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- local fuel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- local fuelmax = turtle.getFuelLimit()
- local args = {...}
- if args[1] == "reset" then
- fs.delete("/mconfig/hook.txt")
- fs.delete("/mconfig/id.txt")
- print("Successfully deleted config!")
- os.sleep(1)
- end
- enablehook = false
- if fs.exists("/DiscordHook.lua") then
- DH = require("DiscordHook")
- else
-"wget DiscordHook.lua")
- DH = require("DiscordHook")
- end
- if not fs.exists("/mconfig") then
- fs.makeDir("/mconfig")
- end
- if not fs.exists("/mconfig/hook.txt") then
- config1 ="/mconfig/hook.txt", "w")
- print("Please enter WEBHOOK url:\n(or 'false' to disable)")
- input1 =
- config1.write(input1)
- config1.close()
- end
- if not fs.exists("/mconfig/id.txt") then
- config2 ="/mconfig/id.txt", "w")
- print("Please enter your discord ID:")
- input2 =
- config2.write(input2)
- config2.close()
- end
- if fs.exists("/mconfig/hook.txt") then
- config1 ="/mconfig/hook.txt", "r")
- hookURL = config1.readAll()
- if hookURL == "false" then
- enablehook = false
- else
- success, hook = DH.createWebhook(hookURL)
- if not success then
- error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)
- end
- hook.send("**Turtle Miner Hook successfully connected! ID:** "..os.getComputerID())
- enablehook = true
- end
- end
- if fs.exists("/mconfig/id.txt") then
- config2 ="/mconfig/id.txt", "r")
- dcID = config2.readAll()
- end
- logN = 1
- if not fs.exists("/log") then
- fs.makeDir("/log")
- end
- if fs.exists("/log/old.txt") and fs.exists("/log/latest.txt") then
- fs.delete("/log/old.txt")
- fs.move("/log/latest.txt", "/log/old.txt")
- end
- if fs.exists("/log/latest.txt") and not fs.exists("/log/old.txt") then
- fs.move("/log/latest.txt", "/log/old.txt")
- end
- if not fs.exists("/log/latest.txt") then
- logfile ="/log/latest.txt", "w")
- logfile.write("Log Files! \n")
- logfile.close()
- end
- function log(x)
- print("["..logN.."] "..x)
- logfile ="/log/latest.txt", "a")
- logfile.write("["..logN.."] "..x.."\n")
- logfile.close()
- if enablehook then
- hook.send("["..logN.."] "..x, "Mining Turtle "..os.getComputerID())
- end
- logN = logN+1
- end
- function logcd(x)
- print("["..logN.."] "..x)
- logfile ="/log/latest.txt", "a")
- logfile.write("["..logN.."] "..x.."\n")
- logfile.close()
- logN = logN+1
- end
- function mineFront(x1)
- i = 0
- logcd("Mining forward: "..x1-i.." "..i1.."/8 Done")
- repeat
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.forward()
- i = i+1
- RX = RX+1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- os.sleep(0.25)
- until i == x1
- end
- function mineFront3(x1)
- i = 0
- logcd("Mining forward: "..x1-i.." "..i1.."/8 Done")
- repeat
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.forward()
- i = i+1
- RZ = RZ-1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- os.sleep(0.25)
- until i == x1
- end
- function mineFront2(x1)
- i = 0
- logcd("Mining forward (return): "..x1-i.." "..i1.."/8 Done")
- repeat
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.forward()
- i = i+1
- RX = RX-1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- os.sleep(0.25)
- until i == x1
- end
- function changeRow(x1)
- logcd("Changing Row (1)")
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- RZ = RZ+1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- end
- function changeRow2(x1)
- logcd("Changing Row (2)")
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- RZ = RZ+1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- end
- function emptyItems()
- local iz = 0
- if RZ ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Z..")
- turtle.turnLeft()
- repeat
- turtle.forward()
- iz = iz+1
- logcd(iz.."/"..RZ)
- until iz == RZ
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- local ix = 0
- if RX ~= 0 then
- log("Moving X..")
- repeat
- turtle.back()
- ix = ix+1
- logcd(ix.."/"..RX)
- until ix == RX
- end
- local iy = 0
- if RY ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Y..")
- repeat
- turtle.up()
- iy = iy-1
- logcd(iy.."/"..RY)
- until iy == RY
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- i3 = 1
- repeat
- turtle.drop()
- i3 = i3+1
- until i3 == 16
- if turtle.getItemDetail(13) ~= nil then
- log("---- Failed to empty inventory.. Stopping! ----")
- os.reboot()
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.suck()
- turtle.refuel()
- fuelslot = turtle.getItemDetail(16)
- if fuelslot["name"] == "minecraft:bucket" then
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.drop()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- turtle.suck()
- turtle.refuel()
- fuelslot = turtle.getItemDetail(16)
- if fuelslot["name"] == "minecraft:bucket" then
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.drop()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- function returnHome()
- local iz = 0
- if RZ ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Z..")
- turtle.turnLeft()
- repeat
- turtle.forward()
- iz = iz+1
- logcd(iz.."/"..RZ)
- until iz == RZ
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- local ix = 0
- if RX ~= 0 then
- log("Moving X..")
- repeat
- turtle.back()
- ix = ix+1
- logcd(ix.."/"..RX)
- until ix == RX
- end
- local iy = 0
- if RY ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Y..")
- repeat
- turtle.up()
- iy = iy-1
- logcd(iy.."/"..RY)
- until iy == RY
- end
- os.reboot()
- end
- function returnWork()
- local iy2 = 0
- local ix2 = 0
- local iz2 = 0
- local RY2 = RY
- if RY ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Y..")
- repeat
- turtle.down()
- iy2 = iy2-1
- logcd(iy2.."/"..RY)
- until iy2 == RY
- end
- if RX ~= 0 then
- log("Moving X..")
- repeat
- turtle.forward()
- ix2 = ix2+1
- logcd(ix2.."/"..RX)
- until ix2 == RX
- end
- if RZ ~= 0 then
- log("Moving Z..")
- turtle.turnRight()
- repeat
- turtle.forward()
- iz2 = iz2+1
- logcd(iz2.."/"..RZ)
- until iz2 == RZ
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- end
- RX = 0
- RY = 0
- RZ = 0
- log("Turtle fuel is "..fuel.."/"..fuelmax.." (Refuel threshold is "..(fuelmax/16)..")")
- os.sleep(0.25)
- if fuel < (fuelmax/1) then
- local fuelslot = turtle.getItemDetail(16)
- if fuelslot ~= nil then
- log("Item in Fuel Slot! : "..fuelslot["name"].." Attempting to refuel..")
- turtle.refuel()
- os.sleep(0.25)
- local fuel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- log("Turtle fuel is now "..fuel.."/"..fuelmax)
- end
- end
- os.sleep(0.25)
- log("Engage Miner? (y/n)")
- result1 =
- log("User Input: "..result1)
- if result1 == "y" then
- log("Starting!")
- log("Y Offset: ")
- result2 =
- log("User Input: "..result2)
- turtle.digDown()
- turtle.down()
- RY = RY-1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- offset1 = 0
- if result2 ~= nil and tonumber(result2) ~= 0 then
- log("Offsetting..")
- if tonumber(result2) > 1 then
- repeat
- turtle.digDown()
- turtle.down()
- offset1 = offset1+1
- RY = RY-1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- until offset1 == tonumber(result2)-1
- else
- turtle.digDown()
- turtle.down()
- end
- log("Offsetting Done!")
- end
- repeat
- i1 = 0
- repeat
- if turtle.getItemDetail(13) ~= nil then
- log("-- Full inventory! returning home.. --")
- emptyItems()
- log("Return & Drop done! Returning to work..")
- returnWork()
- end
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelmax/16 then
- log("-- Low Fuel! Refueling enabled. --")
- emptyItems()
- fuel1 = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- log("Refueled! new fuel level: "..fuel1)
- os.sleep(1)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelmax/16 then
- turtle.turnRight()
- if enablehook then
- hook.send("<@"..dcID.."> **Your turtle with ID:** __"..os.getComputerID().."__ **Ran out of fuel.**")
- end
- os.reboot()
- end
- returnWork()
- end
- mineFront(15)
- changeRow(1)
- mineFront2(15)
- changeRow2()
- i1 = i1+1
- local inspect1, inspect2 = turtle.inspect()
- if inspect2["name"] == "minecraft:bedrock" then
- log("--- Bedrock Detected! Returning Home ---")
- breakloop = true
- breakloop2 = true
- emptyItems()
- break
- end
- until i1 == 8 or breakloop == true
- local inspect1, inspect2 = turtle.inspectDown()
- if inspect2["name"] == "minecraft:bedrock" then
- log("--- Bedrock Detected! Returning Home ---")
- breakloop = true
- breakloop2 = true
- emptyItems()
- break
- end
- log("---- Done one layer! Lowering.. ----".." Current Coords: X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- turtle.turnLeft()
- mineFront3(16)
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.digDown()
- turtle.down()
- RY = RY-1
- logcd("X:"..RX.." Y:"..RY.." Z:"..RZ)
- until breakloop2 == true
- end
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