
rudolph setup

Sep 23rd, 2022
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  1. Back at my apartment, I called Murphy on her personal cell phone. I used simple sentences and told her everything.
  2. "Dear God," Murphy said. Can I summarize or what? "They can infect the city with this curse thing?"
  3. "Looks like," I said.
  4. "How can I help?"
  5. "We've got to keep them from getting it into the air. They won't be on public transportation. Find out if any chartered planes are taking off between seven and eight-thirty. Helicopters too."
  6. "Hang on," Murphy said. I heard computer keys clicking, Murphy saying something to someone, a police radio. A moment later she said, voice tense, "There's trouble."
  7. "Yeah?"
  8. "There are a pair of detectives heading out to arrest you. Looks like Homicide wants you for questioning. There's no warrant listed."
  9. "Crap." I took a deep breath. "Rudolph?"
  10. "Brownnosing rat," Murphy muttered. "Harry, they're almost to your place. You've only got a few minutes."
  11. "Can you decoy them? Get some manpower to the airport?"
  12. "I don't know," Murphy said. "I'm supposed to be a mile from this case. And it isn't as though I can announce that terrorists are about to use a biological weapon on the city."
  13. "Use Rudolph," I said. "Tell him off the record that I said the Shroud is leaving town on a chartered flight from the airport. Let him take the heat for it if they don't find anything."
  14. Murphy let out a harsh little laugh. "There are times when you can be a clever man, Harry. It takes me by surprise."
  17. Death Masks Chapter 29, Page 256
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