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- Greets :- H4ck3rH4r0 || R007_x_f700d || N00b_H4ck3r || h4ck3r4w4r
- WEBSERVER INFO :web server operating system: Windows
- :web application technology: PHP 5.3.5, Apache 2.2.17
- :back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
- Website Information
- Title:The Pernodship
- Description:Pernod Golf Competition
- Keywords:Music sales, golf, tournament, competition, pernod, cricket, drink
- Server Details
- IP address:
- Server Location:United Kingdom
- ISP:Xtraordinary Networks Limited
- :Registrant
- Malcolm Rogers UK Individual 86
- Tinshill Road
- Leeds LS16 7DW
- registrant-firstname : Zoe
- registrant-lastname : Powell
- registrant-organization: Asset Communications Ltd
- registrant-street1 : Bookhurst Road
- registrant-street2 : Fallowfield House
- registrant-phone : +44.1483548899
- registrant-email :
- tech-c-phone : +44.8716412121
- tech-c-fax : +49.72191374215
- =========================================[ db_Dump ]========================================
- available databases [3]:
- [*] blocklist
- [*] information_schema
- [*] pernod
- Database: pernod
- [9 tables]
- +--------------------+
- | log_login |
- | pernodmajorwinners |
- | pernodmanagement |
- | pernodmatches |
- | pernodmessages |
- | pernodnews |
- | pernodpolls |
- | pernodtopics |
- | pernoduser |
- +--------------------+
- Database: pernod
- Table: log_login
- [7 columns]
- +--------------+-------------+
- | Column | Type |
- +--------------+-------------+
- | attempt_time | int(11) |
- | from_page | varchar(25) |
- | ip | varchar(16) |
- | log_id | int(11) |
- | outcome | varchar(25) |
- | password | varchar(25) |
- | username | varchar(25) |
- +--------------+-------------+
- Database: pernod
- Table: log_login
- [84 entries]
- +----------------+
- | username |
- +----------------+
- | williamsj |
- | J Williams |
- | williamsj |
- | Marshalls |
- | Marshalls |
- | douglasb |
- | mcleods |
- | williamsj |
- | stylesc |
- | studmuffin |
- | watkinsr |
- | mencerhod |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | williamsj |
- | rogersa |
- | |
- | williamsj |
- | williamsj |
- | blocked ip |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | blocked ip |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | blocked ip |
- | J Williams |
- | J Williams |
- | blocked ip |
- | mal |
- | mal |
- | douglasb |
- | |
- | |
- | douglasb |
- | douglasb |
- | J Williams |
- | JWilliams |
- | mal |
- | studmuffin |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | J Williams |
- | Jules |
- | Desmond |
- | evanss |
- | palmerj |
- | dds |
- | douglasb |
- | Desmond |
- | douglasb |
- | butterwortha |
- | foxn |
- | foxn |
- | blocked ip |
- | douglasb |
- | douglasb |
- | |
- | Fat Controller |
- | Seth |
- | Seth |
- | williamsj |
- | williamsj |
- | Marshalls |
- | Marshalls |
- | J Williams |
- | williamsj |
- | studmuffin |
- | |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | blocked ip |
- | J Williams |
- +----------------+
- Database: pernod
- Table: log_login
- [84 entries]
- +---------------------------+
- | password |
- +---------------------------+
- | slasher |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | slasher |
- | claims |
- | claims |
- | mirror |
- | bastard |
- | slasher |
- | studmuffin |
- | studmuffin |
- | same |
- | rod |
- | claims |
- | slasher |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | slasher |
- | uwygdk |
- | hy7236 |
- | slasher |
- | slasher |
- | n/a |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | n/a |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | n/a |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | n/a |
- | Skull-72 |
- | Skull-72 |
- | mirror |
- | hy7236 |
- | hy7236 |
- | mirror |
- | mirror |
- | claims |
- | claims |
- | Skull-72 |
- | studmuffin |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- | rates |
- | mirror |
- | sake |
- | rates |
- | ddd |
- | mirror |
- | mirror |
- | mirror |
- | nh46th |
- | tarrington |
- | tarrington |
- | n/a |
- | mirror |
- | mirror |
- | hy7236 |
- | ardvark |
- | claims |
- | claims |
- | studmuffin |
- | uwygdk |
- | sake |
- | same |
- | studmuffin |
- | tarrington |
- | slasher |
- | ardvark |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | n/a |
- | 9c1669f194acaf04e9b19d254 |
- +---------------------------+
- ===========================================================================================
- Database: pernod
- Table: pernodmessages
- [5 columns]
- +-------------+---------+
- | Column | Type |
- +-------------+---------+
- | authorid | int(11) |
- | message | text |
- | messageid | int(11) |
- | messagetime | int(11) |
- | topicid | int(11) |
- +-------------+---------+
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- [INFO] fetching columns 'message' entries for table 'pernodmessages' on database 'pernod'
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- "Any thoughts on a date and where, my suggestion would be Envile Golf Club in Worcestershire, playing 36 holes in one day."
- "Welcome to the Pernodship Forum"
- ""
- "This course looks far to short and would easily be won by robin or some other "john daly" of the group."
- "I presume the John Daly reference is due to the success of my new driver rather than my girth!"
- "foxy, driver!!!, never thought id see the day!!"
- "sorry, i thought you were the fox, but the same implies, never!!!!!!"
- "Come on Stu getting their girth mixed up is fair enough but their driving; Foxy kicks arse everytime!"
- "Still, a major should be played on a "proper" golf course, say Bowood in calne or if the "big" hitters want it nice and short maybe Ross."
- "Bowood looks nice but a 36 hole deal might be a bit expensive. I'm not fussed either way, lets just get a date sorted in August."
- "Looking to save some money for nappies?"
- "Would have to be before the 22nd Aug for me, or in September "
- "Bowood's too far, let's go for Enville. Pod - get some dates. Send an e-mail.
- "
- "Enville is fully booked for every Friday left in August and every Friday in September, I don't think they like the sound of us. Any other suggestion, we could just play 18 holes or two eighteens on the same course, Broughton Park springs to mind or the Worcestershire. Let me know your thoughts."
- "36 Holes is probably better so we can stop those bandit 24 handicappers from winning any more majors! "
- "Minchinhampton has 2 x 18's .... and very lovely young waitresses - actually they're probably the wrong side of 40, but that's more than young enough for me....! And how do I get to log in as Yoda? ( Little bald bloke, big bags under his eyes, knows everything) - I Cox is just a crap name..."
- "1) The Canon Fodder Golf Society hereafter known as the Pernodship shall have no formal membership restrictions and is open to all, as long as existing members hereafter known as amigos like their style. Women are only accepted if trained chiropractors or untrained dirty bitches.
- 2) The Pernodship will try to organise events throughout the year in a shambolic manner and our tour organiser hereafter known as Dad will arrange at least one tour a year which amigos are expected to try to attend.
- 3) Any attempt to over complicate any issue will result in the offensive person not being asked again.
- 4) Handicaps will always be a touchy subject within any society but will form the backbone of all discussions within our society. Anyone with an official club handicap playing off the white tees will be able to play off that from the yellows and they also have the luxury of a handicap that can go up as well as down. Anyone else who ever has a good round on a short, easy golf course will have their handicap cut to that level and it will never rise again. If you are not Welsh you have no say in any other members handicap.
- If you lose a limb or the use of more than 25% of your spinal rotation the Welsh will consider appeals on hands and knees for a handicap raise.
- 5) Every tour game and every occasional day when more than 3 amigos are present constitutes a window of pernod opportunity and the losing golfer, however ridiculous their starting handicap must drink a double pernod. What constitutes a double can range from 50ml to approximately a pint but it must be done following the game and witnessed directly by another amigo. We are a responsible society and no longer condone drink driving so the pernod can be done at a later date, except on tour, but penalties do roll up.
- 6) All amigos will consider carefully the repercussions of playing for other societies. Any attempt at tapping up from wittily named groups such as faggots, tossers or guffs must be reported to someone else.
- 7) Any cheating or persistent mis-counting on the course will result in the presentation of a calculator and public humiliation.
- 8) If one of the more senior amigos wishes to tee off first at every course in the first group just let him. He\92s rubbish anyway.
- 9) If any golf course has outrageous modes of transport such as flid mobiles all amigos must hire one and re-enact the wacky races.
- 10) All amigos must make themselves available to drive hire vehicles abroad unless their licence precludes them.
- 11) Map reading is a serious undertaking that can cause huge stress to all around you, only do it if qualified or have half a brain.
- 12) Being a society is about sharing so all costs will be split equally between those who commit to an event.
- 13) Any amigo caught uttering false prophecies about others sexual orientation will be suitably dealt with.
- Signed Shag, Bo, Bo, Shey, Shag, Shey, Bo, Buck and Dad
- "
- "Coxy I will get our geek to sort it out, have you ever played Cleobury Mortimer they do 27 holes?"
- "The English Open is now booked, Friday 7th September at Cleobury Mortimer Golf Club"
- "Bring it on, let battle commence. I haven't consumed a pernodd since early May and I am missing the taste.
- Walrus"
- "I have just added up the amount of Pernodship matches we have been playing over the last five months and unsuprisingly Herby is top. A Herbert 59, A Butterworth 54, J Williams 38, Rod Mence 19, S Marshall 18, Rob Mence 16, A Rogers 13, C Powell 11 and various below 10"
- "Butters, Herby, The Chave and I are playing in a 36 hole comp on Sunday at Wormsley off the white with the ball going in the hole. Now none of us will be playing in the same group so are these score allowed to count towards our Pernodship handicaps?"
- "Although it will inevitably assist all your chances in the English Open by pushing you up 0.4, I can see no reason to object and the scores should probably count."
- "don't give a fig. Makes no difference to me. I will continue to drink..."
- "All scores should count - the more scores , the more accurate the handicap.
- The same for team comps, otherwise Andy will have to be given his 3 shots back!"
- "That's it then from now on all comp score count towards our handicap, however we will still not play for pernodd whilst in a comp."
- "and i imagine Herby's handicap has gone backwards?!"
- "This post has been deleted by the user"
- "Why not? Surely the usual sledging will be difficult if you are in different groups and not knowing if you are in p position will add a different interest. Can't believe the strongest proponents of the aniseed are being quite so girly about it. "
- "We agreed not to play for Pernodd in comps because during team games we could end up with a situation where we want our team mates to play badly "
- "After speaking to the players from yesterday it has been agreed by the majority that from now on all scores from comps, charity days etc will count towards the handicaps providing there are at least two amigos competing. However the rule still remains that pernodd will not be played for. I have posted yesterdays scores and amended the handicaps. "
- "Are we going to get this competition in this side of Christmas and if so when do you think?"
- "Have checked my diary and the weekends I cannot do between now and Christmas are Nov 10th, Nov 24th and Dec 15th. Will line up attendance and then get trolleyed the night before and miss tee off time. Fatty"
- "This post has been deleted by the user"
- "GTG on weekends of 17th November or 8th Dec, Could do 1st Dec at a push"
- "Didn't we do it between Christmas and New Year last year? Up for that again or most of dates supplied apart from w/e of 17th or 23rd Nov."
- "Lets make it December, Butters, Jonny, Herby, Dodge & I have loads of club matches in November. Like Andy said why not sometime between Christmas & New Year"
- "Congratulations to Butters on his amazing round of 72. I hate to piss on his parade but I beat him to it many years ago by shooting a 71 at Wormsley and the back nine was not even required."
- "Fine by me."
- "Can I suggest Friday 28th December 2007, 10.00am start at Wormsley. Let me know"
- "28th Dec is fine by me. I heard a rumour that our 2 clubs were going to be drawn out of a hat this year, as opposed to each amigo being able to choose. I suspect this was just one of those ridiculous pissed-up suggestions, but could someone please confirm? "
- "I should be up for that - my two clubs (metal fatigue permitting) will be a four iron and another four iron."
- "Sorry, I'm not dead - just forgot my *****ing password again.... this 2 club thingy - is it @ wormshole? - if so, its not much of a challenge, 2 clubs is about all you need to get round there anyway.. xxRetired - and rather bored Coxie.
- "
- "This post has been deleted by the user"
- "Coxy I would like to see you get out of a bunker with just a driver and a 3 wood in your bag, Wormsley or Kington!!
- "
- "Friday 28th is ok for me. I just hope Foxy draws driver and 3 wood out of the hat!"
- "bang up for the 28th on same basis as last year, not sure about the hat suggestion though. Every chance I will still be on the course on the 29th if I can't choose a couple of clubs I can occasionally hit the bleeding ball with"
- "Coxy can you please stop putting kisses at the end of your messages, if it persists I will have no alternative but to ban you from this forum!!"
- "perhaps we could choose 1 club and draw the other from a hat?"
- "This post has been deleted by the user"
- "Just to let you know we have the tee booked for 10.00am until 10.30am on Friday 28th December 2007 at Wormsley for the 2 club challenge, it would be nice to have a rough idea of numbers so let me know if you are going to make it."
- "The planned week for next years Spanish Open is the week commencing Monday 5th May 2008. If anyone has a major problem with that date then can they let us know. The finer details of the trip will be ironed out over the coming months but it would be nice to confirm the date in advance."
- "The dates are fine. My girlfriend might not be so."
- "That date seems good to me will pencil into diary as "first Spanish pernod"."
- "I will be there barring an international terroist event. "
- "I will be there barring a self induced all night drinking session."
- "I will be there if I can find my clubs"
- "I'll just be there"
- "I Cox, A Rogers, Rhod Mence, N Fox, S Evans, A Butterworth, J Williams, S Marshall. A Rogerson are all confirmed. C Styles can't make it, can the rest of you let me know?"
- "I'm not sure if I'm right but even if there's only 2 players playing, the 10 point rule still exists. Basically it means Rogers owing another little single. Please confirm."
- "Sorry mate nothing would make me happier than watching Rogers drink Pernodd but less than three playing means no forfeit"
- "I just think that the 10 point rule might add a bit of edge to matches between 2 players. It had nothing to do with the fact Andy would be on a single if this had been a rule! :-)"
- "I agree, in future it might add an edge!!!! By the same thing should there be a 20pt rule when Poweller finshes 26 pts behind Butters again?! Presume all this will be sorted by the Tafia at the AGM in Spain!"
- "Just to let you know Butters & I are thinking of playing Saturday morning around 9am if anybody else wants a round @ Wormsley."
- "Sorry working, why aren't you?"
- "Obviously not as busy and important as you!"
- "Butters and I are playing this Saturday the 2nd February if anyone wants to join us then let us know."
- "I am still waiting for one or two amigo's to confirm if they can make it. Confirmed so far are J Williams, A Rodgerson, S Evans, C Styles, S Mcleod, A Rogers, A Butterworth, Rod Mence, N Fox, Rob Mence and S Marshall. I have had no's from I Cox and R Wood."
- "Herby and I are play this Saturday at Wormsley, teeing off at 9.30am. If anyone fancies joining us then let me know."
- "Jonny and I are playing on Saturday afternoon if anyone fancies joining us then let me know."
- "Come on boys make it three. Keep him honest! If he's going to get an extra shot for spain at least he can do a pernodd for the privilege"
- "This post has been deleted by the user"
- "The way my handicap is going up lads, I'll be off 18 by the time we board that plane for sunny Spain!"
- "But you will still be drinking Pernodd"
- "No chance - you will work your way up to 15.4 by late April 09, be tempted with one more round before spain to get yourself up to 16. You will then have one of your wonder rounds around wormsley off the yellows with gimme's - post a 65 gross and be off 9 in spain and stink of aniseed for 4 days!"
- "15 rounds since playing to handicap - is that a record?"
- "I doubt it - I have probably beaten that in my 5 year battle to get from 18 to 24.
- Walrus"
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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