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- /********* **********
- Pleasedontcode thanks you for automatic code generation! Enjoy your code!
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- - Project: **Inventory Management**
- - Source Code NOT compiled for: Arduino Uno
- - Source Code created on: 2024-11-20 14:46:21
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- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS *****/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 1 *****/
- /* list = [ "gun", */
- /* "health","wood","metal","brick","orb of death"] */
- /* print("welcome to you own inventory manager.") */
- /* thing = input("Would you like to add a item?") */
- /* if thing == "no": if thing == "yes": */
- /* print ("these are the items you can add. */
- /* START CODE */
- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include <String.h>
- /****** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****/
- void setup(void);
- void loop(void);
- // Define a list of items
- String itemList[] = {"gun", "health", "wood", "metal", "brick", "orb of death"};
- int itemCount = 6; // Updated to reflect the correct number of items
- void setup(void)
- {
- // put your setup code here, to run once:
- Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication for input/output
- Serial.println("Welcome to your own inventory manager.");
- }
- void loop(void)
- {
- // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
- // Simulating user input for adding an item
- Serial.println("Would you like to add an item? (yes/no)");
- // In a real scenario, you would use Serial.readString() to get user input
- String response = "yes"; // Simulated response for demonstration
- if (response == "no") {
- return; // Exit loop if user does not want to add an item
- } else if (response == "yes") {
- Serial.println("These are the items you can add:");
- for (int x = 0; x < itemCount; x++) {
- Serial.println(itemList[x]); // Print each item in the list
- }
- // Simulating user input for adding an item
- String newItem = "new_item"; // Simulated new item for demonstration
- if (itemCount < 10) { // Check to prevent overflow
- itemList[itemCount] = newItem; // Add new item
- itemCount++; // Increment item count
- Serial.print("Added item: ");
- Serial.println(newItem);
- } else {
- Serial.println("Inventory full, cannot add more items.");
- }
- }
- // Print the entire list
- Serial.println("Current list:");
- for (int x = 0; x < itemCount; x++) {
- Serial.print(itemList[x]);
- if (x < itemCount - 1) Serial.print(", "); // Formatting for better readability
- }
- Serial.println();
- // Simulating user input for using an item
- String usedItem = "orb of death"; // Simulated item for demonstration
- Serial.print("Using item: ");
- Serial.println(usedItem);
- // Check if the used item is "orb of death"
- if (usedItem == "orb of death") {
- Serial.println("You have died"); // Notify the user
- }
- }
- /* END CODE */
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