

Nov 15th, 2012
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  1. kernel: Wake reason: EC LID0 <== 0k dan..
  2. kernel: HID tickle 155 ms <== Here.. We.. Go..
  3. kernel: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
  4. kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'. <== WTF..
  5. kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
  6. kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
  7. kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'NL'. <== 0k dan, WTF..
  8. kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
  9. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe <== WTF..
  10. configd: network configuration changed. <== WTF..
  11. kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: e8:40:f2:b0:93:d5  MAC AUTH succeeded <== WTF..
  12. kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
  13. kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
  14. kernel: en1: BSSID changed to e8:40:f2:b0:93:d5 <== No it did.not.. WTF..
  15. kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
  16. configd: network configuration changed.
  17. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe <== WTF..
  18. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Ziggo03069 because it is protected and not on the exception list..
  19. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
  20. configd: network configuration changed.
  21. powerd: PMScheduleWakeEventChooseBest: m=0.00 s=0.00 a=0.00
  22. kernel: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
  23. kernel: sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
  24. kernel: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 4294967296, partition base 0x0, maxio 400000 ssd 0
  25. kernel: hibernate image major 14, minor 0, blocksize 512, pollers 5
  26. kernel: hibernate_alloc_pages flags 00000000, gobbling 0 pages
  27. kernel: hibernate_setup(0) took 0 ms
  28. kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
  29. kernel: hibernate_page_list_setall start 0xffffff8065d6b000, 0xffffff8065d8a000
  30. kernel: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 298 ms
  31. kernel: pages 969654, wire 107170, act 334005, inact 106479, spec 0, zf 107471, throt 0, could discard act 228680 inact 66245 purgeable 19147 spec 457
  32. kernel: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 655125
  33. kernel: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
  34. kernel: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
  35. kernel: writing 653480 pages
  36. kernel: encryptStart 1bef10
  37. kernel: encryptEnd 551e000
  38. kernel: image1Size 0xa5f6800, encryptStart1 0x1bef10, End1 0x551e000
  39. kernel: encryptStart a5f6800
  40. kernel: encryptEnd 43dd7200
  41. kernel: PMStats: Hibernate write took 19103 ms
  42. kernel: all time: 19103 ms, comp bytes: 2676944896 time: 3192 ms 799 Mb/s, crypt bytes: 1051982576 time: 5798 ms 173 Mb/s,
  43. kernel: image 1138586112, uncompressed 2676944896 (653551), compressed 1131923200 (42%), sum1 3dcb7400, sum2 9f492ca5
  44. kernel: wired_pages_encrypted 53374, wired_pages_clear 52222, dirty_pages_encrypted 547955
  45. kernel: hibernate_write_image done(0)
  46. kernel: sleep
  47. kernel: Wake reason: EC LID0
  48. kernel: HID tickle 151 ms
  49. kernel: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
  50. kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
  51. kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
  52. kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
  53. kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
  54. kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
  55. kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'NL'.
  56. kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
  57. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
  58. configd: network configuration changed.
  59. kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: e8:40:f2:b0:93:d5  MAC AUTH succeeded
  60. kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
  61. kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
  62. kernel: en1: BSSID changed to e8:40:f2:b0:93:d5
  63. airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Ziggo03069”. Bailing on auto-join.
  64. kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
  65. configd: network configuration changed.
  66. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
  67. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Ziggo03069 because it is protected and not on the exception list
  68. UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
  69. configd: network configuration changed.
  70. System Preferences: about to perform command <== 0k dan..
  71. kernel: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT <== WTF..
  72. kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS <== WTF..
  73. System Preferences: status= 0
  74. [0x0-0x2bf2bf].org.mozilla.firefox: AVF info: pp_hw_name: Multi-standard Decoder (MSDEC), id: 88b1, m_pp_nowait: 0
  75. plugin-container: AVF warning: retireCmdAsync m_cvbufwait_q size = 12, releasing oldest CVPixelBuffer
  76. plugin-container: AVF warning: retireCmdAsync m_cvbufwait_q size = 12, releasing oldest CVPixelBuffer
  77. AVDCreateGPUAccelerator: Error loading GPU renderer <== Bug, WTF..
  78. kernel: HFS: Very Low Disk: freeblks: 0, dangerlimit: 54 <== FCUK 0ff..
  79. ReportCrash: Saved crash report for plugin-container[77376] version ??? (1.0) to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/plugin-container_2012-11-15-152916_ESes-MacBook-Pro.crash <== WTF..
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