +('Necro Sacrifice Exit', '263', '-41567', '209292', '-5091', '57', '0', '0'),
  353. +('Necro Pilgrims Entrance', '264', '45251', '123890', '-5415', '57', '0', '0'),
  354. +('Necro Pilgrims Exit', '265', '45250', '124366', '-5417', '57', '0', '0'),
  355. +('Necro Worshippers Entrance', '266', '111273', '174015', '-5417', '57', '0', '0'),
  356. +('Necro Worshippers Exit', '267', '110818', '174010', '-5443', '57', '0', '0'),
  357. +('Necro Patriots Entrance', '268', '-21726', '77385', '-5177', '57', '0', '0'),
  358. +('Necro Patriots Exit', '269', '-22197', '77369', '-5177', '57', '0', '0'),
  359. +('Necro Ascetics Entrance', '270', '-52254', '79103', '-4743', '57', '0', '0'),
  360. +('Necro Ascetics Exit', '271', '-52716', '79106', '-4745', '57', '0', '0'),
  361. +('Necro Martyrs Entrance', '272', '118308', '132800', '-4833', '57', '0', '0'),
  362. +('Necro Martyrs Exit', '273', '117793', '132810', '-4835', '57', '0', '0'),
  363. +('Necro Saints Entrance', '274', '83000', '209213', '-5443', '57', '0', '0'),
  364. +('Necro Saints Exit', '275', '82608', '209225', '-5443', '57', '0', '0'),
  365. +('Necro Disciples Entrance', '276', '172251', '-17605', '-4903', '57', '0', '0'),
  366. +('Necro Disciples Exit', '277', '171902', '-17595', '-4905', '57', '0', '0'),
  368. -('Dion(artifact -> out)',350,22967,157715,-2954,0,0),
  369. -('Dion(artifact -> hall)',351,22090,159871,-2711,0,0),
  370. -('Dion(artifact -> outofcastle)',352,22448,155798,-2958,0,0),
  371. -('Dion(in -> artifact)',353,22592,161530,-2775,0,0),
  372. -('Dion(in -> out)',354,22967,157715,-2954,0,0),
  373. -('Dion(in -> outofcastle)',355,22448,155798,-2958,0,0),
  374. -('Dion(out -> artifact)',356,22592,161530,-2775,0,0),
  375. -('Dion(out -> hall)',357,22090,159871,-2711,0,0),
  376. -('Dion(out -> outofcastle)',358,22448,155798,-2958,0,0),
  377. -('Dion(outofcastle -> artifact)',359,22592,161530,-2775,0,0),
  378. -('Dion(outofcastle -> out)',360,22967,157715,-2954,0,0),
  379. -('Dion(outofcastle -> hall)',361,22090,159871,-2711,0,0),
  380. -('Giran(artifact -> out)',362,113892,144175,-2714,0,0),
  381. -('Giran(artifact -> hall)',363,115984,145073,-2584,0,0),
  382. -('Giran(artifact -> outofcastle)',364,112016,144682,-2833,0,0),
  383. -('Giran(in -> artifact)',365,117619,144564,-2648,0,0),
  384. -('Giran(in -> out)',366,113892,144175,-2714,0,0),
  385. -('Giran(in -> outofcastle)',367,112016,144682,-2833,0,0),
  386. -('Giran(out -> artifact)',368,117619,144564,-2648,0,0),
  387. -('Giran(out -> hall)',369,115984,145073,-2584,0,0),
  388. -('Giran(out -> outofcastle)',370,112016,144682,-2833,0,0),
  389. -('Giran(outofcastle -> artifact)',371,117619,144564,-2648,0,0),
  390. -('Giran(outofcastle -> out)',372,113892,144175,-2714,0,0),
  391. -('Giran(outofcastle -> hall)',373,115984,145073,-2584,0,0),
  392. -('Oren(artifact -> out)',374,79956,36351,-2532,0,0),
  393. -('Oren(artifact -> hall)',375,82113,37217,-2311,0,0),
  394. -('Oren(artifact -> outofcastle)',376,78079,36809,-2566,0,0),
  395. -('Oren(in -> artifact)',377,83710,36713,-2375,0,0),
  396. -('Oren(in -> out)',378,79956,36351,-2532,0,0),
  397. -('Oren(in -> outofcastle)',379,78079,36809,-2566,0,0),
  398. -('Oren(out -> artifact)',380,83710,36713,-2375,0,0),
  399. -('Oren(out -> hall)',381,82113,37217,-2311,0,0),
  400. -('Oren(out -> outofcastle)',382,78079,36809,-2566,0,0),
  401. -('Oren(outofcastle -> artifact)',383,83710,36713,-2375,0,0),
  402. -('Oren(outofcastle -> out)',384,79956,36351,-2532,0,0),
  403. -('Oren(outofcastle -> hall)',385,82113,37217,-2311,0,0),
  404. -('Gludio(artifact -> out)',386,-18941,112085,-2762,0,0),
  405. -('Gludio(artifact -> hall)',387,-18129,109898,-2517,0,0),
  406. -('Gludio(artifact -> outofcastle)',388,-18484,113897,-2772,0,0),
  407. -('Gludio(in -> artifact)',389,-18592,108271,-2581,0,0),
  408. -('Gludio(in -> out)',390,-18941,112085,-2762,0,0),
  409. -('Gludio(in -> outofcastle)',391,-18484,113897,-2772,0,0),
  410. -('Gludio(out -> artifact)',392,-18592,108271,-2581,0,0),
  411. -('Gludio(out -> hall)',393,-18129,109898,-2517,0,0),
  412. -('Gludio(out -> outofcastle)',394,-18484,113897,-2772,0,0),
  413. -('Gludio(outofcastle -> artifact)',395,-18592,108271,-2581,0,0),
  414. -('Gludio(outofcastle -> out)',396,-18941,112085,-2762,0,0),
  415. -('Gludio(outofcastle -> hall)',397,-18129,109898,-2517,0,0),
  416. -('Aden(artifact -> out)',398,147723,7916,-475,0,0),
  417. -('Aden(artifact -> in)',399,148580,4578,-408,0,0),
  418. -('Aden(artifact -> outofcastle)',400,147582,8753,-496,0,0),
  419. -('Aden(artifact -> hall)',401,147520,6107,-409,0,0),
  420. -('Aden(in -> artifact)',402,1147499,2544,-473,0,0),
  421. -('Aden(in -> out)',403,147723,7916,-475,0,0),
  422. -('Aden(in -> outofcastle)',404,147582,8753,-496,0,0),
  423. -('Aden(in -> hall)',405,147520,6107,-409,0,0),
  424. -('Aden(out -> artifact)',406,147499,2544,-473,0,0),
  425. -('Aden(out -> in)',407,148580,4578,-408,0,0),
  426. -('Aden(out -> outofcastle)',408,147582,8753,-496,0,0),
  427. -('Aden(out -> hall)',409,147520,6107,-409,0,0),
  428. -('Aden(outofcastle -> artifact)',410,147499,2544,-473,0,0),
  429. -('Aden(outofcastle -> out)',411,147723,7916,-475,0,0),
  430. -('Aden(outofcastle -> in)',412,148580,4578,-408,0,0),
  431. -('Aden(outofcastle -> hall)',413,147520,6107,-409,0,0),
  432. -('Aden(hall) -> artifact)',414,147499,2544,-473,0,0),
  433. -('Aden(hall) -> out)',415,147723,7916,-475,0,0),
  434. -('Aden(hall) -> in)',416,148580,4578,-408,0,0),
  435. -('Aden(hall) -> outofcastle)',417,147582,8753,-496,0,0),
  436. -('Lair Of Valakas',420,208884,-113705,-256,0,0),
  437. -('Disciples Necropolis -> Anakim/Lilith',450,184397,-11957,-5493,0,0),
  438. -('Anakim/Lilith -> Disciples Necropolis',451,183225,-11911,-4897,0,0),
  439. -('TI -> Dark Elven Village',1005,9745,15606,-4574,24000,0),
  440. -('TI -> Dwarven Village',1006,115113,-178212,-901,46000,0),
  441. -('TI -> Elven Village',1007,46934,51467,-2977,23000,0),
  442. -('TI -> Orc Village',1008,-44836,-112524,-235,35000,0),
  443. -('DE Village -> Dwarven Village',1009,115113,-178212,-901,22000,0),
  444. -('DE Village -> TI Village',1010,-84318,244579,-3730,24000,0),
  445. -('Gludin -> Windy Hill',1121,-88525,83379,-2864,2600,0),
  446. -('DE Village -> Orc Village',1012,-44836,-112524,-235,13000,0),
  447. -('Elven Village -> Neutral Zone',1013,-10674,75550,-3597,1700,0),
  448. -('Elven Village -> Dwarven Village',1014,115113,-178212,-901,23000,0),
  449. -('Elven Village -> TI Village',1015,-84318,244579,-3730,23000,0),
  450. -('Elven Village -> Orc Village',1016,-44836,-112524,-235,18000,0),
  451. -('Dwarven Village -> DE Village',1017,9745,15606,-4574,22000,0),
  452. -('Dwarven Village -> Elven Village',1018,46934,51467,-2977,23000,0),
  453. -('Dwarven Village -> TI Village',1019,-84318,244579,-3730,46000,0),
  454. -('Dwarven Village -> Schuttgart',1020,87386,-143246,-1293,4400,0),
  455. -('Dwarven Village -> Orc Village',1021,-44836,-112524,-235,17000,0),
  456. -('Dwarven Village -> Central Shore',1022,136910,-205082,-3664,970,0),
  457. -('Orc Village -> Town of Gludio',1023,-12672,122776,-3116,23000,0),
  458. -('Orc Village -> Schuttgart',1024,87386,-143246,-1293,13000,0),
  459. -('Orc Village -> DE Village',1025,9745,15606,-4574,13000,0),
  460. -('Orc Village -> Dwarven Village',1026,115113,-178212,-901,17000,0),
  461. -('Orc Village -> TI Village',1027,-84318,244579,-3730,35000,0),
  462. -('Orc Village -> Elven Village',1028,46934,51467,-2977,18000,0),
  463. -('Gludio -> Orc Village',1033,-44836,-112524,-235,23000,0),
  464. -('Gludin Village -> Windmill Hill',1029,-68628,162336,-3592,550,0),
  465. -('Gludin Village -> Forgotten Temple',1030,-52841,190730,-3518,2000,0),
  466. -('Gludio -> Ant Cave',1031,-9993,176457,-4182,2100,0),
  467. -('Gludin Village -> Crimson Boulder Ridge',1032,-42256,198333,-2800,3700,0),
  468. -('Gludio -> Dwarven Village',1034,115113,-178212,-901,32000,0),
  469. -('Gludio -> Schuttgart',1035,87386,-143246,-1293,85000,0),
  470. -('Gludio -> Heine',1036,111409,219364,-3545,47000,0),
  471. -('Gludio -> Aden Castle Town',1037,146331,25762,-2018,56000,0),
  472. -('Gludio -> Oren Castle Town',1038,82956,53162,-1495,35000,0),
  473. -('Gludio -> Goddard Castle Town',1039,147928,-55273,-2734,71000,0),
  474. -('Gludio -> Giran Castle Town',1040,83400,147943,-3404,29000,0),
  475. -('Gludio -> Rune Castle Town',1041,43799,-47727,-798,53000,0),
  476. -('Gludio -> Ruins of Agony',1042,-42504,120046,-3519,790,0),
  477. -('Gludio -> Ruins of Despair',1043,-20057,137618,-3897,610,0),
  478. -('Gludin -> Turek Orc',1044,-89839,105362,-3580,1800,0),
  479. -('Gludio -> Windmill Hill',1045,-68628,162336,-3592,2600,0),
  480. -('Dion -> Goddard',1046,147928,-55273,-2734,71000,0),
  481. -('Dion -> Rune Castle Town',1047,43799,-47727,-798,57000,0),
  482. -('Dion -> Schuttgart',1048,87386,-143246,-1293,88000,0),
  483. -('Dion -> Aden',1049,146331,25762,-2018,52000,0),
  484. -('Dion -> Oren',1050,82956,53162,-1495,33000,0),
  485. -('Dion -> Cruma Marshlands',1051,5106,126916,-3664,760,0),
  486. -('Dion -> Cruma Tower',1052,17192,114178,-3439,2300,0),
  487. -('Dion -> Dion Pasture',1053,630,179184,-3720,1500,0),
  488. -('Dion -> Tanor Canyon',1054,58316,163851,-2816,3800,0),
  489. -('Giran -> Gludio',1055,-12672,122776,-3116,29000,0),
  490. -('Giran -> Goddard',1056,147928,-55273,-2734,63000,0),
  491. -('Giran -> Rune',1057,43799,-47727,-798,59000,0),
  492. -('Giran -> Schuttgart',1058,87386,-143246,-1293,87000,0),
  493. -('Giran -> Aden',1059,146331,25762,-2018,13000,0),
  494. -('Giran -> Antharas Lair',1060,132828,114421,-3725,7000,0),
  495. -('Giran -> Devil Isle',1061,43408,206881,-3752,5700,0),
  496. -('Giran -> Brekas Stronghold',1062,79798,130624,-3677,1000,0),
  497. -('Heine -> Oren',1063,82956,53162,-1495,50000,0),
  498. -('Heine -> Aden',1064,146331,25762,-2018,59000,0),
  499. -('Heine -> Goddard',1065,147928,-55273,-2734,83000,0),
  500. -('Heine -> Rune',1066,43799,-47727,-798,82000,0),
  501. -('Heine -> Schuttgart',1067,87386,-143246,-1293,100000,0),
  502. -('Heine -> Gludio',1068,-12672,122776,-3116,47000,0),
  503. -('Heine -> Garden of Eva',1069,86006,231069,-3600,2400,0),
  504. -('Oren -> Rune',1070,43799,-47727,-798,10000,0),
  505. -('Oren -> Goddard',1071,147928,-55273,-2734,37000,0),
  506. -('Oren -> Heine',1072,111409,219364,-3545,50000,0),
  507. -('Oren -> Dion',1073,15670,142983,-2705,33000,0),
  508. -('Oren -> Schuttgart',1074,87386,-143246,-1293,59000,0),
  509. -('Oren -> Gludio',1075,-12672,122776,-3116,35000,0),
  510. -('Oren -> Skyshadow Meadow',1076,82764,61145,-3502,780,0),
  511. -('Oren -> Forest Outlaw',1077,85995,-2433,-3528,5200,0),
  512. -('Aden -> Giran',1078,83400,147943,-3404,13000,0),
  513. -('Aden -> Heine',1079,111409,219364,-3545,59000,0),
  514. -('Aden -> Schuttgart',1080,87386,-143246,-1293,53000,0),
  515. -('Aden -> Dion',1081,15670,142983,-2705,52000,0),
  516. -('Aden -> Gludio',1082,-12672,122776,-3116,56000,0),
  517. -('Aden -> Seal of Shilen',1083,184787,19744,-3168,3300,0),
  518. -('Aden -> Forest of Mirrors',1084,142065,81300,-3000,4400,0),
  519. -('Aden -> Fields of Massacre',1085,183543,-14974,-2776,6500,0),
  520. -('Aden -> Ancient Battleground',1086,106517,-2871,-3416,5900,0),
  521. -('Aden -> Silent Valley',1087,170838,55776,-5280,6100,0),
  522. -('Aden -> ToI',1088,114649,11115,-5120,4200,0),
  523. -('Goddard -> Gludio',1089,-12672,122776,-3116,71000,0),
  524. -('Goddard -> Giran',1090,83400,147943,-3404,63000,0),
  525. -('Goddard -> Dion',1091,15670,142983,-2705,71000,0),
  526. -('Goddard -> Heine',1092,111409,219364,-3545,83000,0),
  527. -('Goddard -> Schuttgart',1093,87386,-143246,-1293,10000,0),
  528. -('Goddard -> Oren',1094,82956,53162,-1495,37000,0),
  529. -('Goddard -> Hot Springs',1095,144880,-113468,-2560,9300,0),
  530. -('Goddard -> Wall of Argos',1096,165054,-47861,-3560,2200,0),
  531. -('Goddard -> Monastery of silence',1097,106414,-87799,-2920,10000,0),
  532. -('Rune -> Dion',1098,15670,142983,-2705,57000,0),
  533. -('Rune -> Gludio',1099,-12672,122776,-3116,53000,0),
  534. -('Rune -> Heine',1100,111409,219364,-3545,82000,0),
  535. -('Rune -> Schuttgart',1101,87386,-143246,-1293,10000,0),
  536. -('Rune -> Oren',1102,82956,53162,-1495,10000,0),
  537. -('Rune -> Beast Farm',1103,57059,-82976,-2847,4800,0),
  538. -('Rune -> Valley of Saints',1104,67992,-72012,-3748,3800,0),
  539. -('Rune -> Monastery of Silence',1105,123743,-75032,-2902,14000,0),
  540. -('Schuttgart -> Rune',1106,43799,-47727,-798,10000,0),
  541. -('Schuttgart -> Goddard',1107,147928,-55273,-2734,10000,0),
  542. -('Schuttgart -> Aden',1108,146331,25762,-2018,53000,0),
  543. -('Schuttgart -> Oren',1109,82956,53162,-1495,59000,0),
  544. -('Schuttgart -> Heine',1110,111409,219364,-3545,100000,0),
  545. -('Schuttgart -> Giran',1111,83400,147943,-3404,87000,0),
  546. -('Schuttgart -> Dion',1112,15670,142983,-2705,88000,0),
  547. -('Schuttgart -> Gludio',1113,-12672,122776,-3116,85000,0),
  548. -('Schuttgart -> Orc Village',1114,-44836,-112524,-235,13000,0),
  549. -('Schuttgart -> Dwarven Village',1115,115113,-178212,-901,4400,0),
  550. -('Schuttgart -> Nest of Evil Spirit',1116,76860,-125169,-3414,3000,0),
  551. -('Schuttgart -> Wasteland of plunder',1117,109024,-159223,-1778,1600,0),
  552. -('Schuttgart -> Labyrinth of winter',1118,113903,-108752,-848,3500,0),
  553. -('Schuttgart -> Graveyard of disgrace',1119,56095,-118952,-3290,1900,0),
  554. -('Schuttgart -> Farbel Ruins',1120,88288,-125692,-3816,2100,0),
  555. +('Dion(artifact -> out)', '350', '22967', '157715', '-2954', '57', '0', '0'),
  556. +('Dion(artifact -> hall)', '351', '22090', '159871', '-2711', '57', '0', '0'),
  557. +('Dion(artifact -> outofcastle)', '352', '22448', '155798', '-2958', '57', '0', '0'),
  558. +('Dion(in -> artifact)', '353', '22592', '161530', '-2775', '57', '0', '0'),
  559. +('Dion(in -> out)', '354', '22967', '157715', '-2954', '57', '0', '0'),
  560. +('Dion(in -> outofcastle)', '355', '22448', '155798', '-2958', '57', '0', '0'),
  561. +('Dion(out -> artifact)', '356', '22592', '161530', '-2775', '57', '0', '0'),
  562. +('Dion(out -> hall)', '357', '22090', '159871', '-2711', '57', '0', '0'),
  563. +('Dion(out -> outofcastle)', '358', '22448', '155798', '-2958', '57', '0', '0'),
  564. +('Dion(outofcastle -> artifact)', '359', '22592', '161530', '-2775', '57', '0', '0'),
  565. +('Dion(outofcastle -> out)', '360', '22967', '157715', '-2954', '57', '0', '0'),
  566. +('Dion(outofcastle -> hall)', '361', '22090', '159871', '-2711', '57', '0', '0'),
  567. +('Giran(artifact -> out)', '362', '113892', '144175', '-2714', '57', '0', '0'),
  568. +('Giran(artifact -> hall)', '363', '115984', '145073', '-2584', '57', '0', '0'),
  569. +('Giran(artifact -> outofcastle)', '364', '112016', '144682', '-2833', '57', '0', '0'),
  570. +('Giran(in -> artifact)', '365', '117619', '144564', '-2648', '57', '0', '0'),
  571. +('Giran(in -> out)', '366', '113892', '144175', '-2714', '57', '0', '0'),
  572. +('Giran(in -> outofcastle)', '367', '112016', '144682', '-2833', '57', '0', '0'),
  573. +('Giran(out -> artifact)', '368', '117619', '144564', '-2648', '57', '0', '0'),
  574. +('Giran(out -> hall)', '369', '115984', '145073', '-2584', '57', '0', '0'),
  575. +('Giran(out -> outofcastle)', '370', '112016', '144682', '-2833', '57', '0', '0'),
  576. +('Giran(outofcastle -> artifact)', '371', '117619', '144564', '-2648', '57', '0', '0'),
  577. +('Giran(outofcastle -> out)', '372', '113892', '144175', '-2714', '57', '0', '0'),
  578. +('Giran(outofcastle -> hall)', '373', '115984', '145073', '-2584', '57', '0', '0'),
  579. +('Oren(artifact -> out)', '374', '79956', '36351', '-2532', '57', '0', '0'),
  580. +('Oren(artifact -> hall)', '375', '82113', '37217', '-2311', '57', '0', '0'),
  581. +('Oren(artifact -> outofcastle)', '376', '78079', '36809', '-2566', '57', '0', '0'),
  582. +('Oren(in -> artifact)', '377', '83710', '36713', '-2375', '57', '0', '0'),
  583. +('Oren(in -> out)', '378', '79956', '36351', '-2532', '57', '0', '0'),
  584. +('Oren(in -> outofcastle)', '379', '78079', '36809', '-2566', '57', '0', '0'),
  585. +('Oren(out -> artifact)', '380', '83710', '36713', '-2375', '57', '0', '0'),
  586. +('Oren(out -> hall)', '381', '82113', '37217', '-2311', '57', '0', '0'),
  587. +('Oren(out -> outofcastle)', '382', '78079', '36809', '-2566', '57', '0', '0'),
  588. +('Oren(outofcastle -> artifact)', '383', '83710', '36713', '-2375', '57', '0', '0'),
  589. +('Oren(outofcastle -> out)', '384', '79956', '36351', '-2532', '57', '0', '0'),
  590. +('Oren(outofcastle -> hall)', '385', '82113', '37217', '-2311', '57', '0', '0'),
  591. +('Gludio(artifact -> out)', '386', '-18941', '112085', '-2762', '57', '0', '0'),
  592. +('Gludio(artifact -> hall)', '387', '-18129', '109898', '-2517', '57', '0', '0'),
  593. +('Gludio(artifact -> outofcastle)', '388', '-18484', '113897', '-2772', '57', '0', '0'),
  594. +('Gludio(in -> artifact)', '389', '-18592', '108271', '-2581', '57', '0', '0'),
  595. +('Gludio(in -> out)', '390', '-18941', '112085', '-2762', '57', '0', '0'),
  596. +('Gludio(in -> outofcastle)', '391', '-18484', '113897', '-2772', '57', '0', '0'),
  597. +('Gludio(out -> artifact)', '392', '-18592', '108271', '-2581', '57', '0', '0'),
  598. +('Gludio(out -> hall)', '393', '-18129', '109898', '-2517', '57', '0', '0'),
  599. +('Gludio(out -> outofcastle)', '394', '-18484', '113897', '-2772', '57', '0', '0'),
  600. +('Gludio(outofcastle -> artifact)', '395', '-18592', '108271', '-2581', '57', '0', '0'),
  601. +('Gludio(outofcastle -> out)', '396', '-18941', '112085', '-2762', '57', '0', '0'),
  602. +('Gludio(outofcastle -> hall)', '397', '-18129', '109898', '-2517', '57', '0', '0'),
  603. +('Aden(artifact -> out)', '398', '147723', '7916', '-475', '57', '0', '0'),
  604. +('Aden(artifact -> in)', '399', '148580', '4578', '-408', '57', '0', '0'),
  605. +('Aden(artifact -> outofcastle)', '400', '147582', '8753', '-496', '57', '0', '0'),
  606. +('Aden(artifact -> hall)', '401', '147520', '6107', '-409', '57', '0', '0'),
  607. +('Aden(in -> artifact)', '402', '1147499', '2544', '-473', '57', '0', '0'),
  608. +('Aden(in -> out)', '403', '147723', '7916', '-475', '57', '0', '0'),
  609. +('Aden(in -> outofcastle)', '404', '147582', '8753', '-496', '57', '0', '0'),
  610. +('Aden(in -> hall)', '405', '147520', '6107', '-409', '57', '0', '0'),
  611. +('Aden(out -> artifact)', '406', '147499', '2544', '-473', '57', '0', '0'),
  612. +('Aden(out -> in)', '407', '148580', '4578', '-408', '57', '0', '0'),
  613. +('Aden(out -> outofcastle)', '408', '147582', '8753', '-496', '57', '0', '0'),
  614. +('Aden(out -> hall)', '409', '147520', '6107', '-409', '57', '0', '0'),
  615. +('Aden(outofcastle -> artifact)', '410', '147499', '2544', '-473', '57', '0', '0'),
  616. +('Aden(outofcastle -> out)', '411', '147723', '7916', '-475', '57', '0', '0'),
  617. +('Aden(outofcastle -> in)', '412', '148580', '4578', '-408', '57', '0', '0'),
  618. +('Aden(outofcastle -> hall)', '413', '147520', '6107', '-409', '57', '0', '0'),
  619. +('Aden(hall) -> artifact)', '414', '147499', '2544', '-473', '57', '0', '0'),
  620. +('Aden(hall) -> out)', '415', '147723', '7916', '-475', '57', '0', '0'),
  621. +('Aden(hall) -> in)', '416', '148580', '4578', '-408', '57', '0', '0'),
  622. +('Aden(hall) -> outofcastle)', '417', '147582', '8753', '-496', '57', '0', '0'),
  623. +('Lair Of Valakas', '420', '208884', '-113705', '-256', '57', '0', '0'),
  624. +('Disciples Necropolis -> Anakim/Lilith', '450', '184397', '-11957', '-5493', '57', '0', '0'),
  625. +('Anakim/Lilith -> Disciples Necropolis', '451', '183225', '-11911', '-4897', '57', '0', '0'),
  626. +('TI -> Dark Elven Village', '1005', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '57', '24000', '0'),
  627. +('TI -> Dwarven Village', '1006', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '46000', '0'),
  628. +('TI -> Elven Village', '1007', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '57', '23000', '0'),
  629. +('TI -> Orc Village', '1008', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '35000', '0'),
  630. +('DE Village -> Dwarven Village', '1009', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '22000', '0'),
  631. +('DE Village -> TI Village', '1010', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '57', '24000', '0'),
  632. +('Gludin -> Windy Hill', '1121', '-88525', '83379', '-2864', '57', '2600', '0'),
  633. +('DE Village -> Orc Village', '1012', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '13000', '0'),
  634. +('Elven Village -> Neutral Zone', '1013', '-10674', '75550', '-3597', '57', '1700', '0'),
  635. +('Elven Village -> Dwarven Village', '1014', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '23000', '0'),
  636. +('Elven Village -> TI Village', '1015', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '57', '23000', '0'),
  637. +('Elven Village -> Orc Village', '1016', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '18000', '0'),
  638. +('Dwarven Village -> DE Village', '1017', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '57', '22000', '0'),
  639. +('Dwarven Village -> Elven Village', '1018', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '57', '23000', '0'),
  640. +('Dwarven Village -> TI Village', '1019', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '57', '46000', '0'),
  641. +('Dwarven Village -> Schuttgart', '1020', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '4400', '0'),
  642. +('Dwarven Village -> Orc Village', '1021', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '17000', '0'),
  643. +('Dwarven Village -> Central Shore', '1022', '136910', '-205082', '-3664', '57', '970', '0'),
  644. +('Orc Village -> Town of Gludio', '1023', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '23000', '0'),
  645. +('Orc Village -> Schuttgart', '1024', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '13000', '0'),
  646. +('Orc Village -> DE Village', '1025', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '57', '13000', '0'),
  647. +('Orc Village -> Dwarven Village', '1026', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '17000', '0'),
  648. +('Orc Village -> TI Village', '1027', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '57', '35000', '0'),
  649. +('Orc Village -> Elven Village', '1028', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '57', '18000', '0'),
  650. +('Gludio -> Orc Village', '1033', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '23000', '0'),
  651. +('Gludin Village -> Windmill Hill', '1029', '-68628', '162336', '-3592', '57', '550', '0'),
  652. +('Gludin Village -> Forgotten Temple', '1030', '-52841', '190730', '-3518', '57', '2000', '0'),
  653. +('Gludio -> Ant Cave', '1031', '-9993', '176457', '-4182', '57', '2100', '0'),
  654. +('Gludin Village -> Crimson Boulder Ridge', '1032', '-42256', '198333', '-2800', '57', '3700', '0'),
  655. +('Gludio -> Dwarven Village', '1034', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '32000', '0'),
  656. +('Gludio -> Schuttgart', '1035', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '85000', '0'),
  657. +('Gludio -> Heine', '1036', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '47000', '0'),
  658. +('Gludio -> Aden Castle Town', '1037', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '56000', '0'),
  659. +('Gludio -> Oren Castle Town', '1038', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '35000', '0'),
  660. +('Gludio -> Goddard Castle Town', '1039', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '71000', '0'),
  661. +('Gludio -> Giran Castle Town', '1040', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '29000', '0'),
  662. +('Gludio -> Rune Castle Town', '1041', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '53000', '0'),
  663. +('Gludio -> Ruins of Agony', '1042', '-42504', '120046', '-3519', '57', '790', '0'),
  664. +('Gludio -> Ruins of Despair', '1043', '-20057', '137618', '-3897', '57', '610', '0'),
  665. +('Gludin -> Turek Orc', '1044', '-89839', '105362', '-3580', '57', '1800', '0'),
  666. +('Gludio -> Windmill Hill', '1045', '-68628', '162336', '-3592', '57', '2600', '0'),
  667. +('Dion -> Goddard', '1046', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '71000', '0'),
  668. +('Dion -> Rune Castle Town', '1047', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '57000', '0'),
  669. +('Dion -> Schuttgart', '1048', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '88000', '0'),
  670. +('Dion -> Aden', '1049', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '52000', '0'),
  671. +('Dion -> Oren', '1050', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '33000', '0'),
  672. +('Dion -> Cruma Marshlands', '1051', '5106', '126916', '-3664', '57', '760', '0'),
  673. +('Dion -> Cruma Tower', '1052', '17192', '114178', '-3439', '57', '2300', '0'),
  674. +('Dion -> Dion Pasture', '1053', '630', '179184', '-3720', '57', '1500', '0'),
  675. +('Dion -> Tanor Canyon', '1054', '58316', '163851', '-2816', '57', '3800', '0'),
  676. +('Giran -> Gludio', '1055', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '29000', '0'),
  677. +('Giran -> Goddard', '1056', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '63000', '0'),
  678. +('Giran -> Rune', '1057', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '59000', '0'),
  679. +('Giran -> Schuttgart', '1058', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '87000', '0'),
  680. +('Giran -> Aden', '1059', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '13000', '0'),
  681. +('Giran -> Antharas Lair', '1060', '132828', '114421', '-3725', '57', '7000', '0'),
  682. +('Giran -> Devil Isle', '1061', '43408', '206881', '-3752', '57', '5700', '0'),
  683. +('Giran -> Brekas Stronghold', '1062', '79798', '130624', '-3677', '57', '1000', '0'),
  684. +('Heine -> Oren', '1063', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '50000', '0'),
  685. +('Heine -> Aden', '1064', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '59000', '0'),
  686. +('Heine -> Goddard', '1065', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '83000', '0'),
  687. +('Heine -> Rune', '1066', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '82000', '0'),
  688. +('Heine -> Schuttgart', '1067', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '100000', '0'),
  689. +('Heine -> Gludio', '1068', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '47000', '0'),
  690. +('Heine -> Garden of Eva', '1069', '86006', '231069', '-3600', '57', '2400', '0'),
  691. +('Oren -> Rune', '1070', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '10000', '0'),
  692. +('Oren -> Goddard', '1071', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '37000', '0'),
  693. +('Oren -> Heine', '1072', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '50000', '0'),
  694. +('Oren -> Dion', '1073', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '33000', '0'),
  695. +('Oren -> Schuttgart', '1074', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '59000', '0'),
  696. +('Oren -> Gludio', '1075', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '35000', '0'),
  697. +('Oren -> Skyshadow Meadow', '1076', '82764', '61145', '-3502', '57', '780', '0'),
  698. +('Oren -> Forest Outlaw', '1077', '85995', '-2433', '-3528', '57', '5200', '0'),
  699. +('Aden -> Giran', '1078', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '13000', '0'),
  700. +('Aden -> Heine', '1079', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '59000', '0'),
  701. +('Aden -> Schuttgart', '1080', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '53000', '0'),
  702. +('Aden -> Dion', '1081', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '52000', '0'),
  703. +('Aden -> Gludio', '1082', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '56000', '0'),
  704. +('Aden -> Seal of Shilen', '1083', '184787', '19744', '-3168', '57', '3300', '0'),
  705. +('Aden -> Forest of Mirrors', '1084', '142065', '81300', '-3000', '57', '4400', '0'),
  706. +('Aden -> Fields of Massacre', '1085', '183543', '-14974', '-2776', '57', '6500', '0'),
  707. +('Aden -> Ancient Battleground', '1086', '106517', '-2871', '-3416', '57', '5900', '0'),
  708. +('Aden -> Silent Valley', '1087', '170838', '55776', '-5280', '57', '6100', '0'),
  709. +('Aden -> ToI', '1088', '114649', '11115', '-5120', '57', '4200', '0'),
  710. +('Goddard -> Gludio', '1089', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '71000', '0'),
  711. +('Goddard -> Giran', '1090', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '63000', '0'),
  712. +('Goddard -> Dion', '1091', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '71000', '0'),
  713. +('Goddard -> Heine', '1092', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '83000', '0'),
  714. +('Goddard -> Schuttgart', '1093', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '10000', '0'),
  715. +('Goddard -> Oren', '1094', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '37000', '0'),
  716. +('Goddard -> Hot Springs', '1095', '144880', '-113468', '-2560', '57', '9300', '0'),
  717. +('Goddard -> Wall of Argos', '1096', '165054', '-47861', '-3560', '57', '2200', '0'),
  718. +('Goddard -> Monastery of silence', '1097', '106414', '-87799', '-2920', '57', '10000', '0'),
  719. +('Rune -> Dion', '1098', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '57000', '0'),
  720. +('Rune -> Gludio', '1099', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '53000', '0'),
  721. +('Rune -> Heine', '1100', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '82000', '0'),
  722. +('Rune -> Schuttgart', '1101', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '57', '10000', '0'),
  723. +('Rune -> Oren', '1102', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '10000', '0'),
  724. +('Rune -> Beast Farm', '1103', '57059', '-82976', '-2847', '57', '4800', '0'),
  725. +('Rune -> Valley of Saints', '1104', '67992', '-72012', '-3748', '57', '3800', '0'),
  726. +('Rune -> Monastery of Silence', '1105', '123743', '-75032', '-2902', '57', '14000', '0'),
  727. +('Schuttgart -> Rune', '1106', '43799', '-47727', '-798', '57', '10000', '0'),
  728. +('Schuttgart -> Goddard', '1107', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '10000', '0'),
  729. +('Schuttgart -> Aden', '1108', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '53000', '0'),
  730. +('Schuttgart -> Oren', '1109', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '59000', '0'),
  731. +('Schuttgart -> Heine', '1110', '111409', '219364', '-3545', '57', '100000', '0'),
  732. +('Schuttgart -> Giran', '1111', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '87000', '0'),
  733. +('Schuttgart -> Dion', '1112', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '88000', '0'),
  734. +('Schuttgart -> Gludio', '1113', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '57', '85000', '0'),
  735. +('Schuttgart -> Orc Village', '1114', '-44836', '-112524', '-235', '57', '13000', '0'),
  736. +('Schuttgart -> Dwarven Village', '1115', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '57', '4400', '0'),
  737. +('Schuttgart -> Nest of Evil Spirit', '1116', '76860', '-125169', '-3414', '57', '3000', '0'),
  738. +('Schuttgart -> Wasteland of plunder', '1117', '109024', '-159223', '-1778', '57', '1600', '0'),
  739. +('Schuttgart -> Labyrinth of winter', '1118', '113903', '-108752', '-848', '57', '3500', '0'),
  740. +('Schuttgart -> Graveyard of disgrace', '1119', '56095', '-118952', '-3290', '57', '1900', '0'),
  741. +('Schuttgart -> Farbel Ruins', '1120', '88288', '-125692', '-3816', '57', '2100', '0'),
  743. -('Pagan Temple - > exit', 11999, -16307, -36591, -10725, 0, 0),
  744. -('Pagan Chapel - > exit', 11998, -16359, -43803, -10725, 0, 0);
  745. +('Pagan Temple - > exit', '11999', '-16307', '-36591', '-10725', '57', '0', '0'),
  746. +('Pagan Chapel - > exit', '11998', '-16359', '-43803', '-10725', '57', '0', '0');
  748.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  749. -('Clan Hall -> Execution Grounds',502,51055,141959,-2869,500,0),
  750. +('Clan Hall -> Execution Grounds', '502', '51055', '141959', '-2869', '57', '500', '0'),
  751.  -- ('Clan Hall -> Fortress of Resistance',503,51055,141959,-2869,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  752. -('Clan Hall -> Cruma Marshlands',504,5106,126916,-3664,500,0),
  753. -('Clan Hall -> Cruma Tower Entrance',505,17192,114178,-3439,500,0),
  754. +('Clan Hall -> Cruma Marshlands', '504', '5106', '126916', '-3664', '57', '500', '0'),
  755. +('Clan Hall -> Cruma Tower Entrance', '505', '17192', '114178', '-3439', '57', '500', '0'),
  756.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Mandragora Farm',506,17192,114178,-3439,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  757. -('Clan Hall -> Town of Dion',507,15670,142983,-2705,500,0),
  758. -('Clan Hall -> Floran Village',508,17838,170274,-3508,500,0),
  759. +('Clan Hall -> Town of Dion', '507', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '57', '500', '0'),
  760. +('Clan Hall -> Floran Village', '508', '17838', '170274', '-3508', '57', '500', '0'),
  761.   -- 509
  762. -('Clan Hall -> Tanor Canyon',510,58316,163851,-2816,500,0),
  763. -('Clan Hall -> Bee Hive',511,20505,189036,-3344,500,0),
  764. +('Clan Hall -> Tanor Canyon', '510', '58316', '163851', '-2816', '57', '500', '0'),
  765. +('Clan Hall -> Bee Hive', '511', '20505', '189036', '-3344', '57', '500', '0'),
  766.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Dion Hills',512,20505,189036,-3344,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  767. -('Clan Hall -> Floran Agricultural Area',513,26810,172787,-3376,500,0), -- needs confirming
  768. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Dion',514,9980,173167,-3734,500,0), -- needs confirming
  769. +('Clan Hall -> Floran Agricultural Area', '513', '26810', '172787', '-3376', '57', '500', '0'),
  770. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Dion', '514', '9980', '173167', '-3734', '57', '500', '0'),
  771.   -- 515
  772.   -- 516
  773. -('Clan Hall -> Hardin\'s Academy',517,105918,109759,-3207,500,0),
  774. -('Clan Hall -> Dragon Valley',518,122824,110836,-3720,500,0),
  775. +('Clan Hall -> Hardin\'s Academy', '517', '105918', '109759', '-3207', '57', '500', '0'),
  776. +('Clan Hall -> Dragon Valley', '518', '122824', '110836', '-3720', '57', '500', '0'),
  777.   -- 519
  778.   -- 520
  779. -('Clan Hall -> Death Pass',521,70000,126636,-3804,500,0),
  780. -('Clan Hall -> Pirate Tunnel',522,41298,200350,-4583,500,0),
  781. +('Clan Hall -> Death Pass', '521', '70000', '126636', '-3804', '57', '500', '0'),
  782. +('Clan Hall -> Pirate Tunnel', '522', '41298', '200350', '-4583', '57', '500', '0'),
  783.   -- 523
  784. -('Clan Hall -> Giran Harbor',524,47942,186764,-3485,500,0),
  785. -('Clan Hall -> Giran Castle Town',525,83400,147943,-3404,500,0),
  786. -('Clan Hall -> Giran Arena',526,73890,142656,-3778,500,0),
  787. +('Clan Hall -> Giran Harbor', '524', '47942', '186764', '-3485', '57', '500', '0'),
  788. +('Clan Hall -> Giran Castle Town', '525', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '57', '500', '0'),
  789. +('Clan Hall -> Giran Arena', '526', '73890', '142656', '-3778', '57', '500', '0'),
  790.   -- 527
  791. -('Clan Hall -> Breka\'s Stronghold',528,79798,130624,-3677,500,0),
  792. -('Clan Hall -> Gorgon Flower Garden',529,113553,134813,-3640,500,0),  -- needs confirming
  793. +('Clan Hall -> Breka\'s Stronghold', '528', '79798', '130624', '-3677', '57', '500', '0'),
  794. +('Clan Hall -> Gorgon Flower Garden', '529', '113553', '134813', '-3640', '57', '500', '0'),
  795.   -- -----------------
  796. -('Clan Hall -> Ivory Tower',581,85348,16142,-3699,500,0),
  797. -('Clan Hall -> Town of Oren',582,82956,53162,-1495,500,0),
  798. +('Clan Hall -> Ivory Tower', '581', '85348', '16142', '-3699', '57', '500', '0'),
  799. +('Clan Hall -> Town of Oren', '582', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '57', '500', '0'),
  800.   -- 583
  801. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Lizardmen',584,87252,85514,-3056,500,0),
  802. -('Clan Hall -> Skyshadow Meadow',585,82764,61145,-3502,500,0),
  803. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Lizardmen', '584', '87252', '85514', '-3056', '57', '500', '0'),
  804. +('Clan Hall -> Skyshadow Meadow', '585', '82764', '61145', '-3502', '57', '500', '0'),
  805.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Shilen\'s Garden',586,82764,61145,-3502,500,0),  -- dunno coords !
  806.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Black Rock Hill',587,82764,61145,-3502,500,0),  -- dunno coords !
  807. -('Clan Hall -> Spider Nest',588,-56532,78321,-2960,500,0),
  808. -('Clan Hall -> Timak Outpost',589,67097,68815,-3648,500,0), -- needs confirming
  809. +('Clan Hall -> Spider Nest', '588', '-56532', '78321', '-2960', '57', '500', '0'),
  810. +('Clan Hall -> Timak Outpost', '589', '67097', '68815', '-3648', '57', '500', '0'),
  811.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Ivory Tower Crater',590,-56532,78321,-2960,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  812. -('Clan Hall -> Forest of Evil',591,93218,16969,-3904,500,0), -- needs confirming
  813. -('Clan Hall -> Outlaw Forest',592,85995,-2433,-3528,500,0),
  814. +('Clan Hall -> Forest of Evil', '591', '93218', '16969', '-3904', '57', '500', '0'),
  815. +('Clan Hall -> Outlaw Forest', '592', '85995', '-2433', '-3528', '57', '500', '0'),
  816.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Misty Mountains',593,85995,-2433,-3528,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  817.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Starlight Waterfall',594,85995,-2433,-3528,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  818.   -- ('Clan Hall -> Undine Waterfall',595,85995,-2433,-3528,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  819.   -- ('Clan Hall -> The Gods\' Falls',596,85995,-2433,-3528,500,0),  -- dunno coords !
  820.   -- 597
  821. -('Clan Hall -> Tower of Insolence',598,121685,15749,-3852,500,0),
  822. -('Clan Hall -> The Blazing Swamp',599,146828,-12859,-4455,500,0),
  823. +('Clan Hall -> Tower of Insolence', '598', '121685', '15749', '-3852', '57', '500', '0'),
  824. +('Clan Hall -> The Blazing Swamp', '599', '146828', '-12859', '-4455', '57', '500', '0'),
  825.   -- 600
  826. -('Clan Hall -> The Forbidden Gateway',601,185395,20359,-3270,500,0),
  827. -('Clan Hall -> The Giants Cave',602,174528,52683,-4369,500,0),
  828. -('Clan Hall -> Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley',603,104426,33746,-3800,500,0), -- need also southern?
  829. -('Clan Hall -> The Cemetery',604,172136,20325,-3326,500,0),
  830. -('Clan Hall -> The Forest of Mirrors',605,150477,85907,-2753,500,0),
  831. -('Clan Hall -> Anghel Waterfall',606,165584,85997,-2338,500,0),
  832. -('Clan Hall -> Aden Castle Town',607,146331,25762,-2018,500,0),
  833. -('Clan Hall -> Hunters Village',608,117110,76883,-2695,500,0),
  834. -('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost(Aden Side)',609,109699,-7908,-2902,500,0),
  835. -('Clan Hall -> Coliseum',610,150086,46733,-3412,500,0),
  836. +('Clan Hall -> The Forbidden Gateway', '601', '185395', '20359', '-3270', '57', '500', '0'),
  837. +('Clan Hall -> The Giants Cave', '602', '174528', '52683', '-4369', '57', '500', '0'),
  838. +('Clan Hall -> Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley', '603', '104426', '33746', '-3800', '57', '500', '0'),
  839. +('Clan Hall -> The Cemetery', '604', '172136', '20325', '-3326', '57', '500', '0'),
  840. +('Clan Hall -> The Forest of Mirrors', '605', '150477', '85907', '-2753', '57', '500', '0'),
  841. +('Clan Hall -> Anghel Waterfall', '606', '165584', '85997', '-2338', '57', '500', '0'),
  842. +('Clan Hall -> Aden Castle Town', '607', '146331', '25762', '-2018', '57', '500', '0'),
  843. +('Clan Hall -> Hunters Village', '608', '117110', '76883', '-2695', '57', '500', '0'),
  844. +('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost(Aden Side)', '609', '109699', '-7908', '-2902', '57', '500', '0'),
  845. +('Clan Hall -> Coliseum', '610', '150086', '46733', '-3412', '57', '500', '0'),
  846.  -- ('Clan Hall -> Narsell Lake',611,150086,46733,-3412,500,0), -- dunno coords !
  847.   -- 612
  848. -('Clan Hall -> Ancient Battleground',613,127739,-6998,-3869,500,0),
  849. -('Clan Hall -> Forsaken Plains',614,167285,37109,-4008,500,0),
  850. -('Clan Hall -> Silent Valley',615,177318,48447,-3835,500,0),
  851. -('Clan Hall -> Hunters Valley',616,114306,86573,-3112,500,0), -- needs confirming
  852. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Glory',617,135756,19557,-3424,500,0), -- needs confirming
  853. -('Clan Hall -> Fields of Massacre',618,179718,-7843,-3517,500,0), -- needs confirming
  854. -('Clan Hall -> War-Torn Plains',619,156898,11217,-4032,500,0), -- needs confirming
  855. -('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost(Unknown Side)',620,114172,-18034,-1875,500,0),
  856. -('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Shopping Area',621,43835,-47749,-796,0,0),
  857. -('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Temple',622,38303,-48044,897,0,0),
  858. -('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - North Gate',623,38956,-53648,-1343,0,0),
  859. -('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Harbor',624,38025,-38359,-3608,0,0),
  860. -('Clan Hall -> Beast Farm',625,42598,-88832,-3124,500,0),
  861. -('Clan Hall -> Forest of the Dead - East Entrance',626,61868,-48890,-3128,500,0),
  862. -('Clan Hall -> Forest of the Dead - West Entrance',627,45555,-56081,-3667,500,0),
  863. -('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams - East Entrance',628,94152,-58694,-2832,500,0),
  864. -('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams - West Entrance',629,69999,-49929,-3253,500,0),
  865. -('Clan Hall -> Valley of the Saints',630,65800,-71526,-3747,500,0),
  866. -('Clan Hall -> Village Square',631,147728,-56331,-2776,0,0),
  867. -('Clan Hall -> North Gate Entrance',632,147731,-58930,-2976,0,0),
  868. -('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance',633,150561,-57489,-2976,0,0),
  869. -('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance',634,144866,-57464,-2976,0,0),
  870. -('Clan Hall -> Forge of the Gods',635,168902,-116703,-2417,0,0),
  871. -('Clan Hall -> Garden of Beasts',636,129138,-60864,-3576,500,0),
  872. -('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams',637,70006,-49902,-3251,500,0),
  873. -('Clan Hall -> Valley of Saints',638,67992,-72012,-3748,500,0),
  874. -('Clan Hall -> Monastery of Silence',639,123743,-75032,-2902,500,0),
  875. -('Clan Hall -> Wall of Argos',640,164564,-48145,-3536,500,0),
  876. -('Clan Hall -> Hot Springs',641,144880,-113468,-2560,500,0),
  877. -('Clan Hall -> Ketra Orc Outpost',642,146990,-67128,-3640,500,0),
  878. -('Clan Hall -> Goddard Border Checkpoint',643,157560,-33269,-3320,500,0),
  879. -('Clan Hall -> Aden Border Checkpoint',644,125381,-33536,-3848,500,0),
  880. -('Clan Hall -> Garden of Beasts',645,129138,-60864,-3576,500,0),
  881. -('Clan Hall -> Devil\'s Pass',646,106849,-62061,-2968,500,0),
  882. -('Clan Hall -> Varka Silenos Outpost',647,125740,-40864,-3736,500,0),
  883. -('Clan Hall -> Village Square',648,-82445,150788,-3129,0,0),
  884. -('Clan Hall -> North Gate Entrance',649,-83331,148563,-3148,0,0),
  885. -('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance',650,-78405,152723,-3181,0,0),
  886. -('Clan Hall -> Nanmen Entrance',651,-77460,155995,-3194,0,0),
  887. -('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance',652,-85138,152749,-3160,0,0),
  888. -('Clan Hall -> Neutral Zone',653,-10612,75881,-3592,500,0),
  889. -('Clan Hall -> Langk Lizardmen Dwellings',654,-36961,201895,-2760,500,0),
  890. -('Clan Hall -> Windy Hill',655,-93453,89814,-3240,500,0),
  891. -('Clan Hall -> Orc Barracks',656,-85329,106369,-3603,500,0),
  892. -('Clan Hall -> Fellmere Harvesting Ground',657,-68668,115407,-3600,500,0),
  893. -('Clan Hall -> Ruins of Agony',658,-41055,122647,-2889,500,0),
  894. -('Clan Hall -> Abandoned Camp',659,-49756,146951,-2828,500,0),
  895. -('Clan Hall -> Forgotten Temple',660,-52369,191259,-3610,500,0),
  896. -('Clan Hall -> The Ant Nest',661,-14913,170017,-2893,500,0),
  897. -('Clan Hall -> Wasteland',662,-47506,179572,-3669,500,0),
  898. -('Clan Hall -> Ol Mahum Checkpoint',663,-17279,208954,-3664,500,0),
  899. -('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave South Entrance',664,-16019,193365,-4488,500,0),
  900. -('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave East Entrance',665,-10875,175962,-4152,500,0),
  901. -('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave West Entrance',666,-25899,172857,-4186,500,0),
  902. -('Clan Hall -> Altar of Rites',667,-44311,78617,-3744,500,0),
  903. -('Clan Hall -> Dion Castle Town',75003,19025,145245,-3107,500,0),
  904. -('Clan Hall -> Goddard',75001,147928,-55273,-2734,500,0),
  905. -('Clan Hall -> Hot Springs',75002,144880,-113468,-2560,0,0);
  906. +('Clan Hall -> Ancient Battleground', '613', '127739', '-6998', '-3869', '57', '500', '0'),
  907. +('Clan Hall -> Forsaken Plains', '614', '167285', '37109', '-4008', '57', '500', '0'),
  908. +('Clan Hall -> Silent Valley', '615', '177318', '48447', '-3835', '57', '500', '0'),
  909. +('Clan Hall -> Hunters Valley', '616', '114306', '86573', '-3112', '57', '500', '0'),
  910. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Glory', '617', '135756', '19557', '-3424', '57', '500', '0'),
  911. +('Clan Hall -> Fields of Massacre', '618', '179718', '-7843', '-3517', '57', '500', '0'),
  912. +('Clan Hall -> War-Torn Plains', '619', '156898', '11217', '-4032', '57', '500', '0'),
  913. +('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost(Unknown Side)', '620', '114172', '-18034', '-1875', '57', '500', '0'),
  914. +('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Shopping Area', '621', '43835', '-47749', '-796', '57', '0', '0'),
  915. +('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Temple', '622', '38303', '-48044', '897', '57', '0', '0'),
  916. +('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - North Gate', '623', '38956', '-53648', '-1343', '57', '0', '0'),
  917. +('Clan Hall -> Rune Castle Town - Harbor', '624', '38025', '-38359', '-3608', '57', '0', '0'),
  918. +('Clan Hall -> Beast Farm', '625', '42598', '-88832', '-3124', '57', '500', '0'),
  919. +('Clan Hall -> Forest of the Dead - East Entrance', '626', '61868', '-48890', '-3128', '57', '500', '0'),
  920. +('Clan Hall -> Forest of the Dead - West Entrance', '627', '45555', '-56081', '-3667', '57', '500', '0'),
  921. +('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams - East Entrance', '628', '94152', '-58694', '-2832', '57', '500', '0'),
  922. +('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams - West Entrance', '629', '69999', '-49929', '-3253', '57', '500', '0'),
  923. +('Clan Hall -> Valley of the Saints', '630', '65800', '-71526', '-3747', '57', '500', '0'),
  924. +('Clan Hall -> Village Square', '631', '147728', '-56331', '-2776', '57', '0', '0'),
  925. +('Clan Hall -> North Gate Entrance', '632', '147731', '-58930', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  926. +('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance', '633', '150561', '-57489', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  927. +('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance', '634', '144866', '-57464', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  928. +('Clan Hall -> Forge of the Gods', '635', '168902', '-116703', '-2417', '57', '0', '0'),
  929. +('Clan Hall -> Garden of Beasts', '636', '129138', '-60864', '-3576', '57', '500', '0'),
  930. +('Clan Hall -> Swamp of Screams', '637', '70006', '-49902', '-3251', '57', '500', '0'),
  931. +('Clan Hall -> Valley of Saints', '638', '67992', '-72012', '-3748', '57', '500', '0'),
  932. +('Clan Hall -> Monastery of Silence', '639', '123743', '-75032', '-2902', '57', '500', '0'),
  933. +('Clan Hall -> Wall of Argos', '640', '164564', '-48145', '-3536', '57', '500', '0'),
  934. +('Clan Hall -> Hot Springs', '641', '144880', '-113468', '-2560', '57', '500', '0'),
  935. +('Clan Hall -> Ketra Orc Outpost', '642', '146990', '-67128', '-3640', '57', '500', '0'),
  936. +('Clan Hall -> Goddard Border Checkpoint', '643', '157560', '-33269', '-3320', '57', '500', '0'),
  937. +('Clan Hall -> Aden Border Checkpoint', '644', '125381', '-33536', '-3848', '57', '500', '0'),
  938. +('Clan Hall -> Garden of Beasts', '645', '129138', '-60864', '-3576', '57', '500', '0'),
  939. +('Clan Hall -> Devil\'s Pass', '646', '106849', '-62061', '-2968', '57', '500', '0'),
  940. +('Clan Hall -> Varka Silenos Outpost', '647', '125740', '-40864', '-3736', '57', '500', '0'),
  941. +('Clan Hall -> Village Square', '648', '-82445', '150788', '-3129', '57', '0', '0'),
  942. +('Clan Hall -> North Gate Entrance', '649', '-83331', '148563', '-3148', '57', '0', '0'),
  943. +('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance', '650', '-78405', '152723', '-3181', '57', '0', '0'),
  944. +('Clan Hall -> Nanmen Entrance', '651', '-77460', '155995', '-3194', '57', '0', '0'),
  945. +('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance', '652', '-85138', '152749', '-3160', '57', '0', '0'),
  946. +('Clan Hall -> Neutral Zone', '653', '-10612', '75881', '-3592', '57', '500', '0'),
  947. +('Clan Hall -> Langk Lizardmen Dwellings', '654', '-36961', '201895', '-2760', '57', '500', '0'),
  948. +('Clan Hall -> Windy Hill', '655', '-93453', '89814', '-3240', '57', '500', '0'),
  949. +('Clan Hall -> Orc Barracks', '656', '-85329', '106369', '-3603', '57', '500', '0'),
  950. +('Clan Hall -> Fellmere Harvesting Ground', '657', '-68668', '115407', '-3600', '57', '500', '0'),
  951. +('Clan Hall -> Ruins of Agony', '658', '-41055', '122647', '-2889', '57', '500', '0'),
  952. +('Clan Hall -> Abandoned Camp', '659', '-49756', '146951', '-2828', '57', '500', '0'),
  953. +('Clan Hall -> Forgotten Temple', '660', '-52369', '191259', '-3610', '57', '500', '0'),
  954. +('Clan Hall -> The Ant Nest', '661', '-14913', '170017', '-2893', '57', '500', '0'),
  955. +('Clan Hall -> Wasteland', '662', '-47506', '179572', '-3669', '57', '500', '0'),
  956. +('Clan Hall -> Ol Mahum Checkpoint', '663', '-17279', '208954', '-3664', '57', '500', '0'),
  957. +('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave South Entrance', '664', '-16019', '193365', '-4488', '57', '500', '0'),
  958. +('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave East Entrance', '665', '-10875', '175962', '-4152', '57', '500', '0'),
  959. +('Clan Hall -> Ant Cave West Entrance', '666', '-25899', '172857', '-4186', '57', '500', '0'),
  960. +('Clan Hall -> Altar of Rites', '667', '-44311', '78617', '-3744', '57', '500', '0'),
  961. +('Clan Hall -> Dion Castle Town', '75003', '19025', '145245', '-3107', '57', '500', '0'),
  962. +('Clan Hall -> Goddard', '75001', '147928', '-55273', '-2734', '57', '500', '0'),
  963. +('Clan Hall -> Hot Springs', '75002', '144880', '-113468', '-2560', '57', '0', '0');
  965.  -- Noblesse Teleport
  966.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  967.  -- 1000 adena
  968. -('Gludin Arena - 1000 adena',9000,-87328,142266,-3640,1000,0),
  969. -('Coliseum - 1000 adena',9001,146440,46723,-3432,1000,0),
  970. -('Giran Arena - 1000 adena',9002,73579,142709,-3768,1000,0),
  971. -('Forgotten Temple - 1000 adena',9010,-54026,179504,-4640,1000,0),
  972. -('Wasteland  - 1000 adena',9011,-47506,179572,-3632,1000,0),
  973. -('Silent Valley - 1000 adena',9020,181737,46469,-4352,1000,0),
  974. -('Plains of Glory - 1000 adena',9021,135756,19557,-3424,1000,0),
  975. -('War-Torn Plains - 1000 adena',9022,156898,11217,-4032,1000,0),
  976. -('Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor - 1000 adena',9023,110848,16154,-2120,1000,0),
  977. -('Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 1000 adena',9024,118404,15988,832,1000,0),
  978. -('Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 1000 adena',9025,115064,12181,2960,1000,0),
  979. -('Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 1000 adena',9026,118525,16455,5984,1000,0),
  980. -('Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 1000 adena',9027,115384,16820,9000,1000,0),
  981. -('Hunters Valley - 1000 adena',9028,114306,86573,-3112,1000,0),
  982. -('Angel Waterfall - 1000 adena',9029,166182,91560,-3168,1000,0),
  983. -('Forest of Mirrors - 1000 adena',9030,166080,75574,-2992,1000,0),
  984. -('Enchanted Valley - 1000 adena',9031,114674,44150,-3376,1000,0),
  985. -('Hunters Valley - 1000 adena',9032,114306,86573,-3112,1000,0),
  986. -('Gorgon Flower Garden - 1000 adena',9040,113553,134813,-3640,1000,0),
  987. -('Antharas Lair 1 - 1000 adena',9041,147071,120156,-4520,1000,0),
  988. -('Antharas Lair 2 - 1000 adena',9042,151689,112615,-5520,1000,0),
  989. -('Dragon Valley - 1000 adena',9043,116425,109898,-3424,1000,0),
  990. -('Antharas Lair, Heart of Warding - 1000 adena',9044,154396,121235,-3808,1000,0),
  991. -('Dragon Valley, Traders Post - 1000 adena',9045,122824,110836,-3720,1000,0),
  992. -('Private Hardin\'s Academy - 1000 adena',9046,105918,109759,-3192,1000,0),
  993. -('Forest of the Dead - 1000 adena',9050,54425,-41692,-3072,1000,0),
  994. -('Valley of Saints - 1000 adena',9051,84092,-80084,-3504,1000,0),
  995. -('Cursed Village - 1000 adena',9052,57670,-41672,-3144,1000,0),
  996. -('Stakato Nest - 1000 adena',9053,88969,-45307,-2104,1000,0),
  997. -('Monastery of Silence - 1000 adena',9054,106414,-87799,-2920,1000,0),
  998. -('Varka Silenos Village - 1000 adena',9060,107929,-52248,-2408,1000,0),
  999. -('Ketra Orc Village - 1000 adena',9061,149817,-80053,-5576,1000,0),
  1000. -('Devil\'s Pass - 1000 adena',9062,106349,-61870,-2904,1000,0),
  1001. -('Garden of Beasts - 1000 adena',9063,132997,-60608,-2960,1000,0),
  1002. -('Hot Springs - 1000 adena',9064,144625,-101291,-3384,1000,0),
  1003. -('Wall of Argos - 1000 adena',9065,183140,-53307,-1896,1000,0),
  1004. -('Wall of Argos - 1000 adena',9066,183140,-53307,-1896,1000,0),
  1005. -('Four Sepulchers - 1000 adena',9067,178127,-84435,-7216,1000,0),
  1006. -('Imperial Tomb - 1000 adena',9068,186699,-75915,-2824,1000,0),
  1007. -('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1000 adena',9069,169018,-116303,-2432,1000,0),
  1008. -('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1000 adena',9070,169018,-116303,-2432,1000,0),
  1009. -('Forge of the Gods, lower level - 1000 adena',9071,179887,-111241,-5824,1000,0),
  1010. -('Execution Grounds - 1000 adena',9080,50568,152408,-2656,1000,0),
  1011. -('Floran Agricultural Area - 1000 adena',9081,26810,172787,-3376,1000,0),
  1012. -('Cruma Marshlands - 1000 adena',9082,5941,125455,-3640,1000,0),
  1013. -('Cruma Tower, 1st Floor - 1000 adena',9083,17718,117315,-12064,1000,0),
  1014. -('Cruma Tower, 2nd Floor - 1000 adena',9084,17728,110325,-9312,1000,0),
  1015. -('Frost Lake - 1000 adena',9090,107577,-122392,-3632,1000,0),
  1016. -('Crypts of Disgrace - 1000 adena',9091,44221,-114232,-2784,1000,0),
  1017. -('Sky Wagon Relic - 1000 adena',9092,121618,-141554,-1496,1000,0),
  1018. -('Evil Hunting Grounds - 1000 adena',9100,-6989,109503,-3040,1000,0),
  1019. -('Neutral Zone - 1000 adena',9101,-18415,85624,-3680,1000,0),
  1020. -('Dark Forest - 1000 adena',9102,-14129,27094,-3680,1000,0),
  1021. -('School of Dark Arts - 1000 adena',9103,-49185,49441,-5912,1000,0),
  1022. -('Elven Ruins - 1000 adena',9104,49315,248452,-5960,1000,0),
  1023. -('Immortal Plateau - 1000 adena',9105,-25309,-131569,-680,1000,0),
  1024. -('Mithril Mines - 1000 adena',9106,175499,-181586,-904,1000,0),
  1025. -('Abandoned Coal Mines - 1000 adena',9107,144706,-173223,-1520,1000,0),
  1026. -('Forest of Evil - 1000 adena',9110,93218,16969,-3904,1000,0),
  1027. -('Timak Outpost - 1000 adena',9111,67097,68815,-3648,1000,0),
  1028. -('Altar of Rites - 1000 adena',9112,-44566,77508,-3736,1000,0),
  1029. -('Fields of Silence - 1000 adena',9120,69748,186111,-2872,1000,0),
  1030. -('Field of Whispers - 1000 adena',9121,97786,209303,-3040,1000,0),
  1031. -('Alligator Island - 1000 adena',9122,113708,178387,-3232,1000,0),
  1032. -('Garden of Eva, entrance - 1000 adena',9123,82693,242220,-6712,1000,0),
  1033. -('Garden of Eva, 2nd level - 1000 adena',9124,79248,247390,-8816,1000,0),
  1034. -('Garden of Eva, 3rd level - 1000 adena',9125,77868,250400,-9328,1000,0),
  1035. -('Garden of Eva, 4th level - 1000 adena',9126,78721,253309,-9840,1000,0),
  1036. -('Garden of Eva, 5th level - 1000 adena',9127,82951,252354,-10592,1000,0),
  1037. +('Gludin Arena - 1000 adena', '9000', '-87328', '142266', '-3640', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1038. +('Coliseum - 1000 adena', '9001', '146440', '46723', '-3432', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1039. +('Giran Arena - 1000 adena', '9002', '73579', '142709', '-3768', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1040. +('Forgotten Temple - 1000 adena', '9010', '-54026', '179504', '-4640', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1041. +('Wasteland  - 1000 adena', '9011', '-47506', '179572', '-3632', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1042. +('Silent Valley - 1000 adena', '9020', '181737', '46469', '-4352', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1043. +('Plains of Glory - 1000 adena', '9021', '135756', '19557', '-3424', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1044. +('War-Torn Plains - 1000 adena', '9022', '156898', '11217', '-4032', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1045. +('Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor - 1000 adena', '9023', '110848', '16154', '-2120', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1046. +('Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 1000 adena', '9024', '118404', '15988', '832', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1047. +('Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 1000 adena', '9025', '115064', '12181', '2960', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1048. +('Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 1000 adena', '9026', '118525', '16455', '5984', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1049. +('Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 1000 adena', '9027', '115384', '16820', '9000', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1050. +('Hunters Valley - 1000 adena', '9028', '114306', '86573', '-3112', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1051. +('Angel Waterfall - 1000 adena', '9029', '166182', '91560', '-3168', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1052. +('Forest of Mirrors - 1000 adena', '9030', '166080', '75574', '-2992', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1053. +('Enchanted Valley - 1000 adena', '9031', '114674', '44150', '-3376', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1054. +('Hunters Valley - 1000 adena', '9032', '114306', '86573', '-3112', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1055. +('Gorgon Flower Garden - 1000 adena', '9040', '113553', '134813', '-3640', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1056. +('Antharas Lair 1 - 1000 adena', '9041', '147071', '120156', '-4520', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1057. +('Antharas Lair 2 - 1000 adena', '9042', '151689', '112615', '-5520', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1058. +('Dragon Valley - 1000 adena', '9043', '116425', '109898', '-3424', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1059. +('Antharas Lair, Heart of Warding - 1000 adena', '9044', '154396', '121235', '-3808', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1060. +('Dragon Valley, Traders Post - 1000 adena', '9045', '122824', '110836', '-3720', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1061. +('Private Hardin\'s Academy - 1000 adena', '9046', '105918', '109759', '-3192', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1062. +('Forest of the Dead - 1000 adena', '9050', '54425', '-41692', '-3072', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1063. +('Valley of Saints - 1000 adena', '9051', '84092', '-80084', '-3504', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1064. +('Cursed Village - 1000 adena', '9052', '57670', '-41672', '-3144', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1065. +('Stakato Nest - 1000 adena', '9053', '88969', '-45307', '-2104', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1066. +('Monastery of Silence - 1000 adena', '9054', '106414', '-87799', '-2920', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1067. +('Varka Silenos Village - 1000 adena', '9060', '107929', '-52248', '-2408', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1068. +('Ketra Orc Village - 1000 adena', '9061', '149817', '-80053', '-5576', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1069. +('Devil\'s Pass - 1000 adena', '9062', '106349', '-61870', '-2904', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1070. +('Garden of Beasts - 1000 adena', '9063', '132997', '-60608', '-2960', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1071. +('Hot Springs - 1000 adena', '9064', '144625', '-101291', '-3384', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1072. +('Wall of Argos - 1000 adena', '9065', '183140', '-53307', '-1896', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1073. +('Wall of Argos - 1000 adena', '9066', '183140', '-53307', '-1896', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1074. +('Four Sepulchers - 1000 adena', '9067', '178127', '-84435', '-7216', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1075. +('Imperial Tomb - 1000 adena', '9068', '186699', '-75915', '-2824', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1076. +('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1000 adena', '9069', '169018', '-116303', '-2432', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1077. +('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1000 adena', '9070', '169018', '-116303', '-2432', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1078. +('Forge of the Gods, lower level - 1000 adena', '9071', '179887', '-111241', '-5824', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1079. +('Execution Grounds - 1000 adena', '9080', '50568', '152408', '-2656', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1080. +('Floran Agricultural Area - 1000 adena', '9081', '26810', '172787', '-3376', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1081. +('Cruma Marshlands - 1000 adena', '9082', '5941', '125455', '-3640', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1082. +('Cruma Tower, 1st Floor - 1000 adena', '9083', '17718', '117315', '-12064', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1083. +('Cruma Tower, 2nd Floor - 1000 adena', '9084', '17728', '110325', '-9312', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1084. +('Frost Lake - 1000 adena', '9090', '107577', '-122392', '-3632', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1085. +('Crypts of Disgrace - 1000 adena', '9091', '44221', '-114232', '-2784', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1086. +('Sky Wagon Relic - 1000 adena', '9092', '121618', '-141554', '-1496', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1087. +('Evil Hunting Grounds - 1000 adena', '9100', '-6989', '109503', '-3040', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1088. +('Neutral Zone - 1000 adena', '9101', '-18415', '85624', '-3680', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1089. +('Dark Forest - 1000 adena', '9102', '-14129', '27094', '-3680', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1090. +('School of Dark Arts - 1000 adena', '9103', '-49185', '49441', '-5912', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1091. +('Elven Ruins - 1000 adena', '9104', '49315', '248452', '-5960', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1092. +('Immortal Plateau - 1000 adena', '9105', '-25309', '-131569', '-680', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1093. +('Mithril Mines - 1000 adena', '9106', '175499', '-181586', '-904', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1094. +('Abandoned Coal Mines - 1000 adena', '9107', '144706', '-173223', '-1520', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1095. +('Forest of Evil - 1000 adena', '9110', '93218', '16969', '-3904', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1096. +('Timak Outpost - 1000 adena', '9111', '67097', '68815', '-3648', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1097. +('Altar of Rites - 1000 adena', '9112', '-44566', '77508', '-3736', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1098. +('Fields of Silence - 1000 adena', '9120', '69748', '186111', '-2872', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1099. +('Field of Whispers - 1000 adena', '9121', '97786', '209303', '-3040', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1100. +('Alligator Island - 1000 adena', '9122', '113708', '178387', '-3232', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1101. +('Garden of Eva, entrance - 1000 adena', '9123', '82693', '242220', '-6712', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1102. +('Garden of Eva, 2nd level - 1000 adena', '9124', '79248', '247390', '-8816', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1103. +('Garden of Eva, 3rd level - 1000 adena', '9125', '77868', '250400', '-9328', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1104. +('Garden of Eva, 4th level - 1000 adena', '9126', '78721', '253309', '-9840', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1105. +('Garden of Eva, 5th level - 1000 adena', '9127', '82951', '252354', '-10592', '57', '1000', '0'),
  1106.  -- Noble Gate Pass
  1107. -('Gludin Arena - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9900,-87328,142266,-3640,1,1),
  1108. -('Coliseum - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9901,146440,46723,-3432,1,1),
  1109. -('Giran Arena - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9902,73579,142709,-3768,1,1),
  1110. -('Forgotten Temple - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9910,-54026,179504,-4640,1,1),
  1111. -('Wasteland  - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9911,-47506,179572,-3632,1,1),
  1112. -('Silent Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9920,181737,46469,-4352,1,1),
  1113. -('Plains of Glory - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9921,135756,19557,-3424,1,1),
  1114. -('War-Torn Plains - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9922,156898,11217,-4032,1,1),
  1115. -('Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9923,110848,16154,-2120,1,1),
  1116. -('Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9924,118404,15988,832,1,1),
  1117. -('Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9925,115064,12181,2960,1,1),
  1118. -('Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9926,118525,16455,5984,1,1),
  1119. -('Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9927,115384,16820,9000,1,1),
  1120. -('Hunters Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9928,114306,86573,-3112,1,1),
  1121. -('Angel Waterfall - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9929,166182,91560,-3168,1,1),
  1122. -('Forest of Mirrors - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9930,166080,75574,-2992,1,1),
  1123. -('Enchanted Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9931,114674,44150,-3376,1,1),
  1124. -('Hunters Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9932,114306,86573,-3112,1,1),
  1125. -('Gorgon Flower Garden - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9940,113553,134813,-3640,1,1),
  1126. -('Antharas Lair 1 - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9941,147071,120156,-4520,1,1),
  1127. -('Antharas Lair 2 - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9942,151689,112615,-5520,1,1),
  1128. -('Dragon Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9943,116425,109898,-3424,1,1),
  1129. -('Antharas Lair, Heart of Warding - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9944,154396,121235,-3808,1,1),
  1130. -('Dragon Valley, Traders Post - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9945,122824,110836,-3720,1,1),
  1131. -('Private Hardin\'s Academy - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9946,105918,109759,-3192,1,1),
  1132. -('Forest of the Dead - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9950,54425,-41692,-3072,1,1),
  1133. -('Valley of Saints - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9951,84092,-80084,-3504,1,1),
  1134. -('Cursed Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9952,57670,-41672,-3144,1,1),
  1135. -('Stakato Nest - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9953,88969,-45307,-2104,1,1),
  1136. -('Monastery of Silence - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9954,106414,-87799,-2920,1,1),
  1137. -('Varka Silenos Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9960,107929,-52248,-2408,1,1),
  1138. -('Ketra Orc Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9961,149817,-80053,-5576,1,1),
  1139. -('Devil\'s Pass - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9962,106349,-61870,-2904,1,1),
  1140. -('Garden of Beasts - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9963,132997,-60608,-2960,1,1),
  1141. -('Hot Springs - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9964,144625,-101291,-3384,1,1),
  1142. -('Wall of Argos - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9965,183140,-53307,-1896,1,1),
  1143. -('Four Sepulchers - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9967,178127,-84435,-7216,1,1),
  1144. -('Imperial Tomb - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9968,186699,-75915,-2824,1,1),
  1145. -('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9970,169018,-116303,-2432,1,1),
  1146. -('Forge of the Gods, lower level - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9971,179887,-111241,-5824,1,1),
  1147. -('Execution Grounds - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9980,50568,152408,-2656,1,1),
  1148. -('Floran Agricultural Area - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9981,26810,172787,-3376,1,1),
  1149. -('Cruma Marshlands - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9982,5941,125455,-3640,1,1),
  1150. -('Cruma Tower, 1st Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9983,17718,117315,-12064,1,1),
  1151. -('Cruma Tower, 2nd Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9984,17728,110325,-9312,1,1),
  1152. -('Frost Lake - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9990,107577,-122392,-3632,1,1),
  1153. -('Crypts of Disgrace - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9991,44221,-114232,-2784,1,1),
  1154. -('Sky Wagon Relic - 1 Noble Gate Pass',9992,121618,-141554,-1496,1,1),
  1155. -('Evil Hunting Grounds - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10000,-6989,109503,-3040,1,1),
  1156. -('Neutral Zone - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10001,-18415,85624,-3680,1,1),
  1157. -('Dark Forest - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10002,-14129,27094,-3680,1,1),
  1158. -('School of Dark Arts - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10003,-49185,49441,-5912,1,1),
  1159. -('Elven Ruins - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10004,49315,248452,-5960,1,1),
  1160. -('Immortal Plateau - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10005,-25309,-131569,-680,1,1),
  1161. -('Mithril Mines - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10006,175499,-181586,-904,1,1),
  1162. -('Abandoned Coal Mines - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10007,144706,-173223,-1520,1,1),
  1163. -('Forest of Evil - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10010,93218,16969,-3904,1,1),
  1164. -('Timak Outpost - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10011,67097,68815,-3648,1,1),
  1165. -('Altar of Rites - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10012,-44566,77508,-3736,1,1),
  1166. -('Field of Silence - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10020,69748,186111,-2872,1,1),
  1167. -('Field of Whispers - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10021,97786,209303,-3040,1,1),
  1168. -('Alligator Island - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10022,113708,178387,-3232,1,1),
  1169. -('Garden of Eva, entrance - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10023,82693,242220,-6712,1,1),
  1170. -('Garden of Eva, 2nd ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10024,79248,247390,-8816,1,1),
  1171. -('Garden of Eva, 3rd ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10025,77868,250400,-9328,1,1),
  1172. -('Garden of Eva, 4th ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10026,78721,253309,-9840,1,1),
  1173. -('Garden of Eva, 5th level - 1 Noble Gate Pass',10027,82951,252354,-10592,1,1),
  1174. -('Ketra teleport - Goddard Castle Town',10028,147978,-55408,-2728,4900,0),
  1175. -('Ketra teleport - Rune Castle Town',10029,43849,-47877,-792,22000,0),
  1176. -('Ketra teleport - Aden Castle Town',10030,146705,25840,-2000,21000,0),
  1177. -('Ketra teleport - Wall of Argos',10031,164564,-48145,-3536,7000,0),
  1178. -('Ketra teleport - Hot Springs',10032,144880,-113468,-2560,6700,0),
  1179. -('Varka teleport - Goddard Castle Town',10033,147978,-55408,-2728,8000,0),
  1180. -('Varka teleport - Rune Castle Town',10034,43849,-47877,-792,12000,0),
  1181. -('Varka teleport - Aden Castle Town',10035,146705,25840,-2000,17000,0),
  1182. -('Varka teleport - Wall of Argos',10036,164564,-48145,-3536,11000,0),
  1183. -('Varka teleport - Hot Springs',10037,144880,-113468,-2560,14000,0);
  1184. +('Gludin Arena - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9900', '-87328', '142266', '-3640', null, '1', '1'),
  1185. +('Coliseum - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9901', '146440', '46723', '-3432', null, '1', '1'),
  1186. +('Giran Arena - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9902', '73579', '142709', '-3768', null, '1', '1'),
  1187. +('Forgotten Temple - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9910', '-54026', '179504', '-4640', null, '1', '1'),
  1188. +('Wasteland  - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9911', '-47506', '179572', '-3632', null, '1', '1'),
  1189. +('Silent Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9920', '181737', '46469', '-4352', null, '1', '1'),
  1190. +('Plains of Glory - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9921', '135756', '19557', '-3424', null, '1', '1'),
  1191. +('War-Torn Plains - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9922', '156898', '11217', '-4032', null, '1', '1'),
  1192. +('Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9923', '110848', '16154', '-2120', null, '1', '1'),
  1193. +('Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9924', '118404', '15988', '832', null, '1', '1'),
  1194. +('Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9925', '115064', '12181', '2960', null, '1', '1'),
  1195. +('Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9926', '118525', '16455', '5984', null, '1', '1'),
  1196. +('Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9927', '115384', '16820', '9000', null, '1', '1'),
  1197. +('Hunters Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9928', '114306', '86573', '-3112', null, '1', '1'),
  1198. +('Angel Waterfall - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9929', '166182', '91560', '-3168', null, '1', '1'),
  1199. +('Forest of Mirrors - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9930', '166080', '75574', '-2992', null, '1', '1'),
  1200. +('Enchanted Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9931', '114674', '44150', '-3376', null, '1', '1'),
  1201. +('Hunters Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9932', '114306', '86573', '-3112', null, '1', '1'),
  1202. +('Gorgon Flower Garden - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9940', '113553', '134813', '-3640', null, '1', '1'),
  1203. +('Antharas Lair 1 - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9941', '147071', '120156', '-4520', null, '1', '1'),
  1204. +('Antharas Lair 2 - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9942', '151689', '112615', '-5520', null, '1', '1'),
  1205. +('Dragon Valley - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9943', '116425', '109898', '-3424', null, '1', '1'),
  1206. +('Antharas Lair, Heart of Warding - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9944', '154396', '121235', '-3808', null, '1', '1'),
  1207. +('Dragon Valley, Traders Post - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9945', '122824', '110836', '-3720', null, '1', '1'),
  1208. +('Private Hardin\'s Academy - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9946', '105918', '109759', '-3192', null, '1', '1'),
  1209. +('Forest of the Dead - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9950', '54425', '-41692', '-3072', null, '1', '1'),
  1210. +('Valley of Saints - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9951', '84092', '-80084', '-3504', null, '1', '1'),
  1211. +('Cursed Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9952', '57670', '-41672', '-3144', null, '1', '1'),
  1212. +('Stakato Nest - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9953', '88969', '-45307', '-2104', null, '1', '1'),
  1213. +('Monastery of Silence - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9954', '106414', '-87799', '-2920', null, '1', '1'),
  1214. +('Varka Silenos Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9960', '107929', '-52248', '-2408', null, '1', '1'),
  1215. +('Ketra Orc Village - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9961', '149817', '-80053', '-5576', null, '1', '1'),
  1216. +('Devil\'s Pass - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9962', '106349', '-61870', '-2904', null, '1', '1'),
  1217. +('Garden of Beasts - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9963', '132997', '-60608', '-2960', null, '1', '1'),
  1218. +('Hot Springs - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9964', '144625', '-101291', '-3384', null, '1', '1'),
  1219. +('Wall of Argos - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9965', '183140', '-53307', '-1896', null, '1', '1'),
  1220. +('Four Sepulchers - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9967', '178127', '-84435', '-7216', null, '1', '1'),
  1221. +('Imperial Tomb - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9968', '186699', '-75915', '-2824', null, '1', '1'),
  1222. +('Forge of the Gods, entrance - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9970', '169018', '-116303', '-2432', null, '1', '1'),
  1223. +('Forge of the Gods, lower level - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9971', '179887', '-111241', '-5824', null, '1', '1'),
  1224. +('Execution Grounds - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9980', '50568', '152408', '-2656', null, '1', '1'),
  1225. +('Floran Agricultural Area - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9981', '26810', '172787', '-3376', null, '1', '1'),
  1226. +('Cruma Marshlands - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9982', '5941', '125455', '-3640', null, '1', '1'),
  1227. +('Cruma Tower, 1st Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9983', '17718', '117315', '-12064', null, '1', '1'),
  1228. +('Cruma Tower, 2nd Floor - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9984', '17728', '110325', '-9312', null, '1', '1'),
  1229. +('Frost Lake - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9990', '107577', '-122392', '-3632', null, '1', '1'),
  1230. +('Crypts of Disgrace - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9991', '44221', '-114232', '-2784', null, '1', '1'),
  1231. +('Sky Wagon Relic - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '9992', '121618', '-141554', '-1496', null, '1', '1'),
  1232. +('Evil Hunting Grounds - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10000', '-6989', '109503', '-3040', null, '1', '1'),
  1233. +('Neutral Zone - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10001', '-18415', '85624', '-3680', null, '1', '1'),
  1234. +('Dark Forest - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10002', '-14129', '27094', '-3680', null, '1', '1'),
  1235. +('School of Dark Arts - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10003', '-49185', '49441', '-5912', null, '1', '1'),
  1236. +('Elven Ruins - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10004', '49315', '248452', '-5960', null, '1', '1'),
  1237. +('Immortal Plateau - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10005', '-25309', '-131569', '-680', null, '1', '1'),
  1238. +('Mithril Mines - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10006', '175499', '-181586', '-904', null, '1', '1'),
  1239. +('Abandoned Coal Mines - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10007', '144706', '-173223', '-1520', null, '1', '1'),
  1240. +('Forest of Evil - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10010', '93218', '16969', '-3904', null, '1', '1'),
  1241. +('Timak Outpost - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10011', '67097', '68815', '-3648', null, '1', '1'),
  1242. +('Altar of Rites - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10012', '-44566', '77508', '-3736', null, '1', '1'),
  1243. +('Field of Silence - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10020', '69748', '186111', '-2872', null, '1', '1'),
  1244. +('Field of Whispers - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10021', '97786', '209303', '-3040', null, '1', '1'),
  1245. +('Alligator Island - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10022', '113708', '178387', '-3232', null, '1', '1'),
  1246. +('Garden of Eva, entrance - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10023', '82693', '242220', '-6712', null, '1', '1'),
  1247. +('Garden of Eva, 2nd ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10024', '79248', '247390', '-8816', null, '1', '1'),
  1248. +('Garden of Eva, 3rd ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10025', '77868', '250400', '-9328', null, '1', '1'),
  1249. +('Garden of Eva, 4th ring - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10026', '78721', '253309', '-9840', null, '1', '1'),
  1250. +('Garden of Eva, 5th level - 1 Noble Gate Pass', '10027', '82951', '252354', '-10592', null, '1', '1'),
  1251. +('Ketra teleport - Goddard Castle Town', '10028', '147978', '-55408', '-2728', '57', '4900', '0'),
  1252. +('Ketra teleport - Rune Castle Town', '10029', '43849', '-47877', '-792', '57', '22000', '0'),
  1253. +('Ketra teleport - Aden Castle Town', '10030', '146705', '25840', '-2000', '57', '21000', '0'),
  1254. +('Ketra teleport - Wall of Argos', '10031', '164564', '-48145', '-3536', '57', '7000', '0'),
  1255. +('Ketra teleport - Hot Springs', '10032', '144880', '-113468', '-2560', '57', '6700', '0'),
  1256. +('Varka teleport - Goddard Castle Town', '10033', '147978', '-55408', '-2728', '57', '8000', '0'),
  1257. +('Varka teleport - Rune Castle Town', '10034', '43849', '-47877', '-792', '57', '12000', '0'),
  1258. +('Varka teleport - Aden Castle Town', '10035', '146705', '25840', '-2000', '57', '17000', '0'),
  1259. +('Varka teleport - Wall of Argos', '10036', '164564', '-48145', '-3536', '57', '11000', '0'),
  1260. +('Varka teleport - Hot Springs', '10037', '144880', '-113468', '-2560', '57', '14000', '0');
  1262.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  1263. -('Clan Hall -> Center Town of Aden',12000,147450,28081,-2294,0,0),
  1264. -('Clan Hall -> North Town of Aden',12001,151950,25094,-2172,0,0),
  1265. -('Clan Hall -> East Town of Aden',12002,142593,26344,-2425,0,0),
  1266. -('Clan Hall -> South Town of Aden',12003,147503,32299,-2501,0,0),
  1267. -('Clan Hall -> West Town of Aden',12004,147465,20737,-2130,0,0),
  1268. -('Clan Hall -> Southern Pathway of Enchanted Valley',12005,124904,61992,-3973,500,0),
  1269. -('Clan Hall -> East of Blazing Swamp',12006,159676,-13544,-2832,500,0),
  1270. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Glory',12007,133164,14036,-3888,500,0),
  1271. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Fierce Battle',12008,153757,8905,-4024,500,0),
  1272. -('Clan Hall -> Path to Forest of Wirrors',12009,134310,71976,-3298,500,0),
  1273. -('Clan Hall -> The Front of Anghel Waterfall',12010,163341,91374,-3320,500,0),
  1274. -('Clan Hall -> Disciples Necropolis',12011,168779,-18790,-3184,500,0),
  1275. -('Clan Hall -> North Path to The Cementery',12012,175191,4082,-2863,500,0),
  1276. -('Clan Hall ->South Path to The Cementery',12013,175432,30299,-3773,500,0),
  1277. -('Clan Hall -> West Path to The Cementery',12014,166502,20284,-3328,500,0),
  1278. -('Clan Hall -> Center of Giran Castle Town',12015,81749,149171,-3464,0,0),
  1279. -('Clan Hall -> North of Giran Castle Town',12016,81525,143821,-3528,0,0),
  1280. -('Clan Hall -> East of Giran Castle Town',12017,88342,147329,-3400,0,0),
  1281. -('Clan Hall -> South of Giran Castle Town',12018,81548,152633,-3528,0,0),
  1282. -('Clan Hall -> West of Giran Castle Town',12019,77305,148636,-3592,0,0),
  1283. -('Clan Hall -> Devils Isle',12020,43408,206881,-3752,500,0),
  1284. -('Clan Hall -> Center of Gludin Village',12021,-82445,150788,-3129,0,0),
  1285. -('Clan Hall -> North of Gludin Village',12022,-83331,148563,-3148,0,0),
  1286. -('Clan Hall -> East of Gludin Village',12023,-78405,152723,-3181,0,0),
  1287. -('Clan Hall -> South of Gludin Village',12024,-77460,155995,-3194,0,0),
  1288. -('Clan Hall -> West of Gludin Village',12025,-85138,152749,-3160,0,0),
  1289. -('Clan Hall -> Necropolis of Sacrifice',12026,-36961,201895,-2760,500,0),
  1290. -('Clan Hall -> Oracle Dusk',12027,-93453,89814,-3240,500,0),
  1291. -('Clan Hall -> Oracle of Dawn',12028,-85329,106369,-3603,500,0),
  1292. -('Clan Hall -> South Pathway to the Wasterland',12029,-17279,208954,-3664,500,0),
  1293. -('Clan Hall -> Wasterland',12030,-16019,193365,-4488,500,0),
  1294. -('Clan Hall -> North of Dion Castle Town',12041,21511,145866,-3153,0,0),
  1295. -('Clan Hall -> Center of Dion Castle Town',12040,19025,145245,-3107,0,0),
  1296. -('Clan Hall -> Center of Gludio Castle Town',12033,-14393,123671,-3144,0,0),
  1297. -('Clan Hall -> North of Gludio Castle Town',12035,-11817,123652,-3079,0,0),
  1298. -('Clan Hall -> East of Gludio Castle Town',12034,-16796,124108,-3127,0,0),
  1299. -('Clan Hall -> West of Gludio Castle Town',13037,-14591,121024,-2990,0,0),
  1300. -('Clan Hall -> Ruins of Despair',12038,-20767,136437,-3923,500,0),
  1301. -('Clan Hall -> The Ruins Bend',12039,-32664,148626,-3956,500,0),
  1302. -('Clan Hall -> East of Dion Castle Town',12042,18891,142365,-3051,0,0),
  1303. -('Clan Hall -> South of Dion Castle Town',12043,17394,147593,-3129,0,0),
  1304. -('Clan Hall -> West of Dion Castle Town',12044,16582,144130,-2960,0,0),
  1305. -('Clan Hall -> Plains of Dion',12031,9980,173167,-3734,500,0),
  1306. -('Clan Hall -> Piligrims Necropolis',12032,46428,127157,-3745,500,0),
  1307. -('Clan Hall -> Giran Territory',12045,69373,155208,-3746,500,0),
  1308. -('Clan Hall -> Center of Goddard Castle Town',12046,147728,-56331,-2776,0,0),
  1309. -('Clan Hall -> North of Goddard Castle Town',12047,147731,-58930,-2976,0,0),
  1310. -('Clan Hall -> East of Goddard Castle Town',12048,150561,-57489,-2976,0,0),
  1311. -('Clan Hall -> West of Goddard Castle Town',12049,144866,-57464,-2976,0,0),
  1312. -('Clan Hall -> Town of Aden',75015,147450,28081,-2294,500,0),
  1313. -('Clan Hall -> Fields of Massacre',75016,179718,-7843,-3517,0,0),
  1314. -('Clan Hall -> Town of Oren',75008,80847,54661,-1519,500,0),
  1315. -('Clan Hall -> Ivory Tower',75009,85341,16151,-3673,500,0),
  1316. -('Clan Hall -> Sea of Spores',75010,65085,22925,-3761,500,0),
  1317. -('Clan Hall -> Forest of Evil',75011,104404,-151,-3421,500,0),
  1318. -('Clan Hall -> Outlaw Forest',75012,86034,-2434,-3529,500,0),
  1319. -('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost',75013,110647,-10087,-2017,500,0),
  1320. -('Clan Hall -> Bandit Stronghold',75014,86825,-20028,-2009,0,0);
  1321. +('Clan Hall -> Center Town of Aden', '12000', '147450', '28081', '-2294', '57', '0', '0'),
  1322. +('Clan Hall -> North Town of Aden', '12001', '151950', '25094', '-2172', '57', '0', '0'),
  1323. +('Clan Hall -> East Town of Aden', '12002', '142593', '26344', '-2425', '57', '0', '0'),
  1324. +('Clan Hall -> South Town of Aden', '12003', '147503', '32299', '-2501', '57', '0', '0'),
  1325. +('Clan Hall -> West Town of Aden', '12004', '147465', '20737', '-2130', '57', '0', '0'),
  1326. +('Clan Hall -> Southern Pathway of Enchanted Valley', '12005', '124904', '61992', '-3973', '57', '500', '0'),
  1327. +('Clan Hall -> East of Blazing Swamp', '12006', '159676', '-13544', '-2832', '57', '500', '0'),
  1328. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Glory', '12007', '133164', '14036', '-3888', '57', '500', '0'),
  1329. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Fierce Battle', '12008', '153757', '8905', '-4024', '57', '500', '0'),
  1330. +('Clan Hall -> Path to Forest of Wirrors', '12009', '134310', '71976', '-3298', '57', '500', '0'),
  1331. +('Clan Hall -> The Front of Anghel Waterfall', '12010', '163341', '91374', '-3320', '57', '500', '0'),
  1332. +('Clan Hall -> Disciples Necropolis', '12011', '168779', '-18790', '-3184', '57', '500', '0'),
  1333. +('Clan Hall -> North Path to The Cementery', '12012', '175191', '4082', '-2863', '57', '500', '0'),
  1334. +('Clan Hall ->South Path to The Cementery', '12013', '175432', '30299', '-3773', '57', '500', '0'),
  1335. +('Clan Hall -> West Path to The Cementery', '12014', '166502', '20284', '-3328', '57', '500', '0'),
  1336. +('Clan Hall -> Center of Giran Castle Town', '12015', '81749', '149171', '-3464', '57', '0', '0'),
  1337. +('Clan Hall -> North of Giran Castle Town', '12016', '81525', '143821', '-3528', '57', '0', '0'),
  1338. +('Clan Hall -> East of Giran Castle Town', '12017', '88342', '147329', '-3400', '57', '0', '0'),
  1339. +('Clan Hall -> South of Giran Castle Town', '12018', '81548', '152633', '-3528', '57', '0', '0'),
  1340. +('Clan Hall -> West of Giran Castle Town', '12019', '77305', '148636', '-3592', '57', '0', '0'),
  1341. +('Clan Hall -> Devils Isle', '12020', '43408', '206881', '-3752', '57', '500', '0'),
  1342. +('Clan Hall -> Center of Gludin Village', '12021', '-82445', '150788', '-3129', '57', '0', '0'),
  1343. +('Clan Hall -> North of Gludin Village', '12022', '-83331', '148563', '-3148', '57', '0', '0'),
  1344. +('Clan Hall -> East of Gludin Village', '12023', '-78405', '152723', '-3181', '57', '0', '0'),
  1345. +('Clan Hall -> South of Gludin Village', '12024', '-77460', '155995', '-3194', '57', '0', '0'),
  1346. +('Clan Hall -> West of Gludin Village', '12025', '-85138', '152749', '-3160', '57', '0', '0'),
  1347. +('Clan Hall -> Necropolis of Sacrifice', '12026', '-36961', '201895', '-2760', '57', '500', '0'),
  1348. +('Clan Hall -> Oracle Dusk', '12027', '-93453', '89814', '-3240', '57', '500', '0'),
  1349. +('Clan Hall -> Oracle of Dawn', '12028', '-85329', '106369', '-3603', '57', '500', '0'),
  1350. +('Clan Hall -> South Pathway to the Wasterland', '12029', '-17279', '208954', '-3664', '57', '500', '0'),
  1351. +('Clan Hall -> Wasterland', '12030', '-16019', '193365', '-4488', '57', '500', '0'),
  1352. +('Clan Hall -> North of Dion Castle Town', '12041', '21511', '145866', '-3153', '57', '0', '0'),
  1353. +('Clan Hall -> Center of Dion Castle Town', '12040', '19025', '145245', '-3107', '57', '0', '0'),
  1354. +('Clan Hall -> Center of Gludio Castle Town', '12033', '-14393', '123671', '-3144', '57', '0', '0'),
  1355. +('Clan Hall -> North of Gludio Castle Town', '12035', '-11817', '123652', '-3079', '57', '0', '0'),
  1356. +('Clan Hall -> East of Gludio Castle Town', '12034', '-16796', '124108', '-3127', '57', '0', '0'),
  1357. +('Clan Hall -> West of Gludio Castle Town', '13037', '-14591', '121024', '-2990', '57', '0', '0'),
  1358. +('Clan Hall -> Ruins of Despair', '12038', '-20767', '136437', '-3923', '57', '500', '0'),
  1359. +('Clan Hall -> The Ruins Bend', '12039', '-32664', '148626', '-3956', '57', '500', '0'),
  1360. +('Clan Hall -> East of Dion Castle Town', '12042', '18891', '142365', '-3051', '57', '0', '0'),
  1361. +('Clan Hall -> South of Dion Castle Town', '12043', '17394', '147593', '-3129', '57', '0', '0'),
  1362. +('Clan Hall -> West of Dion Castle Town', '12044', '16582', '144130', '-2960', '57', '0', '0'),
  1363. +('Clan Hall -> Plains of Dion', '12031', '9980', '173167', '-3734', '57', '500', '0'),
  1364. +('Clan Hall -> Piligrims Necropolis', '12032', '46428', '127157', '-3745', '57', '500', '0'),
  1365. +('Clan Hall -> Giran Territory', '12045', '69373', '155208', '-3746', '57', '500', '0'),
  1366. +('Clan Hall -> Center of Goddard Castle Town', '12046', '147728', '-56331', '-2776', '57', '0', '0'),
  1367. +('Clan Hall -> North of Goddard Castle Town', '12047', '147731', '-58930', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  1368. +('Clan Hall -> East of Goddard Castle Town', '12048', '150561', '-57489', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  1369. +('Clan Hall -> West of Goddard Castle Town', '12049', '144866', '-57464', '-2976', '57', '0', '0'),
  1370. +('Clan Hall -> Town of Aden', '75015', '147450', '28081', '-2294', '57', '500', '0'),
  1371. +('Clan Hall -> Fields of Massacre', '75016', '179718', '-7843', '-3517', '57', '0', '0'),
  1372. +('Clan Hall -> Town of Oren', '75008', '80847', '54661', '-1519', '57', '500', '0'),
  1373. +('Clan Hall -> Ivory Tower', '75009', '85341', '16151', '-3673', '57', '500', '0'),
  1374. +('Clan Hall -> Sea of Spores', '75010', '65085', '22925', '-3761', '57', '500', '0'),
  1375. +('Clan Hall -> Forest of Evil', '75011', '104404', '-151', '-3421', '57', '500', '0'),
  1376. +('Clan Hall -> Outlaw Forest', '75012', '86034', '-2434', '-3529', '57', '500', '0'),
  1377. +('Clan Hall -> Border Outpost', '75013', '110647', '-10087', '-2017', '57', '500', '0'),
  1378. +('Clan Hall -> Bandit Stronghold', '75014', '86825', '-20028', '-2009', '57', '0', '0');
  1379.  --
  1380.  -- shut tele
  1381.  --
  1382.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  1383. -('Clan Hall -> Village Square',12061,87379,-142322,-1336,0,0),
  1384. -('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance',12062,84753,-141051,-1536,0,0),
  1385. -('Clan Hall -> South Gate Entrance',12063,87343,-139802,-1536,0,0),
  1386. -('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance',12064,89959,-141034,-1536,0,0),
  1387. -('Clan Hall -> Crypt of Disgrace',12065,47692,-115745,-3744,500,0),
  1388. -('Clan Hall -> Plunderous Plains',12066,111965,-154172,-1528,500,0),
  1389. -('Clan Hall -> Den of Evil',12067,68693,-110438,-1904,500,0),
  1390. -('Clan Hall -> Frozen Labyrinth',12068,113903,-108752,-848,500,0),
  1391. +('Clan Hall -> Village Square', '12061', '87379', '-142322', '-1336', '57', '0', '0'),
  1392. +('Clan Hall -> West Gate Entrance', '12062', '84753', '-141051', '-1536', '57', '0', '0'),
  1393. +('Clan Hall -> South Gate Entrance', '12063', '87343', '-139802', '-1536', '57', '0', '0'),
  1394. +('Clan Hall -> East Gate Entrance', '12064', '89959', '-141034', '-1536', '57', '0', '0'),
  1395. +('Clan Hall -> Crypt of Disgrace', '12065', '47692', '-115745', '-3744', '57', '500', '0'),
  1396. +('Clan Hall -> Plunderous Plains', '12066', '111965', '-154172', '-1528', '57', '500', '0'),
  1397. +('Clan Hall -> Den of Evil', '12067', '68693', '-110438', '-1904', '57', '500', '0'),
  1398. +('Clan Hall -> Frozen Labyrinth', '12068', '113903', '-108752', '-848', '57', '500', '0'),
  1399.  -- Add castle TP
  1400. -('Innadril(artifact -> out)',15000,116046,247094,-930,0,0),
  1401. -('Innadril(artifact -> hall)',15001,116028,249163,-787,0,0),
  1402. -('Innadril(artifact -> outofcastle)',15002,116373,244729,-1059,0,0),
  1403. -('Innadril(hall -> out)',15004,116046,247094,-930,0,0),
  1404. -('Innadril(hall -> outofcastle)',15005,116373,244729,-1059,0,0),
  1405. -('Innadril(out -> artifact)',15006,116028,250136,-867,0,0),
  1406. -('Innadril(out -> hall)',15007,116028,249163,-787,0,0),
  1407. -('Innadril(out -> outofcastle)',15008,116373,244729,-1059,0,0),
  1408. -('Innadril(outofcastle -> artifact)',15009,116028,250136,-867,0,0),
  1409. -('Innadril(outofcastle -> out)',15010,116046,247094,-930,0,0),
  1410. -('Innadril(outofcastle -> hall)',15011,116028,249163,-787,0,0),
  1411. -('Goddard(artifact -> out)',15012,147466,-48514,-2085,0,0),
  1412. -('Goddard(artifact -> hall)',15013,147463,-48504,-2277,0,0),
  1413. -('Goddard(artifact -> outofcastle)',15014,147265,-44908,-2085,0,0),
  1414. -('Goddard(hall -> artifact)',15015,146165,-50478,-1604,0,0),
  1415. -('Goddard(hall -> out)',15016,147466,-48514,-2085,0,0),
  1416. -('Goddard(hall -> outofcastle)',15017,147265,-44908,-2085,0,0),
  1417. -('Goddard(out -> artifact)',15018,146165,-50478,-1604,0,0),
  1418. -('Goddard(out -> hall)',15019,147463,-48504,-2277,0,0),
  1419. -('Goddard(out -> outofcastle)',15020,147265,-44908,-2085,0,0),
  1420. -('Goddard(outofcastle -> artifact)',15021,146165,-50478,-1604,0,0),
  1421. -('Goddard(outofcastle -> out)',15022,147466,-48514,-2085,0,0),
  1422. -('Goddard(outofcastle -> hall)',15023,147463,-48504,-2277,0,0),
  1423. -('Rune(artifact -> outofcastle)',15025,19049,-49141,-1258,0,0),
  1424. -('Rune(artifact -> out)',15026,16981,-49170,-1098,0,0),
  1425. -('Rune(artifact -> hall)',15027,11729,-49154,-537,0,0),
  1426. -('Rune(hall -> out)',15029,16981,-49170,-1098,0,0),
  1427. -('Rune(hall -> outofcastle)',15030,19049,-49141,-1258,0,0),
  1428. -('Rune(out -> hall)',15032,11732,-49154,-537,0,0),
  1429. -('Rune(out -> outofcastle)',15033,19049,-49141,-1258,0,0),
  1430. -('Rune(outofcastle -> hall)',15035,11729,-49154,-537,0,0),
  1431. -('Rune(outofcastle -> out)',15036,16981,-49170,-1098,0,0),
  1432. -('Schuttgart(hall -> outofcastle)',15037,77562,-149119,-353,0,0),
  1433. -('Schuttgart(hall -> out)',15038,77501,-149943,-353,0,0),
  1434. -('Schuttgart(hall -> artifact)',15039,77557,-154975,387,0,0),
  1435. -('Schuttgart(out -> artifact)',15040,77557,-154975,387,0,0),
  1436. -('Schuttgart(out -> outofcastle)',15041,77562,-149119,-353,0,0),
  1437. -('Schuttgart(out -> hall)',15042,77547,-152461,-545,0,0),
  1438. -('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> artifact)',15043,77557,-154975,387,0,0),
  1439. -('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> out)',15044,77501,-149943,-353,0,0),
  1440. -('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> hall)',15045,77547,-152461,-545,0,0),
  1441. -('Schuttgart(artifact -> out)',15046,77501,-149943,-353,0,0),
  1442. -('Schuttgart(artifact -> hall)',15047,77547,-152461,-545,0,0),
  1443. -('Schuttgart(artifact -> outofcastle)',15048,77562,-149119,-353,0,0);
  1444. +('Innadril(artifact -> out)', '15000', '116046', '247094', '-930', '57', '0', '0'),
  1445. +('Innadril(artifact -> hall)', '15001', '116028', '249163', '-787', '57', '0', '0'),
  1446. +('Innadril(artifact -> outofcastle)', '15002', '116373', '244729', '-1059', '57', '0', '0'),
  1447. +('Innadril(hall -> out)', '15004', '116046', '247094', '-930', '57', '0', '0'),
  1448. +('Innadril(hall -> outofcastle)', '15005', '116373', '244729', '-1059', '57', '0', '0'),
  1449. +('Innadril(out -> artifact)', '15006', '116028', '250136', '-867', '57', '0', '0'),
  1450. +('Innadril(out -> hall)', '15007', '116028', '249163', '-787', '57', '0', '0'),
  1451. +('Innadril(out -> outofcastle)', '15008', '116373', '244729', '-1059', '57', '0', '0'),
  1452. +('Innadril(outofcastle -> artifact)', '15009', '116028', '250136', '-867', '57', '0', '0'),
  1453. +('Innadril(outofcastle -> out)', '15010', '116046', '247094', '-930', '57', '0', '0'),
  1454. +('Innadril(outofcastle -> hall)', '15011', '116028', '249163', '-787', '57', '0', '0'),
  1455. +('Goddard(artifact -> out)', '15012', '147466', '-48514', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1456. +('Goddard(artifact -> hall)', '15013', '147463', '-48504', '-2277', '57', '0', '0'),
  1457. +('Goddard(artifact -> outofcastle)', '15014', '147265', '-44908', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1458. +('Goddard(hall -> artifact)', '15015', '146165', '-50478', '-1604', '57', '0', '0'),
  1459. +('Goddard(hall -> out)', '15016', '147466', '-48514', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1460. +('Goddard(hall -> outofcastle)', '15017', '147265', '-44908', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1461. +('Goddard(out -> artifact)', '15018', '146165', '-50478', '-1604', '57', '0', '0'),
  1462. +('Goddard(out -> hall)', '15019', '147463', '-48504', '-2277', '57', '0', '0'),
  1463. +('Goddard(out -> outofcastle)', '15020', '147265', '-44908', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1464. +('Goddard(outofcastle -> artifact)', '15021', '146165', '-50478', '-1604', '57', '0', '0'),
  1465. +('Goddard(outofcastle -> out)', '15022', '147466', '-48514', '-2085', '57', '0', '0'),
  1466. +('Goddard(outofcastle -> hall)', '15023', '147463', '-48504', '-2277', '57', '0', '0'),
  1467. +('Rune(artifact -> outofcastle)', '15025', '19049', '-49141', '-1258', '57', '0', '0'),
  1468. +('Rune(artifact -> out)', '15026', '16981', '-49170', '-1098', '57', '0', '0'),
  1469. +('Rune(artifact -> hall)', '15027', '11729', '-49154', '-537', '57', '0', '0'),
  1470. +('Rune(hall -> out)', '15029', '16981', '-49170', '-1098', '57', '0', '0'),
  1471. +('Rune(hall -> outofcastle)', '15030', '19049', '-49141', '-1258', '57', '0', '0'),
  1472. +('Rune(out -> hall)', '15032', '11732', '-49154', '-537', '57', '0', '0'),
  1473. +('Rune(out -> outofcastle)', '15033', '19049', '-49141', '-1258', '57', '0', '0'),
  1474. +('Rune(outofcastle -> hall)', '15035', '11729', '-49154', '-537', '57', '0', '0'),
  1475. +('Rune(outofcastle -> out)', '15036', '16981', '-49170', '-1098', '57', '0', '0'),
  1476. +('Schuttgart(hall -> outofcastle)', '15037', '77562', '-149119', '-353', '57', '0', '0'),
  1477. +('Schuttgart(hall -> out)', '15038', '77501', '-149943', '-353', '57', '0', '0'),
  1478. +('Schuttgart(hall -> artifact)', '15039', '77557', '-154975', '387', '57', '0', '0'),
  1479. +('Schuttgart(out -> artifact)', '15040', '77557', '-154975', '387', '57', '0', '0'),
  1480. +('Schuttgart(out -> outofcastle)', '15041', '77562', '-149119', '-353', '57', '0', '0'),
  1481. +('Schuttgart(out -> hall)', '15042', '77547', '-152461', '-545', '57', '0', '0'),
  1482. +('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> artifact)', '15043', '77557', '-154975', '387', '57', '0', '0'),
  1483. +('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> out)', '15044', '77501', '-149943', '-353', '57', '0', '0'),
  1484. +('Schuttgart(outofcastle -> hall)', '15045', '77547', '-152461', '-545', '57', '0', '0'),
  1485. +('Schuttgart(artifact -> out)', '15046', '77501', '-149943', '-353', '57', '0', '0'),
  1486. +('Schuttgart(artifact -> hall)', '15047', '77547', '-152461', '-545', '57', '0', '0'),
  1487. +('Schuttgart(artifact -> outofcastle)', '15048', '77562', '-149119', '-353', '57', '0', '0');
  1488.  --
  1489.  -- castle mass gk
  1490.  --
  1491.  INSERT INTO teleport VALUES
  1492. -('Gludio Throne',60000,-18112,109413,-2496,0,0),
  1493. -('Gludio Inside',60001,-18171,111572,-2649,0,0),
  1494. -('Gludio Artefacts Room',60002,-18115,108365,-2590,0,0),
  1495. -('Gludio Out of the Castle',60003,-18361,113887,-2767,0,0),
  1496. -('Giran Throne',60004,116507,145095,-2563,0,0),
  1497. -('Giran Inside',60005,114174,145058,-2751,0,0),
  1498. -('Giran Artefacts Room',60006,117557,145092,-2644,0,0),
  1499. -('Giran Out of the Castle',60007,112122,144855,-2751,0,0),
  1500. -('Oren Throne',60008,82576,37189,-2290,0,0),
  1501. -('Oren Inside',60009,80318,37174,-2561,0,0),
  1502. -('Oren Artefacts Room',60010,83638,37180,-2371,0,0),
  1503. -('Oren Out of the Castle',60011,78116,36961,-2458,0,0),
  1504. -('Aden Throne',60012,147446,4652,-340,0,0),
  1505. -('Aden Balcony',60013,147439,1120,218,0,0),
  1506. -('Aden Inside',60014,147470,7902,-470,0,0),
  1507. -('Aden Hall',60015,146372,4649,-403,0,0),
  1508. -('Aden Artefacts Room',60016,147499,2544,-473,0,0),
  1509. -('Aden Out of the Castle',60017,116025,10843,-736,0,0),
  1510. -('Innadril Throne',60018,116025,249097,-787,0,0),
  1511. -('Innadril Inside',60019,116026,246975,-967,0,0),
  1512. -('Innadril Artefacts Room',60020,116033,250158,-867,0,0),
  1513. -('Innadril Out of the Castle',60021,116265,244631,-1057,0,0),
  1514. -('Goddard Throne',60022,147460,-48274,-2276,0,0),
  1515. -('Goddard Inside',60023,145671,-46510,-1743,0,0),
  1516. -('Goddard Artefacts Room',60024,148899,-50461,-1603,0,0),
  1517. -('Goddard Out of the Castle',60025,147482,-45026,-2084,0,0),
  1518. -('Dion Throne',60026,22074,160352,-2690,0,0),
  1519. -('Dion Inside',60027,22150,158042,-2873,0,0),
  1520. -('Dion Artefacts Room',60028,22078,161387,-2771,0,0),
  1521. -('Dion Out of the Castle',60029,22306,156027,-2953,0,0),
  1522. -('Rune Throne',60030,11780,-49153,-530,0,0),
  1523. -('Rune Inside',60031,17252,-49160,-1125,0,0),
  1524. -('Rune Artefacts Room',60032,10133,-49152,997,0,0),
  1525. -('Rune Out of the Castle',60033,19118,-49136,-1266,0,0);
  1526. +('Gludio Throne', '60000', '-18112', '109413', '-2496', '57', '0', '0'),
  1527. +('Gludio Inside', '60001', '-18171', '111572', '-2649', '57', '0', '0'),
  1528. +('Gludio Artefacts Room', '60002', '-18115', '108365', '-2590', '57', '0', '0'),
  1529. +('Gludio Out of the Castle', '60003', '-18361', '113887', '-2767', '57', '0', '0'),
  1530. +('Giran Throne', '60004', '116507', '145095', '-2563', '57', '0', '0'),
  1531. +('Giran Inside', '60005', '114174', '145058', '-2751', '57', '0', '0'),
  1532. +('Giran Artefacts Room', '60006', '117557', '145092', '-2644', '57', '0', '0'),
  1533. +('Giran Out of the Castle', '60007', '112122', '144855', '-2751', '57', '0', '0'),
  1534. +('Oren Throne', '60008', '82576', '37189', '-2290', '57', '0', '0'),
  1535. +('Oren Inside', '60009', '80318', '37174', '-2561', '57', '0', '0'),
  1536. +('Oren Artefacts Room', '60010', '83638', '37180', '-2371', '57', '0', '0'),
  1537. +('Oren Out of the Castle', '60011', '78116', '36961', '-2458', '57', '0', '0'),
  1538. +('Aden Throne', '60012', '147446', '4652', '-340', '57', '0', '0'),
  1539. +('Aden Balcony', '60013', '147439', '1120', '218', '57', '0', '0'),
  1540. +('Aden Inside', '60014', '147470', '7902', '-470', '57', '0', '0'),
  1541. +('Aden Hall', '60015', '146372', '4649', '-403', '57', '0', '0'),
  1542. +('Aden Artefacts Room', '60016', '147499', '2544', '-473', '57', '0', '0'),
  1543. +('Aden Out of the Castle', '60017', '116025', '10843', '-736', '57', '0', '0'),
  1544. +('Innadril Throne', '60018', '116025', '249097', '-787', '57', '0', '0'),
  1545. +('Innadril Inside', '60019', '116026', '246975', '-967', '57', '0', '0'),
  1546. +('Innadril Artefacts Room', '60020', '116033', '250158', '-867', '57', '0', '0'),
  1547. +('Innadril Out of the Castle', '60021', '116265', '244631', '-1057', '57', '0', '0'),
  1548. +('Goddard Throne', '60022', '147460', '-48274', '-2276', '57', '0', '0'),
  1549. +('Goddard Inside', '60023', '145671', '-46510', '-1743', '57', '0', '0'),
  1550. +('Goddard Artefacts Room', '60024', '148899', '-50461', '-1603', '57', '0', '0'),
  1551. +('Goddard Out of the Castle', '60025', '147482', '-45026', '-2084', '57', '0', '0'),
  1552. +('Dion Throne', '60026', '22074', '160352', '-2690', '57', '0', '0'),
  1553. +('Dion Inside', '60027', '22150', '158042', '-2873', '57', '0', '0'),
  1554. +('Dion Artefacts Room', '60028', '22078', '161387', '-2771', '57', '0', '0'),
  1555. +('Dion Out of the Castle', '60029', '22306', '156027', '-2953', '57', '0', '0'),
  1556. +('Rune Throne', '60030', '11780', '-49153', '-530', '57', '0', '0'),
  1557. +('Rune Inside', '60031', '17252', '-49160', '-1125', '57', '0', '0'),
  1558. +('Rune Artefacts Room', '60032', '10133', '-49152', '997', '57', '0', '0'),
  1559. +('Rune Out of the Castle', '60033', '19118', '-49136', '-1266', '57', '0', '0');
  1561.  -- powerpack
  1563. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ForbiddenPath', '2022', '112893', '84529', '-6541', '0', '0');
  1564. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('DarkOmen', '2021', '-20706', '13484', '-4901', '0', '0');
  1565. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Witch', '2020', '139339', '79682', '-5429', '0', '0');
  1566. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Apostate', '2019', '76549', '78429', '-5124', '0', '0');
  1567. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Branded', '2018', '44953', '170285', '-4981', '0', '0');
  1568. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Heretics', '2017', '41763', '143930', '-5407', '0', '0');
  1569. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Dark Elven', '6012', '12090', '16698', '-4585', '0', '0');
  1570. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Dwarven', '2501', '115332', '-178232', '-929', '0', '0');
  1571. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Orc', '2503', '-44856', '-112381', '-240', '0', '0');
  1572. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Elven', '2502', '47012', '50700', '-2996', '0', '0');
  1573. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Talkong Island', '2504', '-83862', '243471', '-3730', '0', '0');
  1574. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Rune', '2521', '43833', '-48346', '-797', '0', '0');
  1575. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Oren', '2815', '82755', '53583', '-1522', '0', '0');
  1576. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Goddard', '2520', '147728', '-55395', '-2759', '0', '0');
  1577. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Aden', '2814', '147447', '25748', '-2013', '0', '0');
  1578. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Innadril', '2816', '111396', '218917', '-3569', '0', '0');
  1579. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Gludio', '7556', '-12683', '122716', '-3143', '0', '0');
  1580. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Giran', '2808', '83026', '148631', '-3469', '0', '0');
  1581. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Dion', '2505', '15641', '142961', '-2732', '0', '0');
  1582. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Pavel Ruins', '5002', '88275', '-125690', '-3815', '0', '0');
  1583. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Monastery of Silence', '5008', '106467', '-87805', '-2950', '0', '0');
  1584. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Ice Queens Castle', '5000', '102492', '-124255', '-2771', '0', '0');
  1585. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Town of Schuttgar', '5001', '87363', '-143348', '-1293', '0', '0');
  1586. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Carons Dungeon', '5003', '69762', '-111260', '-1807', '0', '0');
  1587. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Crypts of Disgrace', '5004', '56095', '-118952', '-3290', '0', '0');
  1588. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Ice Merchant Cabin', '5005', '113453', '-109965', '-866', '0', '0');
  1589. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Stakatonest', '5007', '89689', '-44691', '-2142', '0', '0');
  1590. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Core', '5015', '17622', '111042', '-6655', '0', '0');
  1591. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Quent Ant', '5017', '-21547', '180058', '-5834', '0', '0');
  1592. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Orfen', '5016', '55467', '17289', '-5541', '0', '0');
  1593. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Zaken', '1000006', '55553', '219381', '-3225', '0', '0');
  1594. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Baium', '5013', '114034', '15437', '10077', '0', '0');
  1595. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Antharas', '5012', '180981', '114858', '-7703', '0', '0');
  1596. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Valakas', '5011', '210476', '-113600', '-138', '0', '0');
  1597. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('swamp', '2933', '-30742', '49730', '-3568', '0', '0');
  1598. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Temple', '2934', '10845', '14502', '-4242', '0', '0');
  1599. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('school', '2931', '-49180', '49426', '-5916', '0', '0');
  1600. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('elvenFortess', '2946', '45873', '49288', '-3064', '0', '0');
  1601. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('irisLake', '2947', '48118', '72491', '-3481', '0', '0');
  1602. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('obtliVictory', '2877', '-99666', '237569', '-3562', '0', '0');
  1603. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('elvenruins', '2875', '-113342', '235325', '-3648', '0', '0');
  1604. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('talkinharbor', '2878', '-96804', '258705', '-3613', '0', '0');
  1605. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('savetrials', '2940', '9349', '-112499', '-2531', '0', '0');
  1606. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('frozen', '2941', '7615', '-138852', '-915', '0', '0');
  1607. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('mithril', '2942', '171963', '-173368', '3453', '0', '0');
  1608. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('abondoned', '2937', '139734', '-177458', '-1531', '0', '0');
  1609. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('floran', '2506', '16763', '170007', '-3493', '0', '0');
  1610. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('cruma', '2825', '17176', '114201', '-3440', '0', '0');
  1611. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('cruma1', '2826', '17737', '114119', '-11673', '0', '0');
  1612. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('cruma2', '2827', '17725', '108327', '-9058', '0', '0');
  1613. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('AtharasLair', '2822', '131426', '114452', '-3721', '0', '0');
  1614. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('DEvilIsle', '2954', '43403', '206864', '-3747', '0', '0');
  1615. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('giranharbor', '2953', '47921', '186665', '-3486', '0', '0');
  1616. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('hardins', '2952', '105891', '109761', '-3207', '0', '0');
  1617. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('breaka', '2949', '79794', '130617', '-3672', '0', '0');
  1618. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ruinsArgony', '2965', '-42485', '120050', '-3514', '0', '0');
  1619. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ruinsDespair', '2966', '-20047', '137622', '-33892', '0', '0');
  1620. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('AntNest', '2879', '-9983', '176472', '-4177', '0', '0');
  1621. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Aligators', '2993', '126460', '174784', '-3074', '0', '0');
  1622. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Filesolence', '2996', '82664', '183571', '-3592', '0', '0');
  1623. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('FileWhispers', '2997', '91203', '217092', '-3644', '0', '0');
  1624. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('GardenEva', '2817', '86008', '231050', '-3595', '0', '0');
  1625. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Blazing', '2983', '159458', '-12933', '-2867', '0', '0');
  1626. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Hunters', '2982', '116451', '76069', '-2730', '0', '0');
  1627. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Coliseum', '2991', '146499', '46735', '-3435', '0', '0');
  1628. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('TOI', '2819', '120189', '16114', '-5135', '0', '0');
  1629. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('wallAgros', '2524', '165056', '-47846', '-3555', '0', '0');
  1630. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('varka', '2522', '125517', '-41246', '-3688', '0', '0');
  1631. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('HotSpring', '2532', '149063', '-112408', '-2076', '0', '0');
  1632. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ketra', '2528', '147005', '-67119', '-3650', '0', '0');
  1633. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('forgenGods', '2530', '168995', '-116279', '-2449', '0', '0');
  1634. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ivory', '2867', '85332', '16153', '-3694', '0', '0');
  1635. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('seaSpores', '2870', '64320', '26795', '-3763', '0', '0');
  1636. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('ValeySaints', '2527', '67985', '-72039', '-3748', '0', '0');
  1637. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('Forest', '2000', '52107', '-53940', '-3154', '0', '0');
  1638. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('SwampScreams', '2525', '69988', '-49910', '-3246', '0', '0');
  1639. -INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES ('RuneHarbor', '2001', '38014', '-38309', '-3609', '0', '0');
  1640. \ No newline at end of file
  1641. +INSERT INTO `teleport` VALUES
  1642. +('ForbiddenPath', '2022', '112893', '84529', '-6541', '57', '0', '0'),
  1643. +('DarkOmen', '2021', '-20706', '13484', '-4901', '57', '0', '0'),
  1644. +('Witch', '2020', '139339', '79682', '-5429', '57', '0', '0'),
  1645. +('Apostate', '2019', '76549', '78429', '-5124', '57', '0', '0'),
  1646. +('Branded', '2018', '44953', '170285', '-4981', '57', '0', '0'),
  1647. +('Heretics', '2017', '41763', '143930', '-5407', '57', '0', '0'),
  1648. +('Dark Elven', '6012', '12090', '16698', '-4585', '57', '0', '0'),
  1649. +('Dwarven', '2501', '115332', '-178232', '-929', '57', '0', '0'),
  1650. +('Orc', '2503', '-44856', '-112381', '-240', '57', '0', '0'),
  1651. +('Elven', '2502', '47012', '50700', '-2996', '57', '0', '0'),
  1652. +('Talkong Island', '2504', '-83862', '243471', '-3730', '57', '0', '0'),
  1653. +('Rune', '2521', '43833', '-48346', '-797', '57', '0', '0'),
  1654. +('Oren', '2815', '82755', '53583', '-1522', '57', '0', '0'),
  1655. +('Goddard', '2520', '147728', '-55395', '-2759', '57', '0', '0'),
  1656. +('Aden', '2814', '147447', '25748', '-2013', '57', '0', '0'),
  1657. +('Innadril', '2816', '111396', '218917', '-3569', '57', '0', '0'),
  1658. +('Gludio', '7556', '-12683', '122716', '-3143', '57', '0', '0'),
  1659. +('Giran', '2808', '83026', '148631', '-3469', '57', '0', '0'),
  1660. +('Dion', '2505', '15641', '142961', '-2732', '57', '0', '0'),
  1661. +('Pavel Ruins', '5002', '88275', '-125690', '-3815', '57', '0', '0'),
  1662. +('Monastery of Silence', '5008', '106467', '-87805', '-2950', '57', '0', '0'),
  1663. +('Ice Queens Castle', '5000', '102492', '-124255', '-2771', '57', '0', '0'),
  1664. +('Town of Schuttgar', '5001', '87363', '-143348', '-1293', '57', '0', '0'),
  1665. +('Carons Dungeon', '5003', '69762', '-111260', '-1807', '57', '0', '0'),
  1666. +('Crypts of Disgrace', '5004', '56095', '-118952', '-3290', '57', '0', '0'),
  1667. +('Ice Merchant Cabin', '5005', '113453', '-109965', '-866', '57', '0', '0'),
  1668. +('Stakatonest', '5007', '89689', '-44691', '-2142', '57', '0', '0'),
  1669. +('Core', '5015', '17622', '111042', '-6655', '57', '0', '0'),
  1670. +('Quent Ant', '5017', '-21547', '180058', '-5834', '57', '0', '0'),
  1671. +('Orfen', '5016', '55467', '17289', '-5541', '57', '0', '0'),
  1672. +('Zaken', '1000006', '55553', '219381', '-3225', '57', '0', '0'),
  1673. +('Baium', '5013', '114034', '15437', '10077', '57', '0', '0'),
  1674. +('Antharas', '5012', '180981', '114858', '-7703', '57', '0', '0'),
  1675. +('Valakas', '5011', '210476', '-113600', '-138', '57', '0', '0'),
  1676. +('swamp', '2933', '-30742', '49730', '-3568', '57', '0', '0'),
  1677. +('Temple', '2934', '10845', '14502', '-4242', '57', '0', '0'),
  1678. +('school', '2931', '-49180', '49426', '-5916', '57', '0', '0'),
  1679. +('elvenFortess', '2946', '45873', '49288', '-3064', '57', '0', '0'),
  1680. +('irisLake', '2947', '48118', '72491', '-3481', '57', '0', '0'),
  1681. +('obtliVictory', '2877', '-99666', '237569', '-3562', '57', '0', '0'),
  1682. +('elvenruins', '2875', '-113342', '235325', '-3648', '57', '0', '0'),
  1683. +('talkinharbor', '2878', '-96804', '258705', '-3613', '57', '0', '0'),
  1684. +('savetrials', '2940', '9349', '-112499', '-2531', '57', '0', '0'),
  1685. +('frozen', '2941', '7615', '-138852', '-915', '57', '0', '0'),
  1686. +('mithril', '2942', '171963', '-173368', '3453', '57', '0', '0'),
  1687. +('abondoned', '2937', '139734', '-177458', '-1531', '57', '0', '0'),
  1688. +('floran', '2506', '16763', '170007', '-3493', '57', '0', '0'),
  1689. +('cruma', '2825', '17176', '114201', '-3440', '57', '0', '0'),
  1690. +('cruma1', '2826', '17737', '114119', '-11673', '57', '0', '0'),
  1691. +('cruma2', '2827', '17725', '108327', '-9058', '57', '0', '0'),
  1692. +('AtharasLair', '2822', '131426', '114452', '-3721', '57', '0', '0'),
  1693. +('DEvilIsle', '2954', '43403', '206864', '-3747', '57', '0', '0'),
  1694. +('giranharbor', '2953', '47921', '186665', '-3486', '57', '0', '0'),
  1695. +('hardins', '2952', '105891', '109761', '-3207', '57', '0', '0'),
  1696. +('breaka', '2949', '79794', '130617', '-3672', '57', '0', '0'),
  1697. +('ruinsArgony', '2965', '-42485', '120050', '-3514', '57', '0', '0'),
  1698. +('ruinsDespair', '2966', '-20047', '137622', '-33892', '57', '0', '0'),
  1699. +('AntNest', '2879', '-9983', '176472', '-4177', '57', '0', '0'),
  1700. +('Aligators', '2993', '126460', '174784', '-3074', '57', '0', '0'),
  1701. +('Filesolence', '2996', '82664', '183571', '-3592', '57', '0', '0'),
  1702. +('FileWhispers', '2997', '91203', '217092', '-3644', '57', '0', '0'),
  1703. +('GardenEva', '2817', '86008', '231050', '-3595', '57', '0', '0'),
  1704. +('Blazing', '2983', '159458', '-12933', '-2867', '57', '0', '0'),
  1705. +('Hunters', '2982', '116451', '76069', '-2730', '57', '0', '0'),
  1706. +('Coliseum', '2991', '146499', '46735', '-3435', '57', '0', '0'),
  1707. +('TOI', '2819', '120189', '16114', '-5135', '57', '0', '0'),
  1708. +('wallAgros', '2524', '165056', '-47846', '-3555', '57', '0', '0'),
  1709. +('varka', '2522', '125517', '-41246', '-3688', '57', '0', '0'),
  1710. +('HotSpring', '2532', '149063', '-112408', '-2076', '57', '0', '0'),
  1711. +('ketra', '2528', '147005', '-67119', '-3650', '57', '0', '0'),
  1712. +('forgenGods', '2530', '168995', '-116279', '-2449', '57', '0', '0'),
  1713. +('ivory', '2867', '85332', '16153', '-3694', '57', '0', '0'),
  1714. +('seaSpores', '2870', '64320', '26795', '-3763', '57', '0', '0'),
  1715. +('ValeySaints', '2527', '67985', '-72039', '-3748', '57', '0', '0'),
  1716. +('Forest', '2000', '52107', '-53940', '-3154', '57', '0', '0'),
  1717. +('SwampScreams', '2525', '69988', '-49910', '-3246', '57', '0', '0'),
  1718. +('RuneHarbor', '2001', '38014', '-38309', '-3609', '57', '0', '0');
  1719. Index: sql/customs/added_custom_teleport.sql
  1720. ===================================================================
  1721. --- sql/customs/added_custom_teleport.sql   (revision 986)
  1722. +++ sql/customs/added_custom_teleport.sql   (working copy)
  1723. @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
  1725.  INSERT ignore INTO `custom_teleport` VALUES
  1726. -('Dark Elven Village', 50001, 9745, 15606, -4574, 15000, 0),
  1727. -('Dwarven Village', 50002, 115113, -178212, -901, 15000, 0),
  1728. -('Elven Village', 50003, 46934, 51467, -2977, 15000, 0),
  1729. -('Orc Village', 50004, -44836, -112352, -239, 15000, 0),
  1730. -('Talking Island', 50005, -84318, 244579, -3730, 15000, 0),
  1731. -('Town Of Dion', 50006, 15670, 142983, -2705, 15000, 0),
  1732. -('Floran Village', 50007, 17838, 170274, -3508, 15000, 0),
  1733. -('Town Of Giran', 50008, 83400, 147943, -3404, 15000, 0),
  1734. -('Gludin Village', 50009, -80826, 149775, -3043, 15000, 0),
  1735. -('Town Of Gludio', 50010, -12672, 122776, -3116, 15000, 0),
  1736. -('Hunters Village', 50011, 117110, 76883, -2695, 15000, 0),
  1737. -('Town Of Aden [NE]', 50012, 159439, 21104, -3684, 15000, 0),
  1738. -('Town Of Aden [SW]', 50013, 140434, 26222, -2530, 15000, 0),
  1739. -('Town Of Aden', 50014, 147450, 26741, -2204, 15000, 0),
  1740. -('Town Of Oren', 50015, 82956, 53162, -1495, 15000, 0),
  1741. -('Town Of Heine', 50016, 107092, 219693, -3446, 15000, 0),
  1742. -('The Garden Of Eva', 50017, 84543, 235022, -3756, 15000, 0),
  1743. -('Cemetery', 50018, 172136, 20325, -3326, 15000, 0),
  1744. -('The Giants Cave', 50019, 174528, 52683, -4369, 15000, 0),
  1745. -('The Forest Of Mirrors', 50020, 150477, 85907, -2753, 15000, 0),
  1746. -('Anghel Waterfall', 50021, 169026, 85272, -2092, 15000, 0),
  1747. -('Dragon Valley Cave', 50022, 131355, 114451, -3718, 15000, 0),
  1748. -('Lair End', 50023, 154623, 121134, -3809, 15000, 0),
  1749. -('Lair Of Antharas', 50024, 173826, 115333, -7708, 15000, 0),
  1750. -('Cruma Tower Entrance', 50025, 17192, 114178, -3439, 15000, 0),
  1751. -('Cruma Tower 1nd Floor', 50026, 17724, 114004, -11672, 15000, 0),
  1752. -('Cruma Tower 2nd floor', 50027, 17730, 108301, -9057, 15000, 0),
  1753. -('Cruma Tower 3nd floor', 50028, 17719, 115430, -6582, 15000, 0),
  1754. -('Cruma Tower Core Room', 50029, 17692, 112284, -6250, 15000, 0),
  1755. -('Altar Of Rites', 50030, -45563, 73216, -3575, 15000, 0),
  1756. -('School Of Dark Arts', 50031, -47129, 59678, -3336, 15000, 0),
  1757. -('South Border', 50032, -61146, 99591, -3744, 15000, 0),
  1758. -('Swamp', 50033, -14162, 44879, -3592, 15000, 0),
  1759. -('Temple Of Shillen', 50034, 23965, 10989, -3723, 15000, 0),
  1760. -('Undine Waterfall', 50035, -10972, 57808, -3717, 15000, 0),
  1761. -('Waterfall (in)', 50036, -5162, 55702, -3483, 15000, 0),
  1762. -('Abandoned Coal Mines [East]', 50037, 155535, -173560, 2495, 15000, 0),
  1763. -('Abandoned Coal Mines [North]', 50038, 152375, -179887, 2495, 15000, 0),
  1764. -('Abandoned Coal Mines [West]', 50039, 139783, -177260, -1539, 15000, 0),
  1765. -('Cave Of Trials', 50040, 9954, -112487, -2470, 15000, 0),
  1766. -('Frozen waterfall', 50041, 9621, -139945, -1353, 15000, 0),
  1767. -('Mithril Mines', 50042, 179039, -184080, -319, 15000, 0),
  1768. -('South Coast', 50043, -37955, -100767, -3774, 15000, 0),
  1769. -('The Northeast Coast', 50044, 169008, -208272, -3504, 15000, 0),
  1770. -('Antaras Circle', 50045, 40246, 58785, -3634, 15000, 0),
  1771. -('Elven Fortress', 50046, 29205, 74948, -3775, 15000, 0),
  1772. -('Iris Lake', 50047, 51746, 71559, -3427, 15000, 0),
  1773. -('Shadow Of the Mother tree', 50048, 47932, 39729, -3466, 15000, 0),
  1774. -('Death Path', 50049, 70000, 126636, -3804, 15000, 0),
  1775. -('Dragon Valley [Entrance]', 50050, 72317, 117736, -3672, 15000, 0),
  1776. -('Dragon Valley [Inside]', 50051, 84959, 110701, -3209, 15000, 0),
  1777. -('Execution Grounds', 50052, 51055, 141959, -2869, 15000, 0),
  1778. -('Giran Harbor', 50053, 47114, 187152, -3485, 15000, 0),
  1779. -('The Partisan Hideway', 50054, 46897, 111567, -2069, 15000, 0),
  1780. -('Abandoned Camp', 50055, -56742, 140569, -2625, 15000, 0),
  1781. -('Gludin Arena', 50056, -88839, 142382, -3646, 15000, 0),
  1782. -('Cliffside Estate', 50057, -94841, 147430, -2675, 15000, 0),
  1783. -('Fellmere Lake', 50058, -66931, 120296, -3651, 15000, 0),
  1784. -('Forgotten Temple', 50059, -53838, 179285, -4640, 15000, 0),
  1785. -('Gludin Harbor', 50060, -89199, 149962, -3586, 15000, 0),
  1786. -('Maphri\'s Thumb', 50061, -37689, 193124, -2208, 15000, 0),
  1787. -('Orc Barracks', 50062, -90562, 108182, -3546, 15000, 0),
  1788. -('Windy Hill', 50063, -84313, 87057, -3457, 15000, 0),
  1789. -('Northern Neutral Zone', 50064, -10853, 75689, -3596, 15000, 0),
  1790. -('Ruins Of Agony', 50065, -56235, 106668, -3773, 15000, 0),
  1791. -('Ruins Of Despair', 50066, -20043, 137688, -3896, 15000, 0),
  1792. -('Ivory Tower', 50067, 85332, 16186, -3673, 15000, 0),
  1793. -('Northern Waterfall', 50068, 70833, 6426, -3639, 15000, 0),
  1794. -('Enchanted Valley', 50069, 124113, 59232, -4587, 15000, 0),
  1795. -('Sea Of Spores', 50070, 62425, 30856, -3779, 15000, 0),
  1796. -('Sea Of Spores [Centre]', 50071, 54216, 23826, -5380, 15000, 0),
  1797. -('Tower Of Insolence', 50072, 121685, 15749, -3852, 15000, 0),
  1798. -('Cedric\'s Training Hall', 50073, -73145, 256520, -3126, 15000, 0),
  1799. -('Einhovant\'s School Of Magic', 50074, -88406, 249168, -3576, 15000, 0),
  1800. -('Elven Ruins', 50075, 48736, 248463, -6162, 15000, 0),
  1801. -('Northern Coast', 50076, -101294, 212553, -3093, 15000, 0),
  1802. -('Obelisk Of Victory', 50077, -99746, 237538, -3572, 15000, 0),
  1803. -('Talking Island Harbor', 50078, -96041, 261133, -3483, 15000, 0),
  1804. -('Ant\'s Nest', 50079, -26111, 173692, -4152, 15000, 0),
  1805. -('South Entrance Of Wastlands', 50080, -17949, 205272, -3670, 15000, 0),
  1806. -('Wastelands', 50081, -20893, 186060, -4108, 15000, 0),
  1807. -('Border Outpost', 50082, 109699, -7908, -2902, 15000, 0),
  1808. -('Blazing Swamp', 50083, 145835, -10995, -4424, 15000, 0),
  1809. -('The End Thus For', 50084, 125439, -31083, -3862, 15000, 0),
  1810. -('Aden Castle Cross', 50085, 147967, 4005, 4599, 15000, 0),
  1811. -('Anghel Waterfall (Top Perch)', 50086, 174354, 90771, 1838, 15000, 0),
  1812. -('Dwarven Tower', 50087, 106545, -175091, 1300, 15000, 0),
  1813. -('Partisan Fall', 50088, 49552, 116839, -2131, 15000, 0),
  1814. -('Devastated Castle', 50089, 178283, -15739, -2262, 15000, 0),
  1815. -('Bandits Stronghold', 50090, 82662, -15977, -1893, 15000, 0),
  1816. -('Coliseum', 50091, 150086, 46733, -3412, 15000, 0),
  1817. -('Innadril Castle', 50092, 116207, 244184, -1084, 15000, 0),
  1818. -('Alligator Island', 50093, 100887, 172943, -3724, 15000, 0),
  1819. -('Pirate\'s Tunnel', 50094, 41602, 199340, -4636, 15000, 0),
  1820. -('Devil\'s Isle', 50095, 42006, 208234, -3756, 15000, 0),
  1821. -('Field Of Silence', 50096, 84904, 182410, -3670, 15000, 0),
  1822. -('Field Of Whispers', 50097, 86519, 211911, -3764, 15000, 0),
  1823. -('Town Of Goddard', 50098, 147591, -56359, -2807, 15000, 0),
  1824. -('Town Of Rune', 50099, 45843, -47929, -823, 15000, 0),
  1825. -('Varka Silenos Outpost', 50100, 125893, -40901, -3776, 15000, 0),
  1826. -('Canyon 2', 50101, 193752, -46075, -2954, 15000, 0),
  1827. -('Walls Of Argos', 50102, 184380, -62690, -3000, 15000, 0),
  1828. -('Swamp Of Screams', 50103, 91317, -57174, -2991, 15000, 0),
  1829. -('Beast Farm', 50104, 52816, -81617, -2751, 15000, 0),
  1830. -('Valley Of Saints', 50105, 64352, -71206, -3714, 15000, 0),
  1831. -('Ketra Orc Outpost', 50106, 130512, -72326, -3538, 15000, 0),
  1832. -('Lakes', 50107, 144621, -105540, -3682, 15000, 0),
  1833. -('Forge Of The Gods', 50108, 170193, -116256, -2084, 15000, 0),
  1834. -('Cave 2', 50109, 190403, -108821, -3314, 15000, 0),
  1835. -('Hot Springs Guild House', 50110, 141213, -122118, -1961, 15000, 0),
  1836. -('Temple Of Pilgrims', 50111, 168618, -86602, -3021, 15000, 0),
  1837. -('Imperial Graveyard', 50112, 187120, -75490, -2848, 15000, 0),
  1838. -('Coliseum Ruins', 50113, -20800, 20906, -3051, 15000, 0),
  1839. -('Hot Springs Region', 50114, 154482, -126560, -2311, 15000, 0),
  1840. -('Lair Of Valakas Crystal', 50115, 190188, -106425, -810, 15000, 0),
  1841. -('Forest Of The Dead', 50116, 63379, -48912, -3164, 15000, 0),
  1842. -('Rune Harbor', 50117, 38030, -38074, -3668, 15000, 0),
  1843. -('TOI - 1st Floor', 50118, 115168, 16022, -5100, 15000, 0),
  1844. -('TOI - 2nd Floor', 50119, 114649, 18587, -3609, 15000, 0),
  1845. -('TOI - 3rd Floor', 50120, 117918, 16039, -2127, 15000, 0),
  1846. -('TOI - 4th Floor', 50121, 114622, 12946, -645, 15000, 0),
  1847. -('TOI - 5th Floor', 50122, 112209, 16078, 928, 15000, 0),
  1848. -('TOI - 6th Floor', 50123, 112376, 16099, 1947, 15000, 0),
  1849. -('TOI - 7th Floor', 50124, 115091, 12165, 2957, 15000, 0),
  1850. -('TOI - 8th Floor', 50125, 111063, 16118, 3967, 15000, 0),
  1851. -('TOI - 9th Floor', 50126, 117147, 18415, 4977, 15000, 0),
  1852. -('TOI - 10th Floor', 50127, 118374, 15973, 5987, 15000, 0),
  1853. -('TOI - 11th Floor', 50128, 112209, 16078, 7028, 15000, 0),
  1854. -('TOI - 12th Floor', 50129, 114809, 18711, 7996, 15000, 0),
  1855. -('TOI - 13th Floor', 50130, 115178, 16989, 9007, 15000, 0),
  1856. -('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door', 50131, 112714, 14111, 10077, 15000, 0),
  1857. -('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On RoOf', 50132, 113098, 14532, 10077, 15000, 0),
  1858. -('The Forbidden Gateway', 50133, 185395, 20359, -3270, 15000, 0),
  1859. -('Cat Heretics Entrance', 50134, -53187, -250271, -7906, 15000, 0),
  1860. -('Cat Branded Entrance', 50135, 46529, 170248, -4979, 15000, 0),
  1861. -('Cat Apostate Entrance', 50136, -20248, -250791, -8163, 15000, 0),
  1862. -('Cat Witch Entrance', 50137, 140404, 79678, -5431, 15000, 0),
  1863. -('Cat DarkOmen Entrance', 50138, -19500, 13508, -4905, 15000, 0),
  1864. -('Cat Forbidden Path Entrance', 50139, 12519, -248498, -9580, 15000, 0),
  1865. -('Necro Saints Entrance', 50146, 83000, 209213, -5443, 15000, 0),
  1866. -('Necro Pilgrims Entrance', 50141, 45251, 123890, -5415, 15000, 0),
  1867. -('Necro Worshippers Entrance', 50142, 111273, 174015, -5417, 15000, 0),
  1868. -('Necro Patriots Entrance', 50143, -21726, 77385, -5177, 15000, 0),
  1869. -('Necro Ascetics Entrance', 50144, -52254, 79103, -4743, 15000, 0),
  1870. -('Necro Martyrs Entrance', 50145, 118308, 132800, -4833, 15000, 0),
  1871. -('Necro Sacrifice Entrance', 50140, -41570, 209785, -5089, 15000, 0),
  1872. -('Necro Disciples Entrance', 50147, 172251, -17605, -4903, 15000, 0),
  1873. -('Town Of Schuttgart', 50148, 87386, -143246, -1293, 15000, 0),
  1874. -('Schuttgart Castle', 50149, 77394, -147197, -476, 15000, 0),
  1875. -('Rune Castle', 50150, 21216, -49081, -1301, 15000, 0),
  1876. -('Monastery Of Silence', 50151, 123743, -75032, -2902, 15000, 0),
  1877. -('Crypts Of Disgrace', 50152, 56095, -118952, -3290, 15000, 0),
  1878. -('Den Of Evil', 50153, 76860, -125169, -3414, 15000, 0),
  1879. -('Frost Lake', 50154, 108090, -120925, -3628, 15000, 0),
  1880. -('The Ice Queens Castle', 50155, 109060, -128655, -3084, 15000, 0),
  1881. -('Ice Merchant Cabin', 50156, 113487, -109888, -865, 15000, 0),
  1882. -('Valley Of The Lords', 50157, 23006, -126115, -870, 15000, 0),
  1883. -('Pavel Ruins', 50158, 88275, -125690, -3815, 15000, 0),
  1884. -('Plunderous Plains', 50159, 113900, -154175, -1488, 15000, 0),
  1885. -('Stakato Nest', 50160, 89880, -44515, -2135, 15000, 0),
  1886. -('Wild Beast Reserve', 50161, 57849, -93182, -1360, 15000, 0),
  1887. -('Graverobber Hideout', 50162, 48336, -107734, -1577, 15000, 0),
  1888. -('Carons Dungeon', 50163, 69762, -111260, -1807, 15000, 0),
  1889. -('Race Track', 50164, 152610, -126325, -2230, 15000, 0),
  1890. -('Windtail Waterfall', 50165, 40825, -90317, -3095, 15000, 0),
  1891. -('Archaic Laboratory', 50166, 87475, -109835, -3330, 15000, 0),
  1892. -('Fortress Of The Dead', 50167, 58000, -30767, 380, 15000, 0),
  1893. -('Rainbow Springs Chateau', 50168, 141377, -123793, -1906, 15000, 0),
  1894. -('Sky Wagon Relic', 50169, 117715, -141750, -2700, 15000, 0),
  1895. -('Brigand Stronghold', 50170, 124585, -16024, -1180, 15000, 0),
  1896. -('Lost Nest', 50171, 26174, -17134, -2747, 15000, 0),
  1897. -('Primeval Plains', 50172, 8264, -14431, -3696, 15000, 0),
  1898. -('Primeval Isle Wharf', 50173, 10468, -24569, -3650, 15000, 0),
  1899. -('Research Facility', 50174, 6229, -2924, -2965, 15000, 0),
  1900. -('Antharas Portal', 75100, 154479, 121154, -3835, 0, 0),
  1901. -('Zaken Door', 75101, 52240, 219078, -3252, 0, 0),
  1902. -('Baium Door', 75102, 112703, 14114, 10056, 0, 0),
  1903. -('Valakas Portal', 75103, 183622, -114851, -3337, 0, 0);
  1904. +('Dark Elven Village', '50001', '9745', '15606', '-4574', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1905. +('Dwarven Village', '50002', '115113', '-178212', '-901', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1906. +('Elven Village', '50003', '46934', '51467', '-2977', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1907. +('Orc Village', '50004', '-44836', '-112352', '-239', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1908. +('Talking Island', '50005', '-84318', '244579', '-3730', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1909. +('Town Of Dion', '50006', '15670', '142983', '-2705', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1910. +('Floran Village', '50007', '17838', '170274', '-3508', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1911. +('Town Of Giran', '50008', '83400', '147943', '-3404', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1912. +('Gludin Village', '50009', '-80826', '149775', '-3043', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1913. +('Town Of Gludio', '50010', '-12672', '122776', '-3116', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1914. +('Hunters Village', '50011', '117110', '76883', '-2695', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1915. +('Town Of Aden [NE]', '50012', '159439', '21104', '-3684', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1916. +('Town Of Aden [SW]', '50013', '140434', '26222', '-2530', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1917. +('Town Of Aden', '50014', '147450', '26741', '-2204', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1918. +('Town Of Oren', '50015', '82956', '53162', '-1495', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1919. +('Town Of Heine', '50016', '107092', '219693', '-3446', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1920. +('The Garden Of Eva', '50017', '84543', '235022', '-3756', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1921. +('Cemetery', '50018', '172136', '20325', '-3326', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1922. +('The Giants Cave', '50019', '174528', '52683', '-4369', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1923. +('The Forest Of Mirrors', '50020', '150477', '85907', '-2753', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1924. +('Anghel Waterfall', '50021', '169026', '85272', '-2092', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1925. +('Dragon Valley Cave', '50022', '131355', '114451', '-3718', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1926. +('Lair End', '50023', '154623', '121134', '-3809', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1927. +('Lair Of Antharas', '50024', '173826', '115333', '-7708', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1928. +('Cruma Tower Entrance', '50025', '17192', '114178', '-3439', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1929. +('Cruma Tower 1nd Floor', '50026', '17724', '114004', '-11672', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1930. +('Cruma Tower 2nd floor', '50027', '17730', '108301', '-9057', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1931. +('Cruma Tower 3nd floor', '50028', '17719', '115430', '-6582', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1932. +('Cruma Tower Core Room', '50029', '17692', '112284', '-6250', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1933. +('Altar Of Rites', '50030', '-45563', '73216', '-3575', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1934. +('School Of Dark Arts', '50031', '-47129', '59678', '-3336', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1935. +('South Border', '50032', '-61146', '99591', '-3744', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1936. +('Swamp', '50033', '-14162', '44879', '-3592', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1937. +('Temple Of Shillen', '50034', '23965', '10989', '-3723', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1938. +('Undine Waterfall', '50035', '-10972', '57808', '-3717', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1939. +('Waterfall (in)', '50036', '-5162', '55702', '-3483', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1940. +('Abandoned Coal Mines [East]', '50037', '155535', '-173560', '2495', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1941. +('Abandoned Coal Mines [North]', '50038', '152375', '-179887', '2495', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1942. +('Abandoned Coal Mines [West]', '50039', '139783', '-177260', '-1539', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1943. +('Cave Of Trials', '50040', '9954', '-112487', '-2470', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1944. +('Frozen waterfall', '50041', '9621', '-139945', '-1353', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1945. +('Mithril Mines', '50042', '179039', '-184080', '-319', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1946. +('South Coast', '50043', '-37955', '-100767', '-3774', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1947. +('The Northeast Coast', '50044', '169008', '-208272', '-3504', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1948. +('Antaras Circle', '50045', '40246', '58785', '-3634', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1949. +('Elven Fortress', '50046', '29205', '74948', '-3775', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1950. +('Iris Lake', '50047', '51746', '71559', '-3427', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1951. +('Shadow Of the Mother tree', '50048', '47932', '39729', '-3466', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1952. +('Death Path', '50049', '70000', '126636', '-3804', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1953. +('Dragon Valley [Entrance]', '50050', '72317', '117736', '-3672', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1954. +('Dragon Valley [Inside]', '50051', '84959', '110701', '-3209', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1955. +('Execution Grounds', '50052', '51055', '141959', '-2869', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1956. +('Giran Harbor', '50053', '47114', '187152', '-3485', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1957. +('The Partisan Hideway', '50054', '46897', '111567', '-2069', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1958. +('Abandoned Camp', '50055', '-56742', '140569', '-2625', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1959. +('Gludin Arena', '50056', '-88839', '142382', '-3646', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1960. +('Cliffside Estate', '50057', '-94841', '147430', '-2675', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1961. +('Fellmere Lake', '50058', '-66931', '120296', '-3651', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1962. +('Forgotten Temple', '50059', '-53838', '179285', '-4640', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1963. +('Gludin Harbor', '50060', '-89199', '149962', '-3586', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1964. +('Maphri\'s Thumb', '50061', '-37689', '193124', '-2208', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1965. +('Orc Barracks', '50062', '-90562', '108182', '-3546', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1966. +('Windy Hill', '50063', '-84313', '87057', '-3457', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1967. +('Northern Neutral Zone', '50064', '-10853', '75689', '-3596', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1968. +('Ruins Of Agony', '50065', '-56235', '106668', '-3773', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1969. +('Ruins Of Despair', '50066', '-20043', '137688', '-3896', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1970. +('Ivory Tower', '50067', '85332', '16186', '-3673', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1971. +('Northern Waterfall', '50068', '70833', '6426', '-3639', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1972. +('Enchanted Valley', '50069', '124113', '59232', '-4587', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1973. +('Sea Of Spores', '50070', '62425', '30856', '-3779', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1974. +('Sea Of Spores [Centre]', '50071', '54216', '23826', '-5380', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1975. +('Tower Of Insolence', '50072', '121685', '15749', '-3852', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1976. +('Cedric\'s Training Hall', '50073', '-73145', '256520', '-3126', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1977. +('Einhovant\'s School Of Magic', '50074', '-88406', '249168', '-3576', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1978. +('Elven Ruins', '50075', '48736', '248463', '-6162', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1979. +('Northern Coast', '50076', '-101294', '212553', '-3093', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1980. +('Obelisk Of Victory', '50077', '-99746', '237538', '-3572', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1981. +('Talking Island Harbor', '50078', '-96041', '261133', '-3483', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1982. +('Ant\'s Nest', '50079', '-26111', '173692', '-4152', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1983. +('South Entrance Of Wastlands', '50080', '-17949', '205272', '-3670', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1984. +('Wastelands', '50081', '-20893', '186060', '-4108', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1985. +('Border Outpost', '50082', '109699', '-7908', '-2902', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1986. +('Blazing Swamp', '50083', '145835', '-10995', '-4424', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1987. +('The End Thus For', '50084', '125439', '-31083', '-3862', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1988. +('Aden Castle Cross', '50085', '147967', '4005', '4599', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1989. +('Anghel Waterfall (Top Perch)', '50086', '174354', '90771', '1838', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1990. +('Dwarven Tower', '50087', '106545', '-175091', '1300', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1991. +('Partisan Fall', '50088', '49552', '116839', '-2131', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1992. +('Devastated Castle', '50089', '178283', '-15739', '-2262', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1993. +('Bandits Stronghold', '50090', '82662', '-15977', '-1893', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1994. +('Coliseum', '50091', '150086', '46733', '-3412', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1995. +('Innadril Castle', '50092', '116207', '244184', '-1084', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1996. +('Alligator Island', '50093', '100887', '172943', '-3724', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1997. +('Pirate\'s Tunnel', '50094', '41602', '199340', '-4636', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1998. +('Devil\'s Isle', '50095', '42006', '208234', '-3756', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  1999. +('Field Of Silence', '50096', '84904', '182410', '-3670', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2000. +('Field Of Whispers', '50097', '86519', '211911', '-3764', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2001. +('Town Of Goddard', '50098', '147591', '-56359', '-2807', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2002. +('Town Of Rune', '50099', '45843', '-47929', '-823', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2003. +('Varka Silenos Outpost', '50100', '125893', '-40901', '-3776', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2004. +('Canyon 2', '50101', '193752', '-46075', '-2954', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2005. +('Walls Of Argos', '50102', '184380', '-62690', '-3000', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2006. +('Swamp Of Screams', '50103', '91317', '-57174', '-2991', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2007. +('Beast Farm', '50104', '52816', '-81617', '-2751', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2008. +('Valley Of Saints', '50105', '64352', '-71206', '-3714', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2009. +('Ketra Orc Outpost', '50106', '130512', '-72326', '-3538', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2010. +('Lakes', '50107', '144621', '-105540', '-3682', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2011. +('Forge Of The Gods', '50108', '170193', '-116256', '-2084', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2012. +('Cave 2', '50109', '190403', '-108821', '-3314', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2013. +('Hot Springs Guild House', '50110', '141213', '-122118', '-1961', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2014. +('Temple Of Pilgrims', '50111', '168618', '-86602', '-3021', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2015. +('Imperial Graveyard', '50112', '187120', '-75490', '-2848', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2016. +('Coliseum Ruins', '50113', '-20800', '20906', '-3051', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2017. +('Hot Springs Region', '50114', '154482', '-126560', '-2311', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2018. +('Lair Of Valakas Crystal', '50115', '190188', '-106425', '-810', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2019. +('Forest Of The Dead', '50116', '63379', '-48912', '-3164', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2020. +('Rune Harbor', '50117', '38030', '-38074', '-3668', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2021. +('TOI - 1st Floor', '50118', '115168', '16022', '-5100', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2022. +('TOI - 2nd Floor', '50119', '114649', '18587', '-3609', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2023. +('TOI - 3rd Floor', '50120', '117918', '16039', '-2127', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2024. +('TOI - 4th Floor', '50121', '114622', '12946', '-645', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2025. +('TOI - 5th Floor', '50122', '112209', '16078', '928', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2026. +('TOI - 6th Floor', '50123', '112376', '16099', '1947', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2027. +('TOI - 7th Floor', '50124', '115091', '12165', '2957', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2028. +('TOI - 8th Floor', '50125', '111063', '16118', '3967', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2029. +('TOI - 9th Floor', '50126', '117147', '18415', '4977', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2030. +('TOI - 10th Floor', '50127', '118374', '15973', '5987', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2031. +('TOI - 11th Floor', '50128', '112209', '16078', '7028', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2032. +('TOI - 12th Floor', '50129', '114809', '18711', '7996', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2033. +('TOI - 13th Floor', '50130', '115178', '16989', '9007', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2034. +('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door', '50131', '112714', '14111', '10077', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2035. +('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On RoOf', '50132', '113098', '14532', '10077', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2036. +('The Forbidden Gateway', '50133', '185395', '20359', '-3270', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2037. +('Cat Heretics Entrance', '50134', '-53187', '-250271', '-7906', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2038. +('Cat Branded Entrance', '50135', '46529', '170248', '-4979', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2039. +('Cat Apostate Entrance', '50136', '-20248', '-250791', '-8163', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2040. +('Cat Witch Entrance', '50137', '140404', '79678', '-5431', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2041. +('Cat DarkOmen Entrance', '50138', '-19500', '13508', '-4905', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2042. +('Cat Forbidden Path Entrance', '50139', '12519', '-248498', '-9580', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2043. +('Necro Saints Entrance', '50146', '83000', '209213', '-5443', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2044. +('Necro Pilgrims Entrance', '50141', '45251', '123890', '-5415', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2045. +('Necro Worshippers Entrance', '50142', '111273', '174015', '-5417', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2046. +('Necro Patriots Entrance', '50143', '-21726', '77385', '-5177', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2047. +('Necro Ascetics Entrance', '50144', '-52254', '79103', '-4743', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2048. +('Necro Martyrs Entrance', '50145', '118308', '132800', '-4833', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2049. +('Necro Sacrifice Entrance', '50140', '-41570', '209785', '-5089', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2050. +('Necro Disciples Entrance', '50147', '172251', '-17605', '-4903', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2051. +('Town Of Schuttgart', '50148', '87386', '-143246', '-1293', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2052. +('Schuttgart Castle', '50149', '77394', '-147197', '-476', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2053. +('Rune Castle', '50150', '21216', '-49081', '-1301', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2054. +('Monastery Of Silence', '50151', '123743', '-75032', '-2902', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2055. +('Crypts Of Disgrace', '50152', '56095', '-118952', '-3290', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2056. +('Den Of Evil', '50153', '76860', '-125169', '-3414', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2057. +('Frost Lake', '50154', '108090', '-120925', '-3628', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2058. +('The Ice Queens Castle', '50155', '109060', '-128655', '-3084', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2059. +('Ice Merchant Cabin', '50156', '113487', '-109888', '-865', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2060. +('Valley Of The Lords', '50157', '23006', '-126115', '-870', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2061. +('Pavel Ruins', '50158', '88275', '-125690', '-3815', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2062. +('Plunderous Plains', '50159', '113900', '-154175', '-1488', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2063. +('Stakato Nest', '50160', '89880', '-44515', '-2135', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2064. +('Wild Beast Reserve', '50161', '57849', '-93182', '-1360', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2065. +('Graverobber Hideout', '50162', '48336', '-107734', '-1577', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2066. +('Carons Dungeon', '50163', '69762', '-111260', '-1807', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2067. +('Race Track', '50164', '152610', '-126325', '-2230', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2068. +('Windtail Waterfall', '50165', '40825', '-90317', '-3095', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2069. +('Archaic Laboratory', '50166', '87475', '-109835', '-3330', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2070. +('Fortress Of The Dead', '50167', '58000', '-30767', '380', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2071. +('Rainbow Springs Chateau', '50168', '141377', '-123793', '-1906', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2072. +('Sky Wagon Relic', '50169', '117715', '-141750', '-2700', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2073. +('Brigand Stronghold', '50170', '124585', '-16024', '-1180', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2074. +('Lost Nest', '50171', '26174', '-17134', '-2747', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2075. +('Primeval Plains', '50172', '8264', '-14431', '-3696', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2076. +('Primeval Isle Wharf', '50173', '10468', '-24569', '-3650', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2077. +('Research Facility', '50174', '6229', '-2924', '-2965', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2078. +('Antharas Portal', '75100', '154479', '121154', '-3835', '5575', '1000', '0'),
  2079. +('Zaken Door', '75101', '52240', '219078', '-3252', '5575', '0', '1000'),
  2080. +('Baium Door', '75102', '112703', '14114', '10056', '5575', '0', '1000'),
  2081. +('Valakas Portal', '75103', '183622', '-114851', '-3337', '5575', '1000', '0');
  2082. Index: sql/custom_teleport.sql
  2083. ===================================================================
  2084. --- sql/custom_teleport.sql (revision 986)
  2085. +++ sql/custom_teleport.sql (working copy)
  2086. @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
  2087.    loc_x decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  2088.    loc_y decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  2089.    loc_z decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  2090. -  price decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  2091. +  price_id decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  2092. +  price_count decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  2093.    fornoble int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  2094.    PRIMARY KEY  (id)
  2096. \ No newline at end of file
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