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- # The prefix for the whole plugin
- Prefix: '&0[&cStaffEssentials&0]&f'
- # ---------- [Clear Chat] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Clear Chat
- # Lines to clear when a player does /cc or /clearchat
- LinesToClear: 100
- # Message to send when a player's chat is cleared
- # Variables
- # %player% - The player who cleard the chat
- ClearedMessage: '&bEl chat ha sido limpiado por &3%player%&b.'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- ClearChatEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Logs] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Logs
- # Permission needed for the player's commands to be logged (Leave it blank for all
- # players)
- LogPermission: staffessentials.log
- # Commands to log
- LogCommands:
- - op
- - home
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffLogsEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Reports] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Reports
- # The format you want the reports to be shown in
- # Variables
- # %id% - The id of the report
- # %reporter% - The reporter of the report
- # %report% - The reason of the report
- # %reported% - The player that had been reported
- ReportFormat:
- - '&6%id%) Reporter: &c%reporter%'
- - ' &6Report: &c%report%'
- - ' &6Reported: &c%reported%'
- # Permission for them to be sent the message when someone reports
- ReportView:
- # Turn this to true if you want the staff to see the reports when they join
- ShowOnJoin: true
- # Message to send when the player joins if the above is turned to true
- # Variables:
- # %amount% - Amounts of reports open
- ReportMessage: '&4There are currently &b%amount% &4 reports open!'
- # Put amount of reports per page when you do /report list
- ReportsPerPage: 4
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- ReportEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Chat] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Chat
- # Format for the player when they are in staff chat
- # Variables
- # %player% - Player Name
- # %message% - Message
- # %rank% - Rank of the player
- ChatPrefix: '&0[&4Bots de Eu&0]&f %rank%%player%: %message%'
- # The permission to view the chat message
- ViewPermission: staffchat.view
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffChatEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Join] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Join
- # The message to broadcast when the player joins the server
- Format: '&c%player% has joined the server!'
- # Permission for the player's name to be broadcasted
- JoinPermission: staffessentials.joinmessage
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffJoinEnabled: false
- # ---------- [Staff List] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff List
- # Permission for their name to be displayed in the staffs list
- StaffPermission: staffessentials.staff
- # The message to send when a player runs the command
- # Variables
- # %staffcount% - Staff online
- # %staff% - List of staff online
- StaffList:
- - '&cMiembros del STAFF conectados: %staff%'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffListEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Alert] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Alert
- # Permission for them to receive the broadcast message
- StaffAlertPermission: staffessentials.staff
- # Alert Staff Format
- # Variables
- # %message% - Message to be sent
- # %player% - Name of Sender
- StaffAlertFormat: '&0[&bBots de Eu&0]&f %message%'
- # Enable this if you want the message to be sent via Action Bar as well
- AlertActionBar: true
- # Action Bar Format - Has to have AlertActionBar on true
- # Variables
- # %message% - Message to be sent
- # %player% - Name of Sender
- ActionBarFormat: '&0[&bBots de Eu&0]&f %message%'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffAlertEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Freeze] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Freeze
- # Bypass Permission
- FrozenBypass: staffessentials.bypass
- # Message to send when frozen
- FrozenMessage: '&cNo puedes moverte!'
- # Message to send when unfrozen
- UnfrozenMessage: '&bYa puedes moverte!'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- FreezeEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Maintenance] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Maintenance
- # If you turn this on, it will kick all players without permission
- KickPlayers: true
- # Permission to be able to come on the server when it is on maintenance
- MaintenancePermission: staffessentials.staff
- # Message to send if the server is on maintenance
- MaintenanceMessage: '&bEl servidor se encuentra en mantenimiento!'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- MaintenanceModeEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Warnings] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Warnings
- # Punishments
- # WarnAmount:
- # - 'Command 1'
- # - 'Command 2'
- # - 'Command 3' (And so on)
- Punishments:
- 5:
- - 'tempban %player% 1'
- - 'bc %player% ha sido baneado por 1 minuto!'
- 10:
- - 'ban %player%'
- - 'bc %player% ha sido baneado!'
- # Amount of time for a warning amount to be removed from a player (in seconds)
- WarningRemoveTime: 50
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- WarnEnabled: true
- # ---------- [StaffVanish] ----------
- # This configuration section is for StaffVanish
- # The message to send when a staff goes onto vanish
- LeaveMessage: '&e%player% ha salido del servidor.'
- # Join message to send when a staff unvanishes
- JoinMessage: '&e%player% ha ingresado al servidor.'
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffVanishEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Ban/Mute] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Bans and TempBans
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- BanMuteEnabled: true
- # ---------- [InventoryCheck] ----------
- # This configuration section is for InventoryCheck
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- InventoryCheckEnabled: true
- # ---------- [Staff Applications] ----------
- # This configuration section is for Staff Applications
- # This is the maximum amount of times a player can apply
- MaxApplyAmount: 10000
- # If you do not want this, then set this to false
- StaffApplicationsEnabled: true
- # ---------- [MySQL] ----------
- # This configuration section is for MySQL Users
- # What these will send data of:
- # - PlayerData (Reports)
- # If you want to enable SQL support, enable this
- SQLEnabled: false
- # The port
- SQLPort: 3306
- # The IP
- SQLIP: 'localhost'
- # The Database Name
- SQLDatabase: 'SQLDatabase'
- # The username
- SQLUsername: 'root'
- # The password
- SQLPassword: 'password'
- # The name of the table
- SQLTable: 'StaffEssentials'
- # ---------- [Auto Updater] ----------
- # This configuration section is for the Update Checker + Downloader
- # Enable this if you want the plugin to automatically download the newest version
- AutoDownload: true
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