Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- --[[
- 17
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash, and the shop will now auto-reboot if it fails to update twice.
- made by fatmanchummy
- ----
- ]]
- local version = 17
- local tArgs = {...}
- local params = {
- "setupText",
- "setupVisuals",
- }
- shell.setCompletionFunction(shell.getRunningProgram(),
- function(shell,par,cur)
- if par == 1 then
- local res = {}
- for i = 1,#params do
- if params[i]:sub(1,#cur) == cur then
- res[#res+1] = params[i]:sub(#cur+1)
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- return {}
- end
- )
- if not fs.exists("w.lua") then
- end
- if not fs.exists("r.lua") then
- end
- if not fs.exists("k.lua") then
- end
- if not fs.exists("json.lua") then
- end
- if not fs.exists("jua.lua") then
- end
- if not fs.exists("logger.lua") then
-"wget logger.lua")
- end
- os.unloadAPI("logger.lua")
- os.loadAPI("logger.lua")
- if true then
- local didUpdate = false
- local handle = http.get("")
- handle.readLine()
- local v = tonumber(handle.readLine())
- local notes = handle.readLine()
- if v < version then
- print(v,"<",version)
- elseif v == version then
- print(v,"=",version)
- else
- print(v,">",version)
- end
- handle.close()
- if v > version then
- print("There is an update available.")
- print("Update notes: ")
- print("--------------------------------")
- print(notes)
- print("--------------------------------")
- print("Would you like to do the update now? (Y/N)")
- local utm = os.startTimer(30)
- while true do
- local a = {os.pullEvent()}
- if a[1] == "char" then
- if a[2] == "y" then
- fs.delete(shell.getRunningProgram())
-"wget startup")
- print("Update complete.")
- didUpdate = true
- break
- elseif a[2] == "n" then
- break
- end
- elseif a[1] == "timer" and a[2] == utm then
- break
- end
- end
- if not didUpdate then
- print("Timed out or skipping update.")
- end
- else
- print("Up to date.")
- end
- if logger.isUpdate(version) then
- if logger.update() then
- didUpdate = true
- end
- else
-"Logger is up to date.")
- end
- if didUpdate then
- print("Rebooting.")
- os.sleep(2)
- os.reboot()
- end
- end
- ------END
- local w = require("w")
- local r = require("r")
- local k = require("k")
- os.loadAPI("json.lua")
- local json = _G.json
- _G.json = nil
- local jua = require("jua")
- w.init(jua)
- r.init(jua)
- k.init(jua,json,w,r)
- ---------------------------------------------------
- if logger.canLogBeOpened then
- logger.openLog()
- end
- if logger.canPurchaseLogBeOpened then
- logger.openPurchaseLog()
- end
- local function checkKristAddress(a)
- return k.makev2address(k.toKristWalletFormat(a))
- end
- ----------
- local fatData = "fatItemData"
- local fatCustomization = "fatShopCustomization"
- local mon = nil
- local mName = nil
- local tName = nil
- local items = nil
- local privKey = nil
- local pubKey = nil
- local custom = {}
- local chests = {}
- local sIL = {}
- local selection = false
- local recentPressCount = 0
- local oldY = 0
- local page = 1
- local mxPages = 1
- local mX = 0
- local mY = 0
- local ws
- local buttons = {}
- local recentPress = false
- local purchaseTimer = "nothing to see yet"
- local cobCount = 0
- local refreshCheck = false
- local function fixCustomization(key)
-"Attempting to fix customization file.")
- local hand = "h"
- local function ao(a)
- hand.writeLine(a)
- hand.flush()
- end
- local function chk(a)
- return type(a) == "table"
- end
- local clr = {
- [1] = "colors.white",
- [2] = "",
- [4] = "colors.magenta",
- [8] = "colors.lightBlue",
- [16] = "colors.yellow",
- [32] = "colors.lime",
- [64] = "",
- [128] = "colors.gray",
- [256] = "colors.lightGray",
- [512] = "colors.cyan",
- [1024] = "colors.purple",
- [2048] = "",
- [4096] = "colors.brown",
- [8192] = "",
- [16384] = "",
- [32768] = "",
- }
- hand =,"w")
- if chk(custom) then
- ao("data = {")
- ao(custom.owner and " owner = \""..custom.owner.."\"," or " owner = \"Nobody\",")
- ao(custom.shopName and " shopName = \""..custom.shopName.."\"," or " shopName = \"Unnamed Shop\",")
- ao(type(custom.drawBottomInfoBar) == "boolean" and " drawBottomInfoBar = "..tostring(custom.drawBottomInfoBar).."," or " drawBottomInfoBar = true,")
- ao(type(custom.showCustomInfo) == "boolean" and " showCustomInfo = "..tostring(custom.showCustomInfo).."," or " showCustomInfo = true,")
- ao(" customInfo = {")
- if chk(custom.customInfo) then
- ao((custom.customInfo and custom.customInfo[1]) and " [ 1 ] = \"" .. custom.customInfo[1] .. "\"," or " [ 1 ] = \"Edit customInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao((custom.customInfo and custom.customInfo[2]) and " [ 2 ] = \"" .. custom.customInfo[2] .. "\"," or " [ 2 ] = \"Up to two lines are permitted\",")
- else
- ao(" [ 1 ] = \"Edit customInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao(" [ 2 ] = \"Up to two lines are permitted\",")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(type(custom.showCustomBigInfo) == "boolean" and " showCustomBigInfo = "..tostring(custom.showCustomBigInfo).."," or " showCustomBigInfo = false,")
- ao(" customBigInfo = {")
- if chk(custom.customBigInfo) then
- ao((custom.customBigInfo and custom.customBigInfo[1]) and " [ 1 ] = \""..custom.customBigInfo[1].."\"," or " [ 1 ] = \"Edit customBigInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao((custom.customBigInfo and custom.customBigInfo[2]) and " [ 2 ] = \""..custom.customBigInfo[2].."\"," or " [ 2 ] = \"the word PUBKEY will be translated\",")
- ao((custom.customBigInfo and custom.customBigInfo[3]) and " [ 3 ] = \""..custom.customBigInfo[3].."\"," or " [ 3 ] = \"to your public krist address.\",")
- ao((custom.customBigInfo and custom.customBigInfo[4]) and " [ 4 ] = \""..custom.customBigInfo[4].."\"," or " [ 4 ] = \"Up to four lines are permitted\",")
- else
- ao(" [ 1 ] = \"Edit customBigInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao(" [ 2 ] = \"the word PUBKEY will be translated\",")
- ao(" [ 3 ] = \"to your public krist address.\",")
- ao(" [ 4 ] = \"Up to four lines are permitted\",")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(type(custom.touchHereForCobbleButton) == "boolean" and " touchHereForCobbleButton = "..tostring(custom.touchHereForCobbleButton).."," or " touchHereForCobbleButton = true,")
- ao(custom.dropSide and " dropSide = \""..custom.dropSide.."\", -- the side the turtle will drop from, accepts 'top', 'bottom', and 'front'" or " dropSide = \"unset\", -- the side the turtle will drop from, accepts 'top', 'bottom', and 'front'")
- ao(custom.itemsDrawnAtOnce and " itemsDrawnAtOnce = "..tostring(custom.itemsDrawnAtOnce).."," or " itemsDrawnAtOnce = 7,")
- ao(type(custom.useBothChestTypes) == "boolean" and " useBothChestTypes = "..tostring(custom.useBothChestTypes).."," or " useBothChestTypes = false,")
- ao(type(custom.useSingleChest) == "boolean" and " useSingleChest = "..tostring(custom.useSingleChest)..", --if useBothChestTypes is true, this value does not matter. If useBothChestTypes is false, and there is a network attached, the turtle will ignore everything except the single chest." or " useSingleChest = false, --if useBothChestTypes is true, this value does not matter. If useBothChestTypes is false, and there is a network attached, the turtle will ignore everything except the single chest.")
- ao(custom.chestSide and " chestSide = \""..custom.chestSide.."\",--You can use a single chest attached to a network by typing it's network name here (eg: \"minecraft:chest_666\")" or " chestSide = \"bottom\",--You can use a single chest attached to a network by typing it's network name here (eg: \"minecraft:chest_666\")")
- ao(type(custom.doPurchaseForwarding) == "boolean" and " doPurchaseForwarding = "..tostring(custom.doPurchaseForwarding).."," or " doPurchaseForwarding = false," )
- ao(custom.purchaseForwardingAddress and " purchaseForwardingAddress = "..custom.purchaseForwardingAddress.."," or " purchaseForwardingAddress = \"fakeAddress\"," )
- ao(type(custom.compactMode) == "boolean" and " compactMode = "..tostring(custom.compactMode).."," or " compactMode = false,")
- ao(" farthestBackground = {")
- if chk(custom.farthestBackground) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" background = {")
- if chk(custom.background) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg = colors.gray,")
- ao(custom.background.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.background.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg = colors.gray,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" nameBar = {")
- if chk(custom.nameBar) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(custom.nameBar.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.nameBar.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemInfoBar = {")
- if chk(custom.itemInfoBar) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.itemInfoBar.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.itemInfoBar.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" infoBar = {")
- if chk(custom.infoBar) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(custom.infoBar.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.infoBar.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" buttons = {")
- if chk(custom.buttons) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.buttons.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.buttons.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" disabledButtons = {")
- if chk(custom.disabledButtons) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg = colors.lightGray,")
- ao(custom.disabledButtons.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.disabledButtons.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg = colors.lightGray,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" selection = {")
- if chk(custom.selection) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg = colors.white,")
- ao(custom.selection.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.selection.fg].."," or " fg =,")
- else
- ao(" bg = colors.white,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigSelection = {")
- if chk(custom.bigSelection) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao( and " fg = "..clr[custom.bigSelection.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" selectedEmptyStock = {")
- if chk(custom.selectedEmptyStock) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.selectedEmptyStock.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.selectedEmptyStock.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigSelectionEmptyStock = {")
- if chk(custom.bigSelectionEmptyStock) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.bigSelectionEmptyStock.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.bigSelectionEmptyStock.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigInfo = {")
- if chk(custom.bigInfo) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.bigInfo.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.bigInfo.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableColor1 = {")
- if chk(custom.itemTableColor1) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao( and " fg = "..clr[custom.itemTableColor1.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableColor2 = {")
- if chk(custom.itemTableColor2) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.itemTableColor2.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.itemTableColor2.fg].."," or " fg = colors.white,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableEmptyStock1 = {")
- if chk(custom.itemTableEmptyStock1) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.itemTableEmptyStock1.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.itemTableEmptyStock1.fg].."," or " fg =,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableEmptyStock2 = {")
- if chk(custom.itemTableEmptyStock2) then
- ao( and " bg = "..clr[].."," or " bg =,")
- ao(custom.itemTableEmptyStock2.fg and " fg = "..clr[custom.itemTableEmptyStock2.fg].."," or " fg =,")
- else
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" REFUNDS = {")
- if chk(custom.REFUNDS) then
- ao(custom.REFUNDS.noItemSelected and " noItemSelected = \""..custom.REFUNDS.noItemSelected.."\"," or " noItemSelected = \"There is no item selected!\",")
- ao(custom.REFUNDS.underpay and " underpay = \""..custom.REFUNDS.underpay .."\"," or " underpay = \"You seem to have underpaid.\",")
- ao(custom.REFUNDS.change and " change = \""..custom.REFUNDS.change .."\"," or " change = \"You overpaid by a small amount, here's your change!\",")
- ao(custom.REFUNDS.outOfStock and " outOfStock = \""..custom.REFUNDS.outOfStock .."\"," or " outOfStock = \"We do not have any stock of that item!\",")
- ao(custom.REFUNDS.UPDATE and " UPDATE = \""..custom.REFUNDS.UPDATE.."\"," or " UPDATE = \"The shop is updating it's stocks and an error occured!\",")
- else
- ao(" noItemSelected = \"There is no item selected!\",")
- ao(" underpay = \"You seem to have underpaid.\",")
- ao(" change = \"You overpaid by a small amount, here's your change.\",")
- ao(" outOfStock = \"We do not have any stock of that item!\",")
- ao(" UPDATE = \"The shop is updating it's stocks and an error occured!\",")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao(" LOGGER = {")
- if chk(custom.LOGGER) then
- ao(type(custom.LOGGER.doNormalLogging) == "boolean" and " doNormalLogging = "..tostring(custom.LOGGER.doNormalLogging)..", --If you are getting errors, set this to true. It tends to spam files." or " doNormalLogging = false, --If you are getting errors, set this to true. It tends to spam files.")
- ao(type(custom.LOGGER.doPurchaseLogging) == "boolean" and " doPurchaseLogging = "..tostring(custom.LOGGER.doPurchaseLogging).."," or " doPurchaseLogging = true,")
- ao(type(custom.LOGGER.doInfoLogging) == "boolean" and " doInfoLogging = "..tostring(custom.LOGGER.doInfoLogging)..", --HIGHLY recommended to not enable this. Every time the screen redraws an info event is created." or " doInfoLogging = false, --HIGHLY recommended to not enable this. Every time the screen redraws an info event is created.")
- ao(type(custom.LOGGER.doWarnLogging) == "boolean" and " doWarnLogging = "..tostring(custom.LOGGER.doWarnLogging).."," or " doWarnLogging = true,")
- ao(custom.LOGGER.LOG_LOCATION and " LOG_LOCATION = \""..custom.LOGGER.LOG_LOCATION.."\"," or "\"logs/\",")
- ao(custom.LOGGER.LOG_NAME and " LOG_NAME = \""..custom.LOGGER.LOG_NAME.."\"," or " LOG_NAME = \"Log\",")
- ao(custom.LOGGER.PURCHASE_LOG_NAME and " PURCHASE_LOG_NAME = \""..custom.LOGGER.PURCHASE_LOG_NAME.."\"," or " PURCHASE_LOG_NAME = \"PurchaseLog\",")
- else
- ao(" doNormalLogging = false, --If you are getting errors, set this to true. It tends to spam files.")
- ao(" doPurchaseLogging = true,")
- ao(" doInfoLogging = false, --HIGHLY recommended to not enable this. Every time the screen redraws an info event is created.")
- ao(" doWarnLogging = true,")
- ao(" LOG_LOCATION = \"logs/\",")
- ao(" LOG_NAME = \"Log\",")
- ao(" PURCHASE_LOG_LOCATION = \"purchases/\",")
- ao(" PURCHASE_LOG_NAME = \"PurchaseLog\",")
- end
- ao(" },")
- ao("}")
- ao("return data")
- else
- fs.move(fatShopCustomization,"BadShopCustomization")
- writeCustomization(fatShopCustomization)
- logger.severe("The fatShopCustomization file should return a table. The old file has been moved to BadShopCustomization, and a new one has been written in it's place.")
-"Rebooting in 10 seconds.")
- os.sleep(10)
- os.reboot()
- end
-"Potential fix for customization file. Rebooting.")
- os.sleep(4)
- os.reboot()
- end
- if tArgs[1] == "setupText" then
-"Entering setup.")
- sleep(3)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Before continuing, be sure you are alone and nobody else is on/able to access this computer.")
- print("Nothing will be hidden, and everything written to the screen during the setup will be in plaintext.")
- print()
- print("Press any key to continue")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- sleep()
- local qa = {
- kristAddress = {
- t = "boolean",
- },
- kristPword = {
- q = "Please enter the private-key for your krist address.",
- },
- confirmPword = {
- q = "Please confirm the key by typing it again.",
- },
- customInfo1 = {
- t = "string",
- q = "Enter line 1, leave blank for nothing.",
- },
- customInfo2 = {
- t = "string",
- q = "Enter line 2, leave blank for nothing.",
- },
- useSingleChest = {
- t = "boolean",
- q = "Will you be using a chest directly beside the turtle?",
- },
- chestSide = {
- q = "What side of the turtle is the chest on?",
- },
- useModemChest = {
- t = "boolean",
- q = "Will you be using a storage network attached to a modem?",
- },
- }
- local q = {
- owner = {
- t = "string",
- q = "Who owns this shop?",
- },
- shopName = {
- t = "string",
- q = "What would you like this shop to be called?",
- },
- showCustomInfo = {
- t = "boolean",
- q = "Would you like to use a custom information bar?",
- },
- touchHereForCobbleButton = {
- t = "boolean",
- q = "Would you like to display a \"Free Cobble\" button?",
- },
- itemsDrawnAtOnce = {
- t = "number",
- q = "How many items should be drawn per page?",
- },
- dropSide = {
- t = "string",
- q = "What side of the turtle would you like to drop items? (front, top, or bottom)",
- list = {
- "front",
- "top",
- "bottom",
- },
- },
- }
- local function resolveAnswer(q,a)
- if q.list and (q.t == "string" or q.t == "number") then
- local inList = false
- for i = 1,#q.list do
- if a == q.list[i] then
- inList = true
- end
- end
- return a,inList;
- else
- if q.t == "string" then
- return a,true;
- elseif q.t == "boolean" then
- a = string.lower(a)
- if a == "yes" or a == "true" or a == "1" or a == "y" then
- return true,true;
- elseif a == "no" or a == "false" or a == "0" or a == "n" then
- return false,true;
- else
- return nil,false;
- end
- elseif q.t == "number" then
- a = tonumber(a)
- return a,type(a) == "number"
- end
- end
- return "Something failed.",false;
- end
- local function c()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- local function pq(q)
- print(q.q,"(" .. q.t .. ")")
- term.write("->")
- end
- local tries = 0
- repeat
- local complete = false
- tries = 0
- repeat
- c()
- if tries > 0 then
- print("Those are not the same!")
- end
- print(qa.kristPword.q)
- term.write("->")
- qa.kristPword.a =
- print()
- print(qa.confirmPword.q)
- term.write("->")
- qa.confirmPword.a =
- print()
- tries = 1
- qa.kristAddress.a = checkKristAddress(qa.kristPword.a)
- until qa.kristPword.a == qa.confirmPword.a
- tries = 0
- repeat
- if tries > 0 then
- print("That is not a valid answer!")
- end
- print("Is",checkKristAddress(qa.kristPword.a),"your krist address? (boolean)")
- term.write("->")
- local tmp =
- local a,b = resolveAnswer(qa.kristAddress,tmp)
- print(a,b)
- if a and b then complete = true end
- tries = 1
- until b
- until complete
- tries = 0
- repeat
- c()
- if tries > 0 then
- print("That is not a valid answer!")
- end
- print(qa.useSingleChest.q)
- term.write("->")
- local tmp = "empty"
- local a,b = resolveAnswer(qa.useSingleChest,
- if a and b then
- print(qa.chestSide.q)
- term.write("->")
- tmp =
- end
- qa.chestSide.a = tmp
- qa.useSingleChest.a = a
- tries = 1
- until b
- tries = 0
- repeat
- c()
- if tries > 0 then
- print("That is not a valid answer!")
- end
- print(qa.useModemChest.q)
- term.write("->")
- local a,b = resolveAnswer(qa.useModemChest,
- qa.useModemChest.a = a
- tries = 1
- until b
- local function customInfoRead()
- c()
- pq(qa.customInfo1)
- qa.customInfo1.a =
- print()
- c()
- pq(qa.customInfo2)
- qa.customInfo2.a =
- end
- for k,v in pairs(q) do
- tries = 0
- repeat
- local tmp = nil
- c()
- if tries > 0 then
- print("That is not a valid answer!")
- end
- pq(v)
- local a,b = resolveAnswer(v,
- q[k].a = a
- if k == "showCustomInfo" and a and b then
- customInfoRead()
- end
- tries = tries + 1
- until b
- end
- custom = {}
- for k,v in pairs(q) do
- if v.a ~= nil then
- custom[k] = v.a
- end
- end
- custom.customInfo = {
- [ 1 ] = qa.customInfo1.a,
- [ 2 ] = qa.customInfo2.a,
- }
- custom.useSingleChest = qa.useSingleChest.a
- custom.chestSide = qa.chestSide.a
- custom.useBothChestTypes = qa.useModemChest.a and qa.useSingleChest.a
- local hand =".privKey","w")
- hand.writeLine("return \"""\",\"""\"")
- hand.close()
- fixCustomization()
- end
- if fs.exists(".turtle") then
- local hd =".turtle","r")
- tName = hd.readLine()
- hd.close()
- else
- local juan = nil
- for k,v in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do
- if v:find("chest") then juan = v break end
- end
- if not juan then
- error("No chests connected to the network")
- end
- juan = peripheral.wrap(juan)
- local tmp = juan.getTransferLocations()
- for i = 1,#tmp do
- if tmp[i]:find("turtle") then
- tName = tmp[i]
-"Connected to turtle "..tName)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if fs.exists(".monitor") then
- local hd =".monitor","r")
- mName = hd.readLine()
- if peripheral.find(mName) then
- mon = peripheral.wrap(mName)
- end
- hd.close()
- end
- if not mon then
- local pers = peripheral.getNames()
- for i = 1,#pers do
- if peripheral.getType(pers[i]) == "monitor" then
- mName = pers[i]
- mon = peripheral.wrap(pers[i])
- end
- end
- if not mon then
- error("Could not find monitor")
- end
- end
-"Connected to monitor "..mName)
- mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- mX,mY = mon.getSize()
- local function writeBlankPrivKey()
- local hd =".privKey","w")
- hd.writeLine("--by default, so long as this returns your privateKey and public Krist Address, it will work.")
- hd.writeLine("-- You may use whatever encryption methods.")
- hd.writeLine("--It is recommended to use a different kristWallet than your main, as it may cause problems.")
- hd.writeLine("return false,false")
- hd.close()
- logger.severe("Private key not valid. Edit .privKey to change it. Purchases will likely not work.")
- end
- if not fs.exists(".privKey") then
- writeBlankPrivKey()
- else
- privKey,pubKey = dofile(".privKey")
- if type(privKey) ~= "string" or type(pubKey) ~= "string" then
- fs.move(".privKey","badPrivateKey")
- logger.severe("Your private key is messed up. Your old private key has been moved to \"badPrivateKey\"")
- logger.warn("Purchases will not work currently. Without the private key the shop will crash!")
- writeBlankPrivKey()
- end
- if privKey then
- privKey = k.toKristWalletFormat(privKey)
- end
- end
- local function writeData()
- local hd =,"w")
- local function ao(a)
- hd.writeLine(a)
- end
- ao("local items = {")
- ao(" {")
- ao(" display = \"Iron Ingot\",")
- ao(" price = 1,")
- ao(" find = \"minecraft:iron_ingot\",")
- ao(" damage = 0,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" {")
- ao(" display = \"Coal\",")
- ao(" price = 0.2,")
- ao(" find = \"minecraft:coal\",")
- ao(" damage = 0,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" {")
- ao(" display = \"Charcoal\",")
- ao(" price = 0.1,")
- ao(" find = \"minecraft:coal\",")
- ao(" damage = 1,")
- ao(" },")
- ao("}")
- ao("return items")
- hd.close()
- end
- if not fs.exists(fatData) then
- writeData()
- logger.warn("file "..fatData.." does not exist, wrote default item data.")
- items = dofile(fatData)
- else
- items = dofile(fatData)
- if type(items) ~= "table" then
- logger.severe(fatData.." should return a table!")
- else
-"Items found in data: "..#items)
- end
- end
- local function refund(to,amt,rsn,gbad)
- local success,err = await(k.makeTransaction,privKey,to,amt,( rsn and gbad and "message="..rsn ) or ( rsn and not gbad and "error="..rsn ) or ( "error=Unknown error occured, take your money back" ) )
- if not success then
- logger.severe("Failed to send refund")
- print(textutils.serialise(err))
- error("Failed to refund money due to "..err.error)
- else
-"Sent refund")
- end
- end
- --get user preferences
- local function writeCustomization(name)
- local hd =,"w")
- local function ao(txt)
- hd.writeLine(txt)
- end
- ao("data = {")
- ao(" owner = \"nobody\",")
- ao(" shopName = \"Unnamed Shop\",")
- ao(" drawBottomInfoBar = true,")
- ao(" showCustomInfo = true,")
- ao(" customInfo = {")
- ao(" [ 1 ] = \"Edit customInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao(" [ 2 ] = \"Up to two lines are permitted\",")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" showCustomBigInfo = false,")
- ao(" customBigInfo = {")
- ao(" [ 1 ] = \"Edit customBigInfo variable to change me\",")
- ao(" [ 2 ] = \"the word PUBKEY will be translated\",")
- ao(" [ 3 ] = \"to your public krist address.\",")
- ao(" [ 4 ] = \"Up to four lines are permitted\",")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" touchHereForCobbleButton = true,")
- ao(" dropSide = \"top\", -- the side the turtle will drop from, accepts 'top', 'bottom', and 'front'")
- ao(" itemsDrawnAtOnce = 7,")
- ao(" useBothChestTypes = false,")
- ao(" useSingleChest = false, --if useBothChestTypes is true, this value does not matter. If useBothChestTypes is false, and there is a network attached, the turtle will ignore everything except the single chest.")
- ao(" chestSide = \"bottom\",--You can use a single chest attached to a network by typing it's network name here (eg: \"minecraft:chest_666\")")
- ao(" doPurchaseForwarding = false,")
- ao(" purchaseForwardingAddress = \"fakeAddress\",")
- ao(" compactMode = false,")
- ao(" farthestBackground = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" background = {")
- ao(" bg = colors.gray,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" nameBar = {")
- ao(" bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemInfoBar = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" infoBar = {")
- ao(" bg = colors.purple,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" buttons = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" disabledButtons = {")
- ao(" bg = colors.lightGray,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" selection = {")
- ao(" bg = colors.white,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigSelection = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" selectedEmptyStock = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigSelectionEmptyStock = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" bigInfo = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableColor1 = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableColor2 = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg = colors.white,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableEmptyStock1 = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" itemTableEmptyStock2 = {")
- ao(" bg =,")
- ao(" fg =,")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" REFUNDS = {")
- ao(" noItemSelected = \"There is no item selected!\",")
- ao(" underpay = \"You seem to have underpaid.\",")
- ao(" change = \"You overpaid by a small amount, here's your change!\",")
- ao(" outOfStock = \"We do not have any stock of that item!\",")
- ao(" UPDATE = \"The shop is updating it's stocks and an error occured!\",")
- ao(" },")
- ao(" LOGGER = {")
- ao(" doNormalLogging = false, --If you are getting errors, set this to true. It tends to spam files.")
- ao(" doPurchaseLogging = true,")
- ao(" doInfoLogging = false, --HIGHLY recommended to not enable this. Every time the screen redraws an info event is created.")
- ao(" doWarnLogging = true,")
- ao(" LOG_LOCATION = \"logs/\",")
- ao(" LOG_NAME = \"Log\",")
- ao(" PURCHASE_LOG_LOCATION = \"purchases/\",")
- ao(" PURCHASE_LOG_NAME = \"PurchaseLog\",")
- ao(" },")
- ao("}")
- ao("return data")
- hd.close()
- end
- if not fs.exists(fatCustomization) then
- writeCustomization(fatCustomization)
- logger.warn("No customization file, wrote default customization file.")
- custom = dofile(fatCustomization)
- else
- custom = dofile(fatCustomization)
- end
- local function checkCustomization()
-"Checking Customization file")
- writeCustomization(".temp")
- local c2 = dofile(".temp")
- fs.delete(".temp")
- if type(custom) ~= "table" then
- fixCustomization()
- end
- local function typeWarn(k,exp)
- logger.severe(k..": expected "..exp..", got "..type(custom[k]))
- fixCustomization()
- end
- local function typeInWarn(k,k2,v2)
- logger.severe("Table "..k.."'s item '"..k2.."' should be of type "..type(v2)..", but is of type "..type(custom[k][k2]))
- fixCustomization()
- end
- for k,v in pairs(c2) do
- if type(v) ~= type(custom[k]) then
- typeWarn(k,type(v))
- end
- if type(v) == "table" then
- for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- if type(custom[k]) == "table" then
- if type(v2) ~= type(custom[k][k2]) then
- typeInWarn(k,k2,v2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function checkData()
-"Checking items, "..#items)
- if type(items) ~= "table" then
- logger.severe("Item file should return a table!")
- end
- for i = 1,#items do
- if type(items[i]) ~= "table" then
- logger.severe("Each item should be a table of four keys, #"..i..": got "..type(items[i])..", expected table")
- else
- local c = items[i]
- local function typeWarn(k,exp)
- logger.severe("Item #"..i.."'s "..k..": expected "..exp..", got "..type(c[k])..".")
- end
- if type(c.display) ~= "string" then
- typeWarn("display","string")
- end
- if type(c.price) ~= "number" then
- typeWarn("price","number")
- end
- if type(c.find) ~= "string" then
- typeWarn("find","string")
- end
- if type(c.damage) ~= "number" then
- typeWarn("damage","number")
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function checkKey()
- if k.makev2address(privKey) ~= pubKey then
- logger.severe("Your private-key and public-key are mismatched!")
- printError("Your private-key evaluates to...",k.makev2address(privKey))
- printError("Your public-key is written as...",pubKey)
- error("Private-key must evaluate to public-key.")
- else
-"Private-key and public-key match.")
- end
- end
- local function checkAllTheThings()
- checkCustomization()
- checkData()
- checkKey()
- end
- --------begin inventory and monitor manip
- local function refreshChests()
- chests = {}
- if not custom.useSingleChest or custom.useBothChestTypes then
- local allPs = peripheral.getNames()
- for i = 1,#allPs do
- if allPs[i]:find("chest") or allPs[i]:find("shulker") then
- table.insert(chests,allPs[i])
- end
- end
- end
- if custom.useSingleChest or custom.useBothChestTypes then
- local yay = true
- for i = 1,#chests do
- if chests[i] == custom.chestSide then
- yay = false
- end
- end
- if yay then
- table.insert(chests,custom.chestSide)
- end
- end
- end
- local function recursiveCopy(from,to)
- if type(from) == "table" then
- for k,v in pairs(from) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- to[k] = {}
- recursiveCopy(from[k],to[k])
- else
- to[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function refreshItems()
- refreshChests()
- local sIL2 = {}
- recursiveCopy(sIL,sIL2)
- for i = 1,#sIL2 do
- sIL2[i].count = 0
- end
- cobCount = 0
- for i = 1,#chests do
- local cChest = peripheral.wrap(chests[i])
- if type(cChest) ~= "table" then
- logger.warn("Chest \""..tostring(chests[i]).."\" (Index "..tostring(i)..") is seemingly missing from the network! Skipping it.")
- else
- local ok,cInv = pcall(cChest.list)
- if not ok then error(tostring(chests[i]).." is causing errors on the network and needs to be replaced.") end
- for o = 1,cChest.size() do
- if cInv[o] then
- for p = 1,#sIL2 do
- if cInv[o].name == sIL2[p].find and cInv[o].damage == sIL2[p].damage then
- sIL2[p].count = sIL2[p].count + cInv[o].count
- end
- end
- if custom.touchHereForCobbleButton and cInv[o].name == "minecraft:cobblestone" and cInv[o].damage == 0 then
- cobCount = cobCount + cInv[o].count
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- buttons.cobble.content = "Free Cobble ("..cobCount..")"
- local b = buttons.cobble.content
- buttons.cobble.x2 = buttons.cobble.x1+1+b:len()
- return sIL2
- end
- local function doRefresh()
- local ok = false
- ok,sIL = pcall(refreshItems)
- if not ok and type(sIL) == "string" then
- logger.warn("Item refresh failed with code: "..sIL.."... retrying.")
- elseif not ok then
- logger.warn("Item refresh failed with unknown code... retrying.")
- end
- if not ok then
- if refreshCheck then
- error("Failed second refresh check. Rebooting.")
- end
- refreshCheck = true
- doRefresh()
- else
- refreshCheck = false
- end
- end
- local function sortItems()
- sIL = {}
- local a = #items
- for i = 1,a do
- local smallestIndex = a --because why the fuck does this error if I dont
- while items[smallestIndex] == nil do
- smallestIndex = smallestIndex - 1
- end
- for o = a,1,-1 do
- if items[o] ~= nil and items[o].display < items[smallestIndex].display then
- smallestIndex = o
- end
- end
- if smallestIndex ~= -1 then
- sIL[i] = {}
- for k,v in pairs(items[smallestIndex]) do
- sIL[i][k] = v
- end
- items[smallestIndex] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- local function grabItems(name,dmg,count)
- refreshChests()
- local amountTransfered = 0
- if count ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#chests do
- local cChest = peripheral.wrap(chests[i])
- local cur = cChest.list()
- local sz = cChest.size()
- for o = 1,sz do
- if cur[o] and cur[o].name == name and cur[o].damage == dmg then
- if count-amountTransfered > 0 then
- if ( custom.useBothChestTypes or custom.useSingleChest ) and chests[i] == custom.chestSide then
- if custom.chestSide == "front" or custom.chestSide == "bottom" or custom.chestSide == "top" or custom.chestSide == "left" or custom.chestSide == "right" or custom.chestSide == "back" then
- amountTransfered = amountTransfered + cChest.drop(o,count-amountTransfered)
- else
- amountTransfered = amountTransfered + cChest.pushItems(tName,o,count-amountTransfered)
- end
- else
- amountTransfered = amountTransfered + cChest.pushItems(tName,o,count-amountTransfered)
- end
- end
- if custom.dropSide == "top" then
- turtle.dropUp()
- elseif custom.dropSide == "bottom" then
- turtle.dropDown()
- elseif custom.dropSide == "front" then
- turtle.drop()
- else
- logger.warn("dropSide not configured correctly, dropping from the front.")
- turtle.drop()
- end
- if amountTransfered >= count then
- return amountTransfered
- end
- end
- if amountTransfered >= count then
- return amountTransfered
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return amountTransfered
- end
- local function getPages()
- if custom.itemsDrawnAtOnce == 0 or #sIL == 0 then
- mxPages = 1
- else
- mxPages = math.ceil(#sIL/custom.itemsDrawnAtOnce)
- end
- end
- --Monitor
- buttons = {
- cobble = {
- x1 = 29,
- y1 = mY-7,
- x2 = 41,
- y2 = mY-5,
- content = "Free Cobble (UNKNOWN)",
- enabled = false,
- },
- pgUp = {
- x1 = 17,
- y1 = mY-7,
- x2 = 27,
- y2 = mY-5,
- content = "Next Page",
- enabled = false,
- },
- pgDwn = {
- x1 = 5,
- y1 = mY-7,
- x2 = 15,
- y2 = mY-5,
- content = "Prev Page",
- enabled = false,
- },
- }
- local function refreshButtons()
- buttons.cobble.enabled = custom.touchHereForCobbleButton
- if custom.compactMode then
- if custom.drawBottomInfoBar then
- if buttons.cobble.enabled then
- buttons.cobble.y1 = mY-2
- buttons.cobble.y2 = mY-2
- buttons.cobble.x1 = 16
- buttons.cobble.content = "Free Cobble ("..cobCount..")"
- local b = buttons.cobble.content
- buttons.cobble.x1 = buttons.cobble.x1-b:len()/2-1
- buttons.cobble.x2 = buttons.cobble.x1+1+b:len()
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-4
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-4
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-4
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-4
- else
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-3
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-3
- end
- else
- if buttons.cobble.enabled then
- buttons.cobble.y1 = mY
- buttons.cobble.y2 = mY
- buttons.cobble.x1 = 16
- buttons.cobble.content = "Free Cobble ("..cobCount..")"
- local b = buttons.cobble.content
- buttons.cobble.x1 = buttons.cobble.x1-b:len()/2-1
- buttons.cobble.x2 = buttons.cobble.x1+1+b:len()
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-2
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-2
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-2
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-2
- else
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY
- end
- end
- else
- if buttons.cobble.enabled then
- if custom.drawBottomInfoBar then
- buttons.cobble.y1 = mY-7
- buttons.cobble.y2 = mY-5
- buttons.cobble.x1 = 29
- buttons.cobble.content = "Free Cobble ("..cobCount..")"
- local b = buttons.cobble.content
- buttons.cobble.x2 = buttons.cobble.x1+1+b:len()
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-7
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-5
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-7
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-5
- else
- buttons.cobble.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.cobble.y2 = mY-1
- buttons.cobble.x1 = 29
- buttons.cobble.content = "Free Cobble ("..cobCount..")"
- local b = buttons.cobble.content
- buttons.cobble.x2 = buttons.cobble.x1+1+b:len()
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-1
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-1
- end
- else
- if custom.drawBottomInfoBar then
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-7
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-5
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-7
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-5
- else
- buttons.pgUp.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgUp.y2 = mY-1
- buttons.pgDwn.y1 = mY-3
- buttons.pgDwn.y2 = mY-1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawButton(BUTT)
- if BUTT.enabled then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.setTextColor(custom.buttons.fg)
- else
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.setTextColor(custom.disabledButtons.fg)
- end
- local dist = BUTT.x2 - BUTT.x1+1
- dist = string.rep(" ",dist)
- for o = BUTT.y1,BUTT.y2 do
- mon.setCursorPos(BUTT.x1,o)
- mon.write(dist)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(BUTT.x1+(BUTT.x2-BUTT.x1)/2-(BUTT.content:len()/2)+0.5,BUTT.y1+(BUTT.y2-BUTT.y1)/2)
- mon.write(BUTT.content)
- end
- local function inBetween(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y)
- return x >= x1 and x <= x2 and y >= y1 and y <= y2
- end
- local function whichPress(x,y)
- for k,v in pairs(buttons) do
- if v.enabled and inBetween(v.x1,v.y1,v.x2,v.y2,x,y) then
- return k
- end
- end
- return "None"
- end
- local function square(x1,y1,x2,y2,c)
- if c then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(c)
- end
- local dist = x2-x1+1
- dist = string.rep(" ",dist)
- for i = y1,y2 do
- mon.setCursorPos(x1,i)
- mon.write(dist)
- end
- end
- local function drawBG()
- local topPad = 3
- local botPad = 3
- if custom.compactMode then
- topPad = 1
- botPad = 1
- end
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.clear()
- square(2,topPad+1,mX-1,mY,
- square(2,1,mX-1,topPad,
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-(custom.shopName:len()/2),topPad/2+0.5)
- mon.setTextColor(custom.nameBar.fg)
- mon.write(custom.shopName)
- if custom.drawBottomInfoBar then
- square(2,mY-botPad,mX-1,mY,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.infoBar.fg)
- local ln1y = mY-2
- local ln2y = mY-1
- if custom.compactMode then
- ln1y = mY-1
- ln2y = mY
- end
- if not custom.showCustomInfo then
- local ln1 = "This shop was made by fatmanchummy"
- local ln2 = "This shop is owned by "..custom.owner
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-(ln1:len()/2),ln1y)
- mon.write(ln1)
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-(ln2:len()/2),ln2y)
- mon.write(ln2)
- else
- if type(custom.customInfo[1]) == "string" then
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-(custom.customInfo[1]:len()/2),ln1y)
- mon.write(custom.customInfo[1])
- if type(custom.customInfo[2]) == "string" then
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-(custom.customInfo[2]:len()/2),ln2y)
- mon.write(custom.customInfo[2])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function draw(sel,override)
- oldY = sel
- refreshButtons()
- local toDraw = custom.itemsDrawnAtOnce
- getPages()
- local skip = 7
- local infoBarHeight = 7
- local infoBarBottom = 5
- local infoBarWords = 6
- if custom.compactMode then
- skip = 3
- infoBarHeight = 3
- infoBarBottom = 3
- infoBarWords = 3
- end
- square(3,infoBarBottom,mX/2+3,infoBarHeight,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.itemInfoBar.fg)
- mon.setCursorPos(4,infoBarWords)
- mon.write("Item")
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/3-5,infoBarWords)
- mon.write("Stock")
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-2,infoBarWords)
- mon.write("Price")
- square(3,infoBarHeight+1,mX/2+3,(infoBarHeight+1)+toDraw,
- for i = 1,toDraw do
- local cur = i+(toDraw)*(page-1)
- local cur1 = cur
- cur = sIL[cur]
- if cur then
- if cur.count == 0 then
- if i%2 == 1 then
- square(3,i+skip,mX/2+3,i+skip,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.itemTableEmptyStock1.fg)
- else
- square(3,i+skip,mX/2+3,i+skip,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.itemTableEmptyStock2.fg)
- end
- else
- if i%2 == 1 then
- square(3,i+skip,mX/2+3,i+skip,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.itemTableColor1.fg)
- else
- square(3,i+skip,mX/2+3,i+skip,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.itemTableColor2.fg)
- end
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(4,i+skip)
- mon.write(cur.display)
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/3-tostring(cur.count):len(),i+skip)
- mon.write(tostring(cur.count))
- local a = tostring(cur.price):find("%.")
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2,i+skip)
- mon.write(".00")
- if a then
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+a-3,i+skip)
- else
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-tostring(cur.price):len(),i+skip)
- end
- mon.write(tostring(cur.price))
- end
- end
- if not override then
- if page == mxPages then
- buttons.pgUp.enabled = false
- else
- buttons.pgUp.enabled = true
- end
- if page == 1 then
- buttons.pgDwn.enabled = false
- else
- buttons.pgDwn.enabled = true
- end
- end
- drawButton(buttons.pgUp)
- drawButton(buttons.pgDwn)
- local bigSelStart = 18
- local bigSelEnd = 25
- local displStart = 19
- if custom.compactMode then
- bigSelStart = 9
- bigSelEnd = 14
- displStart = 9
- end
- if sel then
- local i = sel-skip
- selection = i+(page-1)*(toDraw)
- local cur = sIL[selection]
- if cur and i <= toDraw then
- if cur.count == 0 then
- square(3,sel,mX/2+3,sel,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.selectedEmptyStock.fg)
- else
- square(3,sel,mX/2+3,sel,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.selection.fg)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(4,i+skip)
- mon.write(cur.display)
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/3-tostring(cur.count):len(),i+skip)
- mon.write(tostring(cur.count))
- local a = tostring(cur.price):find("%.")
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2,i+skip)
- mon.write(".00")
- if a then
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+a-3,i+skip)
- else
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-tostring(cur.price):len(),i+skip)
- end
- mon.write(tostring(cur.price))
- if cur.count == 0 then
- square(mX/2+5,bigSelStart,mX-5,bigSelEnd,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.bigSelectionEmptyStock.fg)
- else
- square(mX/2+5,bigSelStart,mX-5,bigSelEnd,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.bigSelection.fg)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart)
- mon.write(cur.display)
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart+1)
- mon.write(tostring(cur.price).."KST each")
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart+2)
- mon.write("x"..tostring(cur.count))
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart+3)
- local tPrice = math.ceil(cur.count*cur.price)
- mon.write("Whole stock price: "..tostring(tPrice))
- if cur.price < 1 then
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart+4)
- mon.write("Items for 1 KST: "..tostring(math.floor(1/cur.price+0.5)))
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2+6,displStart+5)
- mon.write("/pay "..pubKey.." "..tPrice)
- else
- square(mX/2+5,bigSelStart,mX-5,bigSelEnd,
- end
- else
- square(mX/2+5,bigSelStart,mX-5,bigSelEnd,
- end
- local bigInfoBegin = 8
- local bigInfoEnd = 16
- local inform = 9
- local bistart = 11
- if custom.compactMode then
- bigInfoBegin = 3
- bigInfoEnd = 7
- inform = 3
- bistart = 4
- end
- square(mX/2+5,bigInfoBegin,mX-5,bigInfoEnd,
- mon.setTextColor(custom.bigInfo.fg)
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-6,inform)
- mon.write("Information")
- if custom.showCustomBigInfo then
- for i = 1,4 do
- custom.customBigInfo[i] = custom.customBigInfo[i]:gsub("PUBKEY",pubKey)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-custom.customBigInfo[1]:len()/2,bistart)
- mon.write(custom.customBigInfo[1])
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-custom.customBigInfo[2]:len()/2,bistart+1)
- mon.write(custom.customBigInfo[2])
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-custom.customBigInfo[3]:len()/2,bistart+2)
- mon.write(custom.customBigInfo[3])
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-custom.customBigInfo[4]:len()/2,bistart+3)
- mon.write(custom.customBigInfo[4])
- else
- local ln1 = "This shop's address is:"
- local ln2 = pubKey
- local ln3 = "Send Krist to this address after"
- local ln4 = "selecting an item to buy."
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-ln1:len()/2,bistart)
- mon.write(ln1)
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-ln2:len()/2,bistart+1)
- mon.write(ln2)
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-ln3:len()/2,bistart+2)
- mon.write(ln3)
- mon.setCursorPos((3*mX)/4-ln4:len()/2,bistart+3)
- mon.write(ln4)
- end
- if custom.touchHereForCobbleButton then
- buttons.cobble.enabled = true
- drawButton(buttons.cobble)
- end
- end
- if true then
- local selection = false
- local s2 = false
- local oCT = {
- [1] = {color =,x = mX/2-11,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [2] = {color = colors.magenta,x = mX/2-8,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [3] = {color = colors.purple,x = mX/2-5,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [4] = {color = colors.lightBlue,x = mX/2-2,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [5] = {color = colors.cyan,x = mX/2+1,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [6] = {color =,x = mX/2+4,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [7] = {color =,x = mX/2+7,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [8] = {color = colors.lime,x = mX/2+10,y = 4,y2 = 12,},
- [9] = {color = colors.yellow,x = mX/2-11,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [10] = {color =,x = mX/2-8,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [11] = {color =,x = mX/2-5,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [12] = {color = colors.brown,x = mX/2-2,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [13] = {color = colors.white,x = mX/2+1,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [14] = {color = colors.lightGray,x = mX/2+4,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [15] = {color = colors.gray,x = mX/2+7,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- [16] = {color =,x = mX/2+10,y = 7,y2 = 15,},
- cancel = {color =,y1=mY/2+4,y2=mY/2+6,contain = "cancel",},
- }
- local function getColorPress(x,y,selected)
- local y1 = oCT[1].y
- local y2 = oCT[9].y
- local yy1 = oCT[1].y2
- local yy2 = oCT[9].y2
- if type(selected) == "table" then
- if type( == "number" then
- for i = 1,8 do
- if inBetween(oCT[i].x,y1,oCT[i].x+1,y1+1,x,y) then
- return i,1
- end
- end
- for i = 9,16 do
- if inBetween(oCT[i].x,y2,oCT[i].x+1,y2+1,x,y) then
- return i,1
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------
- if type(selected.fg) == "number" then
- for i = 1,8 do
- if inBetween(oCT[i].x,yy1,oCT[i].x+1,yy1+1,x,y) then
- return i,2
- end
- end
- for i = 9,16 do
- if inBetween(oCT[i].x,yy2,oCT[i].x+1,yy2+1,x,y) then
- return i,2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if inBetween(mX/2-oCT.cancel.contain:len()/2-2.5,mY/2+4,mX/2+oCT.cancel.contain:len()/2-0.5,mY/2+6,x,y) then
- selection = false
- end
- end
- local function drawColorBox(colorBox,iter)
- local iterD = "y"
- if iter ~= 1 then
- iterD = "y2"
- end
- mon.setBackgroundColor(colorBox.color)
- mon.setCursorPos(colorBox.x,colorBox[iterD])
- mon.write(" ")
- mon.setCursorPos(colorBox.x,colorBox[iterD]+1)
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- local function drawBoxColors2(writ,selected)
- square(mX/2-11.5,11,mX/2+12.5,17,
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-writ:len()/2+0.5,11)
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- mon.write(writ)
- for i = 1,16 do
- drawColorBox(oCT[i],2)
- end
- end
- local function drawBoxColors1(writ,selected)
- square(mX/2-11.5,3,mX/2+12.5,9,
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-writ:len()/2+0.5,3)
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- mon.write(writ)
- for i = 1,16 do
- drawColorBox(oCT[i],1)
- end
- end
- local function drawColors(selected)
- if type(selected) == "table" then
- drawBoxColors1("BACKGROUND",selected)
- if selected.fg then
- drawBoxColors2("TEXT",selected)
- end
- end
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- if selected ~= nil and type(selected) ~= "boolean" then
- for i = 1,3 do
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-oCT.cancel.contain:len()/2-1.5,mY/2+3+i)
- mon.write(string.rep(" ",oCT.cancel.contain:len()+2))
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(mX/2-oCT.cancel.contain:len()/2-0.5,mY/2+5)
- mon.write(oCT.cancel.contain)
- end
- end
- local function select(x,y)
- if x == 1 or x == mX then
- selection = custom.farthestBackground
- s2 = "farthestBackground"
- elseif inBetween(2,1,mX-1,3,x,y) then
- selection = custom.nameBar
- s2 = "nameBar"
- elseif inBetween(2,mY-3,mX-1,mY,x,y) then
- selection = custom.infoBar
- s2 = "infoBar"
- elseif inBetween(3,5,mX/2+3,7,x,y) then
- selection = custom.itemInfoBar
- s2 = "itemInfoBar"
- elseif inBetween(3,8,mX/2+3,8,x,y) then
- selection = custom.itemTableColor1
- s2 = "itemTableColor1"
- elseif inBetween(3,9,mX/2+3,9,x,y) then
- selection = custom.itemTableColor2
- s2 = "itemTableColor2"
- elseif inBetween(3,10,mX/2+3,10,x,y) then
- selection = custom.selection
- s2 = "selection"
- elseif inBetween(3,11,mX/2+3,11,x,y) then
- selection = custom.itemTableEmptyStock2
- s2 = "itemTableEmptyStock2"
- elseif inBetween(3,12,mX/2+3,12,x,y) then
- selection = custom.itemTableEmptyStock1
- s2 = "itemTableEmptyStock1"
- elseif inBetween(mX/2+5,18,mX-5,25,x,y) then
- selection = custom.bigSelection
- s2 = "bigSelection"
- elseif inBetween(mX/2+5,8,mX-5,16,x,y) then
- selection = custom.bigInfo
- s2 = "bigInfo"
- elseif inBetween(5,mY-7,15,mY-5,x,y) then
- selection = custom.disabledButtons
- s2 = "disabledButtons"
- elseif inBetween(17,mY-7,27,mY-5,x,y) then
- selection = custom.buttons
- s2 = "buttons"
- elseif inBetween(2,4,mX-1,mY-4,x,y) then--FINAL ELSEIF
- selection = custom.background
- s2 = "background"
- end
- end
- if tArgs[1] == "setupVisuals" then
- custom = dofile(fatCustomization)
- local oldCobble = custom.touchHereForCobbleButton
- local oldCompact = custom.compactMode
- local oldName = custom.shopName
- custom.touchHereForCobbleButton = false
- custom.compactMode = false
- custom.shopName = "Tap somewhere to change it's colors!"
- buttons.pgUp.content = "Enabled"
- buttons.pgUp.enabled = true
- buttons.pgDwn.content = "Disabled"
- buttons.pgDwn.enabled = false
- sIL = {
- {
- display = "Item List 1",
- find = "minecraft:cobblestone",
- damage = 0,
- price = 1.5,
- count = 100,
- },
- {
- display = "Item List 2",
- find = "minecraft:iron_ingot",
- damage = 0,
- price = 0.5,
- count = 5,
- },
- {
- display = "Selected Item",
- find = "minecraft:logs",
- damage = 0,
- price = 0.01,
- count = 9999,
- },
- {
- display = "Empty Stock Item 2",
- find = "minecraft:fuck",
- damage = 0,
- price = 100,
- count = 0,
- },
- {
- display = "Empty Stock Item 1",
- find = "minecraft:empty",
- damage = 0,
- price = 1000,
- count = 0,
- },
- }
- drawBG()
- draw(10,true)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
-"Entering Visual Setup")
- print("Press the \"t\" key to exit.")
- print("This may not support smaller screens.")
- while true do
- drawBG()
- draw(10,true)
- drawColors(selection)
- local event = ({os.pullEvent()})
- if event[1] == "key" and event[2] == keys.t then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.clear()
- mon.setTextColor(custom.background.fg)
- mon.setTextScale(2)
- mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
- mon.write("Exiting customization.")
- break
- end
- if selection then
- if event[1] == "monitor_touch" then
- local index, bfg = getColorPress(event[3],event[4],selection)
- if index ~= nil then
- if bfg == 1 then
- custom[s2].bg = oCT[index].color
- elseif bfg == 2 then
- custom[s2].fg = oCT[index].color
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if event[1] == "monitor_touch" then
- select(event[3],event[4])
- end
- end
- end
-"Done, saving settings.")
- custom.touchHereForCobbleButton = oldCobble
- custom.shopName = oldName
- custom.compactMode = oldCompact
- fixCustomization()
- return 1
- end
- end
- -------------BEGIN-------------
- checkAllTheThings()
- sortItems()
- local ten = pcall(doRefresh)
- if not ten then
- logger.warn("Failed initial refresh check. Auto reboot if next fails.")
- refreshCheck = true
- end
- drawBG()
- local function writeLine(txt)
- local bX,bY = mon.getCursorPos()
- mon.write(txt)
- mon.setCursorPos(1,bY+1)
- end
- local function bsod(err)
- mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- mon.clear()
- local mxX,mxY = mon.getSize()
- mon.setCursorPos(1,mxY/2)
- writeLine("The shop encountered an error it could not recover from")
- writeLine(err)
- end
- local function doPurchase(data,updoot)
- local tx = data.transaction or json.decode(data)
- local meta = nil
- local tf = false
- if tx.metadata then
- meta = k.parseMeta(tx.metadata)
- else
- meta = {meta = {}}
- end
- if not meta or not meta.meta or not meta.meta["return"] then
- returnTo = tx.from
- else
- returnTo = meta.meta["return"]
- end
- if meta.meta.username then
- tf = true
- end
- if selection and == pubKey then
-"Payment being processed.")
- local item = sIL[selection]
- if item.count > 0 then
- local paid = tx.value
- local items_required = math.floor(paid/item.price)
- local items_grabbed = grabItems(item.find,item.damage,items_required)
- if items_grabbed > 0 then
- logger.purchaseLog(item.find..":"..item.damage,items_grabbed,paid,meta.meta.username or tx.from,tf)
- end
- local over = paid%item.price
- local refundAmt = math.floor((items_required - items_grabbed)*item.price+over)
- if item.price > paid then
- refund(returnTo,tx.value,custom.REFUNDS.underpay,false)
- else
- if refundAmt > 0 then
- refund(returnTo,refundAmt,custom.REFUNDS.change,true)
- logger.purchase("Sent refund of "..refundAmt.." due to overpay.")
- end
- end
- if custom.doPurchaseForwarding and items_grabbed*item.price > 0 then
- refund(custom.purchaseForwardingAddress,math.ceil(items_grabbed*item.price),(meta.meta.username and "player "..meta.meta.username.." bought "..tostring(items_grabbed).." of "..item.display.." at "..custom.shopName ) or ( tx.from and "address "..tx.from.." bought "..tostring(items_grabbed).." of "..item.display.." at "..custom.shopName ) or "Purchase-Forwarding ("..custom.shopName..")",true )
- end
- else
- if updoot then
- refund(returnTo,tx.value,custom.REFUNDS.UPDATE,false)
- logger.purchase("Sent refund of "..tx.value.."due to UPDATING_STOCKS")
- else
- refund(returnTo,tx.value,custom.REFUNDS.outOfStock,false)
- logger.purchase("Sent refund of "..tx.value.." due to not having the item selected.")
- end
- end
- else
- if == pubKey then
- logger.purchase("No item selected, but we were payed! Returning...")
- if returnTo then
- refund(returnTo,tx.value,custom.REFUNDS.noItemSelected,false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function redraw()
- mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
- mon.setBackgroundColor( ~= and or
- mon.write(" ")
- parallel.waitForAll(
- function()
- sIL = refreshItems()
- if recentPressCount == 0 then selection = false recentPress = false oldY = false end
- if recentPress then
- draw(oldY)
- recentPressCount = recentPressCount - 1
- else
- draw()
- end
- end)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- local function mainJua()
- jua.on("timer",function(evt,tmr)
- if tmr == purchaseTimer then
- mon.setCursorPos(1,2)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- end)
- jua.on("monitor_resize",function()
- mX,mY = mon.getSize()
- refreshButtons()
- drawBG()
- draw()
- end)
- jua.on("monitor_touch",function(nm,side,x,y)
- if side == mName then
- recentPress = true
- recentPressCount = 3
- local pressed = whichPress(x,y)
- local max = #sIL
- if inBetween(3,1,mX/2+3,mY,x,y) then
- draw(y)
- end
- if pressed == "pgUp" then
- page = page + 1
- draw()
- elseif pressed == "pgDwn" then
- page = page - 1
- draw()
- elseif pressed == "cobble" then
- grabItems("minecraft:cobblestone",0,64)
- end
- end
- end)
- jua.on("terminate",function()
- if ws then ws.close() end
- jua.stop()
- bsod("Terminated")
- logger.severe("Why would you terminate me like this?")
- if logger.canLogBeOpened then
- logger.closeLog()
- end
- if logger.canPurchaseLogBeOpened then
- logger.closePurchaseLog()
- end
- printError("I can't believe you've done this.")
- end)
- jua.go(function()
- local success,ws = await(k.connect,privKey)
- if success then
-"Connected to websocket")
- ws.on("hello",function(data)
-"MOTD: "
- local success = await(ws.subscribe,"transactions",function(data)
- doPurchase(data)
- mon.setCursorPos(1,2)
- mon.setBackgroundColor( ~= and or
- mon.write(" ")
- purchaseTimer = os.startTimer(3)
- end)
- logger.ree()
- if success then
-"Subscribed to transactions")
- else
- jua.stop()
- logger.severe("Failed to subscribe")
- error()
- end
- end)
- else
- jua.stop()
- logger.severe("Failed to connect to kriststuff")
- error()
- end
- end)
- end
- --------------------------
- local function para()
- parallel.waitForAny(mainJua,function()
- os.sleep(3)
- redraw()
- local tim = os.startTimer(10)
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent("timer")}
- if event[2] == tim then
- redraw()
- tim = os.startTimer(10)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- local suc,err = pcall(para)
- if not suc then
- logger.severe(err)
- bsod(err)
- if logger.canLogBeOpened then
- logger.closeLog()
- end
- if logger.canPurchaseLogBeOpened then
- logger.closePurchaseLog()
- end
- if err ~= "Terminated" and not err:find("errors on the network") then
- writeLine("Reboot in 30 seconds.")
- os.sleep(30)
- os.reboot()
- end
- if err:find("errors on the network") then
- writeLine("This is caused when a chest is on the edge of a chunk")
- writeLine("Where the modem is in one chunk, and the chest is in another.")
- writeLine("The shop itself cannot fix this error; the chest must be moved.")
- end
- end
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