

Dec 9th, 2011
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  1. -- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began bothering timaeusTestified [TT] at 23:52 --
  2. [11:53] TG: stridre
  3. [11:53] TG: *strider
  4. [11:53] TT: Ah, hello, Lalonde.
  5. [11:53] TT: What is it you might need?
  6. [11:54] TG: idk im brored
  7. [11:54] TG: *bored
  8. [11:54] TG: ha
  9. [11:54] TG: haha
  10. [11:54] TT: You sound nervous.
  11. [11:54] TT: Is something wrong?
  12. [11:54] TG: >:? not reallyu
  13. [11:54] TG: *really
  14. [11:55] TT: Interesting.
  15. [11:55] TT: Too many drinks, I assume?
  16. [11:57] TG: rpobly
  17. [11:57] TG: idk just thoughts
  18. [11:57] TG: thogughts strider!!
  19. [11:57] TT: Thoughts of what, may I ask, dear Lalonde?
  20. [11:57] TG: idk im kinda lonely lol
  21. [11:58] TT: You don't have your mother to have indirect passive-agressive contests with>
  22. [11:58] TT: ?**
  23. [11:58] TT: That's a first.
  24. [11:59] TG: well sehs my mom
  25. [11:59] TG: btu not that kinda lonely i guess
  26. [12:00] TT: So I'm assuming this means that you've been rejected by Jake.
  27. [12:00] TT: Just as I was rejected by lovely, lovely Jane.
  28. [12:00] TT: ((we're playing from the last conversations k?))
  29. [12:00] TG: i wastn rejected exaxlty
  30. [12:00] TG: ((okay!! <3))
  31. [12:00] TT: Hm?
  32. [12:01] TG: i kidna backed off cuz jane is my bestie forevs and i dotn want to
  33. [12:01] TG: take that from her
  34. [12:01] TG: jake i mean
  35. [12:01] TT: I understand.
  36. [12:01] TT: I am in the same predicament.
  37. [12:01] TG: oh strider u know im not itno jane
  38. [12:01] TG: heh heh heh
  39. [12:01] TG: jk jk
  40. [12:02] TT: I'd assumed not.
  41. [12:04] TG: so yeha idk
  42. [12:04] TG: im just sitting here w/all my boozes
  43. [12:04] TG: adn my thoughts >:?
  44. [12:05] TT: I'm sorry.
  45. [12:05] TT: We're both stuck in this rut, then.
  46. [12:06] TG: do u want to talk abotu it or anything
  47. [12:06] TG: im here for u evne though u
  48. [12:06] TG: dotn particularyl enjoy talking to me all teh time
  49. [12:07] TT: Of course I enjoy talking to you, Lalonde.
  50. [12:07] TT: As I stated before, you're like a sister to me.
  51. [12:09] TG: wlel u know
  52. [12:09] TG: im alwasy
  53. [12:09] TG: like this
  54. [12:09] TG: lol
  55. [12:09] TT: No.
  56. [12:09] TT: I can sense you are rather unhappy.
  57. [12:10] TG: yeah i guess....
  58. [12:10] TG: soryr
  59. [12:11] TT: There's no need to apologize, Lalonde.
  60. [12:11] TT: You did nothing wrong.
  61. [12:12] TG: i just feel bad subjectign u to this when i know ur in teh same boat
  62. [12:12] TT: I don't mind, actually.
  63. [12:12] TT: I'm the only person you can talk to about this, after all.
  64. [12:13] TG: tahts true
  65. [12:13] TT: As you are to me.
  66. [12:13] TG: ur right
  67. [12:13] TG: its liek fate
  68. [12:13] TG: or some shit
  69. [12:13] TT: Fate?
  70. [12:13] TT: You know I don't believe in that, Lalonde.
  71. [12:14] TG: i knwo...
  72. [12:19] TG: i tihnk if i were jaek i would need a kerchief to grab @ lol
  73. [12:19] TG: i shoudl totes just take his
  74. [12:20] TT: You should. It would be more than amusing to see his reaction.
  75. [12:23] TG: i got it
  76. [12:23] TG: dabs kerchief at brwo
  77. [12:23] TG: *brow
  78. [12:23] TT: Oh, you're sweating?
  79. [12:23] TT: My, my.
  80. [12:23] TG: im anxiosu i guess
  81. [12:23] TT: About what, dear?
  82. [12:25] TG: idk idk
  83. [12:25] TT: Lalonde, I can't help if you don't tell me what the problem is.
  84. [12:26] TG: i jsut
  85. [12:26] TG: idk srtirder
  86. [12:26] TG: i knwo u dont believe in fate but like
  87. [12:27] TT: But?
  88. [12:27] TG: h/o i nede to take a shot befoer i say anything this dumb lol
  89. [12:27] TT: ...Dumb?
  90. [12:28] TT: Lalonde, I do hope you think this through, whatever you're about to do.
  91. [12:28] TG: man gin goes down hadr
  92. [12:28] TG: *hard
  93. [12:28] TT: Does it?
  94. [12:28] TT: I wouldn't know.
  95. [12:28] TG: ok so liek
  96. [12:29] TG: i knwo you dont belieev in fate adn stuff but liek waht if
  97. [12:29] TG: what if theres a reason u and i are talkign about this right nwo
  98. [12:30] TT: And what might you think that reason would be?
  99. [12:30] TG: sometiems i like thinkign that maybe u might someday regadr me as highly as i do u adn in the same way maybe idk idk
  100. [12:30] TG: taht was really stupdi lol
  101. [12:30] TG: im sorry
  102. [12:30] TT: ...Regard you?
  103. [12:30] TT: Lalonde, you are my very close friend.
  104. [12:30] TT: This isn't high enough?
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