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- static int getCtrlTick = -9000;
- static IMyShipController getCtrlL = null;
- static IMyShipController getCtrl()
- {
- var p = gProgram;
- if (tick - getCtrlTick > 3 * 60)
- {
- foreach (var c in p.controllers)
- {
- if (c.IsUnderControl)
- {
- getCtrlL = c;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(getCtrlL == null)
- {
- foreach (var c in p.controllers)
- {
- if (c.IsMainCockpit)
- {
- getCtrlL = c;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (getCtrlL == null && p.controllers.Count > 0) getCtrlL = p.controllers[0];
- getCtrlTick = tick;
- }
- return getCtrlL;
- }
- static int getMassT = -1;
- static double getMassL = 0;
- static double getMass()
- {
- if (tick != getMassT)
- {
- getMassT = tick;
- getMassL = getCtrl().CalculateShipMass().PhysicalMass;
- }
- return getMassL;
- }
- static int getPositionT = -1;
- static Vector3D getPositionL = Vector3D.Zero;
- static Vector3D getPosition()
- {
- if (tick != getPositionT)
- {
- getPositionL = getCtrl().GetPosition();
- getPositionT = tick;
- }
- return getPositionL;
- }
- static int getVelocityT = -1;
- static Vector3D getVelocityL = Vector3D.Zero;
- static Vector3D getVelocity()
- {
- if (tick != getVelocityT)
- {
- getVelocityL = getCtrl().GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;
- getVelocityT = tick;
- }
- return getVelocityL;
- }
- static int getGravityT = -1;
- static Vector3D getGravityL = Vector3D.Zero;
- static Vector3D getGravity()
- {
- if (tick != getGravityT)
- {
- getGravityL = getCtrl().GetNaturalGravity();
- getGravityT = tick;
- }
- return getGravityL;
- }
- static public Dictionary<string, RailData> RailDataSubType;
- static public List<RailData> RailDatalist = new List<RailData>(){
- new RailData("UNN MA-15 Coilgun", 420, 900.0000f, 120, 6000.0f),
- new RailData("Mounted Zakosetara Heavy Railgun", 420, 3300.0000f, 120, 8000.0f),
- new RailData("OPA Behemoth Heavy Railgun", 300, 4202.6667f, 120, 12500.0f),
- new RailData("T-47 Roci Light Fixed Railgun", 324, 2400.0000f, 36, 9000.0f),
- new RailData("Zakosetara Heavy Railgun", 540, 3300.0000f, 0, 8000.0f),
- new RailData("Dawson-Pattern Medium Railgun", 300, 3000.0000f, 120, 10000.0f),
- new RailData("Farren-Pattern Heavy Railgun", 300, 4800.0000f, 120, 12500.0f),
- new RailData("V-14 Stiletto Light Railgun", 300, 2700.0000f, 120, 10000.0f),
- new RailData("VX-12 Foehammer Ultra-Heavy Railgun", 300, 4500.0000f, 120, 12500.0f)
- };
- //static public List<PDCData> PDCDatalist
- static public Dictionary<string, PDCData> PDCDataSubType = new Dictionary<string, PDCData>();
- static public List<PDCData> PDCDatalist = new List<PDCData>()
- {
- new PDCData("OPA Point Defence Cannon", 1200, 100, 36000, 320, true),
- new PDCData("OPA Shotgun PDC", 240, 500, 36000, 320, true),
- new PDCData("OPA Shotgun PDC Angled", 240, 500, 36000, 320, true),
- new PDCData("Ostman-Jazinski Flak Cannon", 900, 100, 18000, 160, true),
- new PDCData("Voltaire Collective Anti Personnel PDC", 600, 100, 9000, 80, true),
- new PDCData("Nariman Dynamics PDC", 1800, 100, 45000, 400, true),
- new PDCData("Nariman Dynamics PDC Angled", 1800, 100, 45000, 400, true),
- new PDCData("Redfields Ballistics PDC", 1200, 90, 45000, 400, true),
- new PDCData("Redfields Ballistics PDC Angled", 1200, 90, 45000, 400, true)
- };
- public class PDCData
- {
- public string SubTypeId;
- public int MaxHeat = 1;
- public PDCData(string n, int rof = 0, int hps = 0, int mh = 0, int hsr = 0, bool drof = false)
- {
- SubTypeId = n;
- PDCDataSubType[SubTypeId] = this;
- MaxHeat = mh;
- }
- }
- public class RailData
- {
- public string SubTypeId;
- public int chargeTicks = 0;
- public int DUF = 0;
- public float maxDraw = 0;
- public float ammoVel = 0;
- public RailData(string subtype, int ticks, float maxcharge, int duf, float vel)
- {
- SubTypeId = subtype;
- if(RailDataSubType == null) RailDataSubType = new Dictionary<string, RailData>();
- RailDataSubType[SubTypeId] = this;
- chargeTicks = ticks;
- maxDraw = maxcharge;
- DUF = duf;
- ammoVel = vel;
- }
- }
- class WeaponState
- {
- public IMyTerminalBlock b = null;
- public RailData settings = null;
- //public PDCData psettings = null;
- public bool isCharging = false;
- public float chargeProgress = 0;
- public void setCharging(bool b)
- {
- if (b != isCharging)
- {
- isCharging = b;
- if (b) chargeProgress = 0;
- else chargeProgress = 1;
- }
- }
- float lDraw = 0;
- float lProg = 0;
- public float lastDrawFactor = 0;
- public void update()
- {
- if (lDraw == 0 || tick % 3 == 0)
- {
- lDraw = gProgram.APIWC.GetCurrentPower(b);
- setCharging(lDraw > 5);
- }
- if (isCharging)
- {
- if (tick % 3 == 0)
- {
- lastDrawFactor = lDraw / settings.maxDraw;
- lProg = 1.0f / settings.chargeTicks * lastDrawFactor;
- }
- chargeProgress += lProg;
- if (chargeProgress > 1)
- {
- chargeProgress = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Dictionary<IMyTerminalBlock, WeaponState> wsdict = new Dictionary<IMyTerminalBlock, WeaponState>();
- WeaponState getWS(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- WeaponState ws = null;
- wsdict.TryGetValue(b, out ws);
- if (ws == null)
- {
- if (RailDataSubType.ContainsKey(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText))
- {
- ws = wsdict[b] = new WeaponState();
- ws.settings = RailDataSubType[b.DefinitionDisplayNameText];
- ws.b = b;
- }/*else if(PDCDataSubType.ContainsKey(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText))
- {
- ws = wsdict[b] = new WeaponState();
- ws.psettings = PDCDataSubType[b.DefinitionDisplayNameText];
- ws.b = b;
- }*/
- }
- return ws;
- }
- static Profiler railP = new Profiler("rail");
- public void railchargeupdate()
- {
- railP.s();
- foreach (var w in subTargGroup)
- {
- WeaponState ws = null;
- wsdict.TryGetValue(w, out ws);
- if (ws == null)
- {
- if (RailDataSubType.ContainsKey(w.DefinitionDisplayNameText))
- {
- ws = wsdict[w] = new WeaponState();
- ws.settings = RailDataSubType[w.DefinitionDisplayNameText];
- ws.b = w;
- }
- }
- if (ws == null) continue;
- ws.update();
- }
- railP.e();
- }
- public class WcPbApi
- {
- public string[] WcBlockTypeLabels = new string[]
- {
- "Any",
- "Offense",
- "Utility",
- "Power",
- "Production",
- "Thrust",
- "Jumping",
- "Steering"
- };
- private Action<ICollection<MyDefinitionId>> a;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<string, int>, bool> b;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float>> c;
- private Func<long, bool> d;
- private Func<long, int, MyDetectedEntityInfo> e;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, bool> f;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, bool, bool, int> g;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, bool> h;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<MyDetectedEntityInfo>> i;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int, bool> j;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int> k;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, Vector3D?> l;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> m;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> n;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>> o;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> p;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> q;
- private Func<long, float> r;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, MyDetectedEntityInfo> s;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int> t;
- private Func<long, MyTuple<bool, int, int>> u;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, bool, int> v;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, bool, bool, bool> w;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, float> x;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>> y;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, float> _getCurrentPower;
- public Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, float> _getHeatLevel;
- public bool isReady = false;
- IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock = null;
- public bool Activate(IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock)
- {
- this.pbBlock = pbBlock;
- var dict = pbBlock.GetProperty("WcPbAPI")?.As<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate>>().GetValue(pbBlock);
- if (dict == null) throw new Exception("WcPbAPI failed to activate");
- return ApiAssign(dict);
- }
- public bool ApiAssign(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates)
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- return false;
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCoreWeapons", ref a);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetBlockWeaponMap", ref b);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetSortedThreats", ref c);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetObstructions", ref i);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasGridAi", ref d);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetAiFocus", ref e);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetAiFocus", ref f);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasCoreWeapon", ref h);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetPredictedTargetPosition", ref l);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetTurretTargetTypes", ref j);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetTurretTargetTypes", ref k);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix", ref m);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponElevationMatrix", ref n);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsTargetAlignedExtended", ref o);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetActiveAmmo", ref p);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetActiveAmmo", ref q);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetConstructEffectiveDps", ref r);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponTarget", ref s);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetWeaponTarget", ref t);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetProjectilesLockedOn", ref u);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "FireWeaponOnce", ref v);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "ToggleWeaponFire", ref g);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsWeaponReadyToFire", ref w);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetMaxWeaponRange", ref x);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponScope", ref y);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCurrentPower", ref _getCurrentPower);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetHeatLevel", ref _getHeatLevel);
- //Delegate.CreateDelegate(null, null);
- isReady = true;
- return true;
- }
- private void AssignMethod<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates, string name, ref T field) where T : class
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- {
- field = null;
- return;
- }
- Delegate del;
- if (!delegates.TryGetValue(name, out del))
- throw new Exception($"{GetType().Name} :: Couldn't find {name} delegate of type {typeof(T)}");
- field = del as T;
- if (field == null)
- throw new Exception(
- $"{GetType().Name} :: Delegate {name} is not type {typeof(T)}, instead it's: {del.GetType()}");
- }
- public void GetAllCoreWeapons(ICollection<MyDefinitionId> collection) => a?.Invoke(collection);
- public void GetSortedThreats(IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float> collection) =>
- c?.Invoke(pbBlock, collection);
- public bool HasGridAi(long entity) => d?.Invoke(entity) ?? false;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetAiFocus(long shooter, int priority = 0) => e?.Invoke(shooter, priority);
- public bool SetAiFocus(IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, long target, int priority = 0) =>
- f?.Invoke(pBlock, target, priority) ?? false;
- public void ToggleWeaponFire(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool on, bool allWeapons, int weaponId = 0) =>
- g?.Invoke(weapon, on, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool HasCoreWeapon(IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => h?.Invoke(weapon) ?? false;
- public void GetObstructions(IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, ICollection<MyDetectedEntityInfo> collection) =>
- i?.Invoke(pBlock, collection);
- public Vector3D? GetPredictedTargetPosition(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- l?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? null;
- public Matrix GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- m?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public Matrix GetWeaponElevationMatrix(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- n?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?> IsTargetAlignedExtended(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- o?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>();
- public string GetActiveAmmo(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- p?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? null;
- public void SetActiveAmmo(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId, string ammoType) =>
- q?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, ammoType);
- public float GetConstructEffectiveDps(long entity) => r?.Invoke(entity) ?? 0f;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetWeaponTarget(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0) =>
- s?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId);
- public void SetWeaponTarget(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long target, int weaponId = 0) =>
- t?.Invoke(weapon, target, weaponId);
- public bool GetBlockWeaponMap(IMyTerminalBlock weaponBlock, IDictionary<string, int> collection) =>
- b?.Invoke(weaponBlock, collection) ?? false;
- public MyTuple<bool, int, int> GetProjectilesLockedOn(long victim) =>
- u?.Invoke(victim) ?? new MyTuple<bool, int, int>();
- public void FireWeaponOnce(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool allWeapons = true, int weaponId = 0) =>
- v?.Invoke(weapon, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool IsWeaponReadyToFire(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0, bool anyWeaponReady = true,
- bool shootReady = false) =>
- w?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, anyWeaponReady, shootReady) ?? false;
- public float GetMaxWeaponRange(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- x?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? 0f;
- public MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D> GetWeaponScope(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- y?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>();
- public float GetCurrentPower(IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _getCurrentPower?.Invoke(weapon) ?? 0f;
- public float GetHeatLevel(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _getHeatLevel?.Invoke(weapon) ?? 0f;
- }
- public static string v2ss(Vector3D v)
- {
- return "<" + v.X.ToString("0.0000") + "," + v.Y.ToString("0.0000") + "," + v.Z.ToString("0.0000") + ">";
- }
- static int dd_tick;
- static Vector3D dd_dfv, dd_duv;
- static MatrixD dd_wm;
- static double dd_y, dd_p, dd_r;
- public static void GetRotationAnglesSimultaneousDedup(Vector3D fwd, Vector3D up, MatrixD wm, out double yaw, out double pitch, out double roll)
- {
- if(tick != dd_tick || fwd != dd_dfv || up != dd_duv || dd_wm != wm)
- {
- dd_tick = tick;
- dd_dfv = fwd;
- dd_duv = up;
- dd_wm = wm;
- GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous(dd_dfv, dd_duv, dd_wm, out dd_y, out dd_p, out dd_r);
- }
- yaw = dd_y;
- pitch = dd_p;
- roll = dd_r;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whip's GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous - Last modified: 07/05/2020
- /// </summary>
- public static void GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous(Vector3D a, Vector3D b, MatrixD w, out double yaw, out double pitch, out double roll)
- {
- a = SafeNormalize(a);
- MatrixD twm;
- MatrixD.Transpose(ref w, out twm);
- Vector3D.Rotate(ref a, ref twm, out a);
- Vector3D.Rotate(ref b, ref twm, out b);
- Vector3D lv = Vector3D.Cross(b, a);
- Vector3D axis;
- double angle;
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(b) || Vector3D.IsZero(lv))
- {
- axis = new Vector3D(a.Y, -a.X, 0);
- angle = Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(-a.Z, -1.0, 1.0));
- }
- else
- {
- lv = SafeNormalize(lv);
- Vector3D upVector = Vector3D.Cross(a, lv);
- MatrixD tm = MatrixD.Zero;
- tm.Forward = a;
- tm.Left = lv;
- tm.Up = upVector;
- axis = new Vector3D(tm.M23 - tm.M32,tm.M31 - tm.M13,tm.M12 - tm.M21);
- double trace = tm.M11 + tm.M22 + tm.M33;
- angle = Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp((trace - 1) * 0.5, -1, 1));
- }
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(axis))
- {
- angle = a.Z < 0 ? 0 : Math.PI;
- yaw = angle;
- pitch = 0;
- roll = 0;
- return;
- }
- axis = SafeNormalize(axis);
- yaw = -axis.Y * angle;
- pitch = axis.X * angle;
- roll = -axis.Z * angle;
- }
- public static Vector3D SafeNormalize(Vector3D a)
- {
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(a))
- return Vector3D.Zero;
- if (Vector3D.IsUnit(ref a))
- return a;
- return Vector3D.Normalize(a);
- }
- public const double d180bypi = (180 / Math.PI);
- public static double ConvertRadiansToDegrees(double radians)
- {
- double degrees = d180bypi * radians;
- return (degrees);
- }
- static double dpiby180 = (Math.PI / 180);
- public static double ConvertDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
- {
- double radians = dpiby180 * degrees;
- return (radians);
- }
- public static double cpa_time(Vector3D Tr1_p, Vector3D Tr1_v, Vector3D Tr2_p, Vector3D Tr2_v)
- {
- Vector3D dv = Tr1_v - Tr2_v;
- double dv2 = Vector3D.Dot(dv, dv);
- if (dv2 < 0.00000001) // the tracks are almost parallel
- return 0.0; // any time is ok. Use time 0.
- Vector3D w0 = Tr1_p - Tr2_p;
- double cpatime = -Vector3D.Dot(w0, dv) / dv2;
- return cpatime; // time of CPA
- }
- public class SpriteHUDLCD
- {
- static Dictionary<string, Color> ColorList = new Dictionary<string, Color> { { "aliceblue", Color.AliceBlue }, { "antiquewhite", Color.AntiqueWhite }, { "aqua", Color.Aqua }, { "aquamarine", Color.Aquamarine }, { "azure", Color.Azure }, { "beige", Color.Beige }, { "bisque", Color.Bisque }, { "black", Color.Black }, { "blanchedalmond", Color.BlanchedAlmond }, { "blue", Color.Blue }, { "blueviolet", Color.BlueViolet }, { "brown", Color.Brown }, { "burlywood", Color.BurlyWood }, { "badetblue", Color.CadetBlue }, { "chartreuse", Color.Chartreuse }, { "chocolate", Color.Chocolate }, { "coral", Color.Coral }, { "cornflowerblue", Color.CornflowerBlue }, { "cornsilk", Color.Cornsilk }, { "crimson", Color.Crimson }, { "cyan", Color.Cyan }, { "darkblue", Color.DarkBlue }, { "darkcyan", Color.DarkCyan }, { "darkgoldenrod", Color.DarkGoldenrod }, { "darkgray", Color.DarkGray }, { "darkgreen", Color.DarkGreen }, { "darkkhaki", Color.DarkKhaki }, { "darkmagenta", Color.DarkMagenta }, { "darkoliveGreen", Color.DarkOliveGreen }, { "darkorange", Color.DarkOrange }, { "darkorchid", Color.DarkOrchid }, { "darkred", Color.DarkRed }, { "darksalmon", Color.DarkSalmon }, { "darkseagreen", Color.DarkSeaGreen }, { "darkslateblue", Color.DarkSlateBlue }, { "darkslategray", Color.DarkSlateGray }, { "darkturquoise", Color.DarkTurquoise }, { "darkviolet", Color.DarkViolet }, { "deeppink", Color.DeepPink }, { "deepskyblue", Color.DeepSkyBlue }, { "dimgray", Color.DimGray }, { "dodgerblue", Color.DodgerBlue }, { "firebrick", Color.Firebrick }, { "floralwhite", Color.FloralWhite }, { "forestgreen", Color.ForestGreen }, { "fuchsia", Color.Fuchsia }, { "gainsboro", Color.Gainsboro }, { "ghostwhite", Color.GhostWhite }, { "gold", Color.Gold }, { "goldenrod", Color.Goldenrod }, { "gray", Color.Gray }, { "green", Color.Green }, { "greenyellow", Color.GreenYellow }, { "doneydew", Color.Honeydew }, { "hotpink", Color.HotPink }, { "indianred", Color.IndianRed }, { "indigo", Color.Indigo }, { "ivory", Color.Ivory }, { "khaki", Color.Khaki }, { "lavender", Color.Lavender }, { "lavenderblush", Color.LavenderBlush }, { "lawngreen", Color.LawnGreen }, { "lemonchiffon", Color.LemonChiffon }, { "lightblue", Color.LightBlue }, { "lightcoral", Color.LightCoral }, { "lightcyan", Color.LightCyan }, { "lightgoldenrodyellow", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow }, { "lightgray", Color.LightGray }, { "lightgreen", Color.LightGreen }, { "lightpink", Color.LightPink }, { "lightsalmon", Color.LightSalmon }, { "lightseagreen", Color.LightSeaGreen }, { "lightskyblue", Color.LightSkyBlue }, { "lightslategray", Color.LightSlateGray }, { "lightsteelblue", Color.LightSteelBlue }, { "lightyellow", Color.LightYellow }, { "lime", Color.Lime }, { "limegreen", Color.LimeGreen }, { "linen", Color.Linen }, { "magenta", Color.Magenta }, { "maroon", Color.Maroon }, { "mediumaquamarine", Color.MediumAquamarine }, { "mediumblue", Color.MediumBlue }, { "mediumorchid", Color.MediumOrchid }, { "mediumpurple", Color.MediumPurple }, { "mediumseagreen", Color.MediumSeaGreen }, { "mediumslateblue", Color.MediumSlateBlue }, { "mediumspringgreen", Color.MediumSpringGreen }, { "mediumturquoise", Color.MediumTurquoise }, { "mediumvioletred", Color.MediumVioletRed }, { "midnightblue", Color.MidnightBlue }, { "mintcream", Color.MintCream }, { "mistyrose", Color.MistyRose }, { "moccasin", Color.Moccasin }, { "navajowhite", Color.NavajoWhite }, { "navy", Color.Navy }, { "oldlace", Color.OldLace }, { "olive", Color.Olive }, { "olivedrab", Color.OliveDrab }, { "orange", Color.Orange }, { "orangered", Color.OrangeRed }, { "orchid", Color.Orchid }, { "palegoldenrod", Color.PaleGoldenrod }, { "palegreen", Color.PaleGreen }, { "paleturquoise", Color.PaleTurquoise }, { "palevioletred", Color.PaleVioletRed }, { "papayawhip", Color.PapayaWhip }, { "peachpuff", Color.PeachPuff }, { "peru", Color.Peru }, { "pink", Color.Pink }, { "plum", Color.Plum }, { "powderblue", Color.PowderBlue }, { "purple", Color.Purple }, { "red", Color.Red }, { "rosybrown", Color.RosyBrown }, { "royalblue", Color.RoyalBlue }, { "saddlebrown", Color.SaddleBrown }, { "salmon", Color.Salmon }, { "sandybrown", Color.SandyBrown }, { "seagreen", Color.SeaGreen }, { "seashell", Color.SeaShell }, { "sienna", Color.Sienna }, { "silver", Color.Silver }, { "skyblue", Color.SkyBlue }, { "slateblue", Color.SlateBlue }, { "slategray", Color.SlateGray }, { "snow", Color.Snow }, { "springgreen", Color.SpringGreen }, { "steelblue", Color.SteelBlue }, { "tan", Color.Tan }, { "teal", Color.Teal }, { "thistle", Color.Thistle }, { "tomato", Color.Tomato }, { "turquoise", Color.Turquoise }, { "violet", Color.Violet }, { "wheat", Color.Wheat }, { "white", Color.White }, { "whitesmoke", Color.WhiteSmoke }, { "yellow", Color.Yellow }, { "yellowgreen", Color.YellowGreen } };
- public IMyTextSurface s = null;
- public SpriteHUDLCD(IMyTextSurface s)
- {
- this.s = s;
- }
- int ltick = -1;
- string lasttext = "-1";
- public void setLCD(string text)
- {
- if (text != lasttext || tick - ltick > 120)
- {
- ltick = tick;
- lasttext = text;
- s.WriteText(text);
- List<object> tok = new List<object>();
- string[] tokens = text.Split(new string[] { "<color=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
- for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
- {
- var t = tokens[i];
- foreach (var kvp in ColorList)
- {
- if (t.StartsWith(kvp.Key + ">"))
- {
- t = t.Substring(kvp.Key.Length + 1);
- tok.Add(kvp.Value);
- break;
- }
- }
- tok.Add(t);
- }
- s.ContentType = ContentType.SCRIPT;
- s.Script = "";
- s.Font = "Monospace";
- RectangleF _viewport;
- _viewport = new RectangleF(
- (s.TextureSize - s.SurfaceSize) / 2f,
- s.SurfaceSize
- );
- using (var frame = s.DrawFrame())
- {
- var zpos = new Vector2(0, 0) + _viewport.Position + new Vector2(s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.X, s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.Y);
- var position = zpos;
- Color cColor = Color.White;
- foreach (var t in tok)
- {
- if (t is Color) cColor = (Color)t;
- else if (t is string) writeText((string)t, frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, cColor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void writeText(string text, MySpriteDrawFrame frame, ref Vector2 pos, Vector2 zpos, float textSize, Color color)
- {
- string[] lines = text.Split('\n');
- for (int l = 0; l < lines.Length; l++)
- {
- var line = lines[l];
- if (line.Length > 0)
- {
- MySprite sprite = MySprite.CreateText(line, "Monospace", color, textSize, TextAlignment.LEFT);
- sprite.Position = pos;
- frame.Add(sprite);
- }
- if (l < lines.Length - 1)
- {
- pos.X = zpos.X;
- pos.Y += 28 * textSize;
- }
- else pos.X += 20 * textSize * line.Length;
- }
- }
- }
- bool matchSpeed = false;
- DetectedEntity matchTarget = null;
- void toggleMatchSpeed()
- {
- matchSpeed = !matchSpeed;
- if (!matchSpeed)
- {
- matchTarget = null;
- foreach (var t in thrusters) t.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0;
- }
- }
- void speedMatch(string arg)
- {
- toggleMatchSpeed();
- if (matchSpeed)
- {
- if (arg == "matchclosest")
- {
- if (detectedEntitiesL.Count > 0)
- {
- matchTarget = detectedEntitiesL[0];
- }
- else toggleMatchSpeed();
- }
- if (arg == "matchfocus")
- {
- MyDetectedEntityInfo? focus = APIWC.GetAiFocus(Me.CubeGrid.EntityId);
- if (focus.HasValue && !focus.Value.IsEmpty())
- {
- matchTarget = null;
- detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(focus.Value.EntityId, out matchTarget);
- if (matchTarget == null) toggleMatchSpeed();
- }
- else toggleMatchSpeed();
- }
- }
- else matchTarget = null;
- processRadar(0, true);
- }
- static Profiler spdmtchP = new Profiler("spdmtch");
- bool lastDamp = true;
- void speedmatch_upd()
- {
- spdmtchP.s();
- if (matchSpeed)
- {
- var over = getCtrl().DampenersOverride;
- if (lastDamp != over)
- {
- lastDamp = over;
- if(!over)
- {
- foreach (var t in thrusters) t.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0;
- }
- }
- bool canTrack = false;
- if (matchTarget != null)
- {
- DetectedEntity d = null;
- detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(matchTarget.EntityId, out d);
- if (d != null)
- {
- canTrack = true;
- matchTarget = d;
- }
- if (!canTrack || matchTarget == null)
- {
- toggleMatchSpeed();
- }
- else
- {
- targetVelocityVec = matchTarget.Velocity;
- }
- }
- }
- if (matchSpeed && lastDamp) SpeedMatcher();
- spdmtchP.e();
- }
- //taken mostly wholesale from
- Vector3D targetVelocityVec = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
- Vector3D ldesire;
- void SpeedMatcher()
- {
- var ctrl = getCtrl();
- var myVelocityVec = ctrl.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;
- var inputVec = ctrl.MoveIndicator;
- var desiredDirectionVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(inputVec, ctrl.WorldMatrix); //world relative input vector
- var relativeVelocity = myVelocityVec - targetVelocityVec;
- var rvsqr = relativeVelocity.LengthSquared();
- if (tick % 2 == 0 || ldesire != desiredDirectionVec || (rvsqr > 0.01*0.01 && rvsqr < 50*50))
- {//speedmatch is surprisingly unperformant even with all we can do. use heuristic to do half-ticks a lot of the time
- ldesire = desiredDirectionVec;
- ApplyThrust(thrusters, relativeVelocity, desiredDirectionVec, ctrl);
- }
- }
- void ApplyThrust(List<IMyThrust> thrusters, Vector3D targetVel, Vector3D dirvec, IMyShipController ctrl)
- {
- var mass = ctrl.CalculateShipMass().PhysicalMass;
- var gravity = ctrl.GetNaturalGravity();
- var desiredThrust = mass * (2 * targetVel + gravity);
- var thrustToApply = desiredThrust;
- if (!Vector3D.IsZero(dirvec))
- {
- thrustToApply = VectorRejection(desiredThrust, dirvec);
- }
- applySpeedMatchThrust(thrustToApply, dirvec, ctrl.DampenersOverride);
- }
- public Vector3D VectorRejection(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) //reject a on b
- {
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(b))
- return Vector3D.Zero;
- return a - a.Dot(b) / b.LengthSquared() * b;
- }
- static Profiler aavtP = new Profiler("aavt");
- static public void applySpeedMatchThrust(Vector3D thrustNewtons, Vector3D desiredDirectionVec, bool dampener)
- {
- aavtP.s();
- //curThrustVector = thrustNewtons;
- foreach (var k in Base6Directions.EnumDirections)
- {
- var l = thrustersByDir[k];
- if (l.Count > 0)
- {
- var fwd = l[0].WorldMatrix.Forward;
- var bck = l[0].WorldMatrix.Backward;
- var fwddot = Vector3D.Dot(fwd, thrustNewtons);
- var bckdot = Vector3D.Dot(bck, desiredDirectionVec);
- foreach (IMyThrust t in l)
- {
- if (bckdot > .7071) //thrusting in desired direction
- {
- t.ThrustOverridePercentage = 1f;
- }
- else if(fwddot > 0.00001f && dampener)
- {
- var met = thrusterMaxEffectiveThrust[t];
- var outputProportion = MathHelper.Clamp(fwddot / met, 0, 1);
- var achievedot = outputProportion * met;
- fwddot -= achievedot;
- t.ThrustOverridePercentage = (float)outputProportion;
- }
- else t.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0.000001f;
- }
- }
- }
- aavtP.e();
- }
- bool readConfig = false;
- string lastCustomData = "";
- void configChk()
- {
- if (!readConfig || tick % 60 == 0)
- {
- if (Config == null) Config = new Config_();
- readConfig = true;
- if (Me.CustomData != lastCustomData)
- {
- log("Loading CustomData.", LT.LOG_N);
- deserializeConfig(Me.CustomData);
- Me.CustomData = lastCustomData = serializeConfig();
- }
- }
- }
- public static List<Setting_> settings = null;
- public static string serializeConfig()
- {
- string s = "";
- foreach(var v in settings)
- {
- if (s.Length > 0) s += "\n";
- if (v.desc.Length > 0)
- {
- s += "//"+v.desc+"\n";
- }
- s += v.serialized();
- }
- return s;
- }
- public static void deserializeConfig(string s)
- {
- if (settings == null) throw new Exception("setting list null?");
- string[] lines = s.Split('\n');
- foreach (var l in lines)
- {
- if (l.StartsWith("//") || l.StartsWith("#")) continue;//a=b
- int idx = l.IndexOf('=');
- if(idx != -1)
- {
- var a = l.Substring(0, idx);
- var b = l.Substring(idx+1);
- Setting_ set = null;
- foreach (var stn in settings)
- {
- if (stn != null && a ==
- {
- set = stn;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (set != null)
- {
- set.deserializeValue(b);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static void resetConfig()
- {
- foreach (var v in settings)v.reset();
- }
- public abstract class Setting_
- {
- public string name = "";
- public string desc = "";
- public Setting_(string n)
- {
- name = n;
- if(settings == null) settings = new List<Setting_>();
- settings.Add(this);
- }
- protected string setvalue = "";
- abstract public void serializeValue();
- public string serialized()
- {
- serializeValue();
- return name + "=" + setvalue;
- }
- public abstract void deserializeValue(string v);
- public T typeString<T>(string v)
- {
- try
- {
- object V_ = null;
- if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) V_ = v;
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)) V_ = Int32.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) V_ = Single.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) V_ = Double.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(char)) V_ = Char.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime)) V_ = DateTime.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal)) V_ = Decimal.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) V_ = Boolean.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte)) V_ = Byte.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint)) V_ = UInt32.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(short)) V_ = short.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(long)) V_ = long.Parse(v);
- else if (typeof(T) == typeof(List<string>))
- {
- V_ = new List<string>(v.Split(','));
- }
- else
- {
- log("Unsupported type in typeString for " + typeof(T).ToString(), LT.LOG_N);
- return default(T);
- }
- return (T)V_;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log("Exception in typeString: " + e.Message, LT.LOG_N);
- return default(T);
- }
- }
- public abstract void reset();
- }
- public class SettingDict<T> : Setting_
- {
- public Dictionary<string, T> DVal = new Dictionary<string, T>();
- public Dictionary<string, T> Val = new Dictionary<string, T>();
- public SettingDict(string n, Dictionary<string, T> def=null) : base(n)
- {
- if (def != null) Val = def;
- }
- public override void deserializeValue(string v)
- {
- Val.Clear();
- string[] kvps = v.Split(',');
- foreach (var p in kvps)
- {
- string[] kvp = p.Split(':');
- if (kvp.Length > 1)
- {
- Val[kvp[0]] = typeString<T>(kvp[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- public override void serializeValue()
- {
- string av = "";
- foreach (var kvp in Val)
- {
- if (av.Length > 0) av += ",";
- av += kvp.Key + ":" + kvp.Value.ToString();
- }
- setvalue = av;
- }
- public SettingDict<T> Desc(string d)
- {
- desc = d;
- return this;
- }
- public SettingDict<T> Default(Dictionary<string, T> v)
- {
- DVal = Val = v;
- return this;
- }
- public override void reset()
- {
- Val = DVal;
- }
- }
- public class Setting<T> : Setting_
- {
- public T Val;
- T DVal;
- T defaultV()
- {
- if (typeof(T) == typeof(String)) return (T)(object)String.Empty;
- return default(T);
- }
- public Setting(string n) : base(n)
- {
- try
- {
- typeString<T>(defaultV().ToString());//will trip the invalid type error if it is invalid
- }catch(Exception e)
- {
- gProgram.Echo(e.ToString());
- //throw e;
- }
- Val = defaultV();
- }
- public Setting<T> Desc(string d)
- {
- desc = d;
- return this;
- }
- public Setting<T> Default(T v)
- {
- DVal = Val = v;
- return this;
- }
- override public void serializeValue()
- {
- try
- {
- if (typeof(T) == typeof(List<string>))
- {
- object V_ = Val;
- List<string> Vl = (List<string>)V_;
- setvalue = String.Join(",", Vl.ToArray());
- }
- else setvalue = "" + Val;
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- log("Exception in serializeValue: " + e.Message, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- override public void deserializeValue(string v)
- {
- Val = typeString<T>(v);
- //return V;
- }
- public override void reset()
- {
- Val = DVal;
- }
- }
- List<MyDetectedEntityInfo> WCobstructions = new List<MyDetectedEntityInfo>();
- Dictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float> WCthreats = new Dictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float>();
- MyDetectedEntityInfo focus = new MyDetectedEntityInfo();
- long lfocus = -1;
- int focusChangeTick = -1;
- class DetectedEntity
- {
- public int updTick;
- public long EntityId;
- public string Name = "";
- public MyDetectedEntityType Type;
- public BoundingBoxD BBox;
- public MatrixD Orientation;
- public Vector3D Position;
- public Vector3D Velocity;
- public MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock Rel = MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral;
- public float threat;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo focus;
- public double ldistSqr;
- public double distSqr;
- public bool isPMW = false;
- public DetectedEntity upd(MyDetectedEntityInfo e)
- {
- if (e.IsEmpty()) return this;
- updTick = tick;
- EntityId = e.EntityId;
- if (e.Name.Length > 0) Name = e.Name;
- Type = e.Type;
- Orientation = e.Orientation;
- Position = e.Position;
- Velocity = e.Velocity;
- BBox = e.BoundingBox;
- Rel = e.Relationship;
- if ((e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.CharacterHuman || e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.CharacterOther) && Name.Length == 0)
- {
- Name = "Suit";// + e.EntityId;
- }
- if (e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.Unknown)
- {//unknown means obstruction list generally
- if (e.Name.StartsWith("MyVoxelMap"))
- {
- Type = MyDetectedEntityType.Asteroid;
- Name = "Asteroid";
- Rel = MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral;
- }
- else if (e.Name.Length == 0)
- {
- var he = BBox.Max - BBox.Min;
- //grids this small don't actually show up in obstruction list, only suits.
- if (he.X < 3 && he.Y < 3 && he.Z < 3)
- {
- Type = MyDetectedEntityType.CharacterHuman;
- Rel = MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Friends;
- Name = "Suit";
- }
- }
- else Rel = MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral;
- }
- else if (e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.Asteroid) Name = "Asteroid";
- else if (e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.Planet) Name = "Planet";
- if (e.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid)
- {
- try
- {
- focus = gProgram.APIWC.GetAiFocus(EntityId).GetValueOrDefault();
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- return this;
- }
- const double rdivisor = 1.0d / 60.0d;
- public DetectedEntity upd(MyDetectedEntityInfo e, float t)
- {
- upd(e);
- threat = t;
- if (Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid)
- {
- if (e.Name.StartsWith("Small Grid")) isPMW = true;
- else
- {
- var he = BBox.Max - BBox.Min;
- if (he.X < 10 && he.Y < 10 && he.Z < 10) isPMW = true;
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- public Vector3D getEstPos()
- {
- if (updTick == tick) return Position;
- return Position + (Velocity * (tick - updTick) * rdivisor);
- }
- }
- Dictionary<long, DetectedEntity> detectedEntitiesD = new Dictionary<long, DetectedEntity>();
- List<DetectedEntity> detectedEntitiesL = new List<DetectedEntity>();
- void addDE(DetectedEntity e)
- {
- detectedEntitiesD[e.EntityId] = e;
- detectedEntitiesL.Add(e);
- }
- void remDE(DetectedEntity e)
- {
- detectedEntitiesD.Remove(e.EntityId);
- detectedEntitiesL.Remove(e);
- }
- int stale_threshold = 20;
- string getColFromRel(MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock rel)
- {
- if (rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Enemies) return Config.REC.Val;
- else if (rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Owner) return "blue";//never happens?
- else if (rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Friends || rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare) return Config.RFC.Val;
- else if (rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral) return Config.RNC.Val;
- else return Config.ROC.Val;
- }
- //bool matchSpeed = false;
- //DetectedEntity matchTarget = null;
- //DetectedEntity rotateTarget = null;
- //bool autoRotate = false;
- string lastRadarStr = "";
- int lastRUpdTick = -9000;
- static Profiler radarP = new Profiler("radar");
- IEnumerator<bool> __processRadar = null;
- int fr = 1;
- int rsteps = 0;
- int rtix = 0;
- //bool radar_firstrun = true;
- public void processRadar(double maxMS, bool force=false)
- {
- abort_start = DateTime.Now;
- max_time = maxMS;
- radarP.s();
- if ((tick - lastRUpdTick > 60 || force) && __processRadar == null)
- {
- /*if (radar_firstrun)
- {
- radar_firstrun = false;
- bt60.setwait(0.05);
- }
- else*/
- {
- __processRadar = _processRadar();
- lastRUpdTick = tick;
- //if (fr > 0) log("radar init", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- if(__processRadar != null)
- {
- //DateTime s = DateTime.Now;
- double r = 0;
- bool fin = false;
- do
- {
- fin = !__processRadar.MoveNext();
- rsteps++;
- //r = (DateTime.Now - s).TotalMilliseconds;
- } while (!fin && !abort());
- rtix++;
- if (fin)
- {
- if (fr > 0)
- {
- fr--;
- log("radar processed in " + rsteps + " steps, " + rtix + "t", LT.LOG_N);
- rsteps = 0;
- rtix = 0;
- }
- __processRadar.Dispose();
- __processRadar = null;
- }
- }
- radarP.e();
- }
- public IEnumerator<bool> _processRadar()
- {
- yield return true;
- var my_id = gProgram.Me.CubeGrid.EntityId;
- #region DATA UPDATE
- {
- var tickstart = tick;
- yield return true;
- var my_pos = Me.GetPosition();
- focus = APIWC.GetAiFocus(my_id, 0).GetValueOrDefault();
- yield return true;
- if (focus.EntityId != lfocus)
- {
- lfocus = focus.EntityId;
- focusChangeTick = tick;
- }
- WCobstructions.Clear();
- APIWC.GetObstructions(Me, WCobstructions);
- yield return true;
- WCthreats.Clear();
- APIWC.GetSortedThreats(WCthreats);
- yield return true;
- foreach (var o in WCobstructions)
- {
- if (!o.IsEmpty())
- {
- DetectedEntity de = null;
- detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(o.EntityId, out de);
- if (de != null) de.upd(o);
- else addDE(new DetectedEntity().upd(o));
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- foreach (var kvp in WCthreats)
- {
- if (!kvp.Key.IsEmpty())
- {
- DetectedEntity de = null;
- detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(kvp.Key.EntityId, out de);
- if (de != null) de.upd(kvp.Key).threat = kvp.Value;
- else
- {
- var n = new DetectedEntity();
- n.upd(kvp.Key).threat = kvp.Value;
- addDE(n);
- }
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- List<DetectedEntity> del = new List<DetectedEntity>();
- foreach (var e in detectedEntitiesL)
- {
- if (tickstart - e.updTick > stale_threshold) del.Add(e);
- else
- {
- e.ldistSqr = e.distSqr;
- e.distSqr = (my_pos - e.Position).LengthSquared();
- }
- yield return true;
- }
- foreach (var e in del)
- {
- remDE(e);
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region RENDER
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- {//matcher
- var trg = APIWC.GetAiFocus(my_id).GetValueOrDefault();
- yield return true;
- if (matchSpeed)
- {
- b.Append("<color=white>!<color=green>SPEEDMATCHING");
- if (trg.IsEmpty() || trg.Name != matchTarget.Name)
- {
- bapp(b, ":<color=", getColFromRel(matchTarget.Rel), ">", matchTarget.Name);
- }
- else b.Append(" ON");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- else b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- if (autoRotate)
- {
- b.Append("<color=white>!<color=lightblue>AUTOROTATING");
- if (trg.IsEmpty() || trg.Name != rotateTarget.Name)
- {
- bapp(b, ":<color=", getColFromRel(rotateTarget.Rel), ">", rotateTarget.Name);
- }
- else b.Append(" ON");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- else b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- if (matchSpeed || !trg.IsEmpty())
- {
- Vector3D tp = Vector3D.Zero;
- Vector3D tv = Vector3D.Zero;
- if (!matchSpeed || (matchSpeed && trg.Name == matchTarget.Name))
- {
- tp = trg.Position;
- tv = trg.Velocity;
- }
- else if (matchSpeed && matchTarget != null)
- {
- tp = matchTarget.getEstPos();
- tv = matchTarget.Velocity;
- }
- yield return true;
- if (tp != Vector3D.Zero)
- {
- var cpat = cpa_time(getPosition(), getVelocity(), tp, tv);
- b.Append("<color=lightgray>CPA:");//, rotateTarget.Name);
- if (cpat < 0) b.Append("moving away");
- else
- {
- var mf = getPosition() + (getVelocity() * cpat);
- var tf = tp + (tv * cpat);
- var d = Vector3D.Distance(mf, tf);
- bapp(b, dist2str(d), " in ", cpat.ToString("0.0"), "s");
- }
- b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- b.Append("\n");
- if (!trg.IsEmpty())
- {
- double d = (trg.Position - getPosition()).Length();
- bapp(b, "<color=lightgray>Target: <color=red>", trg.Name, " (", dist2str(d), ")\n");
- }
- else b.Append("<color=lightgray>Target: none\n");
- yield return true;
- }
- {//railguns
- if (subTargGroup.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (var blk in subTargGroup)
- {
- var rdy = APIWC.IsWeaponReadyToFire(blk);
- if (rdy) bapp(b, " <color=lightgreen>", blk.CustomName);
- else
- {
- var ws = getWS(blk);
- if (ws != null && ws.settings != null)
- {
- var timeleft = (1.0 - ws.chargeProgress) * ws.settings.chargeTicks / 60;
- if (ws.lastDrawFactor != 0) timeleft /= ws.lastDrawFactor;
- var chrgt = timeleft.ToString("0.0");
- if (chrgt.Length < 3) b.Append(" ");
- bapp(b, "<color=orange>", chrgt, "s ", blk.CustomName);
- }
- }
- var t = APIWC.GetWeaponTarget(blk).GetValueOrDefault();
- if (t.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid || t.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid) bapp(b, " ► ", t.Name);
- else b.Append(" ► <color=lightgray>No target");
- b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- }
- {//movers
- int PMWs = 0;
- foreach (var e in detectedEntitiesL)
- {
- if (e.isPMW) PMWs++;
- }
- var plo = APIWC.GetProjectilesLockedOn(my_id);
- var plocked = plo.Item2;
- if (plocked > 0)
- {
- bapp(b, "<color=white>!<color=red>INBOUND TORPS:<color=white>", plocked, "\n");
- }
- if (PMWs > 0)
- {
- bapp(b, "<color=white>!<color=red>Probable PMWs:<color=white>", PMWs, "\n");
- }
- b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- }
- {//detected entities
- for (int i = 0; i < detectedEntitiesL.Count; i++)
- {
- var e = detectedEntitiesL[i];
- bapp(b, "<color=", getColFromRel(e.Rel), ">");
- bapp(b, e.Name, " (", dist2str(Math.Sqrt(e.distSqr)), ")");
- string thrt;
- if (e.threat < 0.0001) thrt = "0";
- else if (e.threat > 0.1) thrt = e.threat.ToString("0.0");
- else if (e.threat > 0.01) thrt = e.threat.ToString("0.00");
- else thrt = "<0.01";
- if (e.Rel == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Enemies) b.Append(" t:" + thrt);
- bapp(b, " v:", dist2str(e.Velocity.Length()), "/s");
- yield return true;
- if (!e.focus.IsEmpty())
- {
- b.Append("\n └target:");
- if (e.focus.Relationship == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Friends) b.Append("<color=lightgreen>");
- else b.Append("<color=lightgray>");
- b.Append(e.focus.Name);
- }
- b.Append("\n");
- yield return true;
- }
- }
- var str = b.ToString();
- if(str != lastRadarStr)
- {
- lastRadarStr = str;
- if (statusLogSprite == null) statusLogSprite = new SpriteHUDLCD(statusLog);
- statusLogSprite.s = statusLog;
- statusLogSprite.setLCD(str);
- }
- #endregion
- yield return false;
- }
- SpriteHUDLCD statusLogSprite = null;
- public static string dist2str(double d)
- {
- if (d > 1000)
- {
- return (d / 1000).ToString("0.0") + "km";
- }
- else return d.ToString("0") + "m";
- }
- static public Program gProgram = null;
- public WcPbApi APIWC = null;
- bool constructor = true;
- DateTime abort_start = DateTime.Now;
- double max_time = 0;
- bool abort()
- {
- if(constructor)return Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount > (Runtime.MaxInstructionCount - 1000);
- else
- {
- return (DateTime.Now - abort_start).TotalMilliseconds > max_time;
- }
- }
- public Program()
- {
- try
- {
- gProgram = this;
- }catch(Exception e)
- {
- Echo(e.ToString());
- return;
- }
- constructor = true;
- mainP.start();
- var mic = Runtime.MaxInstructionCount.ToString();
- configChk();
- gProgram = this;
- Config = new Config_();
- gyroECU = new GyroECU5();
- log("BOOT", LT.LOG_N);
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
- if (abort()) return;
- log("-0:"+Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount.ToString() + "/" + mic, LT.LOG_N);
- loadBlocks(0);
- log("-1:" + Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount.ToString() + "/" + mic, LT.LOG_N);
- if (abort()) return;
- processRadar(0,true);
- log("-2:" + Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount.ToString() + "/" + mic, LT.LOG_N);
- processHeat(0, true);
- log("-3:" + Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount.ToString() + "/" + mic, LT.LOG_N);
- Echo("Program();");
- constructor = false;
- mainP.stop();
- BurnoutTrack.NOP = true;
- Main("", UpdateType.Update1);
- BurnoutTrack.NOP = false;
- log("-e:" + Runtime.CurrentInstructionCount.ToString() + "/" + mic, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- GyroECU5 gyroECU = null;
- public void Save()
- {
- // This method is called whenever the script might cease for any reason, be it pblimiter burnout (depending on pblimiter settings), disabled block, save, power failure, etc.
- //so let's release gyros and thrusters here. If the script is still going, it'll take them back if necessary next tick.
- if (matchSpeed || autoRotate) foreach (var g in gyros) g.GyroOverride = false;
- if (matchSpeed) foreach (var t in thrusters) t.ThrustOverride = 0;
- if (matchSpeed && getCtrl().DampenersOverride)
- {
- getCtrl().DampenersOverride = false;
- save_putdampon = true;
- //we don't want a burnout while grinding some npc to send us rocketing into it
- //this will flick it back on in a moment, if it turns out we're not being destroyed by pblimiter here
- }
- gProgram = null;
- }
- bool save_putdampon = false;
- public static int tick = -1;
- const double maxScriptTimeMSPerSec = 0.25;
- BurnoutTrack bt60 = new BurnoutTrack(60, maxScriptTimeMSPerSec);
- static Profiler initP = new Profiler("init");
- static Profiler mainP = new Profiler("main");
- #region premain
- public void Main(string arg, UpdateType upd)
- {
- constructor = false;
- gProgram = this;
- tick += 1;
- #region burnoutfailsafepre
- if (bt60.burnoutpre()) return;
- #endregion
- if (tick % 20 == 0) if (Me.Closed)
- {
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None;
- return;
- }
- mainP.start();
- main(arg, upd);
- mainP.stop();
- if (tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- Echo(tick.ToString());
- if (profileLog != null) profileLog.WriteText("name:ms1t:ms60t\n" + Profiler.getAllReports());
- }
- if (consoleLog != null && tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- if (Logger.loggedMessagesDirty)
- {
- Logger.updateLoggedMessagesRender();
- consoleLog.WriteText(Logger.loggedMessagesRender);
- }
- }
- #region burnoutfailsafepost
- if (bt60.burnoutpost()) return;
- #endregion
- }
- #endregion
- void main(string arg, UpdateType upd)
- {
- //if (tick == 1) return;
- configChk();
- initP.start();
- var loaded = loadBlocks(0.05);
- initP.stop();
- if (!loaded) return;
- processRadar(0.025);
- processHeat(0.025);
- //thrustScan();
- //updRadar();
- weaponDesync();
- //updatePDCNets();
- railchargeupdate();
- //grinder_update();
- speedmatch_upd();
- autorot_update();
- gyroECU.update();
- //ammoPull();
- //fuelPull();
- if (arg == "resetConfig")
- {
- resetConfig();
- Me.CustomData = lastCustomData = serializeConfig();
- }
- else if (arg.StartsWith("match")) speedMatch(arg);
- else if (arg == "lookat") toggleAutorotate(false);
- else if (arg == "rlookat") toggleAutorotate(true);
- else if (arg == "turnonall")
- {
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> tmp = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyFunctionalBlock>(tmp, b => b.IsSameConstructAs(Me) && !(b is IMyShipGrinder) && !(b is IMyShipWelder));
- foreach (var b in tmp) b.Enabled = true;
- }
- if (save_putdampon)
- {
- save_putdampon = false;
- getCtrl().DampenersOverride = true;
- }
- //MyIni x = new MyIni();
- //x.Get("","").
- }
- static void bapp(StringBuilder b, params object[] args)
- {
- foreach (object a in args)
- {
- b.Append(a.ToString());
- }
- }
- public class Stopwatch
- {
- DateTime start;
- public Stopwatch()
- {
- start = DateTime.Now;
- }
- public double e()
- {
- return (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds;
- }
- }
- public class Profiler
- {
- static bool PROFILING_ENABLED = true;
- static List<Profiler> profilers = new List<Profiler>();
- const int mstracklen = 60;
- double[] mstrack = new double[mstracklen];
- double msdiv = 1.0d / mstracklen;
- int mscursor = 0;
- DateTime start_time = DateTime.MinValue;
- string Name = "";
- string pre = "";
- string post = "";
- int _ticks_between_calls = 1;
- int ltick = int.MinValue;
- // callspertick = 1;
- static int base_sort_position_c = 0;
- int base_sort_position = 0;
- bool nevercalled = true;
- //bool closed = true;
- public int getSortPosition()
- {
- if (nevercalled) return int.MaxValue;
- int mult = (int)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (depth * 2));
- if (parent != null) return parent.getSortPosition() + (base_sort_position * mult);
- return base_sort_position * mult;
- }
- static int basep = (int)Math.Pow(10, 5);
- public Profiler(string name)
- {
- {
- Name = name;
- profilers.Add(this);
- for(var i =0; i < mstracklen; i++)mstrack[i] = 0;
- base_sort_position = base_sort_position_c;
- base_sort_position_c += 1;
- }
- }
- public void s()
- {
- start();
- }
- public void e()
- {
- stop();
- }
- static List<Profiler> stack = new List<Profiler>();
- Profiler parent = null;
- int depth = 0;
- bool adding = false;
- public void start()
- {
- {
- //closed = false;
- nevercalled = false;
- if (tick != ltick)
- {
- if (_ticks_between_calls == 1 && ltick != int.MinValue)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = tick - ltick;
- }else
- {
- var tbc = tick - ltick;
- if (tbc != _ticks_between_calls)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < mstracklen; i++) mstrack[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- ltick = tick;
- //callspertick = 1;
- adding = false;
- }
- else
- {
- adding = true;
- }
- if (depth == 0) depth = stack.Count;
- if (depth > 11) depth = 11;
- if (stack.Count > 0 && parent == null) parent = stack[stack.Count - 1];
- stack.Add(this);
- start_time = DateTime.Now;
- }
- }
- double lastms = 0;
- double average = 0;
- /// <summary>
- /// records a fake ms consumption for this timeframe - for tests or demo
- /// </summary>
- public double FAKE_stop(double fakems)
- {
- return stop(fakems);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// adds the elapsed time since start() to the records
- /// </summary>
- public double stop()
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- //closed = true;
- time = (DateTime.Now - start_time).TotalMilliseconds;
- }
- return stop(time);
- }
- private double stop(double _ms)
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- time = _ms;
- stack.Pop();
- if (parent != null)
- {
- depth = parent.depth + 1;
- }
- //if(!adding)mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- if (!adding) mstrack[mscursor] = 0;
- mstrack[mscursor] += time;
- if (!adding) mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- average = 0d;
- foreach (double ms in mstrack) average += ms;
- average *= msdiv;
- average /= _ticks_between_calls;
- lastms = time;
- }
- return time;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// generates a monospaced report text. If called every tick, every 120 ticks it will recalculate treeview data.
- /// </summary>
- //the treeview can be initially inaccurate as some profilers might not be called every tick, depending on program architecture
- public string getReport(StringBuilder bu)
- {
- {
- if (tick % 120 == 25)//recalculate hacky treeview data, delayed by 25 ticks from program start
- {
- try
- {
- profilers.Sort(delegate (Profiler x, Profiler y)
- {
- return x.getSortPosition().CompareTo(y.getSortPosition());
- });
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- for (int i = 0; i < profilers.Count; i++)
- {
- Profiler p = profilers[i];
- p.pre = "";
- if (p.depth > 0 && p.parent != null)
- {
- bool parent_has_future_siblings = false;
- bool has_future_siblings_under_parent = false;
- for (int b = i + 1; b < profilers.Count; b++)
- {
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.parent.depth) parent_has_future_siblings = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.depth) has_future_siblings_under_parent = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth < p.depth) break;
- }
- while (p.pre.Length < p.parent.depth)
- {
- if (parent_has_future_siblings) p.pre += "│";
- else p.pre += " ";
- }
- bool last = false;
- if (!has_future_siblings_under_parent)
- {
- if (i < profilers.Count - 1)
- {
- if (profilers[i + 1].depth != p.depth) last = true;
- }
- else last = true;
- }
- if (last) p.pre += "└";
- else p.pre += "├";
- while (p.pre.Length < p.depth) p.pre += "─";
- }
- }
- int mlen = 0;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers) if (p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length > mlen) mlen = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers)
- {
- = "";
- int l = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length +;
- if (l < mlen) = new string('_', mlen - l);
- }
- }
- if (nevercalled) bapp(bu, "!!!!", Name , "!!!!: NEVER CALLED!");
- else bapp(bu, pre, Name, post, ": " , lastms.ToString("0.00") , ";", average.ToString("0.00"));
- }
- return "";
- }
- static public string getAllReports()
- {
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //string r = "";
- {
- foreach (Profiler watch in profilers)
- {
- watch.getReport(b);
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- }
- if (stack.Count > 0)
- {
- bapp(b,"profile stack error:\n", stack.Count, "\n");
- foreach (var s in stack)
- {
- bapp(b, s.Name, ",");
- }
- }
- return b.ToString();
- }
- }
- public enum LT
- {
- LOG_N = 0,
- LOG_D,
- }
- string[] logtype_labels = { "INFO","_DBG","DDBG"};
- public static LT LOG_LEVEL = LT.LOG_N;
- public static Logger logger = new Logger();
- public static void log(string s, LT level)
- {
- Logger.log(s, level);
- }
- public static void log(string s)
- {
- Logger.log(s, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- public class Logger
- {
- public class logmsg
- {
- public logmsg(string m,string m2, LT l) { msg = m; msg_raw = m2; level = l; }
- public string msg = "";
- public string msg_raw = "";
- public int c = 1;
- public LT level = LT.LOG_N;
- }
- static List<logmsg> loggedMessages = new List<logmsg>();
- static int MAX_LOG = 50;
- static List<logmsg> superLoggedMessages = new List<logmsg>();
- static int MAX_SUPER_LOG = 1000;
- static public bool loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- public static void log(string s, LT level)
- {
- if (level > LOG_LEVEL) return;
- string s2 = s;
- if (s.Length > 50)
- {
- List<string> tok = new List<string>();
- while (s.Length > 50)
- {
- int c = 0;
- if (tok.Count > 0) c = 2;
- tok.Add(s.Substring(0, 50 - c));
- s = s.Substring(50 - c);
- }
- tok.Add(s);
- s = string.Join("\n ", tok);
- }
- var p = gProgram;
- logmsg l = null;
- if (loggedMessages.Count > 0)
- {
- l = loggedMessages[loggedMessages.Count - 1];
- }
- if (l != null)
- {
- if (l.msg == s) l.c += 1;
- else loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- }
- else loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- if (loggedMessages.Count > MAX_LOG) loggedMessages.RemoveAt(0);
- l = null;
- if (superLoggedMessages.Count > 0)
- {
- l = superLoggedMessages[superLoggedMessages.Count - 1];
- }
- if (l != null)
- {
- if (l.msg == s) l.c += 1;
- else superLoggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- }
- else superLoggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- if (superLoggedMessages.Count > MAX_SUPER_LOG) superLoggedMessages.RemoveAt(0);
- loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- }
- static public string loggedMessagesRender = "";
- static public void updateLoggedMessagesRender()
- {
- if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;// loggedMessagesRender;
- foreach (var m in loggedMessages)
- {
- b.Append(m.msg);
- if (m.c > 1) bapp(b," (" ,m.c ,")");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- string o = b.ToString();
- loggedMessagesDirty = false;
- loggedMessagesRender = o;
- }
- /*static public void writeSuperlog()
- {
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;// loggedMessagesRender;
- foreach (var m in superLoggedMessages)
- {
- b.Append(m.msg);
- if (m.c > 1) bapp(b, " (", m.c, ")");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- string o = b.ToString();
- controllers[0].CustomData = o;
- log(controllers[0].CustomName, LT.LOG_N);
- }*/
- }
- IMyTextSurface consoleLog = null;
- IMyTextSurface statusLog = null;
- IMyTextSurface profileLog = null;
- IMyTextSurface PDCLog = null;
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> weaponCoreWeapons = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- List<IMyPowerProducer> powergens = new List<IMyPowerProducer>();
- List<IMyShipController> controllers = new List<IMyShipController>();
- List<IMyGyro> gyros = new List<IMyGyro>();
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> grinders = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- List<IMyGasGenerator> extractors = new List<IMyGasGenerator>();
- List<IMyGasTank> tanks_hydrogen = new List<IMyGasTank>();
- List<IMyAssembler> assemblers = new List<IMyAssembler>();
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> inventoryBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- List<IMyCargoContainer> loot_cargos = new List<IMyCargoContainer>();
- List<IMyShipConnector> connectors = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
- //List<IMyFunctionalBlock> torpedoGroup = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> desyncGroup = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> subTargGroup = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> PDCGroup = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- Dictionary<string, List<IMyFunctionalBlock>> PDCBlockGroups = new Dictionary<string, List<IMyFunctionalBlock>>();
- List<string> PDCBlockGroupK = new List<string>();
- List<IMyThrust> _thrusters = new List<IMyThrust>();
- List<IMyThrust> thrusters = new List<IMyThrust>();
- static Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, double> thrustByDir = new Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, double>();
- static Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, List<IMyThrust>> thrustersByDir = new Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, List<IMyThrust>>();
- static Dictionary<IMyThrust, double> thrusterMaxEffectiveThrust = new Dictionary<IMyThrust, double>();
- void updateMET()
- {
- thrusterMaxEffectiveThrust.Clear();
- foreach (var t in thrusters)
- {
- var met = t.MaxEffectiveThrust;
- thrusterMaxEffectiveThrust[t] = met;
- }
- }
- readonly Array directions = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Base6Directions.Direction));
- void updateThrustByDir()
- {
- foreach (var d in directions)
- {
- var k = (Base6Directions.Direction)d;
- thrustByDir[k] = 0;
- if (!thrustersByDir.ContainsKey(k)) thrustersByDir[k] = new List<IMyThrust>();
- else thrustersByDir[k].Clear();
- }
- foreach (var t in thrusters)
- {
- var met = thrusterMaxEffectiveThrust[t];
- var f = t.Orientation.Forward;
- thrustByDir[f] += met;
- thrustersByDir[f].Add(t);
- }
- var th = 0d;
- foreach (var kvp in thrustByDir)
- {
- if (kvp.Value > th)
- {
- th = kvp.Value;
- }
- }
- }
- static bool addIfT<T>(IMyTerminalBlock b, List<T> l) where T : class
- {
- T t = b as T;
- if (t != null)
- {
- l.Add(t);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool isThis(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- return b.OwnerId == Me.OwnerId && b.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid;
- }
- int loadstep = 0;
- IEnumerator<bool> blockLoad = null;
- public bool loaded = false;
- public double lastMS = 0;
- public bool loadBlocks(double maxMS)
- {
- abort_start = DateTime.Now;
- max_time = maxMS;
- //bool abort = false;
- //DateTime s = DateTime.Now;
- if (!loaded)
- {
- if (blockLoad == null) blockLoad = blockLoader();
- double r = 0;
- do
- {
- loaded = !blockLoad.MoveNext();
- loadstep++;
- //abort = abort();
- //r = (DateTime.Now - s).TotalMilliseconds;
- } while (!loaded && !abort());
- lastMS = r;
- if (loaded)
- {
- blockLoad.Dispose();
- blockLoad = null;
- log("Blockload completed in " + loadstep + " steps, " + tick + "t", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- return loaded;
- }
- public IEnumerator<bool> blockLoader()
- {
- yield return true;
- if (APIWC == null)
- {
- APIWC = new WcPbApi();
- try
- {
- APIWC.Activate(Me);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- if (!APIWC.isReady) log("Unable to load WeaponCore PBAPI?", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- yield return true;
- var gts = GridTerminalSystem;
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> allBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- yield return true;
- gts.GetBlocks(allBlocks);
- int allBlocksLength = allBlocks.Count;
- for (int i = 0; i < allBlocksLength; i++)
- {
- yield return true;
- var b = allBlocks[i];
- //bool m = false;
- if (isThis(b))
- {
- if (APIWC.HasCoreWeapon(b)) weaponCoreWeapons.Add(b);
- var lcd = b as IMyTextSurface;
- if (lcd != null)
- {
- if (statusLog == null && b.CustomData.Contains("radarLog"))
- {
- statusLog = lcd;
- continue;
- }
- else if (consoleLog == null && b.CustomData.Contains("consoleLog"))
- {
- consoleLog = lcd;
- continue;
- }
- else if (profileLog == null && b.CustomData.Contains("profileLog"))
- {
- profileLog = lcd;
- continue;
- }
- else if (PDCLog == null && b.CustomData.Contains("PDCLog"))
- {
- PDCLog = lcd;
- continue;
- }
- }
- yield return true;
- if (b.InventoryCount > 0)
- {
- inventoryBlocks.Add(b);
- yield return true;
- }
- if (addIfT(b, controllers)) continue;
- yield return true;
- if (addIfT(b, gyros)) continue;
- yield return true;
- if (addIfT(b, connectors)) continue;
- yield return true;
- if (addIfT(b, powergens)) continue;
- yield return true;
- var deftxt = b.DefinitionDisplayNameText;
- if (deftxt.Contains("Grinder"))
- {
- grinders.Add(b);
- continue;
- }
- yield return true;
- if (b is IMyGasGenerator && (deftxt == "Extractor" || deftxt == "Small Fuel Extractor"))
- {
- extractors.Add((IMyGasGenerator)b);
- continue;
- }
- yield return true;
- if (b is IMyGasTank && deftxt.Contains("Hydrogen"))
- {
- tanks_hydrogen.Add((IMyGasTank)b);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (b is IMyThrust && b.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid)
- {
- _thrusters.Add((IMyThrust)b);
- thrusters.Add((IMyThrust)b);
- }
- }
- List<IMyBlockGroup> bgs = new List<IMyBlockGroup>();
- gts.GetBlockGroups(bgs);
- int l = bgs.Count;
- for (int gi = 0; gi < bgs.Count; gi++)
- {
- yield return true;
- var bg = bgs[gi];
- var n = bg.Name;
- if (n == Config.PDCGroup.Val) bg.GetBlocksOfType(PDCGroup);
- if (n == Config.WeaponDesync.Val) bg.GetBlocksOfType(desyncGroup);
- if (n == Config.RSubtarget.Val) bg.GetBlocksOfType(subTargGroup);
- if (n.StartsWith("PDCGroup"))
- {
- yield return true;
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> blox = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- bg.GetBlocksOfType(blox);
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> k = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- foreach (var b in blox)
- {
- if (weaponCoreWeapons.Contains(b))
- {
- if (PDCDataSubType.ContainsKey(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText)) k.Add(b);
- else log("unknown pdc type \"" + b.DefinitionDisplayNameText + "\"");
- }
- yield return true;
- }
- PDCBlockGroups[bg.Name] = k;
- PDCBlockGroupK.Add(bg.Name);
- yield return true;
- }
- //
- //else if (n == "Torps") bg.GetBlocksOfType(torpedoGroup);
- }
- if (PDCBlockGroupK.Count == 0 && PDCGroup.Count != 0)
- {
- PDCBlockGroups[Config.PDCGroup.Val] = PDCGroup;
- PDCBlockGroupK.Add(Config.PDCGroup.Val);
- }
- updPDCNetGroups();
- yield return false;
- }
- List<PDCNetGroup> PDCNetGroups = new List<PDCNetGroup>();
- void updPDCNetGroups()
- {
- foreach (var kvp in PDCBlockGroups)
- {
- var t = kvp.Key.Split(' ');
- PDCNetGroup group = new PDCNetGroup();
- group.bgroup = kvp.Key;
- if (t.Length > 1) = t[1];
- if (t.Length > 2 && t[2].ToLower() == "sided") group.sided = true;
- bool exist = false;
- foreach (var g in PDCNetGroups)
- {
- if ( == && g.sided == group.sided && g.bgroup == group.bgroup)
- {
- exist = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!exist)
- {
- PDCNetGroups.Add(group);
- }
- }
- }
- public class GyroECU5
- {
- public static double gyroMaxRPM = Math.PI;
- public double angleMultiplier = 1;
- bool firstrun = true;
- public GyroECU5() : base()
- {
- }
- void init()
- {
- angleMultiplier = gProgram.Me.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == VRage.Game.MyCubeSize.Small ? 2 : 1;
- gyroMaxRPM *= angleMultiplier;
- firstrun = false;
- }
- double lastAngleRoll, lastAnglePitch, lastAngleYaw;
- double lMPTRoll, lMPTPitch, lMPTYaw;
- public bool active = false;
- Vector3D targetPosition;
- Vector3D targetVelocity;//currently unused
- Vector3D targetHeading;
- Vector3D targetUp;
- public int startTick;
- public int ticksOnTarget = 0;
- private void flush()
- {
- var p = gProgram;
- if (firstrun) init();
- if (!active)
- {
- active = true;
- foreach (var g in p.gyros) g.GyroOverride = false;
- lG = null;
- startTick = tick;
- lastAngleRoll = lastAnglePitch = lastAngleYaw = 0;
- lMPTRoll = lMPTPitch = lMPTYaw = 0;
- ticksOnTarget = 0;
- }
- }
- public void rotateToPosition(Vector3D tp, Vector3D tv = new Vector3D())
- {
- if (!active) log("GECU test init rtp", LT.LOG_N);
- flush();
- targetPosition = tp;
- targetVelocity = tv;
- targetUp = getCtrl().WorldMatrix.Up;
- }
- public void rotateToHeading(Vector3D forward, Vector3D up = new Vector3D())
- {
- if (up == Vector3D.Zero) up = getCtrl().WorldMatrix.Up;
- if (!active)
- {
- log("GECU test init rth", LT.LOG_N);
- log("forward:" + v2ss(forward), LT.LOG_N);
- log("up:" + v2ss(up), LT.LOG_N);
- }
- flush();
- targetPosition = targetVelocity = Vector3D.Zero;
- targetHeading = forward;
- targetUp = up;
- }
- double error_thresholdLocked = ConvertDegreesToRadians(1);//we must be within this much on each axis
- double minVelThresholdLocked = ConvertDegreesToRadians(1d);
- //these only set qualifiers for ticksOnTarget.
- private void calculateAxisSpecificData(double now, ref double prior, ref double lastMPT, out bool braking, out double lastMPTActual, string p = "")//, out double ticksToStop, out double ticksToTarget)
- {
- var radMovedPerTick = Math.Abs(prior - now);
- var ticksToTarget = Math.Abs(now) / radMovedPerTick;
- var initVel = radMovedPerTick;
- var rateOfDecel = Math.Abs(lastMPT - radMovedPerTick);
- //if (rateOfDecel > mod) mod = rateOfDecel;
- //if (Math.Abs(now) > nobrake_threshold) rateOfDecel *= 1.5;//overestimating here did not improve timings
- var ticksToStop = initVel / rateOfDecel;
- //mod - maximum observed decel - saved 0.1s on large sluggish ship but lost .3s on sg snappy ship.
- //sticking to the conservative metric
- bool closing = Math.Abs(now) < Math.Abs(prior);
- lastMPTActual = radMovedPerTick;
- if (!closing)
- {
- lastMPT = 0.0001;
- }
- else lastMPT = radMovedPerTick;
- if (closing)
- {
- if (ticksToStop > ticksToTarget + 1) braking = true;
- else braking = false;
- }
- else braking = false;
- prior = now;
- }
- //for distances under 90 degrees, it returns a value between 0 and gyromaxRPM, sharpened with sine so it levels off a bit in a nice way at the end.
- //slightly black magic, but if it works, it works
- static double amp_threshold = ConvertDegreesToRadians(100);//125.0d);
- static double deAmp(double i)//, double spd)
- {
- if (i == 0) return i;
- var abs = Math.Abs(i);
- var ig = i / abs * gyroMaxRPM;
- //spd = 0;
- if (abs > amp_threshold) return ig;
- i = i / (amp_threshold);
- i = Math.Abs(i);
- i = Math.Sin(i);
- return i * ig;
- }
- public static void setUpdateRate(int ups)
- {
- updateRate = ups;
- updr_mult = 60 / updateRate;
- updr_mult_div = updr_mult / 60.0d;
- }
- static int updateRate = 30;
- static int updr_mult = 60 / updateRate;
- static double updr_mult_div = 60.0d / updateRate / 60.0d;
- int ltick = -1;
- public void update()
- {
- if (active && tick - ltick > updr_mult)// && tick % 2 == 0)
- {
- ltick = tick;
- if (!targetPosition.IsZero()) targetHeading = Vector3D.Normalize(targetPosition - getPosition());
- double pitch, yaw, roll;
- GetRotationAnglesSimultaneousDedup(targetHeading, targetUp, getCtrl().WorldMatrix, out yaw, out pitch, out roll);
- double rA, pA, yA;
- bool yB, pB, rB;
- calculateAxisSpecificData(roll, ref lastAngleRoll, ref lMPTRoll, out rB, out rA);
- calculateAxisSpecificData(pitch, ref lastAnglePitch, ref lMPTPitch, out pB, out pA);
- calculateAxisSpecificData(yaw, ref lastAngleYaw, ref lMPTYaw, out yB, out yA);
- //Vector3D a_act = new Vector3D(pA, yA,rA);
- //var amax = a_act.AbsMax();
- Vector3D a_impulse = new Vector3D(pB ? 0 : pitch, yB ? 0 : yaw, rB ? 0 : roll);
- //black magic everywhere
- a_impulse.X = deAmp(a_impulse.X);//, amax * updr_mult);
- a_impulse.Y = deAmp(a_impulse.Y);//, amax * updr_mult);
- a_impulse.Z = deAmp(a_impulse.Z);//, amax * updr_mult);
- if (Math.Abs(pA) / 60 * updateRate > Math.Abs(a_impulse.X)) a_impulse.X = 0;
- if (Math.Abs(yA) / 60 * updateRate > Math.Abs(a_impulse.Y)) a_impulse.Y = 0;
- if (Math.Abs(rA) / 60 * updateRate > Math.Abs(a_impulse.Z)) a_impulse.Z = 0;
- GyroOverride(getCtrl().WorldMatrix, a_impulse.X, a_impulse.Y, a_impulse.Z);
- if (Math.Abs(roll) < error_thresholdLocked && Math.Abs(pitch) < error_thresholdLocked && Math.Abs(yaw) < error_thresholdLocked)
- {
- if (rA < minVelThresholdLocked * updr_mult_div && pA < minVelThresholdLocked * updr_mult_div && yA < minVelThresholdLocked * updr_mult_div)
- {
- ticksOnTarget += 1;
- }
- else ticksOnTarget = 0;
- }
- else ticksOnTarget = 0;
- }
- }
- IMyGyro lG = null;
- static Vector3D state = new Vector3D(9, 9, 9);
- const double E = MathHelper.EPSILON;
- void GyroOverride(MatrixD shipRef, double pitch_speed, double yaw_speed, double roll_speed)
- {
- IMyGyro g = null;
- var p = gProgram;
- foreach (var c in p.gyros)
- {
- if (c.Enabled && c.IsFunctional && !c.Closed)
- {
- g = c;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (g == null) return;
- if (g != lG)
- {
- if(lG != null) lG.GyroOverride = false;
- lG = g;
- state = new Vector3D(9, 9, 9);
- g.GyroOverride = true;
- }
- var rotationVec = new Vector3D(-pitch_speed, yaw_speed, roll_speed); //because keen does some weird stuff with signs
- var relativeRotationVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(rotationVec, shipRef);
- var trv = Vector3D.TransformNormal(relativeRotationVec, Matrix.Transpose(g.WorldMatrix));
- if (trv.X != state.X)// && Math.Abs(trv.X - state.X) > E)
- {
- state.X = trv.X;
- g.Pitch = (float)(state.X);
- }
- if (trv.Y != state.Y)// && Math.Abs(trv.Y - state.Y) > E)
- {
- state.Y = trv.Y;
- g.Yaw = (float)(state.Y);
- }
- if (trv.Z != state.Z)// && Math.Abs(trv.Z - state.Z) > E)
- {
- state.Z = trv.Z;
- g.Roll = (float)(state.Z);
- }
- }
- public void shutdown()
- {
- if (active)
- {
- active = false;
- if (lG != null) lG.GyroOverride = false;
- log("GECU shutdown", LT.LOG_N);
- log("time: " + (tick - startTick) + "t (" + ((double)(tick - startTick) / 60).ToString("0.0") + "s)", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Config_
- {
- //public Setting<bool> autoExtractor = new Setting<bool>("autoExtractor").Default(true)
- //;//.Desc("Misc - Automatically feed fuel items to extractors to maintain a minimum fuel % in tanks");
- //public Setting<int> feMinHydrogen = new Setting<int>("feMinHydrogen").Default(10)
- //;//.Desc("Misc - Percentage, 0-100, that determines when to feed fuel items if feedExtractors is enabled.");
- //public Setting<int> feMinHydrogenDock = new Setting<int>("feMinHydrogenDock").Default(50)
- //;//.Desc("Misc - Percentage, 0-100, that it will try to pull from another grid if docked to it.");
- public Setting<bool> Eject = new Setting<bool>("Eject").Default(true);
- public Setting<string> EjectDiscard = new Setting<string>("EjectDiscardFilter").Default("BulletproofGlass,Canvas,Computer,Construction,Detector,Display,Explosives,Girder,GravityGenerator,InteriorPlate,LargeTube,Medical,MetalGrid,Motor,PowerCell,RadioCommunication,Reactor,SmallTube,SolarCell,SteelPlate,Superconductor,Thrust,AmmoCache,Fuel_Tank,HeavyArms,SmallArms,ToolPack,SemiAutoPistolMagazine");
- public Setting<string> EjectKeep = new Setting<string>("EjectKeepFilter").Default("MCRN,UNN,Belter,Adv,Upg,Experi,Lidar,Black,Data");
- public Setting<string> WeaponDesync = new Setting<string>("WeaponDesyncBlockGroup").Default("Railguns");
- public Setting<string> PDCGroup = new Setting<string>("PDCHeatBlockGroup").Default("PDCs");
- //public Setting<bool> PDCAntiOverheat = new Setting<bool>("PDCAntiOverheat").Default(true);
- public Setting<string> RSubtarget = new Setting<string>("RSubtargBlockGroup").Default("Railguns");
- public Setting<string> RFC = new Setting<string>("RFriendColor").Default("lightgreen");
- public Setting<string> REC = new Setting<string>("REnemyColor").Default("red");
- public Setting<string> RNC = new Setting<string>("RNeutColor").Default("lightgreen");
- public Setting<string> ROC = new Setting<string>("ROtherColor").Default("gray");
- //public Setting<bool> PDCSeparateRange = new Setting<bool>("PDCSeparateRange").Default(true);
- }
- Config_ Config = null;
- const double MAX_MS_PER_SEC_BOOT = 0.1;
- const double MAX_MS_PER_SEC = 0.1;
- const int PBLIMIT_STARTUPTICKS = 0;//20 by default
- class BurnoutTrack
- {
- public static bool NOP = false;
- public double maxmspersec = 0.25;
- public static double[] defertrack;
- public int len = 60;
- public BurnoutTrack(int l, double ms)
- {
- len = l;
- maxmspersec = ms;
- defertrack = new double[len];
- }
- int defercalls = 0;
- int deferpos = 0;
- static public bool hangflag = false;
- int hangticks = 0;
- int hangtick = 0;
- DateTime bf = DateTime.Now;
- public bool burnoutpre()
- {
- bf = DateTime.Now;
- if (hangflag)
- {
- if (tick > hangtick)
- {
- double avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) avg += d;
- avg = avg / (defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls);
- if (avg > maxmspersec * len / 60)
- {
- defertrack[deferpos] = 0;
- if (!NOP)
- {
- defercalls += 1;
- deferpos = (deferpos + 1) % defertrack.Length;
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- else
- {
- hangflag = false;
- //log("Resuming after " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- }
- return hangflag;
- }
- public double avg()
- {
- double avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) avg += d;
- avg = avg / (defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls);
- return avg;
- }
- public void setwait(int ticks)
- {
- hangticks = ticks;
- hangtick = tick + ticks;
- hangflag = true;
- }
- public void setwait(double targetmsavg, bool emerg = false, double cap=int.MaxValue)
- {
- double p_avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) p_avg += d;
- int divisor = defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls;
- var avg = p_avg / divisor;
- var mtch = targetmsavg * len / 60;
- if (avg > mtch && !NOP)
- {
- int waitticks = 0;
- while (p_avg / (divisor + waitticks) > mtch) waitticks++;
- if (waitticks > cap * 60) waitticks = (int)(cap / 60);
- hangticks = waitticks;
- hangtick = tick + waitticks;
- hangflag = true;
- var lstr = "";// Waiting " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s to reach "+ targetmsavg.ToString("0.00")+"ms/s util";
- if(emerg) lstr = tick + ": " + avg.ToString("0.00") + ">" + (mtch).ToString("0.00") + "ms/s exec. Sleeping " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s";
- else lstr = "Waiting " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s to reach " + targetmsavg.ToString("0.00") + "ms/s util";
- //tick + ": " + avg.ToString("0.00") + ">" + (mtch).ToString("0.00") + "ms/s exec. Sleeping " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s";
- log(lstr, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- public bool burnoutpost()
- {
- if (NOP) return false;
- double ms = (DateTime.Now - bf).TotalMilliseconds;
- defertrack[deferpos] = ms;
- defercalls += 1;
- deferpos = (deferpos + 1) % defertrack.Length;
- if (!hangflag)
- {
- setwait(maxmspersec, true);
- }
- else return true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- DetectedEntity rotateTarget = null;
- bool autoRotate = false;
- bool AR_reverse = false;
- void toggleAutorotate(bool reverse=false)
- {
- AR_reverse = reverse;
- autoRotate = !autoRotate;
- if (autoRotate)
- {
- rotateTarget = null;
- MyDetectedEntityInfo? focus = APIWC.GetAiFocus(Me.CubeGrid.EntityId);
- if (focus.HasValue)detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(focus.Value.EntityId, out rotateTarget);
- if (rotateTarget == null && matchTarget != null) rotateTarget = matchTarget;
- if (rotateTarget == null) autoRotate = false;
- }
- else
- {
- rotateTarget = null;
- gyroECU.shutdown();
- }
- processRadar(0, true);
- }
- void autorot_update()
- {
- if (autoRotate)
- {
- bool canTrack = false;
- if (rotateTarget != null)
- {
- DetectedEntity d = null;
- detectedEntitiesD.TryGetValue(rotateTarget.EntityId, out d);
- if (d != null)
- {
- canTrack = true;
- rotateTarget = d;
- }
- MyDetectedEntityInfo? focus = APIWC.GetAiFocus(Me.CubeGrid.EntityId);
- if (focus.HasValue)
- {
- if (focus.Value.EntityId == rotateTarget.EntityId) rotateTarget.upd(focus.Value);
- }
- if (rotateTarget != null) rotateTarget.upd(focus.Value);
- if (!canTrack || rotateTarget == null)
- {
- toggleAutorotate();
- }
- }
- if (rotateTarget != null)
- {
- var pos = getPosition();
- var tpos = rotateTarget.getEstPos();
- var offset = (tpos - pos);
- var dist = offset.Length();
- Vector3D aim = offset/ dist;
- if (AR_reverse) aim = -aim;
- gyroECU.rotateToHeading(aim);
- }
- }
- }
- static public double VectorAngleBetween(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) //returns radians
- {
- if (a.LengthSquared() == 0 || b.LengthSquared() == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(a.Dot(b) / a.Length() / b.Length(), -1, 1));
- }
- class targetReserve
- {
- public targetReserve(IMyFunctionalBlock we, long e, int ex)
- {
- w = we; eid = e; expire = ex;
- }
- public IMyFunctionalBlock w;
- public long eid;
- public int expire;
- }
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> desynced = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- List<targetReserve> reservations = new List<targetReserve>();
- targetReserve targetReserved(long e)
- {
- foreach (var r in reservations) if (r.eid == e) return r;
- return null;
- }
- static Profiler wpndsyncP = new Profiler("wpndsync");
- void weaponDesync()
- {
- wpndsyncP.s();
- for (int i = 0; i < reservations.Count;)
- {
- if (tick > reservations[i].expire) reservations.RemoveAt(i);
- else i++;
- }
- foreach (var w in desynced)
- {
- w.Enabled = true;
- APIWC.SetWeaponTarget(w, Me.EntityId, 0);
- }
- desynced.Clear();
- if (tick % 60 == 0)
- {
- foreach (var w in desyncGroup)
- {
- APIWC.SetWeaponTarget(w, Me.EntityId, 0);
- if (!desynced.Contains(w) && APIWC.IsWeaponReadyToFire(w))
- {
- var t = APIWC.GetWeaponTarget(w).GetValueOrDefault();
- if (t.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid || t.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid)
- {
- var reservetime = tick + (60 * 2) - 1;
- WeaponState ws = null;
- wsdict.TryGetValue(w, out ws);
- if (ws != null)
- {
- var apx_ttt = (w.GetPosition() - t.Position).Length() / ws.settings.ammoVel;
- reservetime = (int)(apx_ttt * 60) + 30;
- }
- var reserved = targetReserved(t.EntityId);
- if (reserved != null)
- {
- if (reserved.w != w)
- {
- w.Enabled = false;
- desynced.Add(w);
- }
- else reserved.expire = reservetime;
- //effectively, it won't count down until we actually fire
- }
- else
- {
- reservations.Add(new targetReserve(w, t.EntityId, reservetime));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- wpndsyncP.e();
- }
- static List<PDCFirmware> PDCFirmwareList = new List<PDCFirmware>();
- public class PDCFirmware
- {
- public IMyFunctionalBlock b = null;
- public PDCData settings = null;
- public float range = 0;
- public PDCFirmware(IMyFunctionalBlock block)
- {
- b = block;
- PDCDataSubType.TryGetValue(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText, out settings);
- if (settings == null) settings = new PDCData(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText);
- }
- //public int lUpdTick = -1;
- public double lastHeat = 0;
- public void update()
- {
- lastHeat = gProgram.APIWC.GetHeatLevel(b);
- }
- }
- class PDCNet
- {
- public string label;
- public Base6Directions.Direction dir;
- public double range;
- int interval = 3;
- int[] heatavg5s = new int[60];//entry every 5 ticks?
- int heatc = 0;
- public PDCNet(string lbl)
- {
- label = lbl;
- for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) heatavg5s[i] = 0;
- }
- public List<PDCFirmware> PDCs = new List<PDCFirmware>();
- public void addPDC(PDCFirmware b)
- {
- PDCs.Add(b);
- PDCFirmwareList.Add(b);
- }
- public bool remPDC(IMyFunctionalBlock b)
- {
- PDCFirmware del = null;
- foreach (var w in PDCs)
- {
- if (w.b == b)
- {
- del = w;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (del != null)
- {
- PDCs.Remove(del);
- PDCFirmwareList.Remove(del);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- int lupdt = -1;
- public void update()
- {
- if (tick % interval == 0)
- {
- lupdt = tick;
- int topheat = 0;
- int totalheat = 0;
- bool chng = false;
- foreach (PDCFirmware frm in PDCs)
- {
- //if (frm.lUpdTick == tick)
- {
- //frm.update();
- int heat = (int)(frm.lastHeat * 100 / frm.settings.MaxHeat);
- totalheat += heat;
- if (heat > topheat) topheat = heat;
- chng = true;
- }
- }
- if (chng)
- {
- if (PDCs.Count > 0) totalheat /= PDCs.Count;
- topHeat = topheat;
- avgHeat = totalheat;
- }
- heatavg5s[heatc] = totalheat;
- heatc = (heatc + 1) % 60;
- }
- }
- public int topHeat = 0;
- public int avgHeat = 0;
- public int topheat3sago()
- {
- //as a rolling 5s loop the next entry is about 5 s ago
- return heatavg5s[(heatc + 1) % 60];
- }
- }
- static string[] dirl = new string[]
- {
- " FWD",
- " BACK",
- " LEFT",
- "RIGHT",
- " TOP",
- " DOWN"
- };
- class PDCNetGroup
- {
- public string name = "";
- public bool sided = false;
- public List<PDCNet> PDCNets = new List<PDCNet>();
- public string bgroup = "";
- List<IMyFunctionalBlock> trackedPDC = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
- public void addPDC(IMyFunctionalBlock b)
- {
- if (trackedPDC.Contains(b)) return;
- trackedPDC.Add(b);
- string label = new string(' ', dirl[0].Length);
- var d = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
- if (sided)
- {
- var ctrl = getCtrl();
- var w = ctrl.WorldMatrix;
- Vector3D dir = b.WorldMatrix.Up;
- if (dir == w.Forward || dir == w.Backward) dir = b.WorldMatrix.Forward;
- string cat = dirl[0];
- if (dir == w.Left) d = Base6Directions.Direction.Left;
- else if (dir == w.Right) d = Base6Directions.Direction.Right;
- else if (dir == w.Up) d = Base6Directions.Direction.Up;
- else if (dir == w.Down) d = Base6Directions.Direction.Down;
- label = dirl[(int)d];
- }
- PDCNet net = null;
- foreach (var n in PDCNets)
- {
- if (n.dir == d)
- {
- net = n;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (net == null)
- {
- net = new PDCNet(label);
- net.dir = d;
- PDCNets.Add(net);
- }
- net.addPDC(new PDCFirmware(b));
- }
- public void remPDC(IMyFunctionalBlock b)
- {
- if (!trackedPDC.Contains(b)) return;
- trackedPDC.Remove(b);
- foreach (var n in PDCNets) if (n.remPDC(b)) break;
- }
- public void update()
- {
- foreach (var n in PDCNets) n.update();
- }
- }
- int lastHUpdTick = -9000;
- static Profiler heatP = new Profiler("heat");
- IEnumerator<bool> __processHeat = null;
- int fh = 1;
- int hsteps = 0;
- int htix = 0;
- //bool radar_firstrun = true;
- public void processHeat(double maxMS, bool force = false)
- {
- abort_start = DateTime.Now;
- max_time = maxMS;
- heatP.s();
- pdcscanP.s();
- PDCScan2(force);
- pdcscanP.e();
- foreach (var net in PDCNetGroups)
- {
- net.update();
- }
- if ((tick - lastHUpdTick > 60 || force) && __processHeat == null)
- {
- __processHeat = _processHeat();
- lastHUpdTick = tick;
- }
- if (__processHeat != null)
- {
- double r = 0;
- bool fin = false;
- do
- {
- if (maxMS == 0 && force && (curBG != 0 || curPDC != 0))
- {
- PDCScan2(force);
- fin = curBG == 0 && curPDC == 0;
- }else fin = !__processHeat.MoveNext();
- hsteps++;
- } while (!fin && !abort());
- htix++;
- if (fin)
- {
- if (fh > 0)
- {
- fh--;
- log("hrsy processed in " + hsteps + " steps, " + htix + "t", LT.LOG_N);
- hsteps = 0;
- htix = 0;
- }
- __processHeat.Dispose();
- __processHeat = null;
- }
- }
- heatP.e();
- }
- SpriteHUDLCD PDCLogSprite = null;
- public IEnumerator<bool> _processHeat()
- {
- yield return true;
- if (PDCLog == null) yield return false;
- if (PDCLog != null)
- {
- if (PDCLogSprite == null) PDCLogSprite = new SpriteHUDLCD(PDCLog);
- PDCLogSprite.s = PDCLog;
- }
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- if (PDCBlockGroupK.Count != 0)
- {
- foreach (var frm in PDCFirmwareList)
- {
- frm.update();
- yield return true;
- }
- b.Append("<color=white>SIDE PD# AVG/TOP\n");
- foreach (var netg in PDCNetGroups)
- {
- yield return true;
- if (!netg.sided && < 5) bapp(b, new string(' ', 5 -;
- bapp(b, "<color=lightsteelblue>",;//, "\n");
- if (netg.sided || > 5) bapp(b, "\n");
- foreach (var netk in netg.PDCNets)
- {
- yield return true;
- var n = netk;
- var d = netk.dir;
- var labl = "";
- if (netg.sided) labl = dirl[(int)d];
- var dif = n.avgHeat - n.topheat3sago();
- var odif = dif;
- var sym = '↑';
- if (dif == 0)
- {
- sym = ' ';
- }
- else if (dif < 0)
- {
- sym = '↓';
- }
- if (dif < 0) dif = -dif;
- //⚠
- if (n.avgHeat > 80) b.Append("<color=indianred>");
- else if (n.avgHeat > 60) b.Append("<color=orangered>");
- else if (n.avgHeat > 35) b.Append("<color=goldenrod>");
- else if (n.avgHeat > 20) b.Append("<color=palegoldenrod>");
- else b.Append("<color=lightgray>");
- bapp(b, labl);
- if (n.PDCs.Count < 10) b.Append(" ");
- else b.Append(" ");
- bapp(b, n.PDCs.Count, " ");
- if (n.avgHeat < 10) b.Append(" ");
- else if (n.avgHeat < 100) b.Append(" ");
- bapp(b, n.avgHeat, "%/");
- if (n.topHeat < 10) b.Append(" ");
- else if (n.topHeat < 100) b.Append(" ");
- bapp(b, n.topHeat, "%");
- if (odif > 0) b.Append("<color=red>");
- else if (odif == 0) b.Append("<color=lightgray>");
- else if (odif < 0) b.Append("<color=lightgreen>");
- bapp(b, ' ', sym);
- bapp(b, dif, "%/3s\n");
- }
- }
- }
- PDCLogSprite.setLCD(b.ToString());
- yield return false;
- }
- int curBG = 0;
- int curPDC = 0;
- static Profiler pdcscanP = new Profiler("scn");
- public void PDCScan2(bool force=false)
- {
- //pdcscanP.s();
- if (tick % 10 == 0 || force)
- {
- if (PDCBlockGroupK.Count > 0)
- {
- var g = PDCBlockGroupK[curBG];
- var y = PDCBlockGroups[g];
- if (y.Count > 0)
- {
- var b = y[curPDC];
- if (b.IsFunctional && !b.Closed) addPDC(g, b);
- else remPDC(g, b);
- }
- curPDC = curPDC + 1;
- if (curPDC >= y.Count)
- {
- curPDC = 0;
- curBG = (curBG + 1) % PDCBlockGroupK.Count;
- }
- }
- if (curBG >= PDCBlockGroupK.Count) curBG = curPDC = 0;
- }
- //pdcscanP.e();
- }
- void addPDC(string bg, IMyFunctionalBlock b)
- {
- foreach (var g in PDCNetGroups)
- {
- if (g.bgroup == bg)
- {
- g.addPDC(b);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void remPDC(string bg, IMyFunctionalBlock b)
- {
- foreach (var g in PDCNetGroups)
- {
- if (g.bgroup == bg)
- {
- g.remPDC(b);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
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