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- module fifo
- #(
- parameter addr_width = 12,
- parameter data_width = 24,
- parameter max_data_count = (1<<addr_width)
- )(
- input rst,
- input write_en,
- input wclk,
- input [data_width-1:0] din,
- input rclk,
- output [data_width-1:0] dout,
- output reg full,
- output reg empty,
- output reg direction // 0 is write, 1 is read
- );
- /*
- After being reset, the FIFO should be empty and ready to accept data. The empty flag is high until we write data to the FIFO.
- The FIFO then takes in data and stores it in the RAM until it is full. When full, the full flag is high and the counter resets to be ready for readout.
- The readout process is similar to the write process, but the data is read out of the RAM and the empty flag is low until the FIFO is empty.
- */
- // Counter and states for the FIFO
- reg [addr_width-1:0] data_count;
- wire counter_clock = direction ? rclk : wclk;
- // Assert output flags (full when counter is at max and direction is write, empty when counter is at max and direction is read)
- // Max counter value is 2^addr_width
- wire overflow = data_count == (max_data_count - 1);
- wire underflow = data_count == 0;
- //wire overflow_warn = data_count >= (max_data_count-2);
- // RAM module for the FIFO
- ram #(
- .addr_width(addr_width),
- .data_width(data_width)
- ) ram_inst (
- .din(din),
- .write_en(write_en),
- .waddr(data_count),
- .wclk(wclk),
- .raddr(data_count),
- .rclk(rclk),
- .dout(dout)
- );
- // Count up until we reach the maximum address width based on the direction
- always @(negedge counter_clock or posedge rst) begin
- if (rst) begin
- full <= 0;
- empty <= 1;
- data_count <= 0;
- direction <= 0;
- end else begin
- if (!direction && write_en) begin
- full <= (direction && underflow) || (!direction && overflow);
- empty <= 0;
- end else if (direction) begin
- full <= 0;
- empty <= (direction && overflow) || (!direction && underflow);
- end
- if (overflow) begin
- direction <= ~direction;
- data_count <= 0;
- end else begin
- if (direction || (!direction && write_en)) begin
- data_count <= data_count + 1;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- endmodule
- module ram (din, write_en, waddr, wclk, raddr, rclk, dout); //4096x24
- parameter addr_width = 12;
- parameter data_width = 24;
- input [addr_width-1:0] waddr, raddr;
- input [data_width-1:0] din;
- input write_en, wclk, rclk;
- output reg [data_width-1:0] dout;
- reg [data_width-1:0] mem [(1<<addr_width)-1:0];
- always @(posedge wclk) // Write memory.
- begin if (write_en)
- mem[waddr] <= din; // Using write address bus.
- end
- always @(posedge rclk) // Read memory.
- begin
- dout <= mem[raddr]; // Using read address bus.
- end
- endmodule
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