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- // Gen1 WebHook commands
- http://[shelly_ip]/relay/0?turn=on # 0 remark of channel 0-3
- http://[shelly_ip]/relay/0?turn=off # 0 remark of channel 0-3
- http://[shelly_ip]/relay/0?turn=toggle # 0 remark of channel 0-3
- http://[shelly_ip]/relay/0?turn=on&timer=sec # 0 remark of channel 0-3 and sec as time in seconds
- http://[shelly_ip]/relay/0?turn=off&timer=sec
- // Dimmer2 & bulb have light instead of relay and brightness is configurable
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?turn=on
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?turn=off
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?brightness=x # x mark startup brightness
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?dim=up&step=10 # steps to increase brightness
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?dim=down&step=10
- // bulbs have light temperature option
- http://[shelly_ip]/light/0?white=100
- General commands
- http://[shelly_ip]/reboot
- http://[shelly_ip]/status
- http://[shelly_ip]/ota?update=1 # start update
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- // Gen2 WebHook commands
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Switch.Set?id=0&on=true # 0 remark of channel 0-3
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Switch.Set?id=0&on=false
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Switch.toggle?id=0
- General commands:
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Shelly.Reboot
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Shelly.GetStatus
- http://[shelly_ip]/rpc/Sys.GetConfig
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