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- # Below is all the code to do certain things
- # Note that placeholders are used here and this is a guide! Do NOT use this as a script (it will not work)!
- # Note also that this is a guide for Bash, so ONLY for Linux (maybe also for MacOS, also based on GNU like Linux)
- # Basics
- ## Restart system
- reboot
- ## Login as user
- su userName
- ### Run code as other user
- sudo -u userName code_to_execute
- ## Remove file/directory
- rm file
- rm directory
- ### If the directory not empty
- rm -r directory
- ## Copy
- cp fromHere to
- ### Copy directory with their subdirectorys and files
- cp -r fromHere to
- ## Download files, archives, binarys etc
- wget url/
- wget url/
- ## Run code as process
- code_to_execute &
- # Advanced
- ## Declare variables
- variable=example
- ### Declare variables with code to be executed
- variable=$(code_to_execute)
- ## Fetch variable values
- $variable
- ### If you want print a value of a variable in a file
- ${variable}
- ### For terminal declared variables (rather known as arguments)
- $1
- $2
- $3
- ## Dedect OS
- uname
- ## Dedect kernel
- uname -r
- ## Dedect hostname
- uname -n
- ## Dedect Processor
- uname -p
- ## Dedect Architecture
- uname -m
- ## Math
- ### Greater than
- if [ 10 -gt 5 ]; then
- echo "The number is greater than 5"
- fi
- ### Smaller than
- if [ 5 -lt 7 ]; then
- echo "The number is less than 7"
- fi
- ### Equal
- if [ 5 -eq 5 ]; then
- echo "The number is equal to 5"
- fi
- ## Check for permissions and ownerships
- ls -lha
- ## Fetch configured timezone of the system
- cat /etc/timezone
- ## Write paragraph content in a file
- cat << EOF > file.txt
- ## Content
- ## Checks the existence of a PID
- if ( kill -0 PID ); then
- # Code to execute
- fi
- ## Checks for the existence of a specific file
- if [ -f fileName ]; then
- # Code to execute
- fi
- ## Checks for the existence of a specific directory
- if [ -d directory ]; then
- # Code to execute
- fi
- ## Checks, if a directory is writable
- if [ -w directory]; then
- # Code to execute
- fi
- ## Checks, if a file is executeable
- if [ -x file]; then
- # Code to execute
- fi
- ### You can use this to merge in a one line
- [ ! -d directory ] && mkdir directory
- ### To check whether a directory is empty
- if [[ -z "$(find /pfad/zum/verzeichnis -mindepth 1)" ]]; then
- echo "The directory is empty"
- else
- echo "The directory is not empty"
- fi
- ## Use functions (handy when you want to use a whole chain of code multiple times, or simply for the overview)
- ### Create functions
- myfunction() {
- # Code_to_execute
- }
- ### Call functions
- myfunction
- ## Give the id of the latest runned process
- echo $!
- ### Save the id of the latest runned process
- echo $! >
- ## Replace PID
- journalctl _PID=PID
- ## Get all user given arguments
- echo $@
- ### Fetch, if a package exists
- checkPackages() {
- for cmd in "$@" ; do
- if command -v "$cmd" ; then
- $cmd --version
- return
- fi
- done
- echo "Not found!"
- }
- checkPackages thePackage
- ## Deleting pushed commits in git
- ### Starting interactive mode
- git rebase -i
- ### Delete commit locally
- git reset HEAD~
- ### Delete commit globally (in the repository)
- git push origin main --force --tags
- # Experts
- ## Return the first executing process
- ps -p 1 -o comm=
- ### Check, is used systemd or SysV-Init
- if [ "$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)" == "systemd" ]; then
- systemctl enable app
- systemctl start app
- else
- service app enable
- service app start
- fi
- ## Set memory swap
- fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
- chmod 600 /swapfile
- mkswap /swapfile
- swapon /swapfile
- ## Let's print "!" 10 times
- c=1
- while [[ "$c" -le 10 ]]; do
- echo -n "!"
- sleep 1
- c=$(($c+1))
- done
- ## Using getops
- while getopts ":a:b:c:d:" opt; do
- case ${opt} in
- a)
- ;;
- b)
- ;;
- c)
- ;;
- d)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." 1>&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $((OPTIND -1))
- echo $a
- echo $b
- echo $c
- echo $d
- ## Using while with shift
- while (( "$#" )); do
- case "$1" in
- -h | --host)
- host="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- -p | --port)
- port="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- -u | --username)
- username="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- -pass | --password)
- password="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"
- exit 1
- esac
- done
- echo "Host: $host"
- echo "Port: $port"
- echo "Username: $username"
- echo "Password: $password"
- ## If this error comes:
- ## Unable to monitor directories for changes because iNotify max watches exceeded, add this to the end of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:
- fs.inotify.max_user_watches=99999
- ### Then run:
- sudo sysctl -p
- cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
- ## Generate random strings (also usable as passwords)
- tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 32 | xargs
- ## Display the IP of the mashine (or computer)
- ip addr show | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | grep -v '' | head -1
- ## Delete everything in the file file.txt after a :
- grep -E ".*:.*" file.txt | sed -i 's/:[^:]*//g' file.txt
- ## Replace test with test2 in example.txt
- sed -i "s|test|test2|" example.txt
- ## Check for memory (in KiloByte)
- awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo
- ## Format your echo texts coloured
- echo -e "\e[31mThis text is red\e[0m"
- ### All colors
- #### Black: \e[30m
- #### Red: \e[31m
- #### Green: \e[32m
- #### Yellow: \e[33m
- #### Blue: \e[34m
- #### Magenta: \e[35m
- #### Cyan: \e[36m
- #### White: \e[37m
- ### Or
- getColoured() {
- tput setaf 1
- echo "$@"
- tput sgr0
- }
- getColoured test
- #### All colors (Put after "tput setaf")
- ##### Light red: 1
- ##### Green: 2
- ##### Yellow: 3
- ##### Blue: 4
- ##### Purple: 5
- ##### Light blue: 6
- ##### White: 7
- ##### Grey: 8
- ##### Red: 9
- ## Running code based on selected option
- options=(
- "Option 1"
- "Option 2"
- # ...
- )
- select opt in "${options[@]}"
- do
- case $opt in
- "Option 1")
- # Code for option 1
- ;;
- "Option 2")
- # Code for option 2
- ;;
- # ...
- esac
- done
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