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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- # The syslogs of the mail transfer agent - either in /var/log/ or even in the central syslog -
- # often display many attempts of perpetrators trying to log in with different user / password combinations.
- # To make it less apparent, the attacks are stretched over several days, with 5 minutes or more between
- # successive attempts
- # This script looks for log file entries that match the following pattern:
- # Jul 25 13:28:57 smtp_auth: FAILED: user - password incorrect from []
- # Jul 25 15:42:19 smtp_auth: FAILED: webmaster - password incorrect from []
- # If it finds IP addresses in this way, they will be blocked and added to a logfile with all the blocked IPs.
- # (One could extend the script to check for defined exceptions or for multiple unsuccessful login attempts
- # in a short time interval in order to allow for some *own* unsuccessful login attempts due to mistyping!)
- # When scheduling it as a cron job, you have to redirect >/dev/null, as the script writes informations to stdout
- # On my server, I found thousands of unsuccessful login attempts
- # from the following IPs in the last days (starting July 22,2015):
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- my $PATH_TO_BLOCKED_IP_FILE = "....";
- my $xip = get_unauth_ip( );
- print("unauthorized :\n");
- do_print( $xip );
- my $yip = read_already_blocked( );
- print("already blocked:\n");
- do_print( $yip );
- remove_already_blocked( $xip, $yip );
- print("rest :\n");
- do_print( $xip );
- my $new_ips = [ keys %$xip ];
- if (scalar(@$new_ips) > 0) {
- do_block( $new_ips );
- add_ips_to_file( $new_ips );
- }
- sub get_unauth_ip {
- my %ip = ();
- open (my $log, "</var/log/" ) or die "Can't open /var/log/";
- # Jul 25 13:28:57 lvps46-163-114-146 smtp_auth: FAILED: user - password incorrect from []
- foreach (<$log>) {
- $ip{$2} = 1 if /FAILED:\s*([@.\w]+)\s*\-\s*password incorrect.*\[([\d.]+)\]/;
- }
- return \%ip;
- }
- sub do_print {
- my $ip = shift;
- foreach (sort keys %$ip) {
- print "$_\n";
- }
- }
- sub read_already_blocked {
- my %ip = ();
- open IP_BLOCKED, "<$PATH_TO_BLOCKED_IP_FILE" or die "Can't open logfile for blocked IP's: $!\n";
- foreach (<IP_BLOCKED>) {
- $ip{$1} = 1 if /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/;
- }
- close IP_BLOCKED;
- return \%ip;
- }
- sub do_block {
- my $ips = shift;
- foreach my $ip (@$ips) {
- `/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $ip -j DROP`;
- `/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -d $ip -j DROP`;
- }
- }
- sub remove_already_blocked {
- my ($xip,$yip) = @_;
- foreach my $ip (keys %$yip) {
- delete $xip->{$ip} if exists $xip->{$ip};
- }
- }
- sub add_ips_to_file {
- my $ips = shift;
- open IP_BLOCKED, ">>$PATH_TO_BLOCKED_IP_FILE" or die "Can't open ip.blocked: $!\n";
- foreach my $ip (@$ips) {
- print IP_BLOCKED "#$ip\n";
- }
- close IP_BLOCKED;
- }
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