

Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. MEmu = Dolphin
  2. MEmuV = v4.0 r6029
  3. MURL =
  4. MAuthor = djvj & bleasby
  5. MVersion = 2.0.9
  6. MCRC = 3291F557
  7. iCRC = AC19E636
  8. MID = 635038268884477733
  9. MSystem = "Nintendo Gamecube","Nintendo Wii","Nintendo WiiWare"
  10. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. ; Notes:
  12. ; Be sure you are running at least Dolphin v4.0 or greater.
  13. ; If you get an error that you are missing a vcomp100.dll, install Visual C++ 2010:
  14. ; Also make sure you are running latest directx:
  15. ; Dolphin will sometimes crash when connnecting a Wiimote, then going back to the game. After all Wiimotes are connected that you want to use, it shouldn't have anymore issues.
  16. ; Convert all your games to ciso using Wii Backup Manager to save alot of space by stripping everything but the game partition.
  17. ; Render to Main Window needs to be unchecked, otherwise hotkeys to pair wiimotes will not work in fullscreen. This is done for you if you forget.
  18. ; If you want to keep your Dolphin.ini in the emu folder, create a "portable.txt" file in MyDocuments\Dolphin Emulator\
  19. ;
  20. ; Bezels:
  21. ; If the game does not fit the window, you can try setting stretch to window manually in dolphin.
  22. ;
  23. ; Setting up custom Wiimote or GCPad profiles:
  24. ; First set UseCustomWiimoteProfiles or UseCustomGCpadProfiles to true in RocketLauncherUI for this module
  25. ; Launch Dolphin manually and goto Options->(Wiimote or Gamecube Pad) Settings and configure all your controls how you want your default setup to look like. This will be used for all games that you don't set a custom profile for. No need to save any profiles.
  26. ; All your controls are stored in WiimoteNew.ini or GCPadNew.ini and get copied to a _Default_(WiimoteNew or GCPadNew).ini on first launch. This ini contains all the controls for all 4 controllers.
  27. ; Do not confuse this with Dolphin's built-in profiles as those only contain info for only one controller. The (WiimoteNew or GCPadNew).ini and all the profiles RocketLauncher uses contain info for all controllers in one file.
  28. ; This new profile now called _Default_(WiimoteNew or GCPadNew).ini will be found in Dolphins settings folder: \Config\Profiles\(Wiimote or GCPad) (RL)\Default.ini
  29. ; For each game or custom control sets you want to use, edit the controls for all the controllers to work for that game and exit Dolphin. Now copy the (WiimoteNew or GCPadNew).ini to the "(Wiimote or GCPad) (RL)" folder and name it whatever you like.
  30. ; In RocketLauncherUI's module settings for Dolphin, Click the Rom Settings tab and add each game from your xml you want to use a this custom profile for.
  31. ; Now for all those games you added, make sure the Profile setting it set to the custom profile you want to load when that game is launched.
  32. ; Any game not added will use the "_Default_(WiimoteNew or GCPadNew).ini" profile RocketLauncher makes on first launch.
  33. ;
  34. ; To Pair a Wiimote:
  35. ; Highly suggest getting a Mayflash DolphinBar as it makes pairing and using wiimotes as easy as with a real Wii:
  36. ; If using the DolphinBar, just make sure Dolphin is set to continuously scan for wiimotes and set controls to use real wiimotes for as many wiimotes you have.
  37. ; You do not need to pair the wiimote with the PC first as you would with a standard blueooth and wiimote.
  38. ; DolphinBar should be on Mode 4. Wiimotes don't get paired until after Dolphin is running, not before!!
  39. ; After Dolphin is running, press 1+2 on each wiimote and after a few moments, the wiimote will pair and vibrate and one led will lock solid. Do this for each wiimote. That's it!
  40. ;
  41. ; If using a standard LED Bar:
  42. ; Make sure all your wiimotes have already been paired with your PC's bluetooth adapter
  43. ; All 4 leds on the wiimote should be flashing
  44. ; Press your Refresh key (set in RocketLauncherUI for this module) or enable continuous scanning in Dolphin
  45. ; Press 1 + 2 on the wiimote and one led should go solid designating the player number
  46. ;
  47. ; Netplay:
  48. ; If you're using a GameCube game with saves, synchronize your memory cards, Wii NAND needs to be synchronized, and some settings (such as CPU Clock Override) must be either synchronized or disabled.
  49. ; Because netplay may require different settings than you would normally use with local play, the module will look for any inis in your Dolphin user config folder ending with "_netplay" and use those configs instead of your normal ones.
  50. ; So for example, after you tweak all your dolphin settings for netplay, copy your dolphin.ini to dolphin_netplay.ini in the same folder.
  51. ; When the module launches and you choose multiplayer from RocketLauncher on screen menu, the module will backup dolphin.ini and copy dolphin_network.ini to dolphin.IniDelete
  52. ; On exit, the module will restore your backed up dolphin.ini and any other ini files in this folder (and all subfolders) that had the "_netplay" in the name.
  53. ; Guide on tweaking performance for netplay:
  54. ; Another guide:
  55. ;
  56. ; Linking a GameCube game with VBA-M
  57. ; Game tested: Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Adventures (USA)
  58. ; VBA-M emulator tested: visualboyadvance-m2.0.0Beta1
  59. ; dolphin emulator tested: dolphin-master-4.0-6725-x64
  60. ; On RocketLaunchUI, dolphin, GameCube Module settings set your VBA-M executable and VBA Bios file path on the VBALink tab.
  61. ; On RocketLaunchUI, dolphin, GameCube, Game name Module Settings enable VBA Link
  62. ; If your Game Boy Advanced Windows appear frozen after the RocketLauncher fade screen loads, increase the value of the VBADelay on GameCube, VBALink settings. Default value is 500 milliseconds.
  63. ; A game with one VBA window will use a two screens bezel file, Bezel [2S].png, the first screen for the GameCube game and the second one for the VBA screen. Two VBAs = Bezel [3S].png, again first screen for the GameCube game and second and third for the VBA screens, and so on.
  64. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. StartModule()
  66. BezelGui()
  67. FadeInStart()
  69. settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
  70. Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
  71. UseCustomWiimoteProfiles := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "UseCustomWiimoteProfiles","false",,1) ; set to true if you want to setup custom Wiimote profiles for games
  72. UseCustomGCPadProfiles := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "UseCustomGCPadProfiles","false",,1) ; set to true if you want to setup custom GCPad profiles for games
  73. HideMouse := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideMouse","true",,1) ; hides mouse cursor in the emu options
  74. RefreshKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "RefreshKey","",,1) ; hotkey to "Refresh" Wiimotes, delete the key to disable it
  75. Timeout := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Timeout","5",,1) ; amount in seconds we should wait for the above hotkeys to timeout
  76. renderToMain := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Render_To_Main","false",,1)
  77. enableNetworkPlay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Enable_Network_Play","false",,1)
  79. ;options to Gamecube and VBA Link
  80. enableVBALink := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "enableVBALink", "false",,1)
  81. VBAExePath := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "VBA Link", "VBAExePath", ,,1)
  82. VBABiosPath := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "VBA Link", "VBABiosPath", ,,1)
  83. VBADelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "VBA Link", "VBADelay", 500,,1)
  85. ; Determine where Dolphin is storing its ini, this will act as the base folder for settings and profiles related to this emu
  86. dolphinININewPath := A_MyDocuments . "\Dolphin Emulator\Config\Dolphin.ini" ; location of Dolphin.ini for v4.0+
  87. dolphinINIOldPath := emuPath . "\User\Config\Dolphin.ini" ; location of Dolphin.ini prior to v4.0
  88. portableTxtFile := emuPath . "\portable.txt"
  89. If (!FileExist(portableTxtFile) && FileExist(dolphinININewPath))
  90. { dolphinBasePath := A_MyDocuments . "\Dolphin Emulator"
  91. Log("Module - Dolphin's base settings folder is not portable and found in: " . dolphinBasePath)
  92. } Else If (FileExist(portableTxtFile) || FileExist(dolphinINIOldPath))
  93. { dolphinBasePath := emuPath . "\User"
  94. Log("Module - Dolphin's base settings folder is portable and found in: " . dolphinBasePath)
  95. } Else
  96. ScriptError("Could not find your Dolphin.ini in either of these folders. Please run Dolphin manually first to create it.`n" . dolphinINIOldPath . "`n" . dolphinININewPath)
  97. dolphinINI := dolphinBasePath . "\Config\Dolphin.ini"
  99. If (enableVBALink = "true"){
  100. VBAExePath := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, VBAExePath)
  101. VBABiosPath := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, VBABiosPath)
  102. SplitPath, VBAExePath, VBAFile, VBAPath
  103. SelectedNumberofPlayers :=NumberOfPlayersSelectionMenu(4)
  104. If (SelectedNumberofPlayers=1){
  105. enableVBALink = "false"
  106. } Else {
  107. ; backup original ini
  108. FileCopy, %dolphinINI%, %dolphinINIBackup%
  109. dolphinINIBackup := dolphinBasePath . "\Config\Dolphin_Backup.ini"
  110. Loop, % SelectedNumberofPlayers
  111. { tempCount := a_index-1
  112. IniWrite, 5, %dolphinINI%, Controls, PadType%tempCount%
  113. }
  114. }
  115. }
  117. ; Win titles used throughout module
  118. dolphinTitle := "Dolphin ahk_class wxWindowNR"
  119. dolphinGameTitle := If renderToMain = "true" ? dolphinTitle : "FPS ahk_class wxWindowNR"
  120. dolphinScanningTitle := "Scanning for ISOs ahk_class #32770"
  121. dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle := "Dolphin NetPlay Setup ahk_class wxWindowNR"
  122. dolphinNetPlayTitle := "Dolphin NetPlay ahk_class wxWindowNR"
  123. dolphinErrorTitle1 := "Warning ahk_class #32770"
  124. dolphinErrorTitle2 := "Error ahk_class #32770"
  126. If (enableVBALink = "true")
  127. BezelStart(SelectedNumberofPlayers+1)
  128. Else
  129. BezelStart()
  131. If (enableVBALink = "true" and !bezelPath) ; disabling fullscreen if VBA Link mode
  132. Fullscreen := "false"
  134. hideEmuObj := Object(dolphinScanningTitle,0,dolphinNetPlayTitle,0,dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle,0,dolphinErrorTitle1,0,dolphinErrorTitle2,0,dolphinTitle,0,dolphinGameTitle,1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
  135. 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
  137. If romExtension in .zip,.7z,.rar
  138. ScriptError(MEmu . " does not support compressed roms. Please enable 7z support in RocketLauncherUI to use this module/emu.")
  140. If RefreshKey {
  141. RefreshKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(RefreshKey,"RefreshKey","~","Add")
  142. xHotKeywrapper(RefreshKey,"RefreshWiimote")
  143. }
  145. Fullscreen := (If ( Fullscreen = "true" ) ? ("True") : ("False"))
  146. HideMouse := (If ( HideMouse = "true" ) ? ("True") : ("False"))
  148. networkSession :=
  149. If (enableNetworkPlay = "true") {
  150. Log("Module - Network Multi-Player is an available option for " . dbName,4)
  151. IniRead, dolphinNickname, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, Nickname
  152. IniRead, dolphinAddress, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, Address
  153. IniRead, dolphinCPort, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, ConnectPort
  154. IniRead, dolphinHPort, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, HostPort
  155. netplayNickname := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "NetPlay_Nickname","Player",,1)
  156. getWANIP := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Get_WAN_IP","false",,1)
  157. networkPlayers := 4 ; Max amount of networkable players
  159. If (getWANIP = "true")
  160. myPublicIP := GetPublicIP()
  162. defaultServerIP := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Default_Server_IP", myPublicIP,,1)
  163. defaultServerPort := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Default_Server_Port",,,1)
  164. lastIP := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Last_IP", defaultServerIP,,1) ; does not need to be on the ISD
  165. lastPort := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Network", "Last_Port", defaultServerPort,,1) ; does not need to be on the ISD
  167. If (netplayNickname != dolphinNickname)
  168. IniWrite, %netplayNickname%, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, Nickname
  170. MultiplayerMenu(lastIP,lastPort,networkType,networkPlayers,0)
  171. If networkSession {
  172. Log("Module - Using a Network for " . dbName,4)
  174. restoreIniObject := Object() ; initialize object
  175. currentObj :=
  176. dolphinConfigPath := dolphinBasePath . "\Config"
  177. Loop, %dolphinConfigPath%\*.ini
  178. {
  179. If InStr(A_LoopFileName, "_netplay.ini") {
  180. Log("Module - Found a network specific ini: " . A_LoopFileFullPath,4)
  181. networkIni := A_LoopFileFullPath
  182. originalIni := RegExReplace(A_LoopFileFullPath, "_netplay","","",-1,15)
  183. backupIni := originalIni . ".backup"
  184. FileMove, %originalIni%, %backupIni%,1 ; backup original ini
  185. FileCopy, %networkIni%, %originalIni% ; copy network ini to original name
  186. currentObj++
  187. restoreIniObject[currentObj,"originalIni"] := originalIni
  188. restoreIniObject[currentObj,"backupIni"] := backupIni
  189. }
  190. }
  192. IniWrite, %lastPort%, %settingsFile%, Network, Last_Port
  194. If (networkType = "client") {
  195. IniWrite, %lastIP%, %settingsFile%, Network, Last_IP ; Save last used IP and Port for quicker launching next time
  196. IniWrite, %lastIP%, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, Address
  197. IniWrite, %lastPort%, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, ConnectPort
  198. } Else ; server
  199. IniWrite, %lastPort%, %dolphinINI%, NetPlay, HostPort
  201. IniWrite, %romPath%, %dolphinINI%, General, ISOPath0 ; makes browser only show the one game we want to play
  202. IniWrite, 1, %dolphinINI%, General, ISOPaths ; makes browser only show the first path set
  203. IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %dolphinINI%, General, LastFilename
  204. Log("Module - Starting a network session using the IP """ . networkIP . """ and PORT """ . networkPort . """",4)
  205. } Else
  206. Log("Module - User chose Single Player mode for this session",4)
  207. }
  209. gcSerialPort = 5 ; this puts the BBA network adapter into the serial port. If previous launch was Triforce, AM-Baseboard would be set here and would result in Unknown DVD command errors
  211. iniLookup =
  212. ( ltrim c
  213. Display, Fullscreen, %Fullscreen%
  214. Display, RenderToMain, %renderToMain%
  215. Interface, HideCursor, %HideMouse%
  216. Interface, ConfirmStop, False
  217. Interface, UsePanicHandlers, False
  218. Core, SerialPort1, %gcSerialPort%
  219. )
  220. Loop, Parse, iniLookup, `n
  221. {
  222. StringSplit, split, A_LoopField, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
  223. IniRead, tempVar, %dolphinINI%, %split1%, %split2%
  224. If ( tempVar != split3 )
  225. IniWrite, % split3, %dolphinINI%, %split1%, %split2%
  226. }
  228. ; Load default or user specified Wiimote or GCPad profiles for launching
  229. If (InStr(systemName, "wii") && UseCustomWiimoteProfiles = "true")
  230. ChangeDolphinProfile("Wiimote")
  231. If (UseCustomGCPadProfiles = "true")
  232. ChangeDolphinProfile("GCPad")
  234. HideEmuStart()
  236. If networkSession
  237. Run(executable, emuPath) ; must be launched w/o /b for browser list to work
  238. Else
  239. Run(executable . " /b /e """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath) ; /b = batch (exit dolphin with emu), /e = load file
  241. Prev_TitleMatchMode := A_TitleMatchMode
  242. SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
  243. If (renderToMain = "false") {
  244. WinWait("(Dolphin.*\|)")
  245. WinGet, dolphinID, ID
  246. dolphinTitle = ahk_ID %dolphinID%
  247. WinWaitActive(dolphinTitle)
  248. } Else {
  249. WinWait(dolphinTitle)
  250. WinGet, dolphinID, ID
  251. }
  252. SetTitleMatchMode %Prev_TitleMatchMode%
  254. If networkSession {
  255. Log("Module - Opening NetPlay window")
  257. ; Get the 6-letter ID of the game
  258. If (romExtension = ".wbfs")
  259. gameID := COM_Invoke(RLObject,"readFileData",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,512,6,"UTF8")
  260. Else If (romExtension = ".iso")
  261. gameID := COM_Invoke(RLObject,"readFileData",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,0,6,"UTF8")
  262. Else If (romExtension = ".ciso")
  263. gameID := COM_Invoke(RLObject,"readFileData",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,32768,6,"UTF8")
  265. ; Must wait for Dolphin to finish scanning isos before netplay window can be opened so the game list is populated. Opening too early and the game list will be blank or partially filled.
  266. If WinExist(dolphinScanningTitle)
  267. WinWaitClose(dolphinScanningTitle,,60) ; wait 60 seconds max. hopefully doesn't take longer than that to scan your isos...
  268. Else {
  269. WinWait, %dolphinScanningTitle%,,5 ; wait 5 seconds max to appear
  270. If ErrorLevel
  271. Log("Module - Timed out waiting for ""Scanning for ISOs"" window to appear. It may have finished before it could be detected, moving on.")
  272. Else
  273. Log("Module - ""Scanning for ISOs"" window found.")
  274. }
  275. WinMenuSelectItem, %dolphinTitle%,, Tools, Start NetPlay
  276. matchMode := A_TitleMatchMode ; store for restoration later
  277. SetTitleMatchMode, 3 ; changes match mode so title must match exactly
  278. WinWait(dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle)
  279. WinWaitActive(dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle)
  280. If (networkType = "client") {
  281. Log("Module - Clicking Connect button")
  282. While !breakLoops {
  283. ControlClick, Button1, %dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle% ; click connect button
  284. Log("Module - Waiting for Host to start game")
  285. WinWait, %dolphinNetPlayTitle%,,2,%dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle% ; waits 2 seconds
  286. If ErrorLevel { ; 1 if timed out, now check for any error windows and close them
  287. Loop, 2 ; loop through both error windows
  288. If WinExist(dolphinErrorTitle%A_Index%) ; error windows that can appear when host is not running yet
  289. ControlClick, Button1, % dolphinErrorTitle%A_Index% ; click ok to clear error
  290. Log("Module - Host not running yet, trying again")
  291. Continue
  292. } Else { ; window exists
  293. Log("Module - Connected to host, waiting for host to start game")
  294. Break
  295. }
  296. }
  297. } Else { ; server
  298. ControlGet, List, List,, ListBox1, %dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle% ; get list of selectable games
  299. Loop, Parse, List, `n
  300. If InStr(A_Loopfield, gameID) {
  301. idLocation := A_Index ; record the location in the ListBox of our game
  302. Log("Module - Game list shows """ . A_LoopField . """ as item " . A_Index) ; logging each items in ListBox
  303. }
  304. If !idLocation { ; game was not found in list
  305. ScriptError("Could not find your """ . romName . """ in the game selection window for netplay. Possibly the gameID could not be found in your game. Please check your the RocketLauncher log and report this error.",,,,,1)
  306. Gosub, CloseProcess
  307. FadeInExit()
  308. Goto, CloseDolphin
  309. }
  310. Control, Choose, %idLocation%, ListBox1, %dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle% ; selects our game in the ListBox
  311. Log("Module - Clicking Host button")
  312. ControlClick, Button2, %dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle% ; click host button
  313. WinWait(dolphinNetPlayTitle,,,dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle) ; this window should now appear when hosted correctly
  314. Log("Module - Waiting for " . networkPlayers . " players until the game is started")
  315. While !breakLoops {
  316. ControlGet, List, List,, ListBox1, %dolphinNetPlayTitle%
  317. If InStr(List,"[" . networkPlayers . "]") {
  318. Log("Module - All players have joined, starting game")
  319. Break
  320. }
  321. Sleep, 100
  322. }
  323. ControlClick, Button8, %dolphinNetPlayTitle%,,,,,dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle ; click start button
  324. }
  325. SetTitleMatchMode, %matchMode% ; restore old match mode
  326. }
  329. If (enableVBALink = "true") {
  330. Screen1ID := dolphinID
  331. vbaINI := CheckFile(VBAPath . "\vbam.ini")
  332. vbaINIBackup := VBAPath . "\vbam_Backup.ini"
  333. FileCopy, %vbaINI%, %vbaINIBackup%
  334. ;removing fullscreen from VBA-M
  335. IniWrite, 0, %vbaINI%, preferences, fullScreen
  336. ;setting other VBA-M ini options
  337. StringReplace, VBABiosPathDoubleSlash,VBABiosPath, \, \\, all
  338. IniWrite, 0, %vbaINI%, preferences, pauseWhenInactive
  339. IniWrite, %VBABiosPathDoubleSlash%, %vbaINI%, GBA, BiosFile
  340. IniWrite, 1, %vbaINI%, GBA, LinkAuto
  341. IniWrite,, %vbaINI%, GBA, LinkHost
  342. IniWrite, 3, %vbaINI%, GBA, LinkType
  343. IniWrite, %SelectedNumberofPlayers%, %vbaINI%, preferences, LinkNumPlayers
  344. IniWrite, 1, %vbaINI%, preferences, useBiosGBA
  345. IniWrite, 1, %vbaINI%, Display, Stretch
  346. IniWrite, 1, %vbaINI%, Display, Scale
  348. ;running VBA-M
  349. Loop, %SelectedNumberofPlayers%
  350. { currentScreen := a_index + 1
  351. Run(VBAFile . " " . """" . VBABiosPath . """",VBAPath,, Screen%currentScreen%PID)
  352. WinWait("ahk_pid " . Screen%currentScreen%PID)
  353. sleep, %VBADelay%
  354. bezelScreen%currentScreen%H := bezelScreen%currentScreen%H+24 ; to hide emu bottom bar
  355. }
  356. ;waiting for VBA-M windows bios loading
  357. timeout := A_TickCount
  358. Loop
  359. { WinGet, id, list, gba_bios - VisualBoyAdvance-M
  360. If (id=SelectedNumberofPlayers){
  361. Loop, %id%
  362. { currentScreen := a_index + 1
  363. Screen%currentScreen%ID := id%A_Index%
  364. }
  365. Break
  366. }
  367. If (timeout<A_TickCount-10000)
  368. Break
  369. Sleep, 100
  370. }
  371. ;Resizing Windows to fill screen if no bezel file is found
  372. If !(bezelPath) {
  373. Loop, % (SelectedNumberofPlayers+1)
  374. { If (a_index=1){
  375. X1 := 0 , Y1 := 0 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight
  376. } Else {
  377. X%a_index% := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y%a_index% := (a_index-2)*(A_ScreenHeight//SelectedNumberofPlayers) , W%a_index% := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H%a_index% := (A_ScreenHeight//SelectedNumberofPlayers)
  378. }
  379. WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " . Screen%A_Index%ID
  380. ToggleMenu(Screen%A_Index%ID)
  381. WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, % "ahk_id " . Screen%A_Index%ID
  382. WinMove, % "ahk_id " . Screen%A_Index%ID, , % X%A_Index%, % Y%A_Index%, % W%A_Index%, % H%A_Index%
  383. ;check If window moved
  384. timeout := A_TickCount
  385. Loop
  386. { WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, % "ahk_id " . Screen%A_Index%ID
  387. If (X=X%A_Index%) and (Y=Y%A_Index%) and (W=W%A_Index%) and (H=H%A_Index%)
  388. Break
  389. If (timeout<A_TickCount-4000)
  390. Break
  391. Sleep, 50
  392. WinMove, % "ahk_id " . Screen%A_Index%ID, , % X%A_Index%, % Y%A_Index%, % W%A_Index%, % H%A_Index%
  393. }
  394. }
  395. Sleep, 50
  396. }
  397. }
  399. BezelDraw()
  400. WinActivate, %dolphinGameTitle%
  401. HideEmuEnd()
  402. FadeInExit()
  403. Process("WaitClose", executable)
  405. CloseDolphin:
  406. If (networkSession && restoreIniObject.MaxIndex()) {
  407. Loop % restoreIniObject.MaxIndex()
  408. { Log("Module - Restoring the original ini: " . restoreIniObject[A_Index,"backupIni"] . " to " . restoreIniObject[A_Index,"originalIni"],4)
  409. FileMove, % restoreIniObject[A_Index,"backupIni"], % restoreIniObject[A_Index,"originalIni"],1 ; restore all backed up inis
  410. }
  411. }
  413. 7zCleanUp()
  414. BezelExit()
  415. FadeOutExit()
  416. ExitModule()
  419. ChangeDolphinProfile(profileType) {
  420. Global settingsFile,romName,dolphinBasePath
  421. profile := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "profile", "Default",,1)
  422. RLProfilePath := dolphinBasePath . "\Config\Profiles\" . profileType . " (RL)"
  423. currentProfile := dolphinBasePath . "\Config\" . profileType . "New.ini"
  424. defaultProfile := RLProfilePath . "\_Default_" . profileType . "New.ini"
  425. customProfile := RLProfilePath . "\" . profile . ".ini"
  426. If !FileExist(currentProfile) {
  427. Log("Module - You have custom " . profileType . " profiles enabled, but could not locate " . currentProfile . ". This file stores all your current controls in Dolphin. Please setup your controls in Dolphin first.",2)
  428. Return
  429. }
  430. If !FileExist(defaultProfile) {
  431. Log("Module - Creating initial Default " . profileType . " profile by copying " . profileType . ".ini to " . defaultProfile, 2)
  432. FileCreateDir % RLProfilePath
  433. FileCopy, %currentProfile%, %defaultProfile% ; create the initial default profile on first launch
  434. }
  435. If (profile != "Default" && !FileExist(customProfile))
  436. Log("Module - " . romName . " is set to load a custom " . profileType . " profile`, but it could not be found: " . customProfile,2)
  437. FileRead, cProfile, %currentProfile% ; read current profile into memory
  438. FileRead, nProfile, %customProfile% ; read custom profile into memory
  439. If ( cProfile != nProfile ) { ; if both profiles do not match exactly
  440. Log("Module - Current " . profileType . " profile does not match the one this game should use.")
  441. If (profile != "Default") { ; if user set to use a custom profile
  442. Log("Module - Copying this defined " . profileType . " profile to replace the current one: " . customProfile)
  443. FileCopy, %customProfile%, %currentProfile%, 1
  444. } Else { ; load default profile
  445. Log("Module - Copying the default " . profileType . " profile to replace the current one: " . defaultProfile)
  446. FileCopy, %defaultProfile%, %currentProfile%, 1
  447. }
  448. } Else
  449. Log("Module - Current " . profileType . " profile is already the correct one for this game, not touching it.")
  450. }
  452. ConnectWiimote(key) {
  453. Global Timeout
  454. wiimoteClass := "Dolphin Controller Configuration ahk_class #32770"
  455. IfWinNotExist, %wiimoteClass%
  456. {
  457. DetectHiddenWindows, OFF ; this needs to be off otherwise WinMenuSelectItem doesn't work for some odd reason
  458. WinActivate, Dolphin ahk_class wxWindowNR,,,FPS
  459. WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class wxWindowNR,, Options, Controller Settings,,,,,,FPS
  460. WinWait(wiimoteClass)
  461. WinWaitActive(wiimoteClass)
  462. }
  463. ;WinActivate, %wiimoteClass% ; test if window needs to be active
  464. ControlClick, %key%, %wiimoteClass%
  465. ControlClick, OK, %wiimoteClass%
  466. ; WinActivate, FPS ahk_class wxWindowClassNR ; for older dolphins
  467. WinActivate, %dolphinGameTitle%
  468. }
  470. PairWiimote:
  471. ConnectWiimote("Pair Up")
  472. Return
  474. RefreshWiimote:
  475. ConnectWiimote("Refresh")
  476. Return
  478. CloseProcess:
  479. breakLoops := 1
  480. FadeOutStart()
  481. If (enableVBALink = "true"){
  482. Loop, %SelectedNumberofPlayers%
  483. { currentScreen := a_index + 1
  484. ;WinActivate, % "ahk_pid " . Screen%currentScreen%PID
  485. WinClose("ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID)
  486. sleep, 100
  487. }
  488. FileMove, %dolphinINIBackup%, %dolphinINI%
  489. FileMove, %vbaINIBackup%, %vbaINI%,1
  490. }
  491. If networkSession {
  492. If WinExist(dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle)
  493. WinClose(dolphinNetPlaySetupTitle)
  494. If WinExist(dolphinNetPlayTitle)
  495. WinClose(dolphinNetPlayTitle)
  496. If !WinExist(dolphinGameTitle) ; if game never launched, close the main emu window
  497. WinClose(dolphinTitle)
  498. }
  499. If WinExist(dolphinGameTitle)
  500. WinClose(dolphinGameTitle) ; this needs to close the window the game is running in otherwise dolphin crashes on exit
  501. Return
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