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- --Follow Script EEPROM
- local PORT_FOLLOW = 0xbf01
- local MAX_DIST = 100
- local drone = component.proxy(component.list("drone")())
- local modem = component.proxy(component.list("modem")())
- local nav = component.proxy(component.list("navigation")())
- local function findClient()
- while true do
- local evt,_,sender,port,dist,msg = computer.pullSignal()
- if evt == "modem_message" and port == PORT_FOLLOW and dist < MAX_DIST and msg == "FOLLOW_REQUEST_LINK" then
- drone.setStatusText("Linked: "..sender:sub(1,3))
- modem.send(sender,port,"FOLLOW_LINK")
- return sender
- end
- end
- end
- local function getNearbyNodes(justLabels)
- local waypoints = nav.findWaypoints(MAX_DIST)
- local nodes = {}
- for i = 1,waypoints.n do
- if justLabels then
- nodes[i] = waypoints[i].label
- else
- local wp = waypoints[i]
- nodes[wp.label] = wp.position
- end
- end
- return nodes
- end
- local client,nodes,noResponse = findClient(),getNearbyNodes()
- local timeout = computer.uptime() + 10
- while true do
- local evt,_,sender,port,dist,msg,label,ox,oy,oz = computer.pullSignal(timeout - computer.uptime())
- if moving and drone.getOffset() < 0.5 then
- moving = false
- nodes = getNearbyNodes()
- end
- if not evt then
- if noResponse then
- return
- end
- noResponse = true;
- modem.send(client,PORT_FOLLOW,"HEARTBEAT_REQUEST")
- timeout = timeout + 1
- elseif evt == "modem_message" and sender == client and port == PORT_FOLLOW and dist < MAX_DIST then
- if msg == "HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE" then
- noResponse = false
- elseif msg == "HEARTBEAT_REQUEST" then
- modem.send(sender,port,"HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE")
- elseif msg == "POS_UPDATE" and not moving then
- local node = nodes[label]
- if not node then
- modem.send(sender,port,"UPDATE_NODES",label,table.unpack(getNearbyNodes(true)))
- else
- drone.move(node[1] - ox, node[2] - oy, node[3] - oz)
- moving = true
- modem.send(sender,port,"OK")
- end
- end
- timeout = computer.uptime() + 10
- end
- end
- Client
- --Follow Script Client
- local PORT_FOLLOW = 0xbf01
- local component = require("component")
- local event = require("event")
- local os = require("os")
- local modem = component.modem
- local nav = component.navigation
- local function findDrone()
- local _,_,sender,port,_,msg = event.pull("modem_message",nil,nil,PORT_FOLLOW,nil,"FOLLOW_LINK")
- return sender
- end
- local drone = findDrone()
- local function heartbeatHook(_,_,sender,port,_,msg)
- if sender == drone and port == PORT_FOLLOW and msg == "HEARTBEAT_REQUEST" then
- modem.send(sender,port,"HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE")
- end
- end
- event.listen("modem_message",heartbeatHook)
- modem.send(drone,PORT_FOLLOW,"POS_UPDATE")
- local nodes = {select(7,event.pull("modem_message",nil,drone,PORT_FOLLOW,nil,"UPDATE_NODES"))}
- local function getNode()
- local tbl = nav.findWaypoints(100)
- for i=1,tbl.n do
- local label = tbl[i].label
- for i2=1,#nodes do
- if label == nodes[i2] then
- return label,table.unpack(tbl[i].position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- while true do
- local label,x,y,z = getNode()
- print(label,x,y,z)
- modem.send(drone,PORT_FOLLOW,"POS_UPDATE",label,x,y,z)
- local args = {select(6,event.pull("modem_message",nil,drone,PORT_FOLLOW,nil))}
- if table.remove(args,1) == "UPDATE_NODES" then
- nodes = args
- end
- os.sleep(0.1)
- end
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