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- local function getCode(socket)
- socket.send("getcode")
- local timeout = 5
- local message, isboolean = socket.receive(timeout)
- if not message then error("Socket server did not respond within "..timeout.." seconds!") end
- local execute, reason = loadstring(message)
- if not execute then error("Could not load server code: "..reason) end
- return execute
- end
- local function runRemoteCode(url)
- print("Connecting to the socket server...")
- local socket, reason = http.websocket(url)
- if not socket then error("Socket server could not be reached: "..reason) end
- print("Connection successful!")
- local status, execute = pcall(getCode, socket)
- if not status then
- socket.send("error="..execute)
- socket.close()
- error("Failed to receive the code: "..execute)
- end
- socket.close()
- local status, message = pcall(execute)
- if not status then error("Code execution failed: "..message) end
- end
- local function main()
- local status, message = pcall(runRemoteCode, "wss://")
- if not status then
- print("Failed to run remote code: "..message)
- end
- local waittime = 5
- print("Waiting "..waittime.." seconds to reconnect!")
- sleep(waittime)
- end
- while true do main() end
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