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- // (common.cpp)
- #include "include.cpp"
- // namespace wrapper for common functions
- namespace cmn {
- class my_controller {
- public:
- // Make the class for the mappable controller layout.
- // most of this is initialization and default constructor type of things
- pros::controller_analog_e_t throttle_axis = pros::E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y;
- pros::controller_analog_e_t steer_axis = pros::E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_RIGHT_X;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t arm_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t wrist_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t intake_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t mogo_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t switch_controller_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t intake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t extake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t sort_color_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t load_arm_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t hold_ring_or_constant_scoring_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t score_held_ring_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t shift_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_X;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t chopper_mech = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t screen_index_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::controller_digital_e_t reverse = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- pros::Controller *controller;
- bool is_master_controller = false;
- int current_slave_screen_index = 0;
- };
- class PID {
- // a universal class for different PID controllers
- public:
- double kP = 0.0f;
- double kD = 0.0f;
- double kI = 0.0f;
- double target = 0.0f;
- double position = 0.0f;
- private:
- double error;
- double x_1;
- double x_2;
- double integral;
- public:
- double run() {
- error = target - position;
- x_1 = x_2;
- x_2 = error;
- integral += error;
- return ((integral * kI) + (error * kP) + ((x_2 - x_1) * kD));
- }
- };
- class GUI {
- // A class for printing and interaction with the brain
- public:
- int current_view = 0;
- std::vector<pros::Motor> motor_list;
- int selected_auton = 0;
- std::vector<std::string> auton_name_list;
- void render () {
- clear_screen();
- switch (current_view){
- case 0:
- auton_select_screen();
- break;
- case 1:
- print_motor_temprature_screen();
- break;
- case 2:
- print_motor_detail_screen();
- break;
- case 3:
- current_view = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- press();
- }
- private:
- pros::Color get_temp(pros::Motor& motor) {
- if(motor.get_temperature() < 55) {
- return pros::Color::green;
- }else if(motor.get_temperature() >= 55 && motor.get_temperature() < 60){
- return pros::Color::yellow;
- }else if(motor.get_temperature() >= 60 && motor.get_temperature() < 65){
- return pros::Color::red;
- } else if (motor.get_temperature() >= 65) {
- return pros::Color::dark_red;
- } else {
- return pros::Color::gray;
- }
- }
- // printing for all of the different screens
- // some of these use brute force (should be redone)
- // others do it algorithmically (the good ones that things should be redone to)
- void print_motor_temprature_screen() {
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::white_smoke);
- pros::screen::draw_line(360, 0, 360, 240);
- pros::screen::draw_line(360, 120, 480, 120);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(420, 60, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(420, 180, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(300, 60, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(180, 60, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(60, 60, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(60, 180, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(180, 180, 46);
- pros::screen::draw_circle(300, 180, 46);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[6]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(420, 60, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[7]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(420, 180, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[2]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(300, 60, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[5]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(300, 180, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[1]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(180, 60, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[4]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(180, 180, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[0]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(60, 60, 45);
- pros::screen::set_pen(get_temp(motor_list[3]));
- pros::screen::fill_circle(60, 180, 45);
- pros::screen::set_eraser(pros::Color::black);
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::white_smoke);
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 17, 55, "L M 1 (%i)", motor_list[0].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 137, 55, "L M 2 (%i)", motor_list[1].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 257, 55, "L M 3 (%i)", motor_list[2].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 17, 175, "R M 1 (%i)", motor_list[3].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 137, 175, "R M 2 (%i)", motor_list[4].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 257, 175, "R M 3 (%i)", motor_list[5].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 377, 55, "Lower(%i)", motor_list[6].get_port());
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, 377, 175, "Upper(%i)", motor_list[7].get_port());
- }
- void clear_screen() {
- pros::screen::set_eraser(pros::Color::black);
- pros::screen::erase();
- pros::screen::erase_rect(0,0,480,240);
- }
- void print_motor_detail_screen () {
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::white_smoke);
- pros::screen::draw_line(360, 0, 360, 240);
- pros::screen::draw_line(240, 0, 240, 240);
- pros::screen::draw_line(120, 0, 120, 240);
- pros::screen::draw_line(0, 120, 480, 120);
- std::vector<std::string> stat_type {"Velocity ", "Temp ", "Torque ", "Power "};
- std::vector<std::string> unit {"RPM", "C", "nm", "W"};
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j){
- int velocity = motor_list[i + j].get_actual_velocity();
- int temprature = motor_list[i + j].get_temperature();
- int torque = std::roundf(motor_list[i + j].get_torque());
- int power = motor_list[i + j].get_power();
- std::vector<std::string> stat {std::to_string(velocity), std::to_string(temprature), std::to_string(torque), std::to_string(power)};
- for(int k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) {
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, (120 * i) + (8), (j * 120) + (k * 20), "%s%s%s", stat_type[k-1], stat[k-1], unit[k-1]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- std::vector<int> is_selected() {
- int x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2;
- if((selected_auton % 2) == 0) {
- y_1 = 10;
- y_2 = 95;
- } else {
- y_1 = 115;
- y_2 = 200;
- }
- x_1 = (((selected_auton - (selected_auton % 2)) / 2) * 120) + 10;
- x_2 = x_1 + 100;
- return {x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2};
- }
- void auton_select_screen() {
- clear_screen();
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::purple);
- pros::screen::fill_rect(is_selected()[0], is_selected()[1], is_selected()[2], is_selected()[3]);
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::light_blue);
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
- pros::screen::fill_rect(((i * 120) + 20), ((j * 105) + 20), (((i + 1) * 120) - 20), (((j + 1) * 105) - 20));
- }
- }
- pros::screen::set_pen(pros::Color::white_smoke);
- pros::screen::draw_line(0, 211, 480, 211);
- pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_MEDIUM_CENTER, 240, 225, "Next Display ->");
- for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
- for(int a = 0; a < 2; ++a) {
- // this commented line below was causing a runtime error. I decided to come back to it later because it is not as critical as other things that needed to get done
- //pros::screen::print(pros::E_TEXT_SMALL, ((k * 120) + 10), ((a * 120) + 55), "%s", auton_name_list[(k * 2) + a]);
- }
- }
- }
- void press() {
- // a function that looks to see if the screen is being used as a touch screen based on different conditions
- pros::screen_touch_status_s_t status = pros::screen::touch_status();
- if(status.touch_status == pros::E_TOUCH_PRESSED){
- if(!(current_view == 0)) {
- ++current_view;
- } else if(status.y > 215) {
- ++current_view;
- } else {
- selected_auton = (std::floor(status.x / 120) * 2) + (std::floor(status.y / 105));
- }
- if(current_view == 3) {
- current_view = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- class Tube {
- // A default object as a constructor for the pneumatics system
- public:
- double length = 0; //in inches
- double volume;
- double init() {
- volume = (std::pow((1.0f / 25.4), 2) * M_PI) * length; //in cubic inches
- return volume;
- }
- };
- class Piston {
- // again, another constructor class
- public:
- double stroke = 0; //in mm
- double volume;
- double init() {
- volume = (std::pow((5.0f / 25.4), 2) * M_PI) * (stroke / 25.4); //in cubic inches
- return volume;
- }
- };
- class Air_Tank {
- // yet another constructor object
- public:
- std::string type; // default new type
- double capacity;
- Air_Tank(std::string tank_type = "new") : type(tank_type) {
- if (type == "legacy") {
- capacity = LEGACY_CAPACITY;
- } else {
- capacity = NEW_CAPACITY;
- }
- }
- private:
- const double LEGACY_CAPACITY = 5.0; // not correct. need to find the exact value yet
- const double NEW_CAPACITY = 9.154;
- };
- class Pneumatics_Component{
- public:
- std::vector<double> volumes;
- double total_component_volume; //in cubic inches
- void compute_system_volume () {
- total_component_volume = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
- total_component_volume += volumes[i];
- }
- }
- };
- class Pneumatics_System {
- // the true pneumatics class, the one that gets used other than an initializer
- public:
- double air_pressure = 100.0f;
- double true_air_pressure = 110.0f;
- double system_volume;
- void system_init(std::vector<Pneumatics_Component> comp) {
- system_volume = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < comp.size(); ++i) {
- system_volume += comp[i].total_component_volume;
- }
- }
- void cycled(Pneumatics_Component comp) {
- double new_volume = system_volume + comp.total_component_volume;
- true_air_pressure = true_air_pressure * (system_volume / new_volume);
- if (true_air_pressure < 100) {
- air_pressure = true_air_pressure;
- } else {
- air_pressure = 100;
- }
- }
- };
- // a controller lcd class for spontainious match stats
- class Controller_Print {
- public:
- std::string my_time_to_string(unsigned int time) {
- unsigned int minutes = time / 60;
- unsigned int seconds = time % 60;
- std::string minutes_str = std::to_string(minutes);
- std::string seconds_str = std::to_string(seconds);
- if (minutes < 10) {
- minutes_str = "0" + minutes_str;
- }
- if (seconds < 10) {
- seconds_str = "0" + seconds_str;
- }
- return minutes_str + ":" + seconds_str;
- }
- std::vector<pros::Motor> cont_drivetrain;
- unsigned int time;
- Pneumatics_System p_sys;
- float pressure_derivative, battery_derivative, temp_derivative;
- int get_pressure (Pneumatics_System p_sys) {
- return std::round(p_sys.true_air_pressure);
- }
- void init (my_controller& master, my_controller& slave) {
- master.controller->clear();
- slave.controller->clear();
- pd_1 = p_sys.true_air_pressure;
- bd_1 = pros::battery::get_capacity();
- td_1 = get_current_temp();
- }
- void print_master (my_controller master) {
- // this commented line was found to be problematic because of refresh time
- //master.controller->clear();
- master.controller->print(1, 8, "%s", my_time_to_string(time / 1000));
- }
- void print_slave (my_controller slave) {
- // this function is for printing to the slave controller. It shows the current stat and the derivitave for each stat
- //slave.controller->clear();
- pd_2 = p_sys.true_air_pressure;
- bd_2 = pros::battery::get_capacity();
- pressure_derivative = (pd_2 - pd_1) / (time / 1000);
- battery_derivative = ((bd_2 - bd_1) / (time / 1000)) * 100;
- double current_temp = get_current_temp();
- td_2 = current_temp;
- temp_derivative = (td_2 - td_1) / (time / 1000);
- if(slave.controller->get_digital(slave.screen_index_button)) {
- slave.current_slave_screen_index++;
- }
- switch(slave.current_slave_screen_index) {
- case 0:
- slave.controller->print(0, 5, "%i PSI", std::round(p_sys.true_air_pressure));
- slave.controller->print(1, 0, "%f/s", pressure_derivative);
- slave.controller->print(2, 5, "%s", my_time_to_string(-(pd_1 / 1000)/ pressure_derivative));
- break;
- case 1:
- slave.controller->print(0, 6, "%f%", pros::battery::get_capacity() * 100);
- slave.controller->print(1, 0, "%f/s", battery_derivative);
- slave.controller->print(2, 5, "%s", my_time_to_string(-((bd_1 * 100) / 1000) / battery_derivative));
- break;
- case 2:
- slave.controller->print(0, 6, "%iC", std::round(current_temp));
- slave.controller->print(1, 0, "%f/s", temp_derivative);
- slave.controller->print(2, 5, "%s", my_time_to_string(-(td_1 / 1000) / temp_derivative));
- break;
- case 3:
- slave.controller->print(1, 5, "%s", my_time_to_string(time / 1000));
- break;
- case 4:
- slave.current_slave_screen_index = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- private:
- double pd_1, pd_2, bd_1, bd_2, td_1, td_2;
- double get_current_temp () {
- return ((cont_drivetrain[0].get_temperature()) + (cont_drivetrain[1].get_temperature()) + (cont_drivetrain[2].get_temperature()) + (cont_drivetrain[3].get_temperature(), cont_drivetrain[4].get_temperature()) + (cont_drivetrain[5].get_temperature()) / 6);
- }
- };
- }
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