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- ; DirectDraw programming example
- format PE GUI 4.0
- entry start
- include ''
- ф
- include ''
- section '.text' code readable executable
- start:
- and [DDraw],0
- and [DDSPrimary],0
- and [DDSBack],0
- and [DDPalette],0
- and [DDSPicture],0
- invoke GetModuleHandleA,NULL
- mov [hinstance],eax
- mov [wc.hIcon],eax
- invoke LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
- mov [wc.hCursor],eax
- mov [],0
- mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],WindowProc
- mov [wc.cbClsExtra],0
- mov [wc.cbWndExtra],0
- mov eax,[hinstance]
- mov [wc.hInstance],eax
- mov [wc.hbrBackground],0
- mov dword [wc.lpszMenuName],NULL
- mov dword [wc.lpszClassName],_class
- invoke RegisterClassA,wc
- test eax,eax
- jz startup_error
- invoke CreateWindowExA,\
- 0,_class,_title,WS_POPUP+WS_VISIBLE,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,[hinstance],NULL
- test eax,eax
- jz startup_error
- mov [hwnd],eax
- invoke DirectDrawCreate,NULL,DDraw,NULL
- or eax,eax
- jnz ddraw_error
- cominvk DDraw,SetCooperativeLevel,\
- or eax,eax
- jnz ddraw_error
- cominvk DDraw,SetDisplayMode,\
- 640,480,8
- or eax,eax
- jnz ddraw_error
- mov [ddsd.dwSize],sizeof.DDSURFACEDESC
- mov [ddsd.dwBackBufferCount],1
- cominvk DDraw,CreateSurface,\
- ddsd,DDSPrimary,NULL
- or eax,eax
- jnz ddraw_error
- mov [ddscaps.dwCaps],DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER
- cominvk DDSPrimary,GetAttachedSurface,\
- ddscaps,DDSBack
- or eax,eax
- jnz ddraw_error
- mov esi,picture
- call load_picture
- jc open_error
- mov esi,picture
- call load_palette
- jc open_error
- invoke GetTickCount
- mov [last_tick],eax
- jmp paint
- main_loop:
- invoke PeekMessageA,msg,NULL,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE
- or eax,eax
- jz no_message
- invoke GetMessageA,msg,NULL,0,0
- or eax,eax
- jz end_loop
- invoke TranslateMessage,msg
- invoke DispatchMessageA,msg
- jmp main_loop
- no_message:
- cmp [active],0
- je sleep
- cominvk DDSPrimary,IsLost
- or eax,eax
- jz paint
- jne end_loop
- cominvk DDSPrimary,Restore
- paint:
- mov [],0
- mov [rect.bottom],480
- mov [rect.left],0
- mov [rect.right],640
- cominvk DDSBack,BltFast,\
- or eax,eax
- jnz paint_done
- movzx eax,[frame]
- xor edx,edx
- mov ebx,10
- div ebx
- sal eax,6
- add eax,480
- mov [],eax
- add eax,64
- mov [rect.bottom],eax
- sal edx,6
- mov [rect.left],edx
- add edx,64
- mov [rect.right],edx
- cominvk DDSBack,BltFast,\
- [x],[y],[DDSPicture],rect,DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY
- cominvk DDSPrimary,SetPalette,[DDPalette]
- cominvk DDSPrimary,Flip,0,0
- paint_done:
- invoke GetTickCount
- mov ebx,eax
- sub ebx,[last_tick]
- cmp ebx,20
- jb main_loop
- add [last_tick],20
- inc [frame]
- cmp [frame],60
- jb main_loop
- mov [frame],0
- jmp main_loop
- sleep:
- invoke WaitMessage
- jmp main_loop
- ddraw_error:
- mov eax,_ddraw_error
- jmp error
- open_error:
- mov eax,_open_error
- error:
- invoke MessageBoxA,[hwnd],eax,_error,MB_OK+MB_ICONERROR
- invoke DestroyWindow,[hwnd]
- invoke PostQuitMessage,1
- jmp main_loop
- startup_error:
- invoke MessageBoxA,[hwnd],_startup_error,_error,MB_OK+MB_ICONERROR
- end_loop:
- cmp [DDSPicture],0
- je picture_released
- cominvk DDSPicture,Release
- picture_released:
- cmp [DDPalette],0
- je palette_released
- cominvk DDPalette,Release
- palette_released:
- cmp [DDSBack],0
- je back_surface_released
- cominvk DDSPrimary,DeleteAttachedSurface,0,DDSBack
- back_surface_released:
- cmp [DDSPrimary],0
- je primary_surface_released
- cominvk DDSPrimary,Release
- primary_surface_released:
- cmp [DDraw],0
- je ddraw_released
- cominvk DDraw,Release
- ddraw_released:
- invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam]
- include ''
- proc WindowProc hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
- push ebx esi edi
- mov eax,[wmsg]
- cmp eax,WM_CREATE
- je .wmcreate
- cmp eax,WM_DESTROY
- je .wmdestroy
- cmp eax,WM_ACTIVATE
- je .wmactivate
- cmp eax,WM_SETCURSOR
- je .wmsetcursor
- cmp eax,WM_MOUSEMOVE
- je .wmmousemove
- cmp eax,WM_KEYDOWN
- je .wmkeydown
- .defwindowproc:
- invoke DefWindowProcA,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
- jmp .finish
- .wmcreate:
- xor eax,eax
- jmp .finish
- .wmkeydown:
- cmp [wparam],VK_ESCAPE
- jne .finish
- .wmdestroy:
- cominvk DDraw,RestoreDisplayMode
- invoke PostQuitMessage,0
- xor eax,eax
- jmp .finish
- .wmactivate:
- mov eax,[wparam]
- mov [active],al
- jmp .finish
- .wmsetcursor:
- invoke SetCursor,0
- xor eax,eax
- jmp .finish
- .wmmousemove:
- movsx eax,word [lparam]
- mov [x],eax
- movsx eax,word [lparam+2]
- mov [y],eax
- .finish:
- pop edi esi ebx
- ret
- endp
- section '.data' data readable writeable
- _title db 'flat assembler DirectDraw application',0
- _class db 'FDDRAW32',0
- _error db 'Error',0
- _startup_error db 'Startup failed.',0
- _ddraw_error db 'Direct Draw initialization failed.',0
- _open_error db 'Failed opening data file.',0
- picture db 'DDRAW.GIF',0
- section '.bss' readable writeable
- hinstance dd ?
- hwnd dd ?
- msg MSG
- ddscaps DDSCAPS
- DDraw DirectDraw
- DDSPrimary DirectDrawSurface
- DDSBack DirectDrawSurface
- DDSPicture DirectDrawSurface
- DDPalette DirectDrawPalette
- bytes_count dd ?
- last_tick dd ?
- frame db ?
- active db ?
- LZW_bits db ?
- LZW_table rd (0F00h-2)*2
- buffer rb 40000h
- rect RECT
- x dd ?
- y dd ?
- section '.idata' import data readable
- library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
- user,'USER32.DLL',\
- ddraw,'DDRAW.DLL'
- import kernel,\
- GetModuleHandleA,'GetModuleHandleA',\
- CreateFileA,'CreateFileA',\
- ReadFile,'ReadFile',\
- CloseHandle,'CloseHandle',\
- GetTickCount,'GetTickCount',\
- ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'
- import user,\
- RegisterClassA,'RegisterClassA',\
- CreateWindowExA,'CreateWindowExA',\
- DestroyWindow,'DestroyWindow',\
- DefWindowProcA,'DefWindowProcA',\
- GetMessageA,'GetMessageA',\
- PeekMessageA,'PeekMessageA',\
- TranslateMessage,'TranslateMessage',\
- DispatchMessageA,'DispatchMessageA',\
- LoadCursorA,'LoadCursorA',\
- LoadIconA,'LoadIconA',\
- SetCursor,'SetCursor',\
- MessageBoxA,'MessageBoxA',\
- PostQuitMessage,'PostQuitMessage',\
- WaitMessage,'WaitMessage'
- import ddraw,\
- DirectDrawCreate,'DirectDrawCreate'
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