
Ovid Mountains

May 19th, 2023
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  1. And sons, importunate to glut their greed,
  2. Studied the stars to time their fathers’ death.
  3. Honour and love lay vanquished, and from earth,
  4. With slaughter soaked, Justice, virgin divine,
  5. The last of the immortals, fled away.
  6. Nor were the heights of heaven more secure:
  7. Giants, it’s said, to win the gods’ domain,
  8. Mountain on mountain reared and reached the stars.
  9. Then the Almighty Father hurled his bolt
  10. And shattered great Olympus and struck down
  11. High Pelion piled on Ossa. There they lay,
  12. Grim broken bodies crushed in huge collapse,
  13. And Earth, drenched in her children’s weltering blood,
  14. Gave life to that warm gore; and to preserve
  15. Memorial of her sons refashioned it
  16. In human form. But that new stock no less
  17. Despised the gods and relished cruelty,
  18. Bloodshed and outrage—born beyond doubt of blood.
  19. When Jove from his high tower beheld men’s crimes
  20. He groaned and, mindful of that loathsome feast
  21. Lycaon set (new crime then known to few),
  22. In mighty anger blazed, celestial wrath
  23. Befitting Jupiter, and called the gods
  24. To conclave, urgent summons soon obeyed.
  27. - Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book 1
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