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- 5 rem 'the solar system' by kimono v 1.0
- 10 poke53280,0:s=24576:sc=17408:dimsy(64)
- 15 x0=172:y0=148:rem planets center
- 20 rx=110:ry=100:xc=160:yc=108:rem orbitals radii & center
- 25 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or2:rem select bank 1
- 30 forx=0to62:ready:poke18496+x,y:next:rem sprite gen
- 35 poke53287,15:poke53288,10:poke53289,5:poke53290,2:poke53291,9:poke53292,8
- 40 poke53293,14:poke53294,6:rem sprites colors
- 45 poke53269,255:rem all 8 sprites visible
- 50 poke53272,peek(53272)or8:rem put bitmap in the 2nd half of vic bank 1 (24576)
- 55 poke53265,peek(53265)or32:rem enter in bitmap mode
- 60 poke648,68:rem screen ram pointer (17408/256)
- 65 rem clear graphic ram
- 70 cb$="":p1=peek(51):p2=peek(52)
- 75 poke51,64:poke52,127
- 80 forcn=1to125:cb$=cb$+chr$(0):next
- 85 poke51,p1:poke52,p2
- 90 rem clear color ram
- 95 cb$="pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp"
- 100 cb$=cb$+cb$:cb$=cb$+left$(cb$,121)
- 105 print"{clear}"cb$cb$cb$cb$;:print"ppp";:poke18407,16
- 110 tw(0)=1:fori=1to7:tw(i)=tw(i-1)*2:next
- 115 goto145
- 120 rem plot x,y
- 125 p=s+320*int(y/8)+8*int(x/8)+(yand7)
- 130 pokep,peek(p)ortw(7-(xand7))
- 135 return
- 140 rem plot ellipses
- 145 s1=pi/2:forj=0to7:rx=rx-10:ry=ry-10
- 150 forfi=0tos1step.05
- 155 y1=ry*sin(fi):x1=rx*cos(fi)
- 160 x=xc+x1:y=yc+y1:gosub125
- 165 y=yc-y1:gosub125
- 170 x=xc-x1:gosub125
- 175 y=yc+y1:gosub125
- 180 next:next
- 185 fori=0to7
- 190 poke18424+i,33:rem sprites pointers
- 195 next
- 200 fori=0to7:readrx(i):next:rem assign orbit x radius
- 205 fori=0to7:readry(i):next:rem assign orbit x radius
- 210 fori=0to7:readsp(i):next:rem planets speed
- 215 fori=0to7:z=int(rnd(1)*40)+1:an(i)=z*i:next:rem init random planets pos
- 220 rem symbols
- 225 fori=0to63:readsy(i):next
- 230 rem chars gen
- 235 poke17947,112:rem yellow 16*7
- 240 fori=0to7:readsu(i):poke28888+i,su(i):next
- 245 fori=0to6:readt(i):poke24672+i,t(i):next
- 250 fori=0to6:readh(i):poke24680+i,h(i):next
- 255 fori=0to6:reade(i):poke24688+i,e(i):next
- 260 fori=0to6:reads(i):poke24704+i,s(i):next
- 265 fori=0to6:reado(i):poke24712+i,o(i):next
- 270 fori=0to6:readl(i):poke24720+i,l(i):next
- 275 fori=0to6:reada(i):poke24728+i,a(i):next
- 280 fori=0to6:readr(i):poke24736+i,r(i):next
- 285 fori=0to6:poke24752+i,s(i):next
- 290 fori=0to6:ready(i):poke24760+i,y(i):next
- 295 fori=0to6:poke24768+i,s(i):next
- 300 fori=0to6:poke24776+i,t(i):next
- 305 fori=0to6:poke24784+i,e(i):next
- 310 fori=0to6:readm(i):poke24792+i,m(i):next
- 315 fori=0to8:readco(i):poke17608+80*i,co(i):next:rem chars colors
- 320 forj=0to8:fori=0to7:poke26176+i+640*j,su(i):next:next
- 325 fori=0to6:poke26192+i,s(i):next
- 330 fori=0to6:readu(i):poke26200+i,u(i):next
- 335 fori=0to6:readn(i):poke26208+i,n(i):next
- 340 fori=0to6:poke26832+i,h(i):next
- 345 fori=0to7:poke26848+i,sy(i):next
- 350 fori=0to6:readv(i):poke27472+i,v(i):next
- 355 fori=0to7:poke27488+i,sy(i+8):next
- 360 fori=0to6:poke28112+i,e(i):next
- 365 fori=0to7:poke28128+i,sy(i+16):next
- 370 fori=0to6:poke28752+i,m(i):next
- 375 fori=0to7:poke28768+i,sy(i+24):next
- 380 fori=0to6:readj(i):poke29392+i,j(i):next
- 385 fori=0to7:poke29408+i,sy(i+32):next
- 390 fori=0to6:poke30032+i,s(i):next
- 395 fori=0to7:poke30048+i,sy(i+40):next
- 400 fori=0to6:poke30672+i,u(i):next
- 405 fori=0to7:poke30688+i,sy(i+48):next
- 410 fori=0to6:poke31312+i,n(i):next
- 415 fori=0to7:poke31328+i,sy(i+56):next
- 420 fori=0to6:readb(i):poke32504+i,b(i):next
- 425 fori=0to6:poke32512+i,y(i):next
- 430 fori=0to6:readk(i):poke32528+i,k(i):next
- 435 fori=0to6:readi(i):poke32536+i,i(i):next
- 440 fori=0to6:poke32544+i,m(i):next
- 445 fori=0to6:poke32552+i,o(i):next
- 450 fori=0to6:poke32560+i,n(i):next
- 455 fori=0to6:poke32568+i,o(i):next
- 460 rem main loop
- 465 fort=0to255
- 470 fori=0to7
- 475 an(i)=an(i)-sp(i):fi=an(i):rem angular distances & speeds
- 480 x=x0+rx(i)*cos(fi*pi/128):rem calc x pos
- 485 y=y0+ry(i)*sin(fi*pi/128):rem calc y pos
- 490 ifx<256thenms=msand(255-tw(i)):rem reset msb
- 495 ifx>255thenms=msortw(i):x=x-255:rem set msb if x>255 & update x pos
- 500 poke53264,ms:rem update msb reg
- 505 poke53248+i*2,x:rem update x pos
- 510 poke53249+i*2,y:rem update y pos
- 515 next:next
- 520 goto465
- 525 rem sprite
- 530 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 535 data 0,0,0,28,0,0,62,0,0,127,0,0,127,0,0,127
- 540 data 0,0,62,0,0,28,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 545 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 550 rem radius x
- 555 data 30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
- 560 rem radius y
- 565 data 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90
- 570 rem planets speed
- 575 data 14,6,4,2,.4,.14,.06,.02
- 580 rem hermes
- 585 data 20,28,34,34,28,8,28,8
- 590 rem venus
- 595 data 28,34,34,34,28,8,28,8
- 600 rem earth
- 605 data 62,73,73,127,73,73,62,0
- 610 rem mars
- 615 data 7,3,5,56,40,40,24,0
- 620 rem jupiter
- 625 data 50,74,18,34,66,127,2,0
- 630 rem saturn
- 635 data 112,32,32,60,34,36,2,0
- 640 rem uranus
- 645 data 8,28,42,28,34,42,34,28
- 650 rem neptune
- 655 data 153,153,153,90,60,24,126,24
- 660 rem su
- 665 data 60,126,255,255,255,255,126,60
- 670 rem t
- 675 data 127,24,24,28,28,28,28
- 680 rem h
- 685 data 97,97,97,127,115,115,115
- 690 rem e
- 695 data 127,96,96,127,112,112,127
- 700 rem s
- 705 data 127,99,96,127,3,99,127
- 710 rem o
- 715 data 127,103,103,99,99,99,127
- 720 rem l
- 725 data 96,96,96,112,112,112,127
- 730 rem a
- 735 data 62,54,54,127,115,115,115
- 740 rem r
- 745 data 126,102,102,126,115,115,115
- 750 rem y
- 755 data 99,99,99,127,28,28,28
- 760 rem m
- 765 data 127,219,219,219,219,219,219
- 770 rem planet colors
- 775 data 112,240,160,80,32,144,128,224,96
- 780 rem u
- 785 data 99,99,99,115,115,115,127
- 790 rem n
- 795 data 127,99,99,115,115,115,115
- 800 rem v
- 805 data 115,115,114,50,50,50,62
- 810 rem j
- 815 data 6,6,6,7,7,103,127
- 820 rem b
- 825 data 126,102,102,127,115,115,127
- 830 rem k
- 835 data 102,102,102,127,115,115,115
- 840 rem i
- 845 data 24,24,24,28,28,28,28
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