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- module type SIn =
- sig
- type key
- type value
- val arr_size: int
- val k_compare: key -> key -> int
- val v_compare: value -> value -> int
- val genHash: key -> int
- end
- module type SOut =
- sig
- type key
- type value
- type hash
- val create: unit -> hash
- val display: hash -> (key -> string) -> (value -> string) -> unit
- val add: hash -> key -> value -> unit
- val find: hash -> key -> value option
- val remove: hash -> key -> unit
- end
- module Make(E:SIn):(SOut with type key := E.key with type value := E.value) =
- struct
- type key = E.key
- type value = E.value
- type collisions = (key * value) list
- type node = (key * value * collisions) option
- type hash = node array
- let genHash k = E.genHash k
- let create ():(hash) =
- Array.init E.arr_size (fun _ -> None)
- let display (ht:hash) sKey sValue =
- Array.iter (
- fun e ->
- match e with
- | None -> print_endline "[Nothing here]"
- | Some (k, v, lst) ->
- Printf.printf "->%s=>%s\n" (sKey k) (sValue v);
- List.iter (
- fun (kl, vl) ->
- Printf.printf "--->%s=>%s\n" (sKey kl) (sValue vl);
- ) lst
- ) ht
- let rec add_list lst key value =
- match lst with
- | [] -> (key, value)::[]
- | (k, v)::tl ->
- if (E.k_compare k key) = 0 && (E.v_compare v value) = 0
- then
- (k, v)::tl
- else if (E.k_compare k key) = 0
- then
- (k, value)::tl
- else
- (k, v)::add_list tl key value
- let add ht key value =
- let hv = genHash key in
- let arr_node = Array.get ht hv in
- match arr_node with
- | None -> Array.set ht hv (Some (key, value, []))
- | Some (k, v, lst) when (E.k_compare k key) = 0 && (E.v_compare v value) != 0 ->
- Array.set ht hv (Some (k, value, lst))
- | Some (k, v, lst) when (E.k_compare k key) = 0 && (E.v_compare v value) = 0 ->
- ()
- | Some (k, v, lst) -> Array.set ht hv (Some(k, v, (add_list lst key value)))
- let rec find_list lst key =
- match lst with
- | [] -> None
- | (k, v)::tl ->
- if (E.k_compare key k) = 0
- then
- Some v
- else
- find_list tl key
- let find (ht:hash) key =
- let hv = genHash key in
- let arr_node = Array.get ht hv in
- match arr_node with
- | None -> None
- | Some (k, v, _) when (E.k_compare k key) = 0 -> Some v
- | Some (_, _, lst) -> find_list lst key
- let rec remove_list lst key =
- match lst with
- | [] -> []
- | (k, v)::tl ->
- if (E.k_compare key k) = 0
- then
- tl
- else
- (k, v)::remove_list tl key
- let remove (ht:hash) key =
- let hv = genHash key in
- let arr_node = Array.get ht hv in
- match arr_node with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (k, _, []) when (E.k_compare k key) = 0 -> Array.set ht hv None
- | Some (k, v, lst) when (E.k_compare k key) = 0 ->
- let (kl, vl) = List.hd lst in
- Array.set ht hv (Some(kl, vl, ( lst)))
- | Some (k, v, lst) -> Array.set ht hv (Some(k, v, remove_list lst key))
- end
- (***************************************************************************)
- let strs =
- [
- ("Salty", 1);
- ("Cracker", 2);
- ("Emily", 3);
- ("Angela", 4);
- ("Richard", 5);
- ("John", 6);
- ("Betty", 7);
- ("Zebra", 8);
- ("Bobby", 9);
- ("Kenny", 10);
- ("Brenda", 11);
- ("Dart", 12);
- ("Cat", 13);
- ("Dog", 14);
- ("Bird", 15);
- ("Lion", 16);
- ("Tweety", 17);
- ("Tank", 18);
- ("Car", 19);
- ("Gun", 20);
- ("Apple", 21);
- ("Plum", 22);
- ("Run", 23);
- ("Peel", 24);
- ("See", 25);
- ("Sun", 26);
- ("Mouse", 27);
- ("Speaker", 28);
- ("Key", 29);
- ("Song", 30);
- ("Switch", 31);
- ("On", 32);
- ("Gun", 33);
- ("Apple", 34);
- ("Switch", 35);
- ("Lion", 36);
- ("Gun", 37);
- ("Gun", 38);
- ]
- module MyHashStrInt =
- struct
- type key = string
- type value = int
- let arr_size = 24
- let k_compare =
- let v_compare =
- let genHash str =
- let hash = 5381 in
- (Seq.fold_left
- (
- fun a d ->
- ((Int.shift_left a 5) + a) + (Char.code d)
- )
- hash
- (String.to_seq(str))) mod arr_size
- end
- module HashSI = Myhash.Make(MyHashStrInt)
- let ht = HashSI.create()
- let () =
- List.iter (
- fun (k, v) ->
- HashSI.add ht k v
- ) strs
- let () = HashSI.display ht (fun t -> t) string_of_int
- let () = print_endline "\n\n"
- let () =
- List.iter (
- fun k ->
- HashSI.remove ht k
- ) ["Lion"; "Switch"; "Apple"; "Gun"; ]
- let () = HashSI.display ht (fun t -> t) string_of_int
- let () = print_endline "\n\n"
- let ans = HashSI.find ht "Angela"
- let () =
- match ans with
- | None -> print_endline "Nothing found!"
- | Some v -> Printf.printf "Found: %d\n" v
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