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- class CfgPatches{
- class PW_FLPMC_Weapons_Ammunition
- {
- units[]={};
- weapons[]={};
- requiredVersion=0.1;
- requiredAddons[]=
- {
- "CUP_Weapons_WeaponsCore",
- "CUP_Weapons_WeaponsData",
- "CUP_Weapons_Ammunition",
- "CUP_Weapons_Pods",
- "CUP_Weapons_VehicleWeapons",
- "CUP_Weapons_DynamicLoadout"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "PW_FLPMC_2Rnd_AGM_122",
- "PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122",
- "PW_FLPMC_4Rnd_AGM_122"
- };
- };
- };
- class SensorTemplateActiveRadar;
- class SensorTemplateAntiRadiation;
- class SensorTemplateIR;
- class SensorTemplateLaser;
- class SensorTemplateMan;
- class SensorTemplateNV;
- class SensorTemplatePassiveRadar;
- class SensorTemplateVisual;
- class CfgAmmo
- {
- class MissileCore;
- class MissileBase: MissileCore
- {
- class Components;
- };
- class PW_FLPMC_AGM122_Missile: MissileBase
- {
- model="\Pylons\Agm122\agm122.p3d";
- proxyShape="\Pylons\Agm122\agm122.p3d";
- hit=700;
- indirectHit=650;
- indirectHitRange=7;
- warheadName="ARM";
- proximityExplosionDistance=20;
- fuseDistance=75;
- maneuvrability=42;
- airFriction=0.14;
- sideAirFriction=0.23;
- trackOversteer=1.6;
- trackLead=0.89999998;
- initTime=0;
- timeToLive=60;
- thrustTime=7;
- thrust=300;
- maxSpeed=828;
- simulationStep=0.0020000001;
- airLock=0;
- lockType=0;
- irLock=0;
- laserLock=0;
- nvLock=0;
- maverickWeaponIndexOffset=0;
- cmImmunity=0.0;
- weaponLockSystem="16";
- missileLockCone=180;
- missileKeepLockedCone=180;
- missileLockMaxDistance=6000;
- missileLockMinDistance=50;
- missileLockMaxSpeed=600;
- cost=1000;
- whistleDist=20;
- aiAmmoUsageFlags=256;
- manualControl=0;
- CraterEffects="AAMissileCrater";
- explosionEffects="AAMissileExplosion";
- muzzleEffect="BIS_fnc_effectFiredHeliRocket";
- effectsMissile="missile3";
- class Components : Components
- {
- class SensorsManagerComponent
- {
- class Components
- {
- class AntiRadarSensorComponent:SensorTemplatePassiveRadar
- {
- componentType = "PassiveRadarSensorComponent";
- class AirTarget // ranges for targets with sky background
- {
- minRange = 50; //minimum possible range in meters
- maxRange = 6000; //maximum possible range in meters
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1; //range not limited by obj. view distance
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1; //range not limited by view distance
- };
- class GroundTarget // ranges for targets with ground background
- {
- minRange = 50; //minimum possible range in meters
- maxRange = 6000; //maximum possible range in meters
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1; //range not limited by obj. view distance
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1; //range not limited by view distance
- };
- typeRecognitionDistance = 4000; // distance how far the target type gets recognized
- angleRangeHorizontal = 120; // sensor azimuth coverage in degrees
- angleRangeVertical = 180; // sensor elevation coverage in degrees
- groundNoiseDistanceCoef = -1; // portion of sensor-target-ground distance below which the targets become invisible to the sensor
- maxGroundNoiseDistance = -1; // distance from the ground in meters, hard cap, above which the target will be visible even if still below groundNoiseDistanceCoef
- minSpeedThreshold = -1; // target speed in km/h above which the target will start to become visible
- maxSpeedThreshold = -1; // target speed above which the target becomes visible even if below groundNoiseDistanceCoef, linearly decreases to minSpeedThreshold
- };
- };
- };
- };
- soundFly[]=
- {
- "A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\rocket_fly_1",
- 6,
- 1,
- 500
- };
- SoundSetExplosion[]=
- {
- "RocketsHeavy_Exp_SoundSet",
- "RocketsHeavy_Tail_SoundSet",
- "Explosion_Debris_SoundSet"
- };
- class Hiteffects
- {
- hitWater="ImpactEffectsSmall";
- };
- };
- };
- class CfgWeapons{
- class MissileLauncher;
- class PW_FLPMC_Vmlauncher_AGM122_veh: MissileLauncher
- {
- magazines[]=
- {
- "PW_FLPMC_2Rnd_AGM_122",
- "PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122",
- "PW_FLPMC_4Rnd_AGM_122"
- };
- };
- };
- class CfgNonAIVehicles
- {
- class ProxyWeapon;
- class ProxyPylonPod_3x_Missile_AGM_02_F: ProxyWeapon
- {
- model = "\Pylons\Agm122\agm122.p3d";
- simulation = "pylonpod";
- };
- };
- class CfgMagazines
- {
- class VehicleMagazine;
- class PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122: VehicleMagazine
- {
- scope=2;
- displayName="1x AGM-122 Sidearm";
- displayNameShort="ARM";
- descriptionShort="AGM-122 Sidearm Anti Radiation";
- ammo="PW_FLPMC_AGM122_Missile";
- pylonWeapon= "PW_FLPMC_Vmlauncher_AGM122_veh";
- count=1;
- initSpeedY=-25;
- initSpeedZ= 0;
- maxLeadSpeed=1000;
- sound[]=
- {
- "A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\missile_1",
- 1.1220185,
- 1.3,
- 1100
- };
- reloadSound[]=
- {
- "A3\sounds_f\dummysound",
- 0.00031622799,
- 1,
- 20
- };
- nameSound="missiles";
- };
- class PW_FLPMC_2Rnd_AGM_122: PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122{
- displayName="2x AGM-122 Sidearm";
- count=2;
- };
- class PW_FLPMC_4Rnd_AGM_122: PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122{
- displayName="4x AGM-122 Sidearm";
- count=4;
- };
- class PW_FLPMC_AGM122_1RND_Loose_Pylon: PW_FLPMC_1Rnd_AGM_122
- {
- displayName="1x AGM-122 Sidearm";
- model="\Pylons\Agm122\agm122.p3d";
- count=1;
- hardpoints[]=
- {
- "CUP_1Rnd_AIM_9L"
- };
- muzzlePos = "muzzlePos";
- muzzleEnd = "muzzleEnd";
- CUP_PilotControl=0;
- };
- };
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