

Jan 17th, 2023 (edited)
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  30. \usepackage{circuitikz}
  31. \title{UN CIRCUITO SENCILLO CON\\ \bf\texttt{circuitikz}}
  32. \author{Nimrod Rodríguez\\ \small{nimrodga@hotmail.com}}
  34. \date{}
  35. % Start the document
  37. \begin{document}
  38. \maketitle
  39. \begin{circuitikz} [orange,information text/.style={rounded corners,fill=blue!18,inner sep=1ex}]
  40. \draw node [rotate=45] at (0,1) {\bf\color{blue}{\tiny{relay}}};
  41. \draw (0,0) to[twoport](0,2);
  42. \draw (0.5,1) to[short, -o](1.3,1);
  43. \draw [-, black](-0.5,1) to[short, -o](-1.1,1) to (-1.1,-3);
  44. \draw node at (0,1.3) {\color{red}{\tiny{30}}};
  45. \draw node at (0,0.7) {\color{red}{\tiny{87}}};
  46. \draw node at (0.3,1) {\color{red}{\tiny{85}}};
  47. \draw node at (-0.3,1) {\color{green!30!blue}{\tiny{86}}};
  48. \draw [red] (0,2) to (-1.7,2) to [fuse,l_=\SI{10}{Amp}, fill=red] (-1.7,0.5)  to[battery2= , invert={+}{-}, l_=\SI{12}{V}, black] (-1.7,-3)node[ground, black
  49. ]{-};
  50. \draw [-, black] (-1.7,-1.4) to (-1.7,-3);
  51. \draw [->](4,3.25) to (1.3,3.25) to [switch, l_={Interruptor}](1.3,2.5) to (1.3,1) ;
  52. \draw (0.5,-1) [lamp,yellow];
  53. \draw (0,0) to (0,-1) to (1,-1) to [lamp,l_=\SI{55}{W}, fill=yellow] (1,-3);
  54. \draw (1,-1) to (2.8,-1) to [lamp,l_=\SI{55}{W}, fill=yellow] (2.8,-3);
  55. \draw node at (-1.5,-0.9) {$\textcolor{red}{+}$};
  56. \draw node at (-1.5,-1.6) {$\textcolor{blue}{-}$};
  57. \draw node at (-2.5,0.9) {\textcolor{red}{Seguro}};
  58. \draw node at (3,-1.2) {$i_0$};
  59. \draw node at (1.2,-1.2) {$i_0$};
  60. \draw [black](2.8,-3) to (1,-3) to (-1.7,-3);
  61. \draw node at (-1.7,-3.8) {Masa};
  62. \draw  (4,2.5) circle [radius=0.75cm, green!25] node[very thick, black] {|};
  63. \draw  node at (3.3,2.8) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{}}};
  64. \draw  node at (3.6,2.6) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{ACC}}};
  65. \draw  node at (4,3.25) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{}}};
  66. \draw  node at (4,3.1) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{IGN}}};
  67. \draw  node at (4.5,3.05) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{}}};
  68. \draw  node at (4.35,2.8) {\bf\color{black}{\tiny{start}}};
  69. %Flujos
  70. \draw [->,red] (3,3.4) to (2,3.4);
  71. \draw [->,red] (-1,2.2) to (-0.5,2.2);
  72. \draw [->,red] (-2,-1) to (-2,-0.5);
  73. \draw [->,red] (0.2,0) to (0.2,-0.5) node [right]{\color{blue}{$i$}};
  74. \draw [->, black] (1,-3.2) to (0.6,-3.2);
  77. %Leyenda de cableado
  78. \draw [-,red,very thick](-1.5,-4.5) to (-1,-4.5);
  79. \draw  (0,-4.5) node {\color{black}{Calibre 12}};
  80. \draw [-, orange,very thick](-1.5,-5) to (-1,-5);
  81. \draw  (0,-5) node {\color{black}{Calibre 20}};
  82. \draw[xshift=1.85cm,black!90]
  83. node[right=3.2cm,text width=7cm,information text]
  84. {
  85. \begin{minipage}{6.8cm}
  86. \begin{center}
  87. \shadowbox{\texttt{\textcolor{blue}{\LARGE{circuitikz}}}} \\
  88. \end{center}
  89. \textcolor{blue}{\LARGE{L}}a figura muestra la conexión de dos bulbos o bombillos neblineros de 55 watts cada uno, como los del tipo H-11 comunmente utilizado, vía un relé (bobina) tipo comercial, cuya figura (la de un inductor en la librería \texttt{\textcolor{blue!60!red}{\textbackslash usepackage}\textcolor{blue}{\{circuitikz\}}} aparece con la numeración de terminales, la cual normalmente traen como guía de conexión. El calibre del cableado es según la tabla de ampacidad y esta se utiliza a partir de los valores en las relaciones
  90. \begin{align*}
  91. V =iR, \hspace{0.5cm} P = i_0V,
  92. \end{align*}
  93. entendiéndose que en ambas la tensión\linebreak $V$ = 12 volts, mientras que la resistencia $R$ en la primera, es la del conductor que soporta $i$ amperios, que es la corriente combinada o resultante del consumo en las lámparas en paralelo de $i_0$ amperios de corriente y potencia $P$ = 55 watts cada una. Solo hay que recordar que la medida $AWG$ es, como suele decirse, \textbf{\textit{contra-intuitiva}}, pues cuanto mayor es el calibre, más delgado es cable.
  94. \end{minipage}
  95. };
  96. \end{circuitikz}
  97. \end{document}
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