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- #!/bin/bash
- ###########################################################################
- # Simple script that tries to extracts hosts, subdomains, ip and mail from
- # a Google search against a specif domain or Google scraping if you prefere!
- # License: GPLv3
- # Name: goohost
- # Author: watakushi
- # Special thanks to: Danya & Roberto \n \n"
- ###########################################################################
- ###########################################################################
- # General stuff - usage - errors - parameters definition
- #
- let I=0 #Used in the while loop's Google queries
- METHOD="host" #Default mode is set to host
- let PAGES=5 #Default pages to download from Google
- let VERBOSITY=0 #Verbosity is set to off as default
- TMPRND=$RANDOM #Random number used for temporany files
- REGEXPRESULT='Results <b>[0-9,]*</b> - <b>[0-9,]*</b> of[" about "]+<b>[0-9,]*</b>' #REGEXP for extraxct the number of results from a query
- METHOD=host #Default method set to host
- #Print the help banner and exit the script
- printhelpanddie () {
- printf "\n"
- printf "[*] goohost v.0.0.1 Beta \n"
- printf "[*] Simple script that extracts hosts/subdomains, ip or emails for a specific domain with Google search \n"
- printf "[*] Author: watakushi \n"
- printf "[*] Thanks to: Johnny Long and GHDB for inspiration stuff \n"
- printf "[*] Special thanks to: Danya & Roberto \n \n"
- printf "[*] Usage: $0 -t domain.tld [-m <host|ip|mail> -p <1-20> -v] \n \n"
- printf "[*] -t: target domain. Ex: \n"
- printf "[*] -m: method: <ip|host|mail>. Default value is set to host \n"
- printf "[*] host: raw google hosts and subdomains search \n"
- printf "[*] ip: raw google hosts and subdomains search and performs a reverse DNS resolution \n"
- printf "[*] mail:raw google email search \n"
- printf "[*] -p: pages [1-20]. Max number of pages to download from Google. Default 5 \n"
- printf "[*] -v: verbosity. Default is set to off \n"
- printf "[*] Example: $0 -t -m ip -p 10 -v \n \n"
- exit 1
- }
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult () {
- RESULT=$(grep -Eio "$REGEXPRESULT" /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log | cut -d"<" -f 6 | cut -d">" -f 2| tr -d ",")
- return $RESULT
- }
- while getopts "t:m:p:v" optname
- do
- case "$optname" in
- "t")
- ;;
- "m")
- ;;
- "p")
- ;;
- "v")
- ;;
- "?")
- echo "[!] Error: Unknown option!"
- printhelpanddie
- ;;
- ":")
- echo "[!] Error: Argument needed!"
- printhelpanddie
- ;;
- *)
- echo "[!] Error: Unknown error!!!"
- printhelpanddie
- ;;
- esac
- done
- #Check for write permissions and several tools used in the script
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/wget ]; then
- echo "[!] Error: /usr/bin/wget not found on this system!" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/awk ]; then
- echo "[!] Error: /usr/bin/awk not found on this system!" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x /bin/sed ]; then
- echo "[!] Error: /bin/sed not found on this system!" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -w /tmp ]; then
- echo "[!] Error: Can't write in /tmp ! - Permission denied" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -w ./ ]; then
- echo "[!] Error: Can't write in ./ ! - Permission denied" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- #Print usage if parameters are not passed to the script
- if [[ -z $DOMAIN ]] || [[ $METHOD != host && $METHOD != ip && $METHOD != mail ]] ; then
- printhelpanddie
- fi
- #Use a regular expression based on the method option
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- REGEXPQUERY='[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.'$DOMAIN
- ;;
- ip)
- REGEXPQUERY='[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.'$DOMAIN
- ;;
- mail)
- REGEXPQUERY="[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@<em>$DOMAIN</em>"
- ;;
- esac
- #Set the number of queries to do. Default value 5.
- if [[ $PAGES -lt 1 || $PAGES -gt 20 ]] ; then
- echo "[-] Warning: Pages value not in the range 1-20. Default value used!" 1>&2
- let PAGES=5
- printf "\n"
- fi
- #Check for DNS wildcards
- if [[ $(host idontexist.xxxxx$ | grep address) ]]; then
- printf "\n"
- echo "[-] Warning: DNS wildcard detected! With IP method you should have some false positive results." 1>&2
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ###########################################################################
- # QUERY:0 Download the first google page with the site: parameter
- #
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY0="$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY0="$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY0="$DOMAIN$QEMAIL" #example.tld site:example.tld
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY0" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log > result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Results for query: $RESULT \n"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ###########################################################################
- # Start the loop, download the pages generated with different types of query
- #
- while [[ "$RESULT" -ge "100" && "$I" -lt $PAGES-1 ]]
- do
- let I=I+1
- case "$I" in
- 1)
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY1="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3Awww.$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld -inurl:www.example.tld
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY1="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3Awww.$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld -inurl:www.example.tld
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY1="$DOMAIN$QEMAIL+mail" #site:example.tld example.tld mail
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY1" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Results for query: $RESULT \n"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ;;
- 2)
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY2="*.site%3A$DOMAIN+-inurl%3Awww.$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld -inurl:www.example.tld
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY2="*.site%3A$DOMAIN+-inurl%3Awww.$DOMAIN" #site:example.tld -inurl:www.example.tld
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY2="$site%3A$DOMAIN$QEMAIL+mail&start=200" #site:example.tld example.tld mail
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY2" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Results for query: $RESULT \n"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- # Generate TOP6 file and pass the values to the next queries
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY result-$TMPRND.log | sort | uniq -i -c | sort -n -r | grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY | sed -e "s/.$DOMAIN//g" > /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- ip)
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY result-$TMPRND.log | sort | uniq -i -c | sort -n -r | grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY | sed -e "s/.$DOMAIN//g" > /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- mail)
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY result-$TMPRND.log | sort | uniq -i -c | sort -n -r | grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY | cut -d"@" -f1 > /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 3)
- CURL1=$(awk NR==1 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- CURL2=$(awk NR==2 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- CURL3=$(awk NR==3 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- CURL4=$(awk NR==4 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- CURL5=$(awk NR==5 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- CURL6=$(awk NR==6 /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log)
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$CURL1+-inurl%3A$CURL2+-inurl%3A$CURL3+-inurl%3A$CURL4+-inurl%3A$CURL5+-inurl%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:top1 -inurl:top2 -inurl:top3 -inurl:top4 -inurl:top5 -inurl:top6
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$CURL1+-inurl%3A$CURL2+-inurl%3A$CURL3+-inurl%3A$CURL4+-inurl%3A$CURL5+-inurl%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:top1 -inurl:top2 -inurl:top3 -inurl:top4 -inurl:top5 -inurl:top6
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$QEMAILsite%3A$DOMAIN+-intext%3A$CURL1+-intext%3A$CURL2+-intext%3A$CURL3+-intext%3A$CURL4+-intext%3A$CURL5+-intext%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -intext:info
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY3" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Result for query: $RESULT \n"
- #print the top 6 host from result-$TMPRND.log
- printf "The TOP6 are: \n"
- printf "$CURL1 $CURL2 $CURL3 $CURL4 $CURL5 $CURL6"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ;;
- 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 )
- let START=($I-3)*100 #Google query top6 changed the start parameter
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$START&q=site%3A$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$CURL1+-inurl%3A$CURL2+-inurl%3A$CURL3+-inurl%3A$CURL4+-inurl%3A$CURL5+-inurl%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:top1 -inurl:top2 -inurl:top3 -inurl:top4 -inurl:top5 -inurl:top6
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$START&q=site%3A$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$CURL1+-inurl%3A$CURL2+-inurl%3A$CURL3+-inurl%3A$CURL4+-inurl%3A$CURL5+-inurl%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:top1 -inurl:top2 -inurl:top3 -inurl:top4 -inurl:top5 -inurl:top6
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY3="$START&q=$QEMAILsite%3A$DOMAIN+-intext%3A$CURL1+-intext%3A$CURL2+-intext%3A$CURL3+-intext%3A$CURL4+-intext%3A$CURL5+-intext%3A$CURL6" #site:example.tlf -intext:info
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY3" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Check how many pages to download with this query
- let END=($RESULT/100) #Number of page to download
- if [[ $I -ge $END+3 ]]; then
- let I=12
- fi
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Result for query: $RESULT \n"
- #print the top 6 host from result-$TMPRND.log
- printf "The TOP6 are: \n"
- printf "$CURL1 $CURL2 $CURL3 $CURL4 $CURL5 $CURL6"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ;;
- 13)
- #Generate temporary file for the random query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- sort -u result-$TMPRND.log | sed -e "s/.$DOMAIN//g" > /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- ip)
- sort -u result-$TMPRND.log | sed -e "s/.$DOMAIN//g" > /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- mail)
- sort -u result-$TMPRND.log | cut -d"@" -f1 > /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log
- ;;
- esac
- highest=$(wc -l /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log | cut -d" " -f1 ) #Number of hosts present in the result file
- #################################################
- #TODO: Exit from the case loop if highest is <= 0
- #################################################
- if [[ $highest -ge "1" ]]; then
- R1=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R2=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R3=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R4=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R5=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R6=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- RURL1="$(awk "NR==$R1" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL2="$(awk "NR==$R2" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL3="$(awk "NR==$R3" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL4="$(awk "NR==$R4" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL5="$(awk "NR==$R5" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL6="$(aewk "NR==$R6" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$RURL1+-inurl%3A$RURL2+-inurl%3A$RURL3+-inurl%3A$RURL4+-inurl%3A$RURL5+-inurl%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:random1 -inurl:random2 -inurl:random3 -inurl:random4 -inurl:random5 -inurl:random6
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$RURL1+-inurl%3A$RURL2+-inurl%3A$RURL3+-inurl%3A$RURL4+-inurl%3A$RURL5+-inurl%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:random1 -inurl:random2 -inurl:random3 -inurl:random4 -inurl:random5 -inurl:random6
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$QEMAILsite%3A$DOMAIN+-intext%3A$RURL1+-intext%3A$RURL2+-intext%3A$RURL3+-intext%3A$RURL4+-intext%3A$RURL5+-intext%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf example.tld -itext:random1 -intext:random2 -intext:random3 -intext:random4 -intext:random5 -intext:random6
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY4" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Result for query: $RESULT \n"
- printf "Random hosts: $RURL1 $RURL2 $RURL3 $RURL4 $RURL5 $RURL6 \n"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- else
- let I=20
- fi
- ;;
- 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19)
- R1=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R2=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R3=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R4=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R5=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- R6=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $highest - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ]
- RURL1="$(awk "NR==$R1" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL2="$(awk "NR==$R2" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL3="$(awk "NR==$R3" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL4="$(awk "NR==$R4" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL5="$(awk "NR==$R5" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- RURL6="$(awk "NR==$R6" /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log)"
- #Google Query
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$RURL1+-inurl%3A$RURL2+-inurl%3A$RURL3+-inurl%3A$RURL4+-inurl%3A$RURL5+-inurl%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:random1 -inurl:random2 -inurl:random3 -inurl:random4 -inurl:random5 -inurl:random6
- ;;
- ip)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$DOMAIN+-inurl%3A$RURL1+-inurl%3A$RURL2+-inurl%3A$RURL3+-inurl%3A$RURL4+-inurl%3A$RURL5+-inurl%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf -inurl:random1 -inurl:random2 -inurl:random3 -inurl:random4 -inurl:random5 -inurl:random6
- ;;
- mail)
- GOOGLEQUERY4="$QEMAILsite%3A$DOMAIN+-intext%3A$RURL1+-intext%3A$RURL2+-intext%3A$RURL3+-intext%3A$RURL4+-intext%3A$RURL5+-intext%3A$RURL6" #site:example.tlf example.tld -itext:random1 -intext:random2 -intext:random3 -intext:random4 -intext:random5 -intext:random6
- ;;
- esac
- #Download with wget the page
- wget -U "" "$GOOGLEQUERY4" -O /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log -q
- #Extract the hosts/emails and save in the result file
- grep -Eio $REGEXPQUERY /tmp/goohost$I-$TMPRND.log >> result-$TMPRND.log
- #Extract the number of results google gives from the query
- getresult
- #Verbosity
- if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Google Query n.$I \n"
- printf "\n"
- printf "Result for query: $RESULT \n"
- #print the top 6 host from result-$TMPRND.log
- printf "Random hosts: $RURL1 $RURL2 $RURL3 $RURL4 $RURL5 $RURL6 \n"
- printf "\n"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ###########################################################################
- # Generate output and report file
- #
- #Generate different report for different methods
- case "$METHOD" in
- host)
- printf "\n"
- cat result-$TMPRND.log | sort -u > report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt
- printf "Results saved in file report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt \n"
- printf "$(wc -l report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt | cut -d" " -f1) results found! \n"
- ;;
- ip)
- printf "\n"
- for line in $(cat result-$TMPRND.log | sort -u); do
- host $line | grep "has address" | cut -d" " -f1,4 >> report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt &
- done
- printf "Results saved in file report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt \n"
- #printf "$(wc -l report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt | cut -d" " -f1) results found! \n"
- ;;
- mail)
- printf "\n"
- cat result-$TMPRND.log | sort -u | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" > report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt
- printf "Results saved in file report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt \n"
- printf "$(wc -l report-$TMPRND-$DOMAIN.txt | cut -d" " -f1) results found! \n"
- ;;
- esac
- ###########################################################################
- # Delete temporary files
- #
- rm -f result-$TMPRND.log 2> /dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/goohost*-$TMPRND.log 2> /dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/random-$TMPRND.log 2> /dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/top6-$TMPRND.log 2> /dev/null
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