
draegan having a bad day and taking it out on me

Aug 30th, 2015
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  1.  Nomad (~IceChat7@fur-A11C8860.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com) has joined #maleyiff
  2. * ChanServ sets ban on *!*IceChat7@*.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com
  3.  ChanServ has kicked Nomad from #maleyiff (Banned (Nomad))
  4. <Wicht> lol, again, I see.
  5. <teo> mmrowr
  6. <Gray> they really gotta make it an actual permaban
  7. <Gray> it keeps getting undone and I think he just still has the room on autojoin
  8.  BlakDrgn (~drgn.rar@6F0DC3B.85E76C0D.4A087DBB.IP) has joined #maleyiff
  9. <Draegan> or, you know, just ignore it.
  10. <Draegan> I can promise you he does not have the room on autojoin. he seriously is trying to get back into the channel.
  11. <Wicht> It may be on autojoin but he is actively trying.
  12. <Wicht> Draegan knows the score.
  13. <Ringtailed-Fox> what was he banned for?
  14. <Draegan> for asking too many questions.
  15. <Ringtailed-Fox> o.O
  16. <Ringtailed-Fox> that can't be the real reason
  17. <Draegan> why do you care?
  18. <Draegan> how does it affect you that someone you don't know is banned?
  19. <Draegan> we could just go with the far-off idea that he was banned for breaking the rules, which is what breaking the rules gets you.
  20. <Ringtailed-Fox> just doesn't make sense, that's all. no need to yell at me over it
  21. <Draegan> but no one ever seems to take that into consideration.
  22. <Ringtailed-Fox> if he broke the rules then that's a perfectly valid reason
  23. <Ringtailed-Fox> in which case, why not just say that to begin with?
  24.  [Draegan] (~Draegan@67-204-225-8.eastlink.ca): Tiger
  25.  [Draegan] is identified for this nick
  26.  [Draegan] #torfur &#maleyiff ~#BearDen
  27.  [Draegan] kinglion.furnet.org :Royal FurNet in Vienna, Austria, Europe
  28.  [Draegan] idle 00:00:59, signon: Fri Aug 28 15:32:46
  29.  [Draegan] End of WHOIS list.
  30. <Zan> Why else would one be banned other than that reason..?
  31. <Ringtailed-Fox> power hungry ops? people having grudges?
  32. <teo> for being a cunt
  33. <BlakDrgn> perhaps Draegan is tired of fucks like you asking him why every tme that cunt tries to get back in here
  34. <BlakDrgn> JUST PERHAPS
  35. <BlakDrgn> its his goddamn channel
  36. <BlakDrgn> this isnt a goddamn democaracy
  37.  BlakDrgn flump.
  38. <Ringtailed-Fox> o.o
  39. <Ringtailed-Fox> want me to ask/tell him to stop trying to get back in?
  40. <teo> why?
  41. <Ringtailed-Fox> so he stops, and you guys don't have to whine about it anymore
  42. <teo> o.o
  43.  Zan shrugs. "I don't care, m'self, just wanted to comment. I wasn't aware of the secondary issue of people constantly asking these questions."
  44. <Ringtailed-Fox> i didn't think it was that big of an issue
  45. <Draegan> you're making it a big issue.
  46. <Draegan> so drop it.
  47.  Korusho has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  48. <Marty> ugh
  49. <Marty> Draegan: I'm pretty sure he just hasn't removed it from autojoin
  50. <Marty> otherwise we'd be getting query spammed all the time
  51.  Korusho (~korusho01@fur-3E11AD8D.lightspeed.nworla.sbcglobal.net) has joined #maleyiff
  52. <Draegan> he doesn't talk to me, because he has me on ignore.
  53. <Marty> I don't think he talks to any of us chief
  54. <Marty> you sure love your conspiracies
  55. <Marty> so and so is pretending to be huskiblu!
  56. <Marty> so and so is definitely trying to get back in here!
  57.  Draegan has quit (Quit: Bringing order to the universe, even if we have to strangle the life from it.)
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