
Winzlinge des Wehklagens

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. Deviate Chomper:3I1K:111B1L5:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nPriority 1: Vergänglichkeit\nPriority 2: Fluch der Vorahnung\nPriority 3: Stacheln all else\nBring in your next pet\nAny standard attack will finish the fight\n
  2. Deviate Flapper:3I1J:1119GI:11137R:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nPriority 1: Keep Korrosion applied\nPriority 2: Toxikose on CD\nPriority 3: Schleimberührung as filler\n
  3. Deviate Smallclaw:3I1I:22271C8:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by NostrA#2338\nYou can only use the first part in this strategy without swapping, but RNG can bring your Teroclaw Hatchling down then.\n\nIf you decide to go without swapping: delete the first Paragraph of the TD Script\n\nThe Swapping Strategy should work even against 3 Flying Pets\n\nyou can use this strategy for any generic Teroclaw fight\ndon&#039;t put important pets in the backline\n\nenemy HP < 618 : use Verheeren\nif the enemy is a Flying Type, you want to use Verheeren when the enemy HP is under 406 \nwhen not active: use Schutz der Natur\nelse: use Alphastoß\nEnemy Pet #3 comes in\nRunde 1: use Schutz der Natur\nswap to Any Pet\nRunde 1+: Kill enemy with Standard Attacks\n
  4. Dreadcoil:3I1N:22181H6:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Berührung des Animus\nRunde 2: Verseuchtes Blut\nRunde 3: Blut abzapfen\nRunde 4+5: Verseuchtes Blut\nRunde 6: Berührung des Animus\nRunde 7: Blut abzapfen\nRunde 8: Verseuchtes Blut\nFor the Random Enemy Pets:\nPriority 1: Berührung des Animus & Blut abzapfen on CD\nPriority 2: Verseuchtes Blut as filler\n\nIf needed:\nBring in any pet to clean up\n
  5. Everliving Spore:3I1R:22171E6:ZR9:ZR9:N:Strategy added by Liax\nPummeliger Glibber Can be used instead of Syd\n\nRunde 1: Strudel on cooldown\nRunde 2: Heilender Fluss on cooldown\nRunde 3: Flutwelle\n
  6. Growing Ectoplasm 1:3I1Q:221414S:212415R:112ANC:N:Strategy added by CrazyFluffy#21258\nWailing Critters - Moth team\n\nYou can use this team at both Growing Ectoplasm fights.\nYour Kneebiter dies, just ignore it and go to next Ectoplasm.\nChange Moth if your Moth is heavy damage in first fight.\n\nNext: Moth team vs. Growing Ectoplasm 2 (\n\nRunde 1: Schwarze Klaue\nRunde 2: Jagdrudel - Wachsendes Ektoplasma stirbt\nSecond enemy pet comes in\nSprung until our Zandalari is dead\nBring in your Goldfalter - Repeat strategy below until the fight is done\nRunde 1: Mottenstaub\nRunde 2: Kokonschlag\nRunde 3: Schneidender Wind\nRunde 4: Schneidender Wind\n
  7. Growing Ectoplasm 2::22171A7:1119EN:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nIf your Mechanical Axebeak still has decent health, you can use it again here. \n\nRunde 1: Lebensentzug\nRunde 2-4: Totentanz\nRunde 5+6: Knochenbiss\nAktiviere Roboglucke\nFor the Random Enemy Pets:\n\nDeviate Smallclaw & Deviate Flapper:\nAufladen > Übertakten > Picken+\n\nDeviate Chomper:\nAufladen > Picken+\n
  8. Hiss:3I1P:2215198:12181GV:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Zusätzlicher Beschlag\nRunde 2: Goldregen\nRunde 3-5: Inflation\nRunde 6: Goldregen\nRandom Enemy comes in:\nRunde 1+: Inflation until dead\nAktiviere Schildwachengefährte\nPriority 1: Mondfeuer & Seelenrausch on CD\nPriority 2: Picken as filler\n
  9. Phyxia:3I1O:12171BB:1129NH:112CH0:N:Strategy added by CrazyFluffy#21258\nWailing Critters - Moth team\n\nYou can use last moth that was\nused against Son of Skum.\n\nNext: Moth team vs. Dreadcoil  (\n\nRunde 1: Aufziehen\nRunde 2: Aufladen\nRunde 3: Aufziehen\nRunde 4+: Toxischer Rauch bis Phyxia stirbt\nSecond enemy pet comes in\nRunde 1: Aufziehen\nRunde 2: Aufziehen\nRunde 3+: Toxischer Rauch until second enemy pet dies\nThird enemy pet comes in\nRunde 1: Aufziehen\nRunde 2: Aufziehen\nRunde 3+: Toxischer Rauch until third enemy pet dies\nIf necessary, bring in Gartenmotte and strategy below until the fight is done\nRunde 1: Mottenstaub\nRunde 2: Kokonschlag\nRunde 3: Schneidender Wind\nRunde 4: Schneidender Wind\n
  10. Son of Skum:3I1L:112CAJ:1127AI:ZR0:N:Strategy added by Aranesh\nRunde 1: Bomberangriff\nRunde 2: Lockvogel\nRunde 3+: Keep Bomberangriff on cooldown and use Rakete otherwise until your Dunkelmond-Zeppelin is dead.\nAktiviere Dunkelmond-Panzer\nRunde 1: Verunsicherungstaktik\nRunde 2+: Rakete bis Sohn des Skum stirbt\nOne of the deviate pets comes in\nRunde 1+: Continue with Rakete and Verunsicherungstaktik until your Dunkelmond-Panzer drops low on health.\nDann:: Ionenkanone - your Dunkelmond-Panzer dies afterwards.\n\nIf necessary, clean up with your remaining pet.\n
  11. Vilefang:3I1M:112616B:ZR0:222A14F:N:Strategy added by NostrA#2338\nprops to Ammytersau for mentioning the Menagerie Custodian\n\nRunde 1: use Verunsicherungstaktik\nRunde 2+: use Elektrischer Funke\nHP < 525: use Ionenkanone, Ätzzahn dies\nan enemy comes in\nRunde 1+: use Verunsicherungstaktik when available, otherwise use Elektrischer Funke until Menageriewächter dies\nbring in your Any Pet\nRunde 1+: use Standard attacks until your Pet dies\nbring your Smaragdgrüner Protowelpe in\nRunde 1: use Smaragdpräsenz\nRunde 2+: use Smaragdbiss\nRunde +: use Smaragdgrüner Traum when your Smaragdgrüner Protowelpe drops under 1000 HP\nRunde ++: use Smaragdpräsenz when the the duration is at 1, otherwise use Smaragdbiss until everything dies\n
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