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- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Mega PCM v.1.1
- ; (C) 2012, Vladikcomper
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- cpu z80
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Constants
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Memory variables
- Stack equ 1FF0h
- Ptr_InitPlayback equ Event_InitPlayback+1 ; Init Playback event pointer
- Ptr_SoundProc equ Event_SoundProc+1 ; Sound process event pointer
- Ptr_Interrupt equ Event_Interrupt+1 ; Sound interrupt event pointer
- Ptr_EndPlayback equ Event_EndPlayback+1 ; End playback event pointer
- DAC_Number equ 1FFFh ; Number of DAC sample to play ($81-based)
- ; There are special numbers to control playback:
- ; $80 - Stop Playback
- ; $7F - Pause Playback
- ; $00 - Continue Playback
- ; System ports
- YM_Port0_Ctrl equ 4000h
- YM_Port0_Data equ 4001h
- YM_Port1_Ctrl equ 4002h
- YM_Port1_Data equ 4003h
- BankRegister equ 6000h
- ; Sample struct vars
- flags equ 0 ; playback flags
- pitch equ 1 ; pitch value
- s_bank equ 2 ; start bank
- e_bank equ 3 ; end bank
- s_pos equ 4 ; start offset (in first bank)
- e_pos equ 6 ; end offset (in last bank)
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Driver initialization code
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- di ; disable interrupts
- di
- di
- ; Setup variables
- ld sp,Stack ; init SP
- xor a ; a = 0
- ld (DAC_Number),a ; reset DAC to play
- ld h,a
- ld l,a
- ld (Ptr_InitPlayback),hl ; reset 'InitPlayback' event
- ld (Ptr_SoundProc),hl ; reset 'SoundProc' event
- ld (Ptr_Interrupt),hl ; reset 'Interrupt' event
- ld (Ptr_EndPlayback),hl ; reset 'PlayOver' event
- ld iy,YM_Port0_Ctrl
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Idle loop, waiting DAC number input
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Idle_Loop:
- ld hl,DAC_Number
- Idle_WaitDAC:
- ld a,(hl) ; load DAC number
- or a ; test it
- jp p,Idle_WaitDAC ; if it's positive, branch
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Load DAC sample according to its number and play it
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadDAC:
- sub 81h ; subtract 81h from DAC number
- jr c,Idle_WaitDAC ; if a = 80h, branch
- ld (hl),0h ; reset DAC number in RAM
- ; Load DAC table entry
- ld ix,DAC_Table ; ix = DAC Table
- ld h,0h
- ld l,a ; hl = DAC
- add hl,hl ; hl = DAC*2
- add hl,hl ; hl = DAC*4
- add hl,hl ; hl = DAC*8
- ex de,hl
- add ix,de ; ix = DAC_Table + DAC*8
- ; Init events table according to playback mode
- ld a,(ix+flags) ; a = Flags
- and 7h ; mask only Mode
- add a,a ; a = Mode*2
- add a,a ; a = Mode*4
- add a,a ; a = Mode*8
- ld b,0h
- ld c,a ; bc = Mode*8
- ld hl,Events_List
- add hl,bc ; hl = Events_List + Mode*8
- ld de,Ptr_InitPlayback ; de = Events Pointers
- ld bc,4FFh ; do 4 times, 'c' should never borrow 'b' on decrement
- - ldi ; transfer event pointer
- ldi ;
- inc de ; skip a byte in events table ('jp' opcode)
- djnz -
- jp Event_InitPlayback ; launch 'InitPlayback' event
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Setup YM to playback DAC
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- SetupDAC:
- ld (iy+0),2Bh ;
- ld (iy+1),80h ; YM => Enable DAC
- ld a,(ix+flags) ; load flags
- and 0C0h ; are pan bits set?
- jr z,+ ; if not, branch
- ld (iy+2),0B6h ;
- ld (iy+3),a ; YM => Set Pan
- + ld (iy+0),2Ah ; setup YM to fetch DAC bytes
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Events_List:
- ; Initplayback, SoundProc, Interrupt, EndPlayback ;
- dw Init_PCM, Process_PCM, Int_Normal, StopDAC ; Mode 0
- dw Init_PCM, Process_PCM, Int_NoOverride, StopDAC ; Mode 1
- dw Init_PCM, Process_PCM, Int_Normal, Reload_PCM ; Mode 2
- dw Init_PCM, Process_PCM, Int_NoOverride, Reload_PCM ; Mode 3
- dw Init_DPCM, Process_DPCM, Int_Normal, StopDAC ; Mode 4
- dw Init_DPCM, Process_DPCM, Int_NoOverride, StopDAC ; Mode 5
- dw Init_DPCM, Process_DPCM, Int_Normal, Reload_DPCM ; Mode 6
- dw Init_DPCM, Process_DPCM, Int_NoOverride, Reload_DPCM ; Mode 7
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Dynamic Events Table, filled from 'Events_List'
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Event_InitPlayback:
- jp 0h
- Event_SoundProc:
- jp 0h
- Event_Interrupt:
- jp 0h
- Event_EndPlayback:
- jp 0h
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Routines to control sound playback (stop/pause/interrupt)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following routines are 'Interrupt' event handlers,
- ; they must't use any registers except A. If they do,
- ; it will break sample playback code.
- ; You may do push/pop from stack though.
- ; 'StopDAC' is expection, as it breaks playback anyway.
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DAC Interrupt: Normal Priority
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; INPUT:
- ; a = Ctrl byte
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Int_Normal:
- cp 80h ; stop flag?
- jp z,StopDAC ; if yes, branch
- jp m,PauseDAC ; if < 80h, branch
- ld hl,DAC_Number
- jp LoadDAC
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DAC Interrupt: High Priority
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; INPUT:
- ; a = Ctrl byte
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Int_NoOverride:
- cp 80h ; stop flag?
- jp z,StopDAC ; if yes, branch
- jp m,PauseDAC ; if < 80h, branch
- xor a ; a = 0
- ld (DAC_Number),a ; clear DAC number to prevent later ints
- jp Event_SoundProc
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Code to wait while playback is paused
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- PauseDAC:
- ld (iy+1),80h ; stop sound
- - ld a,(DAC_Number) ; load ctrl byte
- or a ; is byte zero?
- jr nz,- ; if not, branch
- call SetupDAC ; setup YM for playback
- jp Event_SoundProc ; go on playing
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Stop DAC playback and get back to idle loop
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- StopDAC:
- ld (iy+1),80h ; stop sound
- jp Idle_Loop
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Routines to control bank-switching
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Bank-Switch Registers Set:
- ; b' = Current Bank Number
- ; c' = Last Bank Number
- ; de' = Bank Register
- ; hl' = End offset (bytes to play in last bank)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Inits bank-switch system and loads first bank
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- InitBankSwitching:
- exx
- ld d,(ix+s_pos+1)
- ld e,(ix+s_pos) ; de' = start offset (in first bank)
- ld h,(ix+e_pos+1)
- ld l,(ix+e_pos) ; hl' = end offset (in last bank)
- ld b,(ix+s_bank) ; b' = start bank number
- ld c,(ix+e_bank) ; c' = end bank number
- ld a,b ; load start bank number
- cp c ; does the sample end in the first bank?
- jr nz,+ ; if not, branch
- sbc hl,de ; hl' = end offset - start offset
- set 7,h ; make the number 8000h-based
- + ld de,BankRegister ; de' = bank register
- jp LoadBank
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine to switch to the next bank
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadNextBank:
- exx
- inc b ; increase bank number
- ld a,b ; load bank number
- LoadBank:
- ld (de), a ; A15
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A16
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A17
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A18
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A19
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A20
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A21
- rrca
- ld (de), a ; A22
- xor a ; a = 0
- ld (de), a ; A23
- exx
- ret
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Routines to process PCM sound playback
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; PCM Registers Set:
- ; B = Pitch Counter
- ; C = Pitch
- ; DE = <Unused>
- ; HL = PCM byte pointer
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Init PCM playback or reload PCM file
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Reload_PCM:
- Init_PCM:
- call SetupDAC
- call InitBankSwitching
- ld c,(ix+pitch) ; c = pitch
- ld h,(ix+s_pos+1) ;
- ld l,(ix+s_pos) ; hl = Start offset
- set 7,h ; make it 8000h-based if it's not (perverts memory damage if playing corrupted slots)
- ld (iy+0),2Ah ; YM => prepare to fetch DAC bytes
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; PCM Playback Loop
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Process_PCM:
- ; Read sample's byte and send it to DAC with pitching
- ld a,(hl) ; 7 ; get PCM byte
- ld b,c ; 4 ; b = Pitch
- djnz $ ; 8/13+ ; wait until pitch zero
- ld (YM_Port0_Data),a ; 13 ; write to DAC
- ; Cycles: 32*
- ; Increment PCM byte pointer and switch the bank if necessary
- inc hl ; 6 ; next PCM byte
- bit 7,h ; 8 ; has the bank warped?
- jr z,++ ; 7/12 ; if yes, switch the bank
- ; Cycles: 21
- ; Check if sample playback is finished
- exx ; 4 ;
- ld a,c ; 4 ; load last bank no.
- sub b ; 4 ; compare to current bank no.
- jr nz,+ ; 7/12 ; if last bank isn't reached, branch
- dec hl ; 6 ; decrease number of bytes to play in last bank
- or h ; 4 ; is hl positive?
- jp p,+++ ; 10 ; if yes, quit playback loop
- exx ; 4 ;
- ; Cycles: 43
- ; Check if we should play a new sample
- - ld a,(DAC_Number) ; 13 ; load DAC number
- or a ; 4 ; test it
- jp z,Process_PCM ; 10 ; if zero, go on playing
- jp Event_Interrupt ; ; otherwise, interrupt playback
- ; Cycles: 27
- ; Synchronization loop (20 cycles)
- + exx ; 4
- nop ; 4
- jr - ; 12
- ; Switch to next bank
- + ld h,80h ; restore base addr
- call LoadNextBank
- jp -
- ; Quit playback loop
- + exx
- jp Event_EndPlayback
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Best cycles per loop: 123*
- ; Max Possible rate: 3,550 kHz / 123 = 29 kHz (PAL)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ===============================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Routines to process DPCM sound playback
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DPCM Registers Set:
- ; B = Pitch Counter / also DAC Value
- ; C = Pitch
- ; DE = DPCM byte pointer
- ; HL = Delta Table
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Init DPCM playback or reload DPCM file
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Reload_DPCM:
- Init_DPCM:
- call SetupDAC
- call InitBankSwitching
- ld c,(ix+pitch) ; c = pitch
- ld d,(ix+s_pos+1) ;
- ld e,(ix+s_pos) ; de = start offset
- set 7,d ; make it 8000h-based if it's not (perverts memory damage if playing corrupted slots)
- ld h,DPCM_DeltaArray>>8 ; load delta table base
- ld (iy+0),2Ah ; YM => prepare to fetch DAC bytes
- ld b,80h ; init DAC value
- Process_DPCM:
- ; Calculate and send 2 values to DAC
- ld a,(de) ; 7 ; get a byte from DPCM stream
- rrca ; 4 ; get first nibble
- rrca ; 4 ;
- rrca ; 4 ;
- rrca ; 4 ;
- and 0Fh ; 7 ; mask nibble
- ld l,a ; 4 ; setup delta table index
- ld a,b ; 4 ; load DAC Value
- add a,(hl) ; 7 ; add delta to it
- ld b,c ; 4 ; b = Pitch
- djnz $ ; 7/13+ ; wait until pitch zero
- ld (YM_Port0_Data),a ; 13 ; write to DAC
- ld b,a ; 4 ; b = DAC Value
- ; Cycles: 73
- ld a,(de) ; 7 ; reload DPCM stream byte
- and 0Fh ; 7 ; get second nibble
- ld l,a ; 4 ; setup delta table index
- ld a,b ; 4 ; load DAC Value
- add a,(hl) ; 7 ; add delta to it
- ld b,c ; 4 ; b = Pitch
- djnz $ ; 7/13+ ; wait until pitch zero
- ld (YM_Port0_Data),a ; 13 ; write to DAC
- ld b,a ; 4 ; b = DAC Value
- ; Cycles: 57
- ; Increment DPCM byte pointer and switch the bank if necessary
- inc de ; 6 ; next DPCM byte
- bit 7,d ; 8 ; has the bank warped?
- jr z,++ ; 7/12 ; if no, switch the bank
- ; Cycles: 21
- ; Check if sample playback is finished
- exx ; 4 ;
- ld a,c ; 4 ; load last bank no.
- sub b ; 4 ; compare to current bank no.
- jr nz,+ ; 7/12 ; if last bank isn't reached, branch
- dec hl ; 6 ; decrease number of bytes to play in last bank
- or h ; 4 ; is hl positive?
- jp p,+++ ; 10 ; if yes, quit playback loop
- exx ; 4 ;
- ; Cycles: 43
- ; Check if we should play a new sample
- - ld a,(DAC_Number) ; 13 ; load DAC number
- or a ; 4 ; test it
- jp z,Process_DPCM ; 10 ; if zero, go on playing
- jp Event_Interrupt ; ; otherwise, interrupt playback
- ; Cycles: 27
- ; Synchronization loop (20 cycles)
- + exx ; 4
- nop ; 4
- jr - ; 12
- ; Switch to next bank
- + ld d,80h ; restore base address
- call LoadNextBank
- jp -
- ; Quit playback loop
- + exx
- jp Event_EndPlayback
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Best cycles per loop: 221/2
- ; Max possible rate: 3,550 kHz / 111 = 32 kHz (PAL)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- align 100h ; it's important to align this way, or the code above won't work properly
- DPCM_DeltaArray:
- db 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10h, 20h, 40h
- db -80h, -1, -2, -4, -8, -10h, -20h, -40h
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; YM is only capable of producing DAC sound @ ~26 kHz
- ; frequency, overpassing it leads to missed writes!
- ; The fact playback code can play faster than that
- ; means there is a good amount of room for more features,
- ; i.e. to waste even more processor cycles! ;)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ===============================================================
- ; Table of DAC samples goes right after the code.
- ; It remains empty here, you are meant to fill it in your hack's
- ; disassembly right after including compiled driver.
- DAC_Table:
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